#### Circle CI YAML file version: 2.1 parameters: prj_owner: type: string default: "syl20bnr" prj_repo: type: string default: "spacemacs" website_owner: type: string default: "syl20bnr" website_repo: type: string default: "develop.spacemacs.org" bot_login: type: string default: "SpacemacsBot" # Will be filled by setup script: is_branch_update: type: string default: "{{ IS_BRANCH_UDATE }}" executors: spacetools: docker: - image: jare/spacemacs-circleci:latest working_directory: ~/.emacs.d environment: - BASH_ENV: ".circleci/shared" jobs: "Validate PR": executor: spacetools environment: - UPD_BOT_LOGIN: << pipeline.parameters.bot_login >> - PRJ_OWNER: << pipeline.parameters.prj_owner >> - PRJ_REPO: << pipeline.parameters.prj_repo >> steps: - checkout - run: name: Make sure that this PR targets develop branch command: .circleci/PR_base - run: name: Make sure that this PR doesn't need rebase command: .circleci/PR_rebased "Validate Documentation": executor: spacetools environment: - UPD_BOT_LOGIN: << pipeline.parameters.bot_login >> - PRJ_OWNER: << pipeline.parameters.prj_owner >> - PRJ_REPO: << pipeline.parameters.prj_repo >> steps: - checkout - run: name: Select changed files command: .circleci/select_pr_changed - run: name: validate changed documentation files command: .circleci/org/validate "Update built-in files": executor: spacetools environment: - PUBLISH: "built_in_updates" - PRJ_OWNER: << pipeline.parameters.prj_owner >> - PRJ_REPO: << pipeline.parameters.prj_repo >> - UPD_BOT_LOGIN: << pipeline.parameters.bot_login >> - UPD_BOT_REPO: << pipeline.parameters.prj_repo >> - PR_BRANCH: "develop" steps: - checkout - run: name: Initialize bot account command: .circleci/bot_init - run: name: Download latest versions command: .circleci/built_in/upd_built_in - run: name: Create patch file with the updates command: .circleci/make_patch - run: name: Apply the patch file command: .circleci/apply_patch - run: name: Push changes to Spacemacs Bot account command: .circleci/push - run: name: Open PR if built in files must be updated command: .circleci/maybe_pr "Update documentation files": executor: spacetools environment: - PUBLISH: "documentation_updates" - PRJ_OWNER: << pipeline.parameters.prj_owner >> - PRJ_REPO: << pipeline.parameters.prj_repo >> - UPD_BOT_LOGIN: << pipeline.parameters.bot_login >> - UPD_BOT_REPO: << pipeline.parameters.prj_repo >> - PR_BRANCH: "develop" steps: - checkout - run: name: Initialize bot account command: .circleci/bot_init - run: name: Export documentation files command: .circleci/org/sdnize - run: name: Update documentation files command: .circleci/org/update_docs - run: name: Create patch file with the updates command: .circleci/make_patch - run: name: Apply the patch file command: .circleci/apply_patch - run: name: Push changes to Spacemacs Bot account command: .circleci/push - run: name: Open PR if documentation needs fixes command: .circleci/maybe_pr "Update website documentation": executor: spacetools environment: - PUBLISH: "website_documentation_updates" - PRJ_OWNER: << pipeline.parameters.website_owner >> - PRJ_REPO: << pipeline.parameters.website_repo >> - UPD_BOT_LOGIN: << pipeline.parameters.bot_login >> - UPD_BOT_REPO: << pipeline.parameters.website_repo >> - PR_BRANCH: "gh-pages" steps: - checkout - run: name: Initialize bot account command: .circleci/bot_init - restore_cache: keys: - webe-dps-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum ".circleci/web/.spacemacs" }} - run: name: Install dependencies command: .circleci/web/install_deps - save_cache: key: webe-dps-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum ".circleci/web/.spacemacs" }} paths: - ~/.emacs.d/elpa - run: name: Export documentation files command: .circleci/web/htmlize - run: name: Clone website repo command: | git clone -b "${PR_BRANCH}" \ https://github.com/${PRJ_OWNER}/${PRJ_REPO} \ "/tmp/${PUBLISH}_old" - run: name: Replace old web files command: rsync -avh ~/.emacs.d/export/ "/tmp/${PUBLISH}_old" - run: name: Create patch file with the updates command: cd "/tmp/${PUBLISH}_old" && ~/.emacs.d/.circleci/make_patch - run: name: Apply the patch file command: .circleci/apply_patch - run: name: Push changes to Spacemacs Bot account command: .circleci/push - run: name: Open PR if web documentation needs fixes command: .circleci/maybe_pr workflows: version: 2.1 validate-pr-files: when: not: equal: [<< pipeline.parameters.is_branch_update >>, "yes"] jobs: - "Validate PR" - "Validate Documentation" update-documentation: when: and: - equal: [<< pipeline.parameters.is_branch_update >>, "yes"] - equal: [<< pipeline.git.branch >>, "develop"] jobs: - "Update documentation files" - "Update website documentation" update-built-in-on-push: when: and: - equal: [<< pipeline.parameters.is_branch_update >>, "yes"] - equal: [<< pipeline.git.branch >>, "develop"] jobs: - "Update built-in files" update-built-in-on-schedule: when: equal: [<< pipeline.parameters.is_branch_update >>, "yes"] triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 0,6,12,18 * * *" filters: branches: only: - develop jobs: - "Update built-in files"