(defvar ycmd-packages '( ycmd flycheck-ycmd ) "List of all packages to install and/or initialize. Built-in packages which require an initialization must be listed explicitly in the list.") (unless (boundp 'ycmd-server-command) (message "YCMD won't work unless you set the ycmd-server-command variable to the path to a ycmd install.")) (when (member 'company-mode dotspacemacs-configuration-layers) (add-to-list 'ycmd-packages 'company-ycmd)) (defun ycmd/init-ycmd () (use-package ycmd :defer t :init (progn ;; we don't use ycmd-setup, to correctly lazy-load ycmd we ;; define excplicitly the hooks here (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'ycmd-mode) (setq-default ycmd-global-config (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/contrib/ycmd/global_conf.py")) (evil-leader/set-key-for-mode 'c++-mode "mgg" 'ycmd-goto "mgG" 'ycmd-goto-imprecise)))) (defun ycmd/init-company-ycmd () (use-package company-ycmd :defer t :init (add-hook 'ycmd-mode-hook 'company-ycmd-setup))) (defun ycmd/init-flycheck-ycmd () (use-package flycheck-ycmd :defer t :init (add-hook 'ycmd-mode-hook 'flycheck-ycmd-setup)))