;;; funcs.el --- Auto-completion functions File ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 (spacemacs|add-toggle auto-completion :status (if (eq 'company auto-completion-front-end) (bound-and-true-p company-mode) (bound-and-true-p auto-complete-mode)) :on (progn (if (eq 'company auto-completion-front-end) (company-mode) (auto-complete-mode)) (message "Enabled auto-completion (using %S)." auto-completion-front-end)) :off (progn (if (eq 'company auto-completion-front-end) (company-mode -1) (auto-complete-mode -1)) (message "Disabled auto-completion.")) :documentation "Enable auto-completion." :evil-leader "ta") ;; company backends declaration macro (defmacro spacemacs|add-company-backends (&rest props) "Add and enable company backends. This function should be called exclusively in `post-init-company' functions or `init-company-xxx' function where xxx is company backend package. Available PROPS: `:backends BACKENDS' One or several symbols or lists representing a company backend or a list of company backends. `:modes MODES' One or several modes where BACKENDS will be added. `:variables VAR VALUE' One or several VAR VALUE pairs (similar to layer variables). These variables are made buffer local so their values are set only for the given MODES. `:from SYMBOL' Advanced property aimed at avoiding hook function name conflicts when `:variables' property is used in several calls to this macro for the same MODES. `:hook BOOLEAN' Advanced property to control whether hooks functions are hooked or not, if non-nil hook functions are appended to modes hooks passed as `:modes'." (declare (indent 0)) (let* ((backends (spacemacs/mplist-get props :backends)) (modes (spacemacs/mplist-get props :modes)) (variables (spacemacs/mplist-get props :variables)) (from (plist-get props :from)) (hooks (if (memq :hooks props) (plist-get props :hooks) t)) (result '(progn))) (dolist (mode modes) (let ((backends-var-name (intern (format "company-backends-%S" mode))) (init-func-name (intern (format "spacemacs//init-company-%S" mode))) (vars-func-name (intern (format "spacemacs//init-company-vars-%S%s" mode (if from (format "-%S" from) "")))) (mode-hook-name (intern (format "%S-hook" mode)))) ;; declare buffer local company-backends variable (push `(defvar ,backends-var-name spacemacs-default-company-backends ,(format "Company backend list for %S." mode)) result) ;; add backends (dolist (backend backends) (push `(add-to-list ',backends-var-name ',backend) result)) ;; define initialization hook function (push `(defun ,init-func-name () ,(format "Initialize company for %S." mode) (when auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup (setq ,backends-var-name (mapcar 'spacemacs//show-snippets-in-company ,backends-var-name))) (set (make-variable-buffer-local 'auto-completion-front-end) 'company) (set (make-variable-buffer-local 'company-backends) ,backends-var-name)) result) (when hooks (push `(add-hook ',mode-hook-name ',init-func-name t) result)) ;; define variables hook function (when variables (let ((vars-func `(defun ,vars-func-name () ,(format "Define company local variables for %S." mode))) vars) (while variables (let* ((var (pop variables)) (forms (when (consp variables) `(set (make-variable-buffer-local ',var) ,(eval (pop variables)))))) (when forms (push forms vars)))) (push (append vars-func vars) result)) (when hooks (push `(add-hook ',mode-hook-name ',vars-func-name t) result))) (when hooks (push `(add-hook ',mode-hook-name 'company-mode t) result)))) ;; return the expanded macro in correct order (reverse result))) (defmacro spacemacs|disable-company (mode) "Disable company for the given MODE. MODE parameter must match the :modes values used in the call to `spacemacs|add-company-backends'." (let ((mode-hook-name (intern (format "%S-hook" mode))) (func (intern (format "spacemacs//init-company-%S" mode)))) `(progn (remove-hook ',mode-hook-name ',func) (remove-hook ',mode-hook-name 'company-mode)))) (defun spacemacs//show-snippets-in-company (backend) (if (or (not auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup) (and (listp backend) (member 'company-yasnippet backend))) backend (append (if (consp backend) backend (list backend)) '(:with company-yasnippet)))) ;; auto-completion key bindings functions (defun spacemacs//auto-completion-set-RET-key-behavior (package) "Bind RET key appropriately for the given PACKAGE and value of `auto-completion-return-key-behavior'." (cond ((eq 'company package) (let ((map company-active-map)) (cond ((eq 'complete auto-completion-return-key-behavior) (define-key map [return] 'company-complete-selection) (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'company-complete-selection)) (t (define-key map [return] 'nil) (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'nil))))) (t (message "Not yet implemented for package %S" package)))) (defun spacemacs//auto-completion-set-TAB-key-behavior (package) "Bind TAB key appropriately for the given PACKAGE and value of `auto-completion-tab-key-behavior'." (cond ((eq 'company package) (let ((map company-active-map)) (cond ((eq 'complete auto-completion-tab-key-behavior) (define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'company-complete-selection) (define-key map (kbd "") 'company-complete-selection)) ((eq 'cycle auto-completion-tab-key-behavior) (define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'company-complete-common-or-cycle) (define-key map (kbd "") 'company-complete-common-or-cycle) (define-key map (kbd "") 'spacemacs//company-complete-common-or-cycle-backward) (define-key map (kbd "") 'spacemacs//company-complete-common-or-cycle-backward)) (t (define-key map (kbd "TAB") nil) (define-key map (kbd "") nil))))) (t (message "Not yet implemented for package %S" package)))) (defun spacemacs//auto-completion-setup-key-sequence (package) "Setup the key sequence to complete current selection." (when auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence (let ((first-key (elt auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence 0))) (cond ((eq 'company package) (define-key company-active-map (kbd (char-to-string first-key)) 'spacemacs//auto-completion-key-sequence-start)) (t (message "Not yet implemented for package %S" package)))))) ;; key sequence to complete selection (defvar spacemacs--auto-completion-time nil) (defvar spacemacs--auto-completion-complete-last-candidate nil) (defvar spacemacs--auto-completion-shadowed-insert-binding nil) (defvar spacemacs--auto-completion-shadowed-emacs-binding nil) (defvar spacemacs--auto-completion-shadowed-hybrid-binding nil) (defun spacemacs//auto-completion-key-sequence-start () "Initiate auto-completion sequence." (interactive) (self-insert-command 1) (setq spacemacs--auto-completion-complete-last-candidate (cond ((bound-and-true-p company-mode) (nth company-selection company-candidates)))) ;; enable second key of the sequence (let ((second-key (kbd (char-to-string (elt auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence 1))))) (setq spacemacs--auto-completion-shadowed-insert-binding (lookup-key evil-insert-state-map second-key)) (setq spacemacs--auto-completion-shadowed-emacs-binding (lookup-key evil-emacs-state-map second-key)) (setq spacemacs--auto-completion-shadowed-hybrid-binding (lookup-key evil-hybrid-state-map second-key)) (define-key evil-insert-state-map second-key 'spacemacs//auto-completion-key-sequence-end) (define-key evil-emacs-state-map second-key 'spacemacs//auto-completion-key-sequence-end) (define-key evil-hybrid-state-map second-key 'spacemacs//auto-completion-key-sequence-end)) ;; set a timer to restore the old bindings (run-at-time auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence-delay nil 'spacemacs//auto-completion-key-sequence-restore) (when spacemacs--auto-completion-complete-last-candidate (setq spacemacs--auto-completion-time (current-time)))) (defun spacemacs//auto-completion-key-sequence-end () "Check if the auto-completion key sequence has been entered." (interactive) (if (or (null spacemacs--auto-completion-time) (< auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence-delay (float-time (time-since spacemacs--auto-completion-time)))) (self-insert-command 1) (cond ((bound-and-true-p company-mode) (unless company-candidates ;; if the auto-completion menu is still active then we don't need to ;; delete the last inserted first key of the sequence (delete-char -1)) (let ((company-idle-delay)) (company-auto-begin) (company-finish spacemacs--auto-completion-complete-last-candidate))))) (spacemacs//auto-completion-key-sequence-restore) (setq spacemacs--auto-completion-time nil)) (defun spacemacs//auto-completion-key-sequence-restore () "Restore the shadowed key bindings used to auto-complete." (let ((second-key (kbd (char-to-string (elt auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence 1))))) (define-key evil-insert-state-map second-key spacemacs--auto-completion-shadowed-insert-binding) (define-key evil-emacs-state-map second-key spacemacs--auto-completion-shadowed-emacs-binding) (define-key evil-hybrid-state-map second-key spacemacs--auto-completion-shadowed-hybrid-binding))) ;; Editing style (defun spacemacs//company-active-navigation (style) "Set navigation for the given editing STYLE." (cond ((or (eq 'vim style) (and (eq 'hybrid style) hybrid-mode-enable-hjkl-bindings)) (let ((map company-active-map)) (define-key map (kbd "C-j") 'company-select-next) (define-key map (kbd "C-k") 'company-select-previous) (define-key map (kbd "C-l") 'company-complete-selection)) (when (require 'company-quickhelp nil 'noerror) (evil-define-key 'insert company-quickhelp-mode-map (kbd "C-k") 'company-select-previous))) (t (let ((map company-active-map)) (define-key map (kbd "C-n") 'company-select-next) (define-key map (kbd "C-p") 'company-select-previous) (define-key map (kbd "C-f") 'company-complete-selection))))) ;; Transformers (defun spacemacs//company-transformer-cancel (candidates) "Cancel completion if prefix is in the list `company-mode-completion-cancel-keywords'" (unless (member company-prefix company-mode-completion-cancel-keywords) candidates)) (defvar-local company-fci-mode-on-p nil) (defun company-turn-off-fci (&rest ignore) (when (boundp 'fci-mode) (setq company-fci-mode-on-p fci-mode) (when fci-mode (fci-mode -1)))) (defun company-maybe-turn-on-fci (&rest ignore) (when company-fci-mode-on-p (fci-mode 1))) ;; helm-yas (defun spacemacs/helm-yas () "Properly lazy load helm-c-yasnipper." (interactive) (spacemacs/load-yasnippet) (require 'helm-c-yasnippet) (call-interactively 'helm-yas-complete)) ;; Yasnippet (defun spacemacs/load-yasnippet () (unless yas-global-mode (yas-global-mode 1)) (yas-minor-mode 1)) (defun spacemacs/force-yasnippet-off () (yas-minor-mode -1) (setq yas-dont-activate t)) ;; Auto-Yasnippet (defun spacemacs/auto-yasnippet-expand () "Call `yas-expand' and switch to `insert state'" (interactive) (call-interactively 'aya-expand) (evil-insert-state)) ;; Yasnippet and Smartparens ;; If enabled, smartparens will mess snippets expanded by `hippie-expand`. ;; We want to temporarily disable Smartparens during the snippet expansion and ;; switch it back to the initial state when done. ;; ;; However, there is an asymmetry in Yasnippet's hooks: ;; * `yas-before-expand-snippet-hook' is called for all snippet expansions, ;; including the nested ones. ;; * `yas-after-exit-snippet-hook' is called only for the top level snippet, ;; but NOT for the nested ones. ;; ;; That's why we introduce `spacemacs--yasnippet-expanding' below. (defvar spacemacs--smartparens-enabled-initially t "Stored whether smartparens is originally enabled or not.") (defvar spacemacs--yasnippet-expanding nil "Whether the snippet expansion is in progress.") (defun spacemacs//smartparens-disable-before-expand-snippet () "Handler for `yas-before-expand-snippet-hook'. Disable smartparens and remember its initial state." ;; Remember the initial smartparens state only once, when expanding a top-level snippet. (unless spacemacs--yasnippet-expanding (setq spacemacs--yasnippet-expanding t spacemacs--smartparens-enabled-initially smartparens-mode)) (smartparens-mode -1)) (defun spacemacs//smartparens-restore-after-exit-snippet () "Handler for `yas-after-exit-snippet-hook'. Restore the initial state of smartparens." (setq spacemacs--yasnippet-expanding nil) (when spacemacs--smartparens-enabled-initially (smartparens-mode 1)))