;;; packages.el --- ipython Layer packages File for Spacemacs ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 (setq ipython-notebook-packages '(ein)) (defun ipython-notebook/init-ein () (use-package ein :init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "ayl" 'ein:login "ayr" 'ein:run "ays" 'ein:stop) (spacemacs/declare-prefix "ay" "ipython notebook") :config (with-eval-after-load 'ein-notebook (add-hook 'ein:notebook-mode-hook (lambda () (add-to-list 'minor-mode-overriding-map-alist `(ein:notebook-mode . ,ein:notebook-mode-map)))) (mapc (lambda (mode) (evil-define-minor-mode-key mode 'ein:notebook-mode (kbd "") 'ein:worksheet-execute-cell-km (kbd "") 'ein:worksheet-execute-cell-and-goto-next-km)) '(insert hybrid normal)) (evil-define-minor-mode-key 'normal 'ein:notebook-mode "gj" 'ein:worksheet-goto-next-input-km "gk" 'ein:worksheet-goto-prev-input-km) (let ((bindings '(("j" ein:worksheet-goto-next-input-km) ("k" ein:worksheet-goto-prev-input-km) ("J" ein:worksheet-move-cell-down-km) ("K" ein:worksheet-move-cell-up-km) ("e" ein:worksheet-toggle-output-km) ("d" ein:worksheet-kill-cell-km) ("y" ein:worksheet-copy-cell-km) ("p" ein:worksheet-yank-cell-km) ("m" ein:worksheet-merge-cell-km) ("s" ein:worksheet-split-cell-at-point-km) ("o" ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below-km) ("O" ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above-km) ("t" ein:worksheet-toggle-cell-type-km) ("RET" ein:worksheet-execute-cell-km) ("l" ein:worksheet-clear-output-km) ("L" ein:worksheet-clear-all-output-km) ("C-s" ein:notebook-save-notebook-command-km) ("C-r" ein:notebook-rename-command-km) ("x" ein:notebook-close-km) ("z" ein:notebook-kernel-interrupt-command-km)))) (apply #'spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-minor-mode 'ein:notebook-mode (cl-mapcan (lambda (bind) (if (fboundp (cl-second bind)) bind (prog1 nil (display-warning 'warn (format "ipython-notebook/init-ein: undefined %s" (cl-second bind)))))) (copy-tree bindings))) (eval (append '(spacemacs|define-transient-state ipython-notebook :title "EIN Transient State" :evil-leader-for-mode (ein:notebook-mode . ".") :bindings ("q" nil :exit t)) bindings `(:doc ,(ipython-notebook/transient-doc bindings)))))))) (defun ipython-notebook/max-by-prefix (alist) (seq-reduce (lambda (lst1 lst2) (if (> (cl-second lst1) (cl-second lst2)) lst1 lst2)) (cdr alist) (car alist))) (defun ipython-notebook/count-by-prefix (alist) (mapcar (lambda (lst) (cons (car lst) (list (length (cdr lst))))) alist)) (defun ipython-notebook/commands-by-prefix-alist (commands) "Return ((P1 P1-CMD1 P1-CMD2) (P2 P2-CMD1 P2-CMD2) ... )" (let* ((commands (if (symbolp (car commands)) (mapcar #'symbol-name commands) commands)) (upto (ipython-notebook/prefix commands)) result) (cl-flet ((get-prefix (command) (intern (mapconcat #'identity (subseq (split-string command (regexp-quote "-")) 0 (1+ upto)) "-")))) (mapc (lambda (command) (let ((lst (alist-get (get-prefix command) result))) (setf (alist-get (get-prefix command) result) (cons (intern command) lst)))) commands) result))) (cl-defun ipython-notebook/prefix (commands &key (separator "-") (suffix-p nil)) "Return index of first different prefix among COMMANDS if each were split on SEPARATOR. For example, return 2 if COMMANDS are '(ein:notebook-foo ein:notebook-foo-bar)." (let* ((commands (if (symbolp (car commands)) (mapcar #'symbol-name commands) commands)) (split-up (mapcar (lambda (command) (funcall (if suffix-p #'reverse #'identity) (split-string command (regexp-quote separator)))) commands))) (cl-loop for result from 0 for bogey = (nth result (car split-up)) if (or (null bogey) (null (cdr split-up)) (cl-some (lambda (lst) (not (string= bogey (nth result lst)))) (cdr split-up))) return (funcall (if suffix-p #'- #'identity) result) end))) (defun ipython-notebook/transient-doc (bindings) (let* ((commands-by (ipython-notebook/commands-by-prefix-alist (mapcar #'cl-second bindings))) (counts-by (ipython-notebook/count-by-prefix commands-by)) (max-by (ipython-notebook/max-by-prefix counts-by)) (main (cl-first max-by)) (n-main (cl-second max-by)) (n-other (apply #'+ (mapcar (lambda (lst) (if (eq (cl-first lst) main) 0 (cl-second lst))) counts-by))) (max-col 3) (spread (min max-col (ceiling (/ n-main (* 1.3 n-other))))) (main-commands (cdr (assq main commands-by))) (other-commands (cl-mapcan #'cdr (remove-if (lambda (lst) (eq (car lst) main)) commands-by))) (other-from (ipython-notebook/prefix other-commands)) (other-to (ipython-notebook/prefix other-commands :suffix-p t)) (main-from (ipython-notebook/prefix main-commands)) (main-to (ipython-notebook/prefix main-commands :suffix-p t))) (cl-flet ((get-key (command) (car (rassoc (list command) bindings))) (massage (command from to) (let ((toks (split-string (symbol-name command) (regexp-quote "-")))) (mapconcat #'identity (subseq toks from (+ (length toks) to)) "-")))) (cl-macrolet ((rescol (result commands from to) `(let* ((key-width 10) (col-width 20) (format-str (format "%%-%ds%%-%ds" key-width col-width))) (if-let ((command (pop ,commands))) (let ((massaged (massage command ,from ,to))) (setq ,result (concat ,result (format format-str (format "[_%s_]^^" (get-key command)) (subseq massaged 0 (min (length massaged) col-width)))))) (setq ,result (concat ,result (format format-str "" ""))))))) (cl-loop with result = "\n" with betw = (make-string 1 ? ) with col = 1 if (= col spread) do (rescol result other-commands other-from other-to) and do (setq result (concat result "\n")) and do (setq col 1) else do (rescol result main-commands main-from main-to) and do (setq result (concat result betw)) and do (cl-incf col) end until (and (null other-commands) (null main-commands)) finally return result)))))