#+TITLE: evil-snipe contribution layer for Spacemacs #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: [[file:img/Cat_With_Rifle.jpg]] * Table of Contents :TOC_4_org:noexport: - [[Description][Description]] - [[Install][Install]] - [[Layer][Layer]] - [[Improved f and t search behavior][Improved f and t search behavior]] - [[Two-character search with s][Two-character search with s]] - [[More scopes][More scopes]] - [[Symbol groups][Symbol groups]] - [[Key bindings][Key bindings]] * Description The package [[https://github.com/hlissner/evil-snipe][evil-snipe]] - enables more efficient searches with ~f~ / ~F~ / ~t~ / ~T~. - adds a new, more precise search with ~s/S~ Evil-snipe allows you to search more quickly and precisely in the buffer. It does so by improving on the built in ~f~ / ~F~ / ~t~ / ~T~ searches and adding another search command, namely ~s~ / ~S~. =evil-snipe= changes ~s/S~ behavior in order to search forward/backwards in the buffer with two chars. * Install ** Layer To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs= #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(evil-snipe)) #+END_SRC ** Improved f and t search behavior With evil-snipe you can define your own search scope for ~f~ and ~t~ searches which means that you won't have to jump to the correct line before searching with ~f~ / ~t~ / ~F~ / ~T~. And after you have found a match, you can just press ~f~ or ~t~ again afterwards to continue the search. No need to use ~;~ / ~,~. This alternate behavior is disabled by default, to enable it set the layer variable =evil-snipe-enable-alternate-f-and-t-behaviors= to =t=: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(evil-snipe :variables evil-snipe-enable-alternate-f-and-t-behaviors t )) #+END_SRC ** Two-character search with s With the ~s~/~S~ keys you can do a simple search like ~f~/~t~, but instead of searching for one character, you search for two. This makes the search a lot more precise than regular ~f~/~t~ searches. While you can search forward or backwards in the buffer with ~/~ and ~?~, ~s~ / ~S~ are much easier to reach, don't require you to press enter and they are precise enough for many common purposes. ** More scopes Evil-snipe also adds several scope options for searches (set =evil-snipe-scope= and =evil-snipe-repeat-scope= to one of these, the default value is =buffer=): | Value | Description | |---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | buffer | search in the rest of the buffer after the cursor (=vim-sneak= behavior) | | line | search in the current line after the cursor (=vim-seek= behavior) | | visible | search in the rest of the visible buffer only | | whole-line | same as =line=, but highlight matches on either side of cursor | | whole-buffer | same as =buffer=, but highlight *all* matches in buffer | | whole-visible | same as 'visible, but highlight *all* visible matches in buffer | If you do not want to replace the regular ~f~ / ~F~ / ~t~ / ~T~ behavior, just remove this line from =evil-snipe/packages.el=: =(evil-snipe-replace-evil)= ** Symbol groups With symbol groups you can let a character stand for a regex, for example a group of characters. By adding a pair of ='(CHAR REGEX)= to the list ='evil-snipe-symbol-groups= you can search for a regex very simply: - Here we set the ~[~ character to mean =all characters "[({"= so a search with ~sa[~ would find ~a[~, ~a{~ or ~a(~. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp ;; Alias [ and ] to all types of brackets (add-to-list 'evil-snipe-symbol-groups '(?\\[ \"[[{(]\")) #+END_SRC - Here we set the char ~:~ to mean =a regex matching python function definitions= so by searching with ~f:fff~ you can quickly cycle through all function definitions in a buffer! #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp ;; For python style functions (add-to-list 'evil-snipe-symbol-groups '(?\\: \"def .+:\"\)) #+END_SRC * TODO Key bindings