;;; funcs.el --- Org Layer functions File for Spacemacs ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 ;; Autoload space-doc-mode (autoload 'space-doc-mode "space-doc" nil 'interactive) (defun org-projectile/capture (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (if arg (org-projectile-project-todo-completing-read :empty-lines 1) (org-projectile-capture-for-current-project :empty-lines 1))) (defun org-projectile/goto-todos () (interactive) (org-projectile-goto-location-for-project (projectile-project-name))) (defun spacemacs/ob-fix-inline-images () "Fix redisplay of inline images after a code block evaluation." (when org-inline-image-overlays (org-redisplay-inline-images))) (defun spacemacs//surround-drawer () (let ((dname (read-from-minibuffer "" ""))) (cons (format ":%s:" (upcase (or dname ""))) ":END:"))) (defun spacemacs//surround-code () (let ((dname (read-from-minibuffer "" ""))) (cons (format "#+BEGIN_SRC %s" (or dname "")) "#+END_SRC"))) (defun spacemacs//evil-org-mode () (evil-org-mode) (evil-normalize-keymaps)) (defun spacemacs/org-setup-evil-surround () (with-eval-after-load 'evil-surround (add-to-list 'evil-surround-pairs-alist '(?: . spacemacs//surround-drawer)) (add-to-list 'evil-surround-pairs-alist '(?# . spacemacs//surround-code)))) (defun spacemacs//org-maybe-activate-evil-insert (&rest _) "Switch to evil insert state if the current state is normal. Useful as an :after advice for commands that insert something into buffer, but are not Evil-aware (e.g. `org-insert-item')." (when (and (member dotspacemacs-editing-style '(vim hybrid)) (evil-normal-state-p)) (evil-insert-state))) (defun spacemacs/org-trello-pull-buffer () (interactive) (org-trello-sync-buffer 1)) (defun spacemacs/org-trello-push-buffer () (interactive) (org-trello-sync-buffer)) (defun spacemacs/org-trello-pull-card () (interactive) (org-trello-sync-card 1)) (defun spacemacs/org-trello-push-card () (interactive) (org-trello-sync-card)) (defun spacemacs/org-clock-jump-to-current-clock () (interactive) (org-clock-jump-to-current-clock)) (defun spacemacs/org-reveal-advice (&rest _args) "Unfold the org headings for a target line. This can be used to advice functions that might open .org files. For example: To unfold from a magit diff buffer, evaluate the following: (advice-add 'magit-diff-visit-file :after #'spacemacs/org-reveal-advice)" (when (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) (org-reveal)))