;;; funcs.el --- bepo Layer extensions File for Spacemacs ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Fabien Dubosson ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 ;; Map multiple states at once. Courtesy of Michael Markert; ;; http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.vim-emulation/1674 ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; FILE-PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (defun bepo//define-key (maps key def bindings) "Define a list of KEYS to their associated DEFINITIONS in all the given MAPS." (declare (indent 1)) (while key ;; Define the key (dolist (map maps) (define-key map (kbd key) def)) ;; Get next keybinding (setq key (pop bindings) def (pop bindings)))) (defun bepo//remap-key-as (map bindings) "Define keys to the associated definitions of other ones. All remapping are done atomically, i.e. if `a' -> `b' and `c' -> `a', then `c' will be defined to the old `a' function, not to `b'." (declare (indent 1)) (let ((map-original (copy-tree map))) (dolist (binding bindings) (let ((key1 (kbd (car binding))) (key2 (kbd (cdr binding)))) (define-key map key1 (lookup-key map-original key2)))))) (defun bepo//replace-in-list-rec (lst elem repl) "Replace recursively all occurrences of `elem' by `repl' in the list `lst'." (declare (indent 0)) (if (typep lst 'list) (let* ((body-position (cl-position elem lst))) (if body-position ;; The element is in the list, replace it (progn (setf (nth body-position lst) repl) lst) ;; The element is not in the list, recurse (dolist (l lst) (bepo//replace-in-list-rec l elem repl)))))) (defun bepo//guess-rebindings (key) "Tries to guess the rebindings needed to correct the given key." (let* ((key1 key) (prefix nil)) ;; If key not existing as-is in the bepo-rebinding-map, try on last letter. (when (not (assoc key1 bepo--rebinding-map)) (setq key1 (substring key -1)) (setq prefix (substring key 0 -1))) (let* ((key2 (cdr (assoc key1 bepo--rebinding-map))) (bind1 (assoc key1 bepo--rebinding-map)) (bind2 (assoc key2 bepo--rebinding-map))) (when prefix (defun bepo//guess-prefixit (bind) `(,(concat prefix (car bind)) . ,(concat prefix (cdr bind)))) (setq bind1 (bepo//guess-prefixit bind1)) (setq bind2 (bepo//guess-prefixit bind2))) `(,bind1 ,bind2)))) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; HELPER FUNCTIONS ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (defun bepo/set-in-state (map key def &rest bindings) "Define a list of keys with their associated functions in a given state map." (declare (indent 1)) (bepo//define-key (list map) key def bindings)) (defun bepo/set-in-states (maps key def &rest bindings) "Define a list of keys with their associated functions in all given state maps." (declare (indent 1)) (bepo//define-key maps key def bindings)) (defun bepo/set-in-all-evil-states (key def &rest bindings) "Define a list of keys with their associated functions in all evil states." (declare (indent 0)) (bepo//define-key bepo--all-evil-states key def bindings)) (defun bepo/set-in-all-evil-states-but-insert (key def &rest bindings) "Define a list of keys with their associated functions in all evil states, except insert." (declare (indent 0)) (bepo//define-key bepo--all-evil-states-but-insert key def bindings)) (defun bepo/leader-alias-of (key1 key2) "Define a leader key as an alias of another one." (spacemacs/set-leader-keys key1 (lookup-key spacemacs-default-map key2))) (defun bepo/leader-swap-keys (key1 key2) "Invert the behaviour of two leader keys." (let ((map1 (lookup-key spacemacs-default-map key1)) (map2 (lookup-key spacemacs-default-map key2))) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys key1 map2 key2 map1))) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; CORRECTION FUNCTIONS ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (defun bepo/correct-keys (map &rest keys) (declare (indent 1)) (let ((bindings (mapcan #'bepo//guess-rebindings keys))) (bepo//remap-key-as map (remove-if #'null bindings)))) (defun bepo/evil-correct-keys (state map &rest keys) (declare (indent 2)) (apply #'bepo/correct-keys (evil-get-auxiliary-keymap map state) keys)) (defun bepo/leader-correct-keys (&rest keys) (declare (indent 0)) (apply #'bepo/correct-keys spacemacs-default-map keys)) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; MAIN MACRO ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (defmacro bepo|config (name &rest props) "Macro used for structuring bepo configuration changes. Usage: (bepo|config configuration-name [:keyword option]...) :disable Boolean, whether the configuration is disabled or not. :description String, documents what the configuration does. :functions Code, functions definitions. :loader Code, used to load the configuration. Must contains `BODY' where the real configuration must be placed. :config Code, the configuration code. :special Code executed as-is at the end, without being wrapped inside the `:loader'. All keywords are optional, except for `:config'. These configurations can be overridden by the user using a `bepo/pre-config-' or `bepo/post-config-' function (taking no argument). These functions will be called just before or after the bepo's configurations." (declare (indent 1)) (let* ((disable (plist-get props :disable)) (description (plist-get props :description)) (functions (plist-get props :functions)) (loader (plist-get props :loader)) (config (plist-get props :config)) (special (plist-get props :special)) (preconf (intern (format "bepo/pre-config-%s" name))) (postconf (intern (format "bepo/post-config-%s" name))) (body `(progn (when (fboundp ',preconf) (funcall ',preconf)) ,config (when (fboundp ',postconf) (funcall ',postconf)) ))) ;; Use loader if defined (when loader (bepo//replace-in-list-rec loader 'BODY body) (setq body loader)) ;; If the configuration is not disabled (when (not disable) ;; If the configuration is not in disabled-list (when (not (member name bepo-set-disabled-configurations)) ;; If the package is in enabled-list, if any. (when (or (not bepo-set-enabled-configurations) (member name bepo-set-enabled-configurations)) (when dotspacemacs-verbose-loading (message (format "[bepo] Configuration enabled: '%s'" name))) `(progn ,functions ,body ,special ,description ))))))