#+TITLE: GitHub layer #+TAGS: layer|versioning [[file:img/github.png]] * Table of Contents :TOC_5_gh:noexport: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#features][Features:]] - [[#install][Install]] - [[#layer][Layer]] - [[#git-configuration][Git configuration]] - [[#forge][Forge]] - [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]] - [[#forge-1][Forge]] - [[#gistel][gist.el]] - [[#clone-repositories][Clone repositories]] * Description This layers adds support for [[http://github.com][GitHub]]. ** Features: - [[https://github.com/magit/forge][forge]]: integration with various forges, such as GitHub and GitLab. - [[https://github.com/defunkt/gist.el][gist.el]]: full-featured mode to browse and post GitHub gists. - [[https://github.com/sshaw/git-link][git-link]]: quickly generate URLs for commits or files. - [[https://github.com/dgtized/github-clone.el][github-clone]] allows for easy cloning and forking of repositories. * Install ** Layer To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to add =github= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this file. ** Git configuration You will need to generate a [[https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line][personal access token]] on GitHub. This token should have the =gist= and =repo= permissions. Once this token is created, it needs to be added to your =~/.gitconfig= You will also need to [[https://help.github.com/articles/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent/][generate an SSH key]] and [[https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-new-ssh-key-to-your-github-account/][add it to your GitHub account]]. #+BEGIN_SRC sh git config --global github.oauth-token #+END_SRC ** Forge The =forge= package uses =emacsql= which requires a C compiler to be available on MS Windows, see issue https://github.com/skeeto/emacsql/issues/46. For this reason the =forge= package is not installed on MS Windows by default. If you still want to install it (which means you do have a C compiler available in your PATH) then use the =dotspacemacs-additional-packages= variable in your dotfile: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (dotspacemacs-additional-packages '((forge :toggle t))) #+END_SRC * Key bindings ** Forge In a =magit-status= buffer (~SPC g s~): | Key binding | Description | |-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| | ~b Y~ | create branch from pull-request | | ~b y~ | create and check out branch from pull-request | | ~F f~ | fetch issues and pull-requests | | ~F n~ | fetch notifications | | ~F p~ | create pull-request | | ~F i~ | create issue | | ~F F~ | list notifications | | ~F P~ | list pull-requests | | ~F I~ | list issues | | ~p y~ | pull pull-requests and issues for the current repository | | ~p Y~ | pull all notifications for the current repository's forge | In a =forge-topic= buffer: | Key binding | Description | |-------------+-----------------| | ~SPC m c~ | create new post | | ~SPC m e~ | edit post | In a =forge-post= buffer (assuming the major mode leader key is ~,~) | Key binding | Description | |------------------------+-------------| | ~SPC m c~ or ~SPC m ,~ | submit post | | ~SPC m k~ or ~SPC m k~ | cancel post | ** gist.el | Key binding | Description | |-------------+-----------------------------------------------| | ~SPC g g b~ | create a public gist with the buffer content | | ~SPC g g B~ | create a private gist with the buffer content | | ~SPC g g l~ | open the gist list buffer | | ~SPC g g r~ | create a public gist with the region content | | ~SPC g g R~ | create a private gist with the region content | In the gist list buffer: | Key binding | Description | |-------------+------------------------------| | ~/~ | evil search | | ~+~ | add buffer to gist | | ~-~ | remove file for gist | | ~b~ or ~o~ | open current gist in browser | | ~f~ | fetch current gist | | ~g~ | refresh the list | | ~h~ | go left | | ~j~ | go down | | ~k~ | go up | | ~K~ | kill current gist | | ~l~ | go right | | ~n~ | next search occurrence | | ~N~ | next previous occurrence | | ~v~ | =visual state= | | ~V~ | =visual-line state= | | ~y~ | print URL and copy it | ** Clone repositories | Key binding | Description | |---------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | ~SPC g h c /~ | search for a repository to clone it | | ~SPC g h c c~ | clone and optionally fork repository | | ~SPC g h c r~ | add a remote that is an existing fork of selected remote | | ~SPC g h c f~ | fork remote in current user namespace | | ~SPC g h c u~ | add upstream as remote |