1. Magit 2.1 Spacemacs is now compatible only with Magit 2.1 and later, be sure to *update your packages* (at least Magit). 2. Helm Helm input pattern is now displayed in its header instead of the minibuffer. 3. Git layer The `git` layer has been split into two layers: `git` and `github` so the layer variable `git-enabled-github-support` is deprecated, you have to *add the layer `github` in your dotfile*. The `git-gutter` has been replaced by `diff-hl`. This package is in the new layer `version-control`, be sure to *add this new layer to your dotfile*. 4. Auctex layer The `auctex` layer has been renamed `latex`, be sure to *update your dotfile* if you use this layer. 5. Erlang/Elixir layer The erlang/elixir layer has been split into two layers `erlang` and `elixir`, be sure to *update your dotfile* if you use these layers. 6. Key bindings changes Projectile key bindings changes: ~SPC p e~ is now ~SPC p r~ (recent files), ~SPC p R~ is now ~SPC p G~ (regenerate tags), ~SPC p r~ is now ~SPC p R~ (replace).