#+TITLE: Clojure layer [[file:img/clojure.png]] [[file:img/cider.png]] * Table of Contents :TOC_4_gh:noexport: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#features][Features]] - [[#install][Install]] - [[#layer][Layer]] - [[#pretty-symbols][Pretty Symbols]] - [[#cider-and-clj-refactor][CIDER and clj-refactor]] - [[#quick-start-with-boot][Quick Start with boot]] - [[#quick-start-with-lein][Quick Start with lein]] - [[#more-details][More details]] - [[#key-bindings][Key Bindings]] - [[#working-with-clojure-files-barfage-slurpage--more][Working with clojure files (barfage, slurpage & more)]] - [[#leader][Leader]] - [[#documentation][Documentation]] - [[#evaluation][Evaluation]] - [[#goto][Goto]] - [[#repl][REPL]] - [[#tests][Tests]] - [[#toggles][Toggles]] - [[#debugging][Debugging]] - [[#refactoring][Refactoring]] - [[#reformatting][Reformatting]] - [[#cider-buffers][CIDER Buffers]] - [[#stacktrace-mode][stacktrace-mode]] - [[#inspector-mode][inspector-mode]] - [[#test-report-mode][test-report-mode]] - [[#development-notes][Development Notes]] - [[#indentation][Indentation]] * Description This layer adds support for [[http://clojure.org][Clojure]] language using [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider][CIDER]]. * Features - REPL via [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider][CIDER]] - Code formatting via [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider][CIDER]] using [[https://github.com/weavejester/cljfmt][Cljfmt]] - Refactoring via [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.el][clj-refactor]] - Aligning of code forms via [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-mode][clojure-mode]] * Install ** Layer To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to add =clojure= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this file. ** Pretty Symbols Pretty symbols for anonymous functions, set literals and partial, like =(λ [a] (+ a 5))=, =ƒ(+ % 5)=, =∈{2 4 6}= and =Ƥ=. To enable this feature, add the following snippet to the =dotspacemacs/user-config= section of your =~/.spacemacs= file: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t) #+END_SRC Or set this variable when loading the configuration layer: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t))) #+END_SRC ** CIDER and clj-refactor Note that recent versions of CIDER automatically inject the required dependencies into your boot or leiningen configuration when you connect to the REPL. Thus, the configuration instructions below only apply to CIDER 0.10 and older. Most users should be able to just run ~SPC m s i~ to connect to the CIDER REPL and skip the rest of this section. *** Quick Start with boot - Install =boot= (see https://github.com/boot-clj/boot#install) - Create a file =~/.boot/profile.boot= with the following content: #+BEGIN_SRC clojure (require 'boot.repl) (swap! boot.repl/*default-dependencies* conj '[refactor-nrepl "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT"] '[cider/cider-nrepl "0.10.0-SNAPSHOT"]) (swap! boot.repl/*default-middleware* conj 'refactor-nrepl.middleware/wrap-refactor) #+END_SRC - Run ~SPC m s i~ in any of the clojure source files to connect to the CIDER REPL. *** Quick Start with lein - Install =lein= version 2.5.2 or newer (see http://leiningen.org/#install) - Create a file =~/.lein/profiles.clj= with the following content: #+BEGIN_SRC clojure {:repl {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.10.0-SNAPSHOT"] [refactor-nrepl "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]] :dependencies [[alembic "0.3.2"] [org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.12"]]}} #+END_SRC - After creating your project with ~lein new app ~ or importing an existing project, run ~SPC m s i~ in any of the clojure source files to connect to the CIDER REPL. *** More details More info regarding installation of nREPL middleware can be found here: - CIDER: [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider#installation][cider_install]] - clj-refactor: [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/refactor-nrepl][refactor-nrepl]] * Key Bindings ** Working with clojure files (barfage, slurpage & more) Spacemacs comes with a special ~lisp-state~ for working with lisp code that supports slurpage, barfage and more tools you'll likely want when working with lisp. As this state works the same for all files, the documentation is in global [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/blob/master/doc/DOCUMENTATION.org#lisp-key-bindings][DOCUMENTATION.org]]. In general, use ~SPC k~ to interact with the lisp-state. ** Leader *** Documentation | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+----------------| | ~SPC m h a~ | cider apropos | | ~SPC m h g~ | cider grimoire | | ~SPC m h h~ | cider doc | | ~SPC m h j~ | cider javadoc | *** Evaluation | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+----------------------------------------| | ~SPC m e b~ | eval buffer | | ~SPC m e e~ | eval last sexp | | ~SPC m e f~ | eval function at point | | ~SPC m e r~ | eval region | | ~SPC m e w~ | eval last sexp and replace with result | *** Goto | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+-----------------------| | ~SPC m g b~ | go back | | ~SPC m g C~ | browse classpath | | ~SPC m g g~ | goto var | | ~SPC m g e~ | goto error | | ~SPC m g r~ | goto resource | | ~SPC m g n~ | browse namespaces | | ~SPC m g N~ | browse all namespaces | *** REPL | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------| | ~SPC m s b~ | send and eval buffer in REPL | | ~SPC m s B~ | send and eval buffer and switch to REPL in =insert state= | | ~SPC m s c~ | connect to REPL (cider-connect) | | ~SPC m s e~ | send and eval last sexp in REPL | | ~SPC m s E~ | send and eval last sexp and switch to REPL in =insert state= | | ~SPC m s f~ | send and eval function in REPL | | ~SPC m s F~ | send and eval function and switch to REPL in =insert state= | | ~SPC m s i~ | start REPL (cider-jack-in) | | ~SPC m s I~ | start clojurescript REPL (cider-jack-in-clojurescript) | | ~SPC m s k~ | clear REPL (cider-find-and-clear-repl-output) | | ~SPC m s n~ | send and eval ns form in REPL | | ~SPC m s N~ | send and eval ns form and switch to REPL in =insert state= | | ~SPC m s q~ | kill REPL (cider-quit) | | ~SPC m s o~ | switch to other repl instance (cider-repl-switch-to-other) | | ~SPC m s r~ | send and eval region in REPL | | ~SPC m s R~ | send and eval region and switch to REPL in =insert state= | | ~SPC m s s~ | switch to REPL | *** Tests | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+------------------------------------| | ~SPC m t a~ | run all tests in namespace | | ~SPC m t r~ | re-run test failures for namespace | | ~SPC m t t~ | run test at point | *** Toggles | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+-----------------------------| | ~SPC m T e~ | toggle englighten mode | | ~SPC m T f~ | toggle REPL font-locking | | ~SPC m T p~ | toggle REPL pretty-printing | | ~SPC m T i~ | toggle indentation style | | ~SPC m T t~ | toggle auto test mode | *** Debugging | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+--------------------------------| | ~SPC m d r~ | reload namepspaces | | ~SPC m d b~ | instrument expression at point | | ~SPC m d e~ | display last stacktrace | | ~SPC m d i~ | inspect expression at point | *** Refactoring | Key Binding | Description | |---------------+-----------------------------| | ~SPC m r ?~ | describe refactoring | | ~SPC m r a d~ | add declaration | | ~SPC m r a i~ | add import to ns | | ~SPC m r a m~ | add missing libspec | | ~SPC m r a p~ | add project dependency | | ~SPC m r a r~ | add require to ns | | ~SPC m r a u~ | add use to ns | | ~SPC m r c c~ | cycle coll | | ~SPC m r c i~ | cycle if | | ~SPC m r c n~ | clean ns | | ~SPC m r c p~ | cycle privacy | | ~SPC m r d k~ | destructure keys | | ~SPC m r e c~ | extract constant | | ~SPC m r e d~ | extract definition | | ~SPC m r e f~ | extract function | | ~SPC m r e l~ | expand let | | ~SPC m r f u~ | find usages | | ~SPC m r f e~ | create fn from example | | ~SPC m r h d~ | hotload dependency | | ~SPC m r i l~ | introduce let | | ~SPC m r i s~ | inline symbol | | ~SPC m r m f~ | move form | | ~SPC m r m l~ | move to let | | ~SPC m r p c~ | project clean | | ~SPC m r p f~ | promote function | | ~SPC m r r d~ | remove debug fns | | ~SPC m r r f~ | rename file | | ~SPC m r r l~ | remove let | | ~SPC m r r r~ | remove unused requires | | ~SPC m r r s~ | rename symbol | | ~SPC m r r u~ | replace use | | ~SPC m r s n~ | sort ns | | ~SPC m r s p~ | sort project dependencies | | ~SPC m r s r~ | stop referring | | ~SPC m r s c~ | show changelog | | ~SPC m r t f~ | thread first all | | ~SPC m r t h~ | thread | | ~SPC m r t l~ | thread last all | | ~SPC m r u a~ | unwind all | | ~SPC m r u p~ | update project dependencies | | ~SPC m r u w~ | unwind | *** Reformatting | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+-------------------------| | ~SPC m f l~ | realign current form | | ~SPC m f b~ | reformat current buffer | ** CIDER Buffers In general, ~q~ should always quit the popped up buffer. *** stacktrace-mode | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+---------------------| | ~C-j~ | next cause | | ~C-k~ | previous cause | | ~TAB~ | cycle current cause | | ~0~ | cycle all causes | | ~1~ | cycle cause 1 | | ~2~ | cycle cause 2 | | ~3~ | cycle cause 3 | | ~4~ | cycle cause 4 | | ~5~ | cycle cause 5 | | ~a~ | toggle all | | ~c~ | toggle clj | | ~d~ | toggle duplicates | | ~J~ | toggle java | | ~r~ | toggle repl | | ~T~ | toggle tooling | *** inspector-mode | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+---------------------------------| | ~TAB~ | next inspectable object | | ~Shift-TAB~ | previous inspectable object | | ~RET~ | inspect object | | ~L~ | pop to the parent object | | ~n~ | next page in paginated view | | ~N~ | previous page in paginated view | | ~r~ | refresh | | ~s~ | set a new page size | *** test-report-mode | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+-------------------| | ~C-j~ | next result | | ~C-k~ | previous result | | ~RET~ | jump to test | | ~d~ | ediff test result | | ~e~ | show stacktrace | | ~r~ | rerun tests | | ~t~ | run test | | ~T~ | run tests | * Development Notes ** Indentation With a [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/blob/master/doc/Indent-Spec.md#indent-specification][new]] functionality of Cider to read the custom indentation rules from the var's metadata, it is better for consistency reasons to not add the custom indentation rules to Spacemacs, but to add them to the metadata of those specific vars.