#+TITLE: Continuous Integration * Table of Contents :TOC_5_gh:noexport: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#overview][Overview]] - [[#tldr][TLDR]] - [[#current-stack][Current stack:]] - [[#circleci][CircleCI]] - [[#github-actions][GitHub Actions]] - [[#docker][Docker]] - [[#clojure][Clojure]] - [[#workflows-groups-of-ci-jobs][Workflows (groups of CI jobs)]] - [[#pull-request-jobs][Pull request jobs]] - [[#emacs-lisp-tests][Emacs Lisp Tests]] - [[#documentation-validation][Documentation validation]] - [[#pr-validation][PR validation]] - [[#branch-updates-runs-on-merge][Branch updates (runs on merge)]] - [[#emacs-lisp-tests-1][Emacs Lisp Tests]] - [[#project-files-updates][Project files updates]] - [[#general-concepts][General concepts]] - [[#built-in-updates][Built-in updates]] - [[#documentation-updates][Documentation updates]] - [[#web-site-updates][Web site updates]] - [[#scheduled-jobs][Scheduled jobs:]] - [[#general-concepts-1][General concepts]] - [[#built-in-files-updates][Built-in files updates]] - [[#potential-improvements-pr-ideas][Potential improvements (PR ideas)]] - [[#side-notes][Side notes]] - [[#we-used-to-have-travisci-3-ci-providers-at-the-same-time][We used to have TravisCI (3 CI providers at the same time)]] - [[#circleci-setup-config-and-cron-jobs][CircleCI setup config and cron jobs]] * Description This file explains how our continuous integration operates and what problems it solves. =It is works in progress.= * Overview ** TLDR Spacemacs is big - the active maintainers team is small. The more we can automate - the better. We useĀ  [[https://circleci.com/][CircleCI]], [[https://github.com/features/actions][GitHub Actions]] and [[https://www.docker.com/][Docker]] to test PRs, update/fixi documentation and exporting it to [[https://develop.spacemacs.org/]]. Most of the code is just a bunch of bash/ELisp scripts and yml files, but some of the documentation tools are written in Clojure. Check out [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/tree/develop/.circleci][CircleCI]] and [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/tree/develop/.github/workflows][GitHub Actions]] directories, the code is pretty much self-explanatory but will be examined in depth below. ** Current stack: Wait, what? Why Clojure, why 2 CI providers? I knew you would ask this question, dear reader, so here's my rationale: *** CircleCI It has a cool set of features and a generous quota for open source projects. But most importantly, unlike GitHub Actions, there is a straight forward way to cache build dependencies between runs and using it in tandem with GH Actions provides us with even more concurrency. It means that PR authors have to wait less time for feed back. This is crucial since we have a lot of test and platforms to cover. Also, CircleCI can run jobs on user provided Docker images that it caches, so we do not hit the DockerHub pull quota. On the downside, the CircleCI configuration file can be pretty involved, has unexpected limitations that can leave you puzzled for quite a while. *** GitHub Actions Oh man, that's good. It is clear that GH team had the benefit of hindsight when developed their CI platform. And it runs rely fast (at least for now). Maybe one day we'll fully switch to Actions. The biggest concern here is the vendor lock-in since all the good stuff is highly specific. While CircleCI allows you to run a job locally for free. And run whole CI on your own hardware with "strings attached". *** Docker Having a stable pre-build environment for jobs reduces headaches and improves set up time. Duh! Also DockerHub used to be a cool place to store and build huge images for free, but now it has all sorts of quotas + RAM is pretty limited for memory hungry JVM builds (((foreshadowing))). *** Clojure Besides the obvious fact that Rich Hickey's talks are the best. Before we started with automation, Spacemacs already had a huge set of documentation files that couldn't be fixed by a bunch of regular expressions wrapped into bash/ELisp code. The options were to either fix all README.org files by hand and keep fixing them forever, since contributors often forget to format stuff properly and nagging them constantly both wastes PR reviewer time and makes the contributor less likely to stick. Or go all-in and create a system that can extract data out of documentation files and rebuild them from scratch. Clojure designed to push data around and it has specs that can be used to validate files, generate test data and constructors for org-mode elements. The code is compiled to [[https://www.graalvm.org/reference-manual/native-image/][native-image]] so pretty much all of the JVM drawbacks are mitigated, for the particular use case anyway. * Workflows (groups of CI jobs) ** Pull request jobs *** TODO Emacs Lisp Tests *** TODO Documentation validation *** TODO PR validation ** Branch updates (runs on merge) *** TODO Emacs Lisp Tests *** TODO Project files updates **** TODO General concepts **** TODO Built-in updates **** TODO Documentation updates **** TODO Web site updates ** Scheduled jobs: *** TODO General concepts *** TODO Built-in files updates * Potential improvements (PR ideas) - CircleCI config generation stage can test if a PR changes any .org file and schedule documentation testing job only if it does. - PR validation job can be moved to CircleCI config generation stage. If it isn't valid all CircleCI jobs can be skipped. * Side notes ** We used to have TravisCI (3 CI providers at the same time) We ran long running jobs there but ended up dropping the CI since TravisCI doesn't allow collaborators to read/set environment variables anymore, [[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eoq3OnWW4AIy7ih?format=jpg&name=large][the could be in some kind of trouble]] or [[https://blog.travis-ci.com/oss-announcement][maybe not]]. Anyway, when TravisCI stopped running jobs on their old domain (as a part of the migration from [[https://travis-ci.org/]] to [[https://www.travis-ci.com/]]) I decided to use it as an opportunity to have fewer kinds of configs. Still, it's good environment for building heavy (both in build time and RAM) Docker images. ** CircleCI setup config and cron jobs - Currently configs with setup step [[https://discuss.circleci.com/t/setup-workflow-and-scheduled-workflow-in-the-same-configuration/39932/6][don't run cron jobs]]. - We have setup config because environment variables aren't accessible at the top level of config files. But we need =IS_BRANCH_UDATE= environment variable to figure out if CI runs on PR or branch update. So config generation step bakes it into the config that CircleCI will use.