#+TITLE: Java layer #+TAGS: general|layer|multi-paradigm|programming [[file:img/java.png]] * Table of Contents :TOC_5_gh:noexport: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#features][Features:]] - [[#layer-installation][Layer Installation]] - [[#layer][Layer]] - [[#choosing-a-backend][Choosing a backend]] - [[#backends][Backends]] - [[#lsp-java][LSP Java]] - [[#installation][Installation]] - [[#meghanada][Meghanada]] - [[#installation-1][Installation]] - [[#about-maven][About Maven]] - [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]] - [[#lsp-java-1][LSP Java]] - [[#code-completion][Code completion]] - [[#debugger][Debugger]] - [[#meghanada-1][Meghanada]] - [[#server][Server]] - [[#navigation][Navigation]] - [[#compilation][Compilation]] - [[#tests-junit][Tests (junit)]] - [[#refactoring][Refactoring]] - [[#tasks][Tasks]] - [[#maven][Maven]] - [[#gradle][Gradle]] * Description This layer adds support for the Java language. ** Features: - Support for the following backends: - [[https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-java][LSP Java]] client/server (default) - [[https://github.com/mopemope/meghanada-emacs][Meghanada]] client/server - Auto-completion using company - Linting using flycheck integration - Maven and Gradle integration - Interactive debugger using [[https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode][dap-mode]] * Layer Installation ** Layer To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to add =java= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this file. ** Choosing a backend To choose a default backend set the layer variable =java-backend=: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (java :variables java-backend 'lsp) #+END_SRC Backend can be chosen on a per project basis using directory local variables (files named =.dir-locals.el= at the root of a project), an example to use the =lsp= backend: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp ;;; Directory Local Variables ;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables") ((java-mode (java-backend . lsp))) #+END_SRC *Note:* you can easily add a directory local variable with ~SPC f v d~. * Backends ** LSP Java LSP Java is the Java adapter for [[https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode][LSP Mode]] which is the Emacs client for [[https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol][Language Server Protocol]]. It integrates with =company= and =flycheck=. In addition it also provides full graphical debugging support via =DAP mode=. LSP is the default backend used by this layer, see [[#choosing-a-backend][Choosing a backend]] in order to lean how to select a different backend. *** Installation The lsp server will be installed automatically whenever a Java file is opened. ** Meghanada Meghanada is composed of a lightweight server and an Emacs minor mode. It is unintrusive and integrates with =company= and =flycheck=. Both =Gradle= and =Maven= projects are compatible with Meghanada. *** Installation The Meghanada server will be installed automatically whenever a Java file is opened. If you get issues with the auto-installation you can either download the last version of the server manually [[https://dl.bintray.com/mopemope/meghanada/][there]] or build from source hosted on [[https://github.com/mopemope/meghanada-server][the GitHub repository]] and copy the =jar= file to =.emacs.d/.cache/meghanada= folder. No additional configuration is necessary! *** About Maven Maven is not fully supported by Meghanada (but should still work fine for most projects). If you encounter disconnection from the server then run =mvn install= at the root of your project first. * Key bindings ** LSP Java *** Code completion | Key binding | Description | |---------------+------------------------------------------| | ~SPC m g g~ | Go to definition | | ~SPC m g r~ | Find references | | ~SPC m g R~ | Peek references using ~lsp-ui~ | | ~SPC m g d~ | Goto type definition | | ~SPC m g a~ | Search type in project | | ~SPC m g A~ | Search type in project using ~lsp-ui~ | | ~SPC m h h~ | Describe thing at point | | ~SPC m e l~ | List project errors/warnings | | ~SPC m p u~ | Refresh user settings | | ~SPC m e a~ | Execute code action | | ~SPC m q r~ | Restart workspace | | ~SPC m r o i~ | Organize imports | | ~SPC m r r~ | Rename symbol | | ~SPC m r a i~ | Add import | | ~SPC m r a m~ | Add unimplemented methods | | ~SPC m r c p~ | Create parameter | | ~SPC m r c f~ | Create field | | ~SPC m r e c~ | Extract constant | | ~SPC m r e l~ | Extract local | | ~SPC m r e m~ | Extract method | | ~SPC m r c i~ | Convert to static import | | ~SPC m r a t~ | Add throws exception | | ~SPC m r a a~ | Assign all parameters to fields | | ~SPC m r a f~ | Assign parameter to field | | ~SPC m r g g~ | Generate getters/setters | | ~SPC m r g e~ | Generate =equals= and =hashCode= methods | | ~SPC m r g t~ | Generate =toString= method | | ~SPC m r g o~ | Generate method overrides | | ~SPC m c c~ | Build project | | ~SPC m c p~ | Create spring boot project | | ~SPC m a n~ | Actionable notifications | | ~SPC m =~ | Format code | *** Debugger Using the =dap= layer you'll get access to all the DAP key bindings, see the complete list of key bindings on the [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/tree/develop/layers/%2Btools/dap#key-bindings][dap layer description]]. ** Meghanada *** Server | Key binding | Description | |-------------+----------------------------------------------| | ~SPC m D c~ | Connect to server | | ~SPC m D d~ | Disconnect from server | | ~SPC m D i~ | Install server (should be done automatically | | ~SPC m D k~ | Kill server | | ~SPC m D l~ | Clear server cache | | ~SPC m D p~ | Ping server | | ~SPC m D r~ | Restart server | | ~SPC m D s~ | Start server | | ~SPC m D u~ | Update server | | ~SPC m D v~ | Print version of the server | *** Navigation | Key binding | Description | |-------------+--------------------------------| | ~SPC m g b~ | Jump back to previous location | | ~SPC m g g~ | Jump to declaration | *** Compilation | Key binding | Description | |-------------+-----------------------| | ~SPC m c b~ | Compile file (buffer) | | ~SPC m c c~ | Compile project | *** Tests (junit) | Key binding | Description | |-------------+-----------------------------| | ~SPC m t a~ | Run all tests | | ~SPC m t c~ | Run test class around point | | ~SPC m t l~ | Run last tests | | ~SPC m t t~ | Run test cause around point | *** Refactoring | Key binding | Description | |-------------+----------------------------------------| | ~SPC m =~ | Beautify code | | ~SPC m r i~ | Optimize imports | | ~SPC m r I~ | Import all | | ~SPC m r n~ | Create a new class, interface, or enum | *** Tasks | Key binding | Description | |-------------+-------------| | ~SPC m x :~ | Run task | ** Maven | Key binding | Description | |-----------------+------------------------------------------------------| | ~SPC m m c c~ | Compile | | ~SPC m m c C~ | Clean | | ~SPC m m c r~ | Clean and compile | | ~SPC m m g a~ | Switch between class and test file | | ~SPC m m g A~ | Switch between class and test file in another window | | ~SPC m m t a~ | Run all tests | | ~SPC m m t C-a~ | Clean and run all tests | | ~SPC m m t b~ | Run current buffer tests | | ~SPC m m t i~ | Test and install | | ~SPC m m t t~ | Run a specific test | ** Gradle | Key binding | Description | |---------------+--------------------------| | ~SPC m l c c~ | Compile | | ~SPC m l c C~ | Clean | | ~SPC m l c r~ | Clean and compile | | ~SPC m l t a~ | Run all tests | | ~SPC m l t b~ | Run current buffer tests | | ~SPC m l t t~ | Run a specific test | | ~SPC m l x~ | Execute a Gradle task |