# Agda contribution layer for Spacemacs
**Table of Contents**
- [Agda contribution layer for Spacemacs](#agda-contribution-layer-for-spacemacs)
- [Description](#description)
- [Install](#install)
- [Layer](#layer)
- [Agda](#agda)
- [Key bindings](#key-bindings)
## Description
This layer adds support for the [Agda][] programming language.
Some features:
- Faces redefined to correctly play with themes.
- Spacemacs bindings to Agda's interactive tools.
**This layer is in construction, it needs your contributions and bug reports.**
## Install
### Layer
To use this contribution add it to your `~/.spacemacs`
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(agda))
### Agda
Quick instructions to install Agda assuming you have cabal installed:
cabal install alex happy "cpphs < 1.19" agda
Then check that `agda` is available on your `PATH` and seen by Emacs.
## Key bindings
The key bindings of this layer don't follow the Spacemacs conventions,
we opted to a simple transcription of stock Agda mode key bindings to
Spacemacs leader key.
All Agda specific bindings are prefixed with the major-mode leader
SPC m.
Key Binding | Description
SPC m = | Show constraints.
SPC m ? | Show all goals.
SPC m , | Shows the type of the goal at point and the currect context.
SPC m . | Shows the context, the goal and the given expression's inferred type.
SPC m a | Simple proof search.
SPC m b | Go to the previous goal, if any and activate goal-navigation micro-state.
SPC m c | Refine the pattern variables given in the goal.
SPC m d | Infers the type of the given expression.
SPC m e | Show the context of the goal at point.
SPC m f | Go to the next goal, if any and activate goal-navigation micro-state.
SPC m h | Compute the type of a hypothetical helper function.
SPC m l | Load current buffer.
SPC m n | Computes the normal form of the given expression, using the scope of the current goal or, if point is not in a goal, the top-level scope.
SPC m o | Shows all the top-level names in the given module.
SPC m r | Refine the goal at point.
SPC m s | Solves all goals that are already instantiated internally.
SPC m t | Show the type of the goal at point.
SPC m x c | Compile current module.
SPC m x d | Removes buffer annotations (overlays and text properties).
SPC m x h | Toggle display of implicit arguments.
SPC m x q | Quit and clean up after agda2.
SPC m x r | Kill and restart the *agda2* buffer and load `agda2-toplevel-module'.
SPC m w | Explains why a given name is in scope.
[Agda]: http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/agda/pmwiki.php