#+TITLE: Shell layer #+TAGS: layer|tool [[file:img/shell.png]] * Table of Contents :TOC_4_gh:noexport: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#features][Features:]] - [[#install][Install]] - [[#configuration][Configuration]] - [[#default-shell][Default shell]] - [[#default-shell-position-width-and-height][Default shell position, width, and height]] - [[#set-shell-for-term-and-ansi-term][Set shell for term and ansi-term]] - [[#set-shell-for-multi-term][Set shell for multi-term]] - [[#width-of-the-shell-popup-buffers][Width of the shell popup buffers]] - [[#enable-em-smart-in-eshell][Enable em-smart in Eshell]] - [[#protect-your-eshell-prompt][Protect your Eshell prompt]] - [[#fish-shell-and-ansi-term][Fish shell and ansi-term]] - [[#eshell][Eshell]] - [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]] - [[#multi-term][Multi-term]] - [[#eshell-1][Eshell]] * Description This layer configures the various shells available in Emacs. ** Features: - Shell integration * Install To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to add =shell= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this file. * Configuration ** Default shell Emacs supports three types of shell: - the Emacs shell - the inferior shell - the terminal emulator - the ANSI terminal emulator You can find a quick introductions to them [[https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/running-shells-in-emacs-overview][here]]. To define the default shell you can set the layer variable =shell-default-shell= to the following variables: - =eshell= - =shell= - =term= - =ansi-term= - =multi-term= #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((shell :variables shell-default-shell 'eshell))) #+END_SRC The default shell is quickly accessible via a the default shortcut key ~SPC '​~. ** Default shell position, width, and height It is possible to choose where the shell should pop up by setting the variable =shell-default-position= to either =top=, =bottom=, =left=, =right=, or =full=. Default value is =bottom=. It is also possible to set the default height in percents with the variable =shell-default-height=. Default value is =30=. You can also set a default width in percents with the variable =shell-default-width=, which has a default value of 30 and will take effect if your shell is positioned on the left or the right. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((shell :variables shell-default-position 'bottom shell-default-height 30))) (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((shell :variables shell-default-position 'right shell-default-width 40))) #+END_SRC ** Set shell for term and ansi-term The default shell can be set by setting the variable =shell-default-term-shell=. Default value is =/bin/bash=. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((shell :variables shell-default-term-shell "/bin/bash"))) #+END_SRC ** Set shell for multi-term The default shell can be set by setting the variable =multi-term-program=. Default value is =/bin/bash=. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((shell :variables multi-term-program "/bin/bash"))) #+END_SRC ** Width of the shell popup buffers By default the popup buffer spans the full width of the current frame, if you prefer to spans only the width of the current window then set the layer variable =shell-default-full-span= to nil. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((shell :variables shell-default-full-span nil))) #+END_SRC ** Enable em-smart in Eshell From the =em-smart= documentation: #+BEGIN_QUOTE The best way to get a sense of what this code is trying to do is by using it. Basically, the philosophy represents a blend between the ease of use of modern day shells, and the review-before-you-proceed mentality of Plan 9’s 9term. #+END_QUOTE In a nutshell, when =em-smart= is enabled point won’t jump at the end of the buffer when a command is executed, it will stay at the same command prompt used to execute the command. This allows to quickly edit the last command in the case of a mistake. If there is no mistake and you directly type a new command then the prompt will jump to the next prompt at the end of the buffer. To enable =em-smart= put the following layer variable to non-nil: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((shell :variables shell-enable-smart-eshell t))) #+END_SRC ** Protect your Eshell prompt Comint mode (Shell mode) has good support for Evil mode as it inhibits movement commands over the prompt. This has the added benefit that Evil mode functions work sensibly. E.g. you can press ~cc~ in normal state i.e. =evil-change-whole-line= to kill the current input and start typing a new command. In Eshell you also kill the prompt, which is often unintended. By default this layer also protects the =eshell= prompt. If you want to disable this protection you can set the variable =shell-protect-eshell-prompt= to nil. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((shell :variables shell-protect-eshell-prompt nil))) #+END_SRC ** Fish shell and ansi-term Making =fish= shell to work with =ansi-term= may be a challenge, here are some pointers to save you time to setup your environment correctly. First be sure =~/.terminfo= is setup correctly by running: #+BEGIN_SRC fish tic -o ~/.terminfo $TERMINFO/e/eterm-color.ti #+END_SRC You can locate the =eterm-colors.ti= file with: #+BEGIN_SRC fish locate eterm-color.ti #+END_SRC Then setup your fish configuration file (usually at =~/.config/fish/config.fish=) #+BEGIN_SRC fish # emacs ansi-term support if test -n "$EMACS" set -x TERM eterm-color end # this function may be required function fish_title true end #+END_SRC Finally you may need to toggle truncated lines for some prompts to work correctly, in the function =dotspacemacs/user-config= of your dotfile add: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (add-hook 'term-mode-hook 'spacemacs/toggle-truncate-lines-on) #+END_SRC * Eshell Some advanced configuration is setup for =eshell= in this layer: - some elisp functions aliases for quick access - =s= for =magit-status= in the current directory (when the =git= layer is installed) - =d= for =dired= - =e= to find a file via a new buffer - =z= for quickly jumping to a previously visited directory - optional configuration for =em-smart= (see =Install= section for more info) - support for visual commands via =em-term= - working directory sensitive prompt via [[https://github.com/kaihaosw/eshell-prompt-extras][eshell-prompt-extras]] - advanced help support via =esh-help= (enable =el-doc= support in eshell) - add support for auto-completion via =company= (when the =auto-completion= layer is installed) - pressing ~i~ in normal state will automatically jump to the prompt * Key bindings | Key binding | Description | |-------------+------------------------------------------------------------| | ~SPC '​~ | Open, close or go to the default shell | | ~SPC p '​~ | Open a shell in the project’s root | | ~SPC a s e~ | Open, close or go to an =eshell= | | ~SPC a s i~ | Open, close or go to a =shell= | | ~SPC a s m~ | Open, close or go to a =multi-term= | | ~SPC a s t~ | Open, close or go to a =ansi-term= | | ~SPC a s T~ | Open, close or go to a =term= | | ~TAB~ | browse completion with =helm= | | ~SPC m H~ | browse history with =helm= (works in =eshell= and =shell=) | | ~C-j~ | next item in history | | ~C-k~ | previous item in history | *Note:* You can open multiple shells using a numerical prefix argument, for instance pressing ~2 SPC '​~ will a second default shell, the number of shell is indicated on the mode-line. *Note:* Use the universal prefix argument ~SPC u SPC '​~ to open the shell in the current buffer instead of a popup. ** Multi-term | Key binding | Description | |------------------------+--------------------------------| | ~SPC m c~ | create a new multi-term | | ~SPC m C~ | switch multi-term char mode | | ~SPC m l~ | switch multi-term to line mode | | ~SPC m n~ | go to next multi-term | | ~SPC m N~ or ~SPC m p~ | go to previous multi-term | | ~SPC p $ t~ | run multi-term shell in root | ** Eshell | Key binding | Description | |--------------------+--------------------------------------------| | ~SPC m H~ or ~M-l~ | shell commands history using a helm buffer |