#+TITLE: Common Lisp contribution layer for Spacemacs [[file:img/slime.png]] * Table of Contents :TOC@4: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#install][Install]] - [[#key-bindings][Key Bindings]] - [[#working-with-lisp-files-barfage-slurpage--more][Working with lisp files (barfage, slurpage & more)]] - [[#leader][Leader]] - [[#help][Help]] - [[#evaluation][Evaluation]] - [[#repl][REPL]] - [[#compile][Compile]] - [[#navigation][Navigation]] - [[#macroexpansion][Macroexpansion]] * Description A Spacemacs contribution layer providing Common Lisp support via [[https://github.com/slime/slime][SLIME]]. * Install If you have previously installed slime in any other way, it is recommended that you uninstall it before proceeding. You should clean up any config files tied to slime that are left behind as well. Linux users can just purge the slime package if it was a distribution install. To use this contribution, add it to your =~/.spacemacs= #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(common-lisp)) #+END_SRC This layer defaults to using [[http://www.sbcl.org/][sbcl]]. If you want to use a different implementation of Common Lisp, you can specify it in your =~/.spacemacs= #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun dotspacemacs/user-config () (setq inferior-lisp-program "/path/to/your/lisp")) #+END_SRC * Key Bindings ** Working with lisp files (barfage, slurpage & more) spacemacs comes with a special ~lisp-state~ for working with lisp code that supports slurpage, barfage and more tools you'll likely want when working with lisp. As this state works for all files the same, the documentation for it has been added into the global [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/blob/master/doc/DOCUMENTATION.org#lisp-key-bindings][DOCUMENTATION.org]]. In general, use ~SPC k~ to interact with the lisp-state. ** Leader *** Help | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+---------------------------------------------------------| | ~SPC m h a~ | SLIME apropos | | ~SPC m h d~ | Disassemble symbol at point | | ~SPC m h h~ | Describe symbol at point | | ~SPC m h H~ | Hyperspec lookup symbol at point | | ~SPC m h p~ | Browse apropos results for a package's exported symbols | | ~SPC m h t~ | Toggle tracing of the function at point | | ~SPC m h T~ | Untrace all functions | | ~SPC m h <~ | Show all known callers | | ~SPC m h >~ | Show all known callees | | ~SPC m h m~ | Show all usages of a macro | | ~SPC m h r~ | Show references to global variable | | ~SPC m h s~ | Show all methods specialized on a class | *** Evaluation | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+---------------------------------| | ~SPC m e b~ | Evaluate buffer | | ~SPC m e e~ | Evaluate last expression | | ~SPC m e f~ | Evaluate top level s-expression | | ~SPC m e F~ | Undefine the function at point | | ~SPC m e r~ | Evaluate region | *** REPL | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+----------------------------------| | ~SPC m s i~ | Start an inferior process | | ~SPC m s e~ | Evaluate last expression in REPL | | ~SPC m s q~ | Quit | *** Compile | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+--------------------------| | ~SPC m c c~ | Compile file | | ~SPC m c C~ | Compile file and load it | | ~SPC m c l~ | Load file | | ~SPC m c n~ | Remove compilation notes | | ~SPC m c f~ | Compile function | | ~SPC m c r~ | Compile region | *** Navigation | Key Binding | Description | |---------------------------+--------------------| | ~SPC m g g~ | Inspect definition | | ~SPC m g b~ | Go back | | ~SPC m g n~ | Next note | | ~SPC m g N~ or ~SPC m g p | Previous note | *** Macroexpansion | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+-----------------------------------------------| | ~SPC m m a~ | Macroexpand the expression at point completly | | ~SPC m m o~ | Macroexpand the expression at point once |