#+TITLE: julia layer #+TAGS: layer|uncategorized [[file:img/julia.png]] * Table of Contents :TOC_4_gh:noexport: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#features][Features:]] - [[#install][Install]] - [[#lsp][LSP]] - [[#options][Options]] - [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]] * Description This layer adds support for [[https://julialang.org][Julia]] to Spacemacs. ** Features: - Syntax highlighting - Repl support - Linting - Completion - Jump-to-definition - Documentation on hover * Install To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to add =julia= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this file. ** LSP Warning: enabling the LSP functionality within this package can cause emacs to hang for significant lengths of time when opening a Julia file. See tip below on using PackageCompiler.jl to mitigate this issue. This layer can be used with [[https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/LanguageServer.jl][=LanguageServer.jl=]] and emacs [[https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode][=lsp-mode=]] to provide richer, IDE-like capabilities. To use this layer with lsp, you must do the following: 1. Add =lsp= to =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers=. 2. Install =LanguageServer.jl= by invoking =Pkg.add("LanguageServer")= in the Julia REPL. 3. Enable layer integration with lsp as described in section below. =LanguageServer.jl= tends to have a very long startup time. In the worst case, =lsp-mode= might give up on the language server before its started, but regardless usage of =lsp-mode= with Julia can cause long delays when first opening files. To mitigate this issue, you can try compiling =LanguageServer.jl= ahead of time using [[https://github.com/JuliaLang/PackageCompiler.jl][=PackageCompiler.jl=]]. This drastically reduces startup time if successful: #+BEGIN_SRC julia julia> Pkg.add("PackageCompiler") julia> using PackageCompiler julia> compile_package("LanguageServer") #+END_SRC * Options While =julia-mode= is perfectly usable without configuration or other packages, you can choose to replace the default functionality of using [[https://github.com/tpapp/julia-repl/][=julia-repl=]] as the layer’s interactive REPL with the ess REPL and other functionality that comes with it. To do so, install this layer with: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (julia :variables julia-mode-enable-ess t))) #+END_SRC This layer also includes experimental support for =lsp-mode=. To enable language server functionality with this layer, follow [[#lsp][the instructions for installation]], and then install this layer with: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (julia :variables julia-mode-enable-lsp t))) #+END_SRC Warning: [[https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/LanguageServer.jl][=LanguageServer.jl=]] has not yet been released for Julia 1.0. If you are using this layer with Julia 1.0, =julia-mode-enable-lsp= should be set to =nil=. * Key bindings | Key binding | Description | |-------------+------------------------------------------------------------| | ~SPC m h h~ | Calls ~@doc~ macro on symbol under cursor. | | ~SPC m e m~ | Expands macro under cursor. | | ~SPC m w~ | Calls ~workspace()~ in Repl to give clean namespace. | | ~SPC e l~ | Expands latex macro (e.g. =\delta=). | | ~SPC m s b~ | Sends buffer to REPL. | | ~SPC m s l~ | Sends line to REPL. | | ~SPC m s r~ | Sends region to REPL. | | ~SPC m r~ | Brings up Julia Repl (starts new one or focuses existing). |