;;; core-configuration-layer.el --- Spacemacs Core File ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 ;; ;;; Commentary: ;; ;;; Code: (require 'cl-lib) (require 'eieio) (require 'package) (require 'warnings) (require 'help-mode) (require 'ht) (require 'core-dotspacemacs) (require 'core-funcs) (require 'core-spacemacs-buffer) (defvar configuration-layer--refresh-package-timeout dotspacemacs-elpa-timeout "Timeout in seconds to reach a package archive page.") (defconst configuration-layer-template-directory (expand-file-name (concat spacemacs-core-directory "templates/")) "Configuration layer templates directory.") (defconst configuration-layer-directory (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "layers/")) "Spacemacs contribution layers base directory.") (defconst configuration-layer-private-directory (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "private/")) "Spacemacs private layers base directory.") (defconst configuration-layer-private-layer-directory (let ((dotspacemacs-layer-dir (when dotspacemacs-directory (expand-file-name (concat dotspacemacs-directory "layers/"))))) (if (and dotspacemacs-directory (file-exists-p dotspacemacs-layer-dir)) dotspacemacs-layer-dir configuration-layer-private-directory)) "Spacemacs default directory for private layers.") (defconst configuration-layer-rollback-directory (expand-file-name (concat spacemacs-cache-directory ".rollback/")) "Spacemacs rollback directory.") (defconst configuration-layer-rollback-info "rollback-info" "Spacemacs rollback information file.") (defclass cfgl-layer () ((name :initarg :name :type symbol :documentation "Name of the layer.") (dir :initarg :dir :type string :documentation "Absolute path to the layer directory.") (packages :initarg :packages :initform nil :type list :documentation "List of package names declared in this layer.") (variables :initarg :variables :initform nil :type list :documentation "A list of variable-value pairs.") (lazy-install :initarg :lazy-install :initform nil :type boolean :documentation "If non-nil then the layer needs to be installed") (disabled :initarg :disabled-for :initform nil :type list :documentation "A list of layer where this layer is disabled.")) "A configuration layer.") (defclass cfgl-package () ((name :initarg :name :type symbol :documentation "Name of the package.") (owner :initarg :owner :initform nil :type symbol :documentation "The layer defining the init function.") (pre-layers :initarg :pre-layers :initform '() :type list :documentation "List of layers with a pre-init function.") (post-layers :initarg :post-layers :initform '() :type list :documentation "List of layers with a post-init function.") (location :initarg :location :initform elpa :type (satisfies (lambda (x) (or (stringp x) (member x '(built-in local site elpa)) (and (listp x) (eq 'recipe (car x)))))) :documentation "Location of the package.") (toggle :initarg :toggle :initform t :type (satisfies (lambda (x) (or (symbolp x) (listp x)))) :documentation "Package is enabled/installed if toggle evaluates to non-nil.") (step :initarg :step :initform nil :type (satisfies (lambda (x) (member x '(nil pre)))) :documentation "Initialization step.") (lazy-install :initarg :lazy-install :initform nil :type boolean :documentation "If non-nil then the package needs to be installed") (protected :initarg :protected :initform nil :type boolean :documentation "If non-nil then this package cannot be excluded.") (excluded :initarg :excluded :initform nil :type boolean :documentation "If non-nil this package is excluded from all layers."))) (defmethod cfgl-package-enabledp ((pkg cfgl-package)) "Evaluate the `toggle' slot of passed PKG." (let ((toggle (oref pkg :toggle))) (cond ((symbolp toggle) (symbol-value toggle)) ((listp toggle) (eval toggle))))) (defvar configuration-layer--elpa-archives '(("melpa" . "melpa.org/packages/") ("org" . "orgmode.org/elpa/") ("gnu" . "elpa.gnu.org/packages/")) "List of ELPA archives required by Spacemacs.") (defvar configuration-layer--package-archives-refreshed nil "Non nil if package archives have already been refreshed.") (defvar configuration-layer--layers '() "A non-sorted list of `cfgl-layer' objects.") (defvar configuration-layer--packages '() "An alphabetically sorted list of `cfgl-package' objects.") (defvar configuration-layer--used-distant-packages '() "A list of all distant packages that are effectively used.") (defvar configuration-layer--skipped-packages nil "A list of all packages that were skipped during last update attempt.") (defvar configuration-layer--protected-packages nil "A list of packages that will be protected from removal as orphans.") (defvar configuration-layer--lazy-mode-alist nil "Association list where the key is a mode and the value a regexp.") (defvar configuration-layer-error-count nil "Non nil indicates the number of errors occurred during the installation of initialization.") (defvar configuration-layer-paths (make-hash-table :size 256) "Hash table of layers locations. The key is a layer symbol and the value is the path for this layer.") (defvar configuration-layer-categories '() "List of strings corresponding to category names. A category is a directory with a name starting with `+'.") (defvar update-packages-alist '() "Used to collect information about rollback packages in the cache folder.") (defun configuration-layer/initialize () "Initialize `package.el'." (setq configuration-layer--refresh-package-timeout dotspacemacs-elpa-timeout) (unless package--initialized (setq package-archives (configuration-layer//resolve-package-archives configuration-layer--elpa-archives)) ;; optimization, no need to activate all the packages so early (setq package-enable-at-startup nil) (package-initialize 'noactivate) ;; TODO remove the following hack when 24.3 support ends ;; Emacs 24.3 and above ships with python.el but in some Emacs 24.3.1 ;; packages for Ubuntu, python.el seems to be missing. ;; This hack adds marmalade repository for this case only. (unless (or (package-installed-p 'python) (version< emacs-version "24.3")) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("marmalade" . "https://marmalade-repo.org/packages/"))))) (defun configuration-layer//resolve-package-archives (archives) "Resolve HTTP handlers for each archive in ARCHIVES and return a list of all reachable ones. If the address of an archive already contains the protocol then this address is left untouched. The returned list has a `package-archives' compliant format." (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (car x) (if (string-match-p "http" (cdr x)) (cdr x) (concat (if (and dotspacemacs-elpa-https ;; for now org ELPA repository does ;; not support HTTPS ;; TODO when org ELPA repo support ;; HTTPS remove the check ;; `(not (equal "org" (car x)))' (not (equal "org" (car x)))) "https://" "http://") (cdr x))))) archives)) (defun configuration-layer/retrieve-package-archives (&optional quiet force) "Retrieve all archives declared in current `package-archives'. This function first performs a simple GET request with a timeout in order to fix very long refresh time when an archive is not reachable. Note that this simple GET is a heuristic to determine the availability likelihood of an archive, so it can gives false positive if the archive page is served but the archive is not. If QUIET is non nil then the function does not print message in the Spacemacs home buffer. If FORCE is non nil then refresh the archives even if they have been already refreshed during the current session." (unless (and configuration-layer--package-archives-refreshed (not force)) (setq configuration-layer--package-archives-refreshed t) (let ((count (length package-archives)) (i 1)) (dolist (archive package-archives) (unless quiet (spacemacs-buffer/replace-last-line (format "--> refreshing package archive: %s... [%s/%s]" (car archive) i count) t)) (spacemacs//redisplay) (setq i (1+ i)) (unless (eq 'error (with-timeout (dotspacemacs-elpa-timeout (progn (display-warning 'spacemacs (format "\nError connection time out for %s repository!" (car archive)) :warning) 'error)) (condition-case err (url-retrieve-synchronously (cdr archive)) ('error (display-warning 'spacemacs (format "\nError while contacting %s repository!" (car archive)) :warning) 'error)))) (let ((package-archives (list archive))) (package-refresh-contents)))) (package-read-all-archive-contents) (unless quiet (spacemacs-buffer/append "\n"))))) (defun configuration-layer/sync () "Synchronize declared layers in dotfile with spacemacs." (dotspacemacs|call-func dotspacemacs/layers "Calling dotfile layers...") (when (spacemacs-buffer//choose-banner) (spacemacs-buffer//inject-version t)) ;; layers (setq configuration-layer--layers (configuration-layer//declare-layers)) (configuration-layer//configure-layers configuration-layer--layers) ;; packages (setq configuration-layer--packages (configuration-layer//declare-packages configuration-layer--layers)) (setq configuration-layer--used-distant-packages (configuration-layer//get-distant-used-packages configuration-layer--packages)) (configuration-layer//install-packages (configuration-layer/filter-objects configuration-layer--used-distant-packages (lambda (x) (not (oref x :lazy-install))))) (configuration-layer//configure-packages configuration-layer--packages) (when dotspacemacs-delete-orphan-packages (configuration-layer/delete-orphan-packages configuration-layer--packages))) (defun configuration-layer/create-layer () "Ask the user for a configuration layer name and the layer directory to use. Create a layer with this name in the selected layer directory." (interactive) (let* ((current-layer-paths (mapcar (lambda (dir) (expand-file-name dir)) (cl-pushnew configuration-layer-private-layer-directory dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path))) (other-choice "Another directory...") (helm-lp-source `((name . "Configuration Layer Paths") (candidates . ,(append current-layer-paths (list other-choice))) (action . (lambda (c) c)))) (layer-path-sel (if (configuration-layer/layer-usedp 'spacemacs-ivy) (ivy-read "Configuration layer path: " (append current-layer-paths (list other-choice))) (helm :sources helm-lp-source :prompt "Configuration layer path: "))) (layer-path (cond ((string-equal layer-path-sel other-choice) (read-directory-name (concat "Other configuration " "layer path: ") "~/" )) ((member layer-path-sel current-layer-paths) layer-path-sel) (t (error "Please select an option from the list")))) (name (read-from-minibuffer "Configuration layer name: " )) (layer-dir (concat layer-path "/" name))) (cond ((string-equal "" name) (message "Cannot create a configuration layer without a name.")) ((file-exists-p layer-dir) (message (concat "Cannot create configuration layer \"%s\", " "this layer already exists.") name)) (t (make-directory layer-dir t) (configuration-layer//copy-template name "packages.el" layer-dir) (when (y-or-n-p "Create readme?") (configuration-layer//copy-template name "README.org" layer-dir)) (message "Configuration layer \"%s\" successfully created." name))))) (defun configuration-layer/make-layer (layer) "Return a `cfgl-layer' object based on LAYER." (let* ((name-sym (if (listp layer) (car layer) layer)) (name-str (symbol-name name-sym)) (base-dir (configuration-layer/get-layer-path name-sym)) (disabled (when (listp layer) (spacemacs/mplist-get layer :disabled-for))) (variables (when (listp layer) (spacemacs/mplist-get layer :variables)))) (if base-dir (let* ((dir (format "%s%s/" base-dir name-str))) (cfgl-layer name-str :name name-sym :dir dir :disabled-for disabled :variables variables)) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Cannot find layer %S !" name-sym) nil))) (defun configuration-layer//make-layers (symbols) "Make `cfgl-layer' objects from the passed layer SYMBOLS." (delq nil (mapcar 'configuration-layer/make-layer symbols))) (defun configuration-layer/make-package (pkg &optional obj) "Return a `cfgl-package' object based on PKG. If OBJ is non nil then copy PKG properties into OBJ, otherwise create a new object. Properties that can be copied are `:location', `:step' and `:excluded'." (let* ((name-sym (if (listp pkg) (car pkg) pkg)) (name-str (symbol-name name-sym)) (location (when (listp pkg) (plist-get (cdr pkg) :location))) (step (when (listp pkg) (plist-get (cdr pkg) :step))) (excluded (when (listp pkg) (plist-get (cdr pkg) :excluded))) (toggle (when (listp pkg) (plist-get (cdr pkg) :toggle))) (protected (when (listp pkg) (plist-get (cdr pkg) :protected))) (copyp (not (null obj))) (obj (if obj obj (cfgl-package name-str :name name-sym)))) (when location (oset obj :location location)) (when step (oset obj :step step)) (oset obj :excluded excluded) (when toggle (oset obj :toggle toggle)) ;; cannot override protected packages (unless copyp (oset obj :protected protected) (when protected (push name-sym configuration-layer--protected-packages))) obj)) (define-button-type 'help-dotfile-variable :supertype 'help-xref 'help-function (lambda (variable) (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect dotspacemacs-filepath) (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)) (goto-char (point-min)) ;; try to exclude comments (if (re-search-forward (format "^[a-z\s\\(\\-]*%s" variable) nil 'noerror) (beginning-of-line) (message "Unable to find location in file")))) 'help-echo (purecopy (concat "mouse-2, RET: " "visit the Spacemacs dotfile where variable is defined."))) (defun configuration-layer/describe-package (pkg-symbol &optional layer-list pkg-list) "Describe a package in the context of the configuration layer system." (interactive) (let* ((pkg (object-assoc pkg-symbol :name (or pkg-list configuration-layer--packages))) (owner (oref pkg :owner))) (with-help-window (help-buffer) ;; declaration location (princ pkg-symbol) (princ " is a package declared and configured ") (cond ((eq 'dotfile owner) (princ "by the variable `dotspacemacs-additional-packages' ") (with-current-buffer standard-output (save-excursion (re-search-backward "`\\([^`']+\\)'" nil t) (help-xref-button 1 'help-variable 'dotspacemacs-additional-packages dotspacemacs-filepath))) (princ "in your `dotfile'.\n") (with-current-buffer standard-output (save-excursion (re-search-backward "`\\([^`']+\\)'" nil t) (help-xref-button 1 'help-dotfile-variable 'dotspacemacs-additional-packages)))) ((not (null owner)) (let* ((layer (object-assoc owner :name (or layer-list configuration-layer--layers))) (path (concat (oref layer dir) "packages.el"))) (princ "by the layer `") (princ owner) (princ "'.\n") (with-current-buffer standard-output (save-excursion (re-search-backward "`\\([^`']+\\)'" nil t) (help-xref-button 1 'help-function-def (intern (format "%S/init-%S" owner pkg-symbol)) path))))) (t (princ "in an unknown place in the lisp parenthesis universe.\n"))) ;; exclusion/protection (if (oref pkg :protected) (princ "\nThis package is protected and cannot be excluded.\n") (when (oref pkg :excluded) ;; TODO extend excluded support in cfgl-package object to know who is ;; excluding the package (princ "\nThis packages is excluded and cannot be installed.\n"))) ;; toggle (unless (or (oref pkg :excluded) (eq t (oref pkg :toggle))) (princ "\nA toggle is defined for this package, it is currently ") (princ (if (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg) (princ "`on' ") (princ "`off' "))) (princ "because the following expression evaluates to ") (if (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg) (princ "t:\n") (princ "nil:\n")) (princ (oref pkg :toggle)) (princ "\n")) (unless (oref pkg :excluded) ;; usage and installation (if (not (configuration-layer/package-usedp pkg-symbol)) (princ "\nYou are not using this package.\n") (princ "\nYou are using this package") (if (memq (oref pkg :location) '(built-in local site)) (princ ".\n") (if (not (package-installed-p pkg-symbol)) (princ " but it is not yet installed.\n") (princ ", it is currently installed ") (if (featurep pkg-symbol) (princ "and loaded.\n") (princ "but it has not been loaded yet.\n"))))) (when (configuration-layer/package-lazy-installp pkg-symbol) (princ "\nThis package can be lazily installed using `auto-mode-alist'.\n") (with-current-buffer standard-output (save-excursion (re-search-backward "`\\([^`']+\\)'" nil t) (help-xref-button 1 'help-variable 'auto-mode-alist))) (when (assq pkg-symbol configuration-layer--lazy-mode-alist) (princ (concat "Actually it will be installed when one of the " "following files is opened: \n")) (princ (cdr (assq pkg-symbol configuration-layer--lazy-mode-alist))) (princ "\n"))) ;; source location (let ((location (oref pkg :location))) (cond ((eq 'built-in location) (princ "\nThis is a built-in package distributed with Emacs.\n")) ((eq 'local location) (let* ((layer (object-assoc owner :name (or layer-list configuration-layer--layers))) (path (format "%slocal/%S" (oref layer dir) pkg-symbol))) (princ (concat "\nThis is a local package whose source files " "can be found in layer `")) (princ owner) (princ "'.\n") (with-current-buffer standard-output (save-excursion (re-search-backward "`\\([^`']+\\)'" nil t) (help-xref-button 1 'help-package-def path))))) ((eq 'site location) ;; TODO find a way to find the location on disk and detect if it is ;; really installed (princ "\nWhen used it must be installed by a third party.\n")) ((eq 'elpa location) ;; TODO find a way to find the ELPA repository (princ "\nWhen used it is downloaded from an ELPA repository.\n")) ((and (listp location) (eq 'recipe (car location))) (princ (concat "\nWhen used it is downloaded using `quelpa' " "with the following recipe:\n")) (with-current-buffer standard-output (save-excursion (re-search-backward "`\\([^`']+\\)'" nil t) (help-xref-button 1 'help-url "https://github.com/quelpa/quelpa"))) (princ location) (princ "\n")))) ;; pre/post init functions (when (or (oref pkg pre-layers) (oref pkg post-layers)) (princ (concat "\nAdditional configuration for this package " "can be found in the following ")) (if (null layer-list) (princ "used layers:\n") (princ "layers:\n")) (when (oref pkg pre-layers) (princ "(pre-init) ") (dolist (layer-sym (sort (oref pkg pre-layers) 'string<)) (let* ((layer (object-assoc layer-sym :name (or layer-list configuration-layer--layers))) (path (concat (oref layer dir) "packages.el"))) (princ (concat "`" (symbol-name layer-sym) "'")) (with-current-buffer standard-output (save-excursion (re-search-backward "`\\([^`']+\\)'" nil t) (help-xref-button 1 'help-function-def (intern (format "%S/pre-init-%S" layer-sym pkg-symbol)) path)))) (princ " ")) (princ "\n")) (when (oref pkg post-layers) (princ "(post-init) ") (dolist (layer-sym (sort (oref pkg post-layers) 'string<)) (let* ((layer (object-assoc layer-sym :name (or layer-list configuration-layer--layers))) (path (concat (oref layer dir) "packages.el"))) (princ (concat "`" (symbol-name layer-sym) "'")) (with-current-buffer standard-output (save-excursion (re-search-backward "`\\([^`']+\\)'" nil t) (help-xref-button 1 'help-function-def (intern (format "%S/post-init-%S" layer-sym pkg-symbol)) path)))) (princ " ")) (princ "\n")))) (princ (concat "\nClick [here] to display an Emacs description " "for this package.\n")) (with-current-buffer standard-output (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\\(\\[.+\\]\\)" nil t) (help-xref-button 1 'help-package pkg-symbol)))))) (defun configuration-layer/get-packages (layers &optional dotfile) "Read the package lists of LAYERS and dotfile and return a list of packages." (let (result) (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((name (oref layer :name)) (dir (oref layer :dir)) (lazy-install (oref layer :lazy-install)) (packages-file (concat dir "packages.el"))) ;; packages (when (file-exists-p packages-file) ;; required for lazy-loading of unused layers ;; for instance for helm-spacemacs-help (eval `(defvar ,(intern (format "%S-packages" name)) nil)) (unless (configuration-layer/layer-usedp name) (load packages-file)) (dolist (pkg (symbol-value (intern (format "%S-packages" name)))) (let* ((pkg-name (if (listp pkg) (car pkg) pkg)) (init-func (intern (format "%S/init-%S" name pkg-name))) (pre-init-func (intern (format "%S/pre-init-%S" name pkg-name))) (post-init-func (intern (format "%S/post-init-%S" name pkg-name))) (obj (object-assoc pkg-name :name result))) (cl-pushnew pkg-name (oref layer :packages)) (if obj (setq obj (configuration-layer/make-package pkg obj)) (setq obj (configuration-layer/make-package pkg)) (push obj result)) (oset obj :lazy-install lazy-install) (when (fboundp init-func) ;; last owner wins over the previous one, ;; still warn about mutliple owners (when (oref obj :owner) (spacemacs-buffer/warning (format (concat "More than one init function found for " "package %S. Previous owner was %S, " "replacing it with layer %S.") pkg (oref obj :owner) name))) (oset obj :owner name)) (when (fboundp pre-init-func) (push name (oref obj :pre-layers))) (when (fboundp post-init-func) (push name (oref obj :post-layers)))))))) ;; additional and excluded packages from dotfile (when dotfile (dolist (pkg dotspacemacs-additional-packages) (let* ((pkg-name (if (listp pkg) (car pkg) pkg)) (obj (object-assoc pkg-name :name result))) (if obj (setq obj (configuration-layer/make-package pkg obj)) (setq obj (configuration-layer/make-package pkg)) (push obj result) (oset obj :owner 'dotfile)))) (dolist (xpkg dotspacemacs-excluded-packages) (let ((obj (object-assoc xpkg :name result))) (unless obj (setq obj (configuration-layer/make-package xpkg)) (push obj result)) (oset obj :excluded t)))) result)) (defun configuration-layer//sort-packages (packages) "Return a sorted list of PACKAGES objects." (sort packages (lambda (x y) (string< (symbol-name (oref x :name)) (symbol-name (oref y :name)))))) (defun configuration-layer/lazy-install (layer-name &rest props) "Configure auto-installation of layer with name LAYER-NAME." (declare (indent 1)) (when dotspacemacs-enable-lazy-installation (let ((layer (object-assoc layer-name :name configuration-layer--layers)) (extensions (spacemacs/mplist-get props :extensions))) (oset layer :lazy-install t) (dolist (x extensions) (let ((ext (car x)) (mode (cadr x))) (add-to-list 'configuration-layer--lazy-mode-alist (cons mode ext)) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist `(,ext . (lambda () (configuration-layer//auto-mode ',layer-name ',mode))))))))) (defun configuration-layer//auto-mode (layer-name mode) "Auto mode support of lazily installed layers." (when (configuration-layer//lazy-install-packages layer-name) (funcall mode))) (defun configuration-layer/filter-objects (objects ffunc) "Return a filtered OBJECTS list where each element satisfies FFUNC." (reverse (cl-reduce (lambda (acc x) (if (funcall ffunc x) (push x acc) acc)) objects :initial-value nil))) (defun configuration-layer//get-distant-used-packages (packages) "Return the distant packages (ie to be intalled) that are effectively used." (configuration-layer/filter-objects packages (lambda (x) (and (not (null (oref x :owner))) (not (memq (oref x :location) '(built-in site local))) (not (stringp (oref x :location))) (cfgl-package-enabledp x) (not (oref x :excluded)))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-private-layer-dir (name) "Return an absolute path to the private configuration layer string NAME." (file-name-as-directory (concat configuration-layer-private-layer-directory name))) (defun configuration-layer//copy-template (name template &optional layer-dir) "Copy and replace special values of TEMPLATE to layer string NAME. If LAYER_DIR is nil, the private directory is used." (cl-flet ((substitute (old new) (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward old nil t) (replace-match new t)))))) (let ((src (concat configuration-layer-template-directory (format "%s.template" template))) (dest (if layer-dir (concat layer-dir "/" (format "%s" template)) (concat (configuration-layer//get-private-layer-dir name) (format "%s" template))))) (copy-file src dest) (find-file dest) (substitute "%LAYER_NAME%" name) (cond (user-full-name (substitute "%USER_FULL_NAME%" user-full-name) (substitute "%USER_MAIL_ADDRESS%" user-mail-address)) (t (substitute "%USER_FULL_NAME%" "Sylvain Benner & Contributors") (substitute "%USER_MAIL_ADDRESS%" "sylvain.benner@gmail.com"))) (save-buffer)))) (defun configuration-layer//directory-type (path) "Return the type of directory pointed by PATH. Possible return values: layer - the directory is a layer category - the directory is a category nil - the directory is a regular directory." (when (file-directory-p path) (if (string-match "^+" (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name (concat configuration-layer-directory path)))) 'category (let ((files (directory-files path))) ;; most frequent files encoutered in a layer are tested first (when (or (member "packages.el" files) (member "config.el" files) (member "keybindings.el" files) (member "funcs.el" files)) 'layer))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-category-from-path (dirpath) "Return a category symbol from the given DIRPATH. The directory name must start with `+'. Returns nil if the directory is not a category." (when (file-directory-p dirpath) (let ((dirname (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name (concat configuration-layer-directory dirpath))))) (when (string-match "^+" dirname) (intern (substring dirname 1)))))) (defun configuration-layer//discover-layers () "Return a hash table where the key is the layer symbol and the value is its path." ;; load private layers at the end on purpose we asume that the user layers ;; must have the final word on configuration choices. Let ;; `dotspacemacs-directory' override the private directory if it exists. (let ((search-paths (append (list configuration-layer-directory) dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path (list configuration-layer-private-layer-directory) (when dotspacemacs-directory (list dotspacemacs-directory)))) (discovered '()) (result (make-hash-table :size 256))) ;; depth-first search of subdirectories (while search-paths (let ((current-path (car search-paths))) (setq search-paths (cdr search-paths)) (dolist (sub (directory-files current-path t nil 'nosort)) ;; ignore ".", ".." and non-directories (unless (or (string-equal ".." (substring sub -2)) (string-equal "." (substring sub -1)) (not (file-directory-p sub))) (let ((type (configuration-layer//directory-type sub))) (cond ((eq 'category type) (let ((category (configuration-layer//get-category-from-path sub))) (spacemacs-buffer/message "-> Discovered category: %S" category) (push category configuration-layer-categories) (setq search-paths (cons sub search-paths)))) ((eq 'layer type) (let ((layer-name (file-name-nondirectory sub)) (layer-dir (file-name-directory sub))) (spacemacs-buffer/message "-> Discovered configuration layer: %s" layer-name) (push (cons (intern layer-name) layer-dir) discovered))) (t ;; layer not found, add it to search path (setq search-paths (cons sub search-paths))))))))) ;; add discovered layers to hash table (mapc (lambda (l) (if (ht-contains? result (car l)) ;; the same layer may have been discovered twice, ;; in which case we don't need a warning (unless (string-equal (ht-get result (car l)) (cdr l)) (spacemacs-buffer/warning (concat "Duplicated layer %s detected in directory \"%s\", " "keeping only the layer in directory \"%s\"") (car l) (cdr l) (ht-get result (car l)))) (puthash (car l) (cdr l) result))) discovered) result)) (defun configuration-layer//declare-layers () "Declare default layers and user layers declared in the dotfile." (setq configuration-layer--layers nil) (setq configuration-layer-paths (configuration-layer//discover-layers)) (when (eq 'all dotspacemacs-configuration-layers) (setq dotspacemacs-configuration-layers (ht-keys configuration-layer-paths))) (dolist (layer dotspacemacs-configuration-layers) (let ((layer-name (if (listp layer) (car layer) layer))) (if (ht-contains? configuration-layer-paths layer-name) (unless (string-match-p "+distribution" (ht-get configuration-layer-paths layer-name)) (push (configuration-layer/make-layer layer) configuration-layer--layers)) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Unknown layer %s declared in dotfile." layer-name)))) (setq configuration-layer--layers (reverse configuration-layer--layers)) ;; distribution layer is always first (push (configuration-layer/make-layer dotspacemacs-distribution) configuration-layer--layers)) (defun configuration-layer/declare-layers (layer-names) "Add layers with LAYER-NAMES to used layers." (mapc 'configuration-layer/declare-layer layer-names)) (defun configuration-layer/declare-layer (layer-name) "Declare a single layer" (unless (object-assoc layer-name :name configuration-layer--layers) (let ((new-layer (configuration-layer/make-layer layer-name))) (push new-layer configuration-layer--layers) (configuration-layer//configure-layer new-layer)))) (defun configuration-layer/remove-layers (layer-names) "Remove layers with LAYER-NAMES from used layers." (mapc 'configuration-layer/remove-layer layer-names)) (defun configuration-layer/remove-layer (layer-name) "Remove an used layer with name LAYER-NAME." (setq configuration-layer--layers (delete (object-assoc layer-name :name configuration-layer--layers) configuration-layer--layers))) (defun configuration-layer//set-layers-variables (layers) "Set the configuration variables for the passed LAYERS." (mapc 'configuration-layer//set-layer-variables layers)) (defun configuration-layer//set-layer-variables (layer) "Set the configuration variables for the passed LAYER." (let ((variables (oref layer :variables))) (while variables (let ((var (pop variables))) (if (consp variables) (condition-case-unless-debug err (set-default var (eval (pop variables))) ('error (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format (concat "\nAn error occurred while setting layer " "variable %s " "(error: %s). Be sure to quote the value " "if needed.\n") var err)))) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Missing value for variable %s !" var)))))) (defun configuration-layer/layer-usedp (name) "Return non-nil if NAME is the name of a used layer." (not (null (object-assoc name :name configuration-layer--layers)))) (defun configuration-layer/layer-lazy-installp (name) "Return non-nil if NAME is the name of a layer to be lazily installed." (let ((obj (object-assoc name :name configuration-layer--layers))) (when obj (oref obj :lazy-install)))) (defun configuration-layer/package-usedp (name) "Return non-nil if NAME is the name of a used package." (let ((obj (object-assoc name :name configuration-layer--packages))) (when (and obj (not (oref obj :excluded))) (oref obj :owner)))) (defun configuration-layer/package-lazy-installp (name) "Return non-nil if NAME is the name of a package to be lazily installed." (let ((obj (object-assoc name :name configuration-layer--packages))) (when obj (oref obj :lazy-install)))) (defun configuration-layer//configure-layers (layers) "Configure LAYERS." ;; FIFO loading of layers, this allow the user to put her layers at the ;; end of the list to override previous layers. (let ((warning-minimum-level :error)) (dolist (l layers) (configuration-layer//configure-layer l)))) (defun configuration-layer//configure-layer (layer) "Configure LAYER." (configuration-layer//set-layer-variables layer) (configuration-layer//load-layer-files layer '("funcs.el" "config.el" "keybindings.el"))) (defun configuration-layer//declare-packages (layers) "Declare all packages contained in LAYERS." (let ((layers2 layers) (warning-minimum-level :error)) (configuration-layer//load-layers-files layers2 '("packages.el" "packages-config.el" "packages-funcs.el")) ;; gather all the packages of current layer (configuration-layer//sort-packages (configuration-layer/get-packages layers2 t)))) (defun configuration-layer//load-layers-files (layers files) "Load the files of list FILES for all passed LAYERS." (dolist (layer layers) (configuration-layer//load-layer-files layer files))) (defun configuration-layer//load-layer-files (layer files) "Load the files of list FILES for the given LAYER." (dolist (file files) (let ((file (concat (oref layer :dir) file))) (if (file-exists-p file) (load file))))) (defun configuration-layer/configured-packages-count () "Return the number of configured packages." (length configuration-layer--packages)) (defun configuration-layer//install-package (pkg) "Unconditionally install the package PKG." (let* ((layer (when pkg (oref pkg :owner))) (location (when pkg (oref pkg :location)))) (spacemacs-buffer/replace-last-line (format "--> installing %s: %s%s... [%s/%s]" (if layer "package" "dependency") pkg-name (if layer (format "@%S" layer) "") installed-count noinst-count) t) (unless (package-installed-p pkg-name) (condition-case-unless-debug err (cond ((or (null pkg) (eq 'elpa location)) (configuration-layer//install-from-elpa pkg-name) (when pkg (oset pkg :lazy-install nil))) ((and (listp location) (eq 'recipe (car location))) (configuration-layer//install-from-recipe pkg) (oset pkg :lazy-install nil)) (t (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Cannot install package %S." pkg-name))) ('error (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format (concat "\nAn error occurred while installing %s " "(error: %s)\n") pkg-name err))))))) (defun configuration-layer//lazy-install-packages (layer-name) "Install packages of a lazily installed layer. Returns non-nil if the packages have been installed." (let* ((layer (object-assoc layer-name :name configuration-layer--layers)) (packages (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x) (object-assoc x :name configuration-layer--packages)) (oref layer :packages)))) (pkg-count (length packages))) (when (and (oref layer :lazy-install) (yes-or-no-p (format (concat "Support for %s requires installation of " "%s package(s), do you want to install?") layer-name pkg-count))) (configuration-layer//install-packages packages) (configuration-layer//configure-packages packages) (oset layer :lazy-install nil)) (not (oref layer :lazy-install)))) (defun configuration-layer//install-packages (packages) "Install PACKAGES which are not lazy installed." (interactive) (let* ((noinst-pkg-names (configuration-layer//get-uninstalled-packages (mapcar 'car (object-assoc-list :name packages)))) (noinst-count (length noinst-pkg-names)) installed-count) ;; installation (when noinst-pkg-names (spacemacs-buffer/append (format "Found %s new package(s) to install...\n" noinst-count)) (configuration-layer/retrieve-package-archives) (setq installed-count 0) (dolist (pkg-name noinst-pkg-names) (setq installed-count (1+ installed-count)) (configuration-layer//install-package (object-assoc pkg-name :name configuration-layer--packages)) (spacemacs//redisplay)) (spacemacs-buffer/append "\n")))) (defun configuration-layer//install-from-elpa (pkg-name) "Install PKG from ELPA." (if (not (assq pkg-name package-archive-contents)) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format (concat "\nPackage %s is unavailable. " "Is the package name misspelled?\n") pkg-name)) (dolist (dep (configuration-layer//get-package-deps-from-archive pkg-name)) (if (package-installed-p (car dep)) (configuration-layer//activate-package (car dep)) (package-install (car dep)))) (package-install pkg-name))) (defun configuration-layer//install-from-recipe (pkg) "Install PKG from a recipe." (let* ((pkg-name (oref pkg :name)) (layer (oref pkg :owner)) (recipe (cons pkg-name (cdr (oref pkg :location))))) (if recipe (quelpa recipe) (spacemacs-buffer/warning (concat "Cannot find any recipe for package %S! Be sure " "to add a recipe for it in alist %S.") pkg-name recipes-var)))) (defun configuration-layer//filter-packages-with-deps (pkg-names filter &optional use-archive) "Return a filtered PKG-NAMES list where each elements satisfies FILTER." (when pkg-names (let (result) (dolist (pkg-name pkg-names) ;; recursively check dependencies (let* ((deps (if use-archive (configuration-layer//get-package-deps-from-archive pkg-name) (configuration-layer//get-package-deps-from-alist pkg-name))) (install-deps (when deps (configuration-layer//filter-packages-with-deps (mapcar 'car deps) filter)))) (when install-deps (setq result (append install-deps result)))) (when (funcall filter pkg-name) (add-to-list 'result pkg-name t))) (delete-dups result)))) (defun configuration-layer//get-uninstalled-packages (pkg-names) "Return a filtered list of PKG-NAMES to install." (configuration-layer//filter-packages-with-deps pkg-names (lambda (x) (not (package-installed-p x))))) (defun configuration-layer//package-has-recipe-p (pkg-name) "Return non nil if PKG-NAME is the name of a package declared with a recipe." (when (object-assoc pkg-name :name configuration-layer--packages) (let* ((pkg (object-assoc pkg-name :name configuration-layer--packages)) (location (oref pkg :location))) (and (listp location) (eq 'recipe (car location)))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-recipe (pkg-name) "Return the recipe for PGK-NAME if it has one." (let ((pkg (object-assoc pkg-name :name configuration-layer--packages))) (when pkg (let ((location (oref pkg :location))) (when (and (listp location) (eq 'recipe (car location))) location))))) (defun configuration-layer//new-version-available-p (pkg-name) "Return non nil if there is a new version available for PKG-NAME." (let ((recipe (configuration-layer//get-package-recipe pkg-name)) (cur-version (configuration-layer//get-package-version-string pkg-name)) new-version) (when cur-version (setq new-version (if recipe (quelpa-checkout recipe (expand-file-name (symbol-name pkg-name) quelpa-build-dir)) (configuration-layer//get-latest-package-version-string pkg-name))) ;; (message "%s: %s > %s ?" pkg-name cur-version new-version) (if new-version (version< cur-version new-version) (cl-pushnew pkg-name configuration-layer--skipped-packages :test #'eq) nil)))) (defun configuration-layer//get-packages-to-update (pkg-names) "Return a filtered list of PKG-NAMES to update." (configuration-layer//filter-packages-with-deps pkg-names 'configuration-layer//new-version-available-p 'use-archive)) (defun configuration-layer//configure-packages (packages) "Configure all passed PACKAGES honoring the steps order." (setq spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-threshold (/ (configuration-layer/configured-packages-count) spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count)) (configuration-layer//configure-packages-2 (configuration-layer/filter-objects packages (lambda (x) (eq 'pre (oref x :step))))) (configuration-layer//configure-packages-2 (configuration-layer/filter-objects packages (lambda (x) (null (oref x :step)))))) (defun configuration-layer//configure-packages-2 (packages) "Configure all passed PACKAGES." (dolist (pkg packages) (spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation) (let ((pkg-name (oref pkg :name))) (cond ((and (oref pkg :excluded) (not (oref pkg :protected))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (oref pkg :owner)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is toggled off." pkg-name))) (t ;; load-path (let ((location (oref pkg :location))) (cond ((stringp location) (if (file-directory-p location) (push (file-name-as-directory location) load-path) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Location path for package %S does not exists (value: %s)." pkg location))) ((and (eq 'local location) (eq 'dotfile (oref pkg :owner))) (push (file-name-as-directory (concat configuration-layer-private-directory "local/" (symbol-name (oref pkg :name)))) load-path)) ((eq 'local location) (let* ((owner (object-assoc (oref pkg :owner) :name configuration-layer--layers)) (dir (when owner (oref owner :dir)))) (push (format "%slocal/%S/" dir pkg-name) load-path))))) ;; configuration (unless (memq (oref pkg :location) '(local site built-in)) (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq 'dotfile (oref pkg :owner)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is configured in the dotfile." pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))))) (defun configuration-layer//configure-package (pkg) "Configure PKG." (let* ((pkg-name (oref pkg :name)) (owner (oref pkg :owner)) (owner-layer (object-assoc owner :name configuration-layer--layers)) (disabled-for-layers (oref owner-layer :disabled-for))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "Configuring %S..." pkg-name)) ;; pre-init (mapc (lambda (layer) (if (memq layer disabled-for-layers) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format " -> ignored pre-init (%S)..." layer)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format " -> pre-init (%S)..." layer)) (condition-case-unless-debug err (funcall (intern (format "%S/pre-init-%S" layer pkg-name))) ('error (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format (concat "\nAn error occurred while pre-configuring %S " "in layer %S (error: %s)\n") pkg-name layer err)))))) (oref pkg :pre-layers)) ;; init (spacemacs-buffer/message (format " -> init (%S)..." owner)) (funcall (intern (format "%S/init-%S" owner pkg-name))) ;; post-init (mapc (lambda (layer) (if (memq layer disabled-for-layers) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format " -> ignored post-init (%S)..." layer)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format " -> post-init (%S)..." layer)) (condition-case-unless-debug err (funcall (intern (format "%S/post-init-%S" layer pkg-name))) ('error (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format (concat "\nAn error occurred while post-configuring %S " "in layer %S (error: %s)\n") pkg-name layer err)))))) (oref pkg :post-layers)))) (defun configuration-layer//cleanup-rollback-directory () "Clean up the rollback directory." (let* ((dirattrs (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (d) (unless (eq t d) d)) (directory-files-and-attributes configuration-layer-rollback-directory nil "\\`\\(\\.\\{0,2\\}[^.\n].*\\)\\'" t)))) (dirs (sort dirattrs (lambda (d e) (time-less-p (nth 6 d) (nth 6 e)))))) (dotimes (c (- (length dirs) dotspacemacs-max-rollback-slots)) (delete-directory (concat configuration-layer-rollback-directory "/" (car (pop dirs))) t t)))) (defun configuration-layer/update-packages (&optional always-update) "Update packages. If called with a prefix argument ALWAYS-UPDATE, assume yes to update." (interactive "P") (spacemacs-buffer/insert-page-break) (spacemacs-buffer/append "\nUpdating package archives, please wait...\n") (configuration-layer/retrieve-package-archives nil 'force) (setq configuration-layer--skipped-packages nil) (let* ((update-packages (configuration-layer//get-packages-to-update (mapcar 'car (object-assoc-list :name configuration-layer--used-distant-packages)))) (skipped-count (length configuration-layer--skipped-packages)) (date (format-time-string "%y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")) (rollback-dir (expand-file-name (concat configuration-layer-rollback-directory (file-name-as-directory date)))) (upgrade-count (length update-packages)) (upgraded-count 0) (update-packages-alist)) (when configuration-layer--skipped-packages (spacemacs-buffer/append (format (concat "--> Warning: cannot update %s package(s), possibly due" " to a temporary network problem: %s\n") skipped-count (mapconcat #'symbol-name configuration-layer--skipped-packages " ")))) ;; (message "packages to udpate: %s" update-packages) (when (> upgrade-count 0) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format (concat "--> Found %s package(s) to update" (if (> skipped-count 0) (format " (skipped %s):\n" skipped-count) ":\n")) upgrade-count) t) (mapc (lambda (x) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format "%s\n" x) t)) (sort (mapcar 'symbol-name update-packages) 'string<)) (if (and (not always-update) (not (yes-or-no-p (format "Do you want to update %s package(s) ? " upgrade-count)))) (spacemacs-buffer/append "Packages update has been cancelled.\n" t) ;; backup the package directory and construct an alist ;; variable to be cached for easy update and rollback (spacemacs-buffer/append "--> performing backup of package(s) to update...\n" t) (spacemacs//redisplay) (dolist (pkg update-packages) (let* ((src-dir (configuration-layer//get-package-directory pkg)) (dest-dir (expand-file-name (concat rollback-dir (file-name-as-directory (file-name-nondirectory src-dir)))))) (copy-directory src-dir dest-dir 'keeptime 'create 'copy-content) (push (cons pkg (file-name-nondirectory src-dir)) update-packages-alist))) (spacemacs/dump-vars-to-file '(update-packages-alist) (expand-file-name (concat rollback-dir configuration-layer-rollback-info))) (dolist (pkg update-packages) (setq upgraded-count (1+ upgraded-count)) (spacemacs-buffer/replace-last-line (format "--> preparing update of package %s... [%s/%s]" pkg upgraded-count upgrade-count) t) (spacemacs//redisplay) (configuration-layer//package-delete pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format "\n--> %s package(s) to be updated.\n" upgraded-count)) (spacemacs-buffer/append "\nEmacs has to be restarted to actually install the new packages.\n") (configuration-layer//cleanup-rollback-directory) (spacemacs//redisplay))) (when (eq upgrade-count 0) (spacemacs-buffer/append "--> All packages are up to date.\n") (spacemacs//redisplay)))) (defun configuration-layer//ido-candidate-rollback-slot () "Return a list of candidates to select a rollback slot." (let ((rolldir configuration-layer-rollback-directory)) (when (file-exists-p rolldir) (reverse (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x) (when (and (file-directory-p (concat rolldir x)) (not (or (string= "." x) (string= ".." x)))) (let ((p (length (directory-files (file-name-as-directory (concat rolldir x)))))) ;; -3 for . .. and rollback-info (format "%s (%s packages)" x (- p 3))))) (directory-files rolldir))))))) (defun configuration-layer/rollback (slot) "Rollback all the packages in the given SLOT. If called interactively and SLOT is nil then an ido buffers appears to select one." (interactive (list (if (boundp 'slot) slot (let ((candidates (configuration-layer//ido-candidate-rollback-slot))) (when candidates (ido-completing-read "Rollback slots (most recent are first): " candidates)))))) (spacemacs-buffer/insert-page-break) (if (not slot) (message "No rollback slot available.") (string-match "^\\(.+?\\)\s.*$" slot) (let* ((slot-dir (match-string 1 slot)) (rollback-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat configuration-layer-rollback-directory (file-name-as-directory slot-dir)))) (info-file (expand-file-name (concat rollback-dir configuration-layer-rollback-info)))) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format "\nRollbacking ELPA packages from slot %s...\n" slot-dir)) (load-file info-file) (let ((rollback-count (length update-packages-alist)) (rollbacked-count 0)) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format "Found %s package(s) to rollback...\n" rollback-count)) (spacemacs//redisplay) (dolist (apkg update-packages-alist) (let* ((pkg (car apkg)) (pkg-dir-name (cdr apkg)) (installed-ver (configuration-layer//get-package-version-string pkg)) (elpa-dir (concat user-emacs-directory "elpa/")) (src-dir (expand-file-name (concat rollback-dir (file-name-as-directory pkg-dir-name)))) (dest-dir (expand-file-name (concat elpa-dir (file-name-as-directory pkg-dir-name))))) (setq rollbacked-count (1+ rollbacked-count)) (if (string-equal (format "%S-%s" pkg installed-ver) pkg-dir-name) (spacemacs-buffer/replace-last-line (format "--> package %s already rolled back! [%s/%s]" pkg rollbacked-count rollback-count) t) ;; rollback the package (spacemacs-buffer/replace-last-line (format "--> rolling back package %s... [%s/%s]" pkg rollbacked-count rollback-count) t) (configuration-layer//package-delete pkg) (copy-directory src-dir dest-dir 'keeptime 'create 'copy-content)) (spacemacs//redisplay))) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format "\n--> %s packages rolled back.\n" rollbacked-count)) (spacemacs-buffer/append "\nEmacs has to be restarted for the changes to take effect.\n"))))) (defun configuration-layer//activate-package (pkg) "Activate PKG." (if (version< emacs-version "24.3.50") ;; fake version list to always activate the package (package-activate pkg '(0 0 0 0)) (unless (memq pkg package-activated-list) (package-activate pkg)))) (defun configuration-layer/get-layers-list () "Return a list of all discovered layer symbols." (ht-keys configuration-layer-paths)) (defun configuration-layer/get-layer-property (layer slot) "Return the value of SLOT for the given LAYER." (slot-value (object-assoc layer :name configuration-layer--layers) slot)) (defun configuration-layer/get-layer-local-dir (layer) "Return the value of SLOT for the given LAYER." (concat (slot-value (object-assoc layer :name configuration-layer--layers) :dir) "local/")) (defun configuration-layer/get-layer-path (layer) "Return the path for LAYER symbol." (ht-get configuration-layer-paths layer)) (defun configuration-layer//get-packages-dependencies () "Returns dependencies hash map for all packages in `package-alist'." (let ((result (make-hash-table :size 512))) (dolist (pkg package-alist) (let* ((pkg-sym (car pkg)) (deps (configuration-layer//get-package-deps-from-alist pkg-sym))) (dolist (dep deps) (let* ((dep-sym (car dep)) (value (ht-get result dep-sym))) (puthash dep-sym (if value (add-to-list 'value pkg-sym) (list pkg-sym)) result))))) result)) (defun configuration-layer//get-implicit-packages (packages) "Returns packages in `packages-alist' which are not found in PACKAGES." (let (imp-pkgs) (dolist (pkg package-alist) (let ((pkg-sym (car pkg))) (unless (object-assoc pkg-sym :name packages) (add-to-list 'imp-pkgs pkg-sym)))) imp-pkgs)) (defun configuration-layer//get-orphan-packages (dist-pkgs implicit-pkgs dependencies) "Return orphan packages." (let (result) (dolist (imp-pkg implicit-pkgs) (when (configuration-layer//is-package-orphan imp-pkg dist-pkgs dependencies) (add-to-list 'result imp-pkg))) result)) (defun configuration-layer//is-package-orphan (pkg-name dist-pkgs dependencies) "Returns not nil if PKG-NAME is the name of an orphan package." (unless (or (object-assoc pkg-name :name dist-pkgs) (memq pkg-name configuration-layer--protected-packages)) (if (ht-contains? dependencies pkg-name) (let ((parents (ht-get dependencies pkg-name))) (cl-reduce (lambda (x y) (and x y)) (mapcar (lambda (p) (configuration-layer//is-package-orphan p dist-pkgs dependencies)) parents) :initial-value t)) (not (object-assoc pkg-name :name dist-pkgs))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-directory (pkg-name) "Return the directory path for package with name PKG-NAME." (let ((pkg-desc (assq pkg-name package-alist))) (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (let* ((version (aref (cdr pkg-desc) 0)) (elpa-dir (concat user-emacs-directory "elpa/")) (pkg-dir-name (format "%s-%s.%s" (symbol-name pkg-name) (car version) (cadr version)))) (expand-file-name (concat elpa-dir pkg-dir-name)))) (t (package-desc-dir (cadr pkg-desc)))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-deps-from-alist (pkg-name) "Return the dependencies alist for package with name PKG-NAME." (let ((pkg-desc (assq pkg-name package-alist))) (when pkg-desc (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (aref (cdr pkg-desc) 1)) (t (package-desc-reqs (cadr pkg-desc))))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-deps-from-archive (pkg-name) "Return the dependencies alist for a PKG-NAME from the archive data." (let* ((pkg-arch (assq pkg-name package-archive-contents)) (reqs (when pkg-arch (if (version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (aref (cdr pkg-arch) 1) (package-desc-reqs (cadr pkg-arch)))))) ;; recursively get the requirements of reqs (dolist (req reqs) (let* ((pkg-name2 (car req)) (reqs2 (configuration-layer//get-package-deps-from-archive pkg-name2))) (when reqs2 (setq reqs (append reqs2 reqs))))) reqs)) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-version-string (pkg-name) "Return the version string for package with name PKG-NAME." (let ((pkg-desc (assq pkg-name package-alist))) (when pkg-desc (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (package-version-join (aref (cdr pkg-desc) 0))) (t (package-version-join (package-desc-version (cadr pkg-desc)))))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-version (pkg-name) "Return the version list for package with name PKG-NAME." (let ((version-string (configuration-layer//get-package-version-string pkg-name))) (unless (string-empty-p version-string) (version-to-list version-string)))) (defun configuration-layer//get-latest-package-version-string (pkg-name) "Return the version string for package with name PKG-NAME." (let ((pkg-arch (assq pkg-name package-archive-contents))) (when pkg-arch (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (package-version-join (aref (cdr pkg-arch) 0))) (t (package-version-join (package-desc-version (cadr pkg-arch)))))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-latest-package-version (pkg-name) "Return the versio list for package with name PKG-NAME." (let ((version-string (configuration-layer//get-latest-package-version-string pkg-name))) (unless (string-empty-p version-string) (version-to-list version-string)))) (defun configuration-layer//package-delete (pkg-name) "Delete package with name PKG-NAME." (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (let ((v (configuration-layer//get-package-version-string pkg-name))) (when v (package-delete (symbol-name pkg-name) v)))) ((version<= "25.0.50" emacs-version) (let ((p (cadr (assq pkg-name package-alist)))) ;; add force flag to ignore dependency checks in Emacs25 (when p (package-delete p t t)))) (t (let ((p (cadr (assq pkg-name package-alist)))) (when p (package-delete p)))))) (defun configuration-layer/delete-orphan-packages (packages) "Delete PACKAGES if they are orphan." (interactive) (let* ((dependencies (configuration-layer//get-packages-dependencies)) (implicit-packages (configuration-layer//get-implicit-packages configuration-layer--used-distant-packages)) (orphans (configuration-layer//get-orphan-packages configuration-layer--used-distant-packages implicit-packages dependencies)) (orphans-count (length orphans)) deleted-count) ;; (message "dependencies: %s" dependencies) ;; (message "implicit: %s" implicit-packages) ;; (message "orphans: %s" orphans) (if orphans (progn (spacemacs-buffer/append (format "Found %s orphan package(s) to delete...\n" orphans-count)) (setq deleted-count 0) (dolist (orphan orphans) (setq deleted-count (1+ deleted-count)) (spacemacs-buffer/replace-last-line (format "--> deleting %s... [%s/%s]" orphan deleted-count orphans-count) t) (configuration-layer//package-delete orphan) (spacemacs//redisplay)) (spacemacs-buffer/append "\n")) (spacemacs-buffer/message "No orphan package to delete.")))) (defun configuration-layer//increment-error-count () "Increment the error counter." (if configuration-layer-error-count (setq configuration-layer-error-count (1+ configuration-layer-error-count)) (setq configuration-layer-error-count 1))) (provide 'core-configuration-layer) ;;; core-configuration-layer.el ends here