-*- mode: org -*- This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs. * Release 0.106.x ** 0.106.0 (no date) *** Layer changes **** Ansible - Change key binding ~SPC m a ?~ to ~SPC m h a~ **** Auto-completion - New layer variable =auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence-delay= to set the delay in second between the keys of sequence used to select the auto-completion candidate (thanks to MadAnd) **** CSharp - New key bindings - ~SPC m g c~ to go to member in current file - ~SPC m g I~ to find implementations using ido - ~SPC m g U~ to find usages of symbol under cursor using ido - ~SPC m r M~ to rename symbol under cursor interactively (thanks to retran) **** Javascript - New layer variable =javascript-disable-tern-port-files=, when non nil tern port files are not created. Default value is nil. (thanks to mijoharas) **** mu4e - Add =mu4e-maildirs-extension= package (thanks to choppsv1) **** Python - New key bindings to manage virtual environments: - ~SPC m V a~ to activate a virtual environment in any directory - ~SPC m V d~ to deactivate the active virtual environment - ~SPC m V w~ to work on virtual environment in ~WORKON_HOME~ (thanks to cpaulik) **** Shell - New =eshell-z= package (thanks to CestDiego) *** Other fixes and improvements - Typos and documentation improvements (thanks to cpaulik, TheBB)