#+TITLE: HTML layer [[file:img/html.png]] * Table of Contents :TOC_4_gh:noexport: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#features][Features:]] - [[#install][Install]] - [[#web-beautify][web-beautify]] - [[#prettier][prettier]] - [[#choosing-a-formatter][Choosing a formatter]] - [[#live-display-in-browser][Live display in browser]] - [[#key-bindings][Key Bindings]] - [[#web-mode][Web mode]] - [[#cssscss][CSS/SCSS]] * Description This layer adds support for editing HTML and CSS. ** Features: - Editing HTML and CSS file using [[http://web-mode.org/][web-mode]] - Support for Sass/Scss and Less files - Generate HTML and CSS coding using [[https://github.com/smihica/emmet-mode][emmet-mode]] - Tags navigation on key ~%~ using [[https://github.com/redguardtoo/evil-matchit][evil-matchit]] - Support for editing Slim and Pug templates using [[https://github.com/slim-template/emacs-slim][slim-mode]] and [[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-pug-mode][pug-mode]] - See the effects of typed HTML using [[https://github.com/skeeto/impatient-mode][impatient-mode]] - imenu support for CSS and Sass through [[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-counsel-css][counsel-css]] - Formatting with [[https://github.com/yasuyk/web-beautify][web-beautify]] * Install To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to add =html= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this file. SCSS linting requires SCSS-Lint version >= 0.43.0. You can get it from GitHub: #+BEGIN_SRC command-line gem install specific_install gem specific_install https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint.git gem specific_install https://github.com/Sweetchuck/scss_lint_reporter_checkstyle.git #+END_SRC ** web-beautify See [[file:../../+tools/web-beautify/README.org][web-beautify layer]] documentation. ** prettier See [[file:../../+tools/prettier/README.org][prettier layer]] documentation. ** Choosing a formatter To choose a formatter, set the layer variable =web-fmt-tool=: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (html :variables web-fmt-tool 'web-beautify) #+END_SRC Formatter can be chosen on a per project basis using directory local variables (files named =.dir-locals.el= at the root of a project), an example to use the =prettier= formatter: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp ;;; Directory Local Variables ;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables") ((html-mode (web-fmt-tool . prettier))) #+END_SRC *Note:* you can easily add a directory local variable with ~SPC f v d~. * Live display in browser Use ~SPC m i~ to enable impatient mode, opening a live view of a HTML file in your browser. You may wish to enable impatient mode in referenced CSS or JS files, too. When the underlying file is an HTML file, ~SPC m i~ automatically opens the page in the browser. For other buffers, a list of available views can be found on [[http://localhost:8080/imp]]. For more information visit the [[https://github.com/skeeto/impatient-mode/blob/master/README.md][help page on GitHub.]] * Key Bindings ** Web mode | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| | ~SPC m g p~ | quickly navigate CSS rules using =helm= | | ~SPC m e h~ | highlight DOM errors | | ~SPC m i~ | open live view in browser | | ~SPC m g b~ | go to the beginning of current element | | ~SPC m g c~ | go to the first child element | | ~SPC m g p~ | go to the parent element | | ~SPC m g s~ | go to next sibling | | ~SPC m h p~ | show xpath of the current element | | ~SPC m r c~ | clone the current element | | ~SPC m r d~ | delete the current element (does not delete the children) | | ~SPC m r r~ | rename current element | | ~SPC m r w~ | wrap current element | | ~SPC m z~ | fold/unfold current element | | ~%~ | evil-matchit keybinding to jump to closing tag | A transient-state is also defined, start it with ~SPC m .~ or ~, .~ | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------| | ~?~ | Toggle full help | | ~c~ | clone current element | | ~d~ | delete (vanish) current element (does not delete the children) | | ~D~ | delete current element and children | | ~j~ | next element | | ~J~ / ~gj~ | next sibling element | | ~h~ | parent element | | ~k~ | previous element | | ~K~ / ~gk~ | previous sibling element | | ~l~ | first child element | | ~p~ | show xpath of current element | | ~q~ | leave the transient-state | | ~r~ | rename current element | | ~w~ | wrap current element | ** CSS/SCSS | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+----------------------------------| | ~SPC m g h~ | quickly navigate CSS rules | | ~SPC m z c~ | fold css statement to one line | | ~SPC m z o~ | unfold css statement to one line |