;;; funcs.el --- Javascript Layer functions File for Spacemacs ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Muneeb Shaikh ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 ;; backend (defun spacemacs//javascript-setup-backend () "Conditionally setup javascript backend." (pcase javascript-backend (`tern (spacemacs//javascript-setup-tern)) (`lsp (spacemacs//javascript-setup-lsp)))) (defun spacemacs//javascript-setup-company () "Conditionally setup company based on backend." (pcase javascript-backend (`tern (spacemacs//javascript-setup-tern-company)) (`lsp (spacemacs//javascript-setup-lsp-company)))) (defun spacemacs//javascript-setup-dap () "Conditionally setup elixir DAP integration." ;; currently DAP is only available using LSP (pcase javascript-backend (`lsp (spacemacs//javascript-setup-lsp-dap)))) (defun spacemacs//javascript-setup-next-error-fn () "If the `syntax-checking' layer is enabled, then disable `js2-mode''s `next-error-function', and let `flycheck' handle any errors." (when (configuration-layer/layer-used-p 'syntax-checking) (setq-local next-error-function nil))) ;; lsp (defun spacemacs//javascript-setup-lsp () "Setup lsp backend." (if (configuration-layer/layer-used-p 'lsp) (progn (when (not javascript-lsp-linter) (setq-local lsp-prefer-flymake :none)) (lsp)) (message (concat "`lsp' layer is not installed, " "please add `lsp' layer to your dotfile.")))) (defun spacemacs//javascript-setup-lsp-company () "Setup lsp auto-completion." (if (configuration-layer/layer-used-p 'lsp) (progn (spacemacs|add-company-backends :backends company-lsp :modes js2-mode :append-hooks nil :call-hooks t) (company-mode)) (message (concat "`lsp' layer is not installed, " "please add `lsp' layer to your dotfile.")))) (defun spacemacs//javascript-setup-lsp-dap () "Setup DAP integration." (require 'dap-firefox) (require 'dap-chrome)) ;; tern (defun spacemacs//javascript-setup-tern () (if (configuration-layer/layer-used-p 'tern) (when (locate-file "tern" exec-path) (spacemacs/tern-setup-tern)) (message (concat "Tern was configured as the javascript backend but " "the `tern' layer is not present in your `.spacemacs'!")))) (defun spacemacs//javascript-setup-tern-company () (if (configuration-layer/layer-used-p 'tern) (when (locate-file "tern" exec-path) (spacemacs/tern-setup-tern-company 'js2-mode)) (message (concat "Tern was configured as the javascript backend but " "the `tern' layer is not present in your `.spacemacs'!")))) ;; js-doc (defun spacemacs/js-doc-require () "Lazy load js-doc" (require 'js-doc)) (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'spacemacs/js-doc-require) (defun spacemacs/js-doc-set-key-bindings (mode) "Setup the key bindings for `js2-doc' for the given MODE." (spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode mode "mrd" "documentation") (spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode mode "rdb" 'js-doc-insert-file-doc "rdf" (if (configuration-layer/package-used-p 'yasnippet) 'js-doc-insert-function-doc-snippet 'js-doc-insert-function-doc) "rdt" 'js-doc-insert-tag "rdh" 'js-doc-describe-tag)) ;; js-refactor (defun spacemacs/js2-refactor-require () "Lazy load js2-refactor" (require 'js2-refactor)) ;; skewer (defun spacemacs/skewer-start-repl () "Attach a browser to Emacs and start a skewer REPL." (interactive) (run-skewer) (skewer-repl)) (defun spacemacs/skewer-load-buffer-and-focus () "Execute whole buffer in browser and switch to REPL in insert state." (interactive) (skewer-load-buffer) (skewer-repl) (evil-insert-state)) (defun spacemacs/skewer-eval-defun-and-focus () "Execute function at point in browser and switch to REPL in insert state." (interactive) (skewer-eval-defun) (skewer-repl) (evil-insert-state)) (defun spacemacs/skewer-eval-region (beg end) "Execute the region as JavaScript code in the attached browser." (interactive "r") (skewer-eval (buffer-substring beg end) #'skewer-post-minibuffer)) (defun spacemacs/skewer-eval-region-and-focus (beg end) "Execute the region in browser and swith to REPL in insert state." (interactive "r") (spacemacs/skewer-eval-region beg end) (skewer-repl) (evil-insert-state)) ;; Others (defun spacemacs/javascript-format () "Call formatting tool specified in `javascript-fmt-tool'." (interactive) (cond ((eq javascript-fmt-tool 'prettier) (call-interactively 'prettier-js)) ((eq javascript-fmt-tool 'web-beautify) (call-interactively 'web-beautify-js)) (t (error (concat "%s isn't valid javascript-fmt-tool value." " It should be 'web-beutify or 'prettier.") (symbol-name javascript-fmt-tool))))) (defun spacemacs/javascript-fmt-before-save-hook () (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'spacemacs/javascript-format t t))