;;; core-debug.el --- Spacemacs Core File -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner ;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 (require 'profiler) ;; Keep debug-on-error on for stuff that is lazily loaded (add-hook 'after-init-hook (lambda () (setq debug-on-error t))) (defvar spacemacs-debug-timer-threshold 0.15 "Generate message if file takes longer than this number of seconds to load") (defvar spacemacs-debug-with-profile nil) (defvar spacemacs-debug-with-timed-requires nil) (defvar spacemacs-debug-with-adv-timers nil) ;; process args (defun spacemacs-debug-process-args (args) "Process ARGS relevant to core-debug.el" (let ((i 0) new-args) (while (< i (length args)) (let ((arg (nth i args)) (next-arg-digit (when (< (1+ i) (length args)) (string-to-number (nth (1+ i ) args))))) (when (or (null next-arg-digit) (= 0 next-arg-digit)) (setq next-arg-digit nil)) (pcase arg ("--profile" (setq spacemacs-debug-with-profile t)) ("--timed-requires" (setq spacemacs-debug-with-timed-requires t) (when next-arg-digit (setq spacemacs-debug-timer-threshold next-arg-digit i (1+ i)))) ("--adv-timers" (setq spacemacs-debug-with-adv-timers t) (when next-arg-digit (setq spacemacs-debug-timer-threshold next-arg-digit i (1+ 1)))) (_ (push arg new-args)))) (setq i (1+ i))) (nreverse new-args))) (setq command-line-args (spacemacs-debug-process-args command-line-args)) (defun spacemacs//load-timer (origfunc &rest args) "Used to time invocation of `require' or `load'." (let ((start (current-time)) (required (car args)) delta) (prog1 (apply origfunc args) (setq delta (float-time (time-since start))) (when (> delta spacemacs-debug-timer-threshold) (with-current-buffer "*load-times*" (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "[%.3f] (%.3f) Load or require\n Feature: %s\n In file: %s\n\n" (float-time (time-since emacs-start-time)) delta required load-file-name))))))) (defmacro spacemacs||make-function-timer (func) "Used to time call to FUNC." `(lambda (origfunc &rest args) (let ((start (current-time)) delta) (prog1 (apply origfunc args) (setq delta (float-time (time-since start))) (when (> delta spacemacs-debug-timer-threshold) (with-current-buffer "*load-times*" (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "[%.3f] (%.3f) Function call\n Function: %s\n Args: %s\n\n" (float-time (time-since emacs-start-time)) delta ',func args)))))))) (defmacro spacemacs||make-function-profiler (func) `(lambda (origfunc &rest args) (if (profiler-running-p) (profiler-report) (profiler-start 'cpu)) (prog1 (apply origfunc args) (with-current-buffer "*load-times*" (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "[%.3f] Done profiling function: %s\n\n" (float-time (time-since emacs-start-time)) ',func))) (profiler-report)))) (when spacemacs-debug-with-profile (profiler-start 'cpu+mem) (add-hook 'after-init-hook (lambda () (run-with-idle-timer 2 nil (lambda () (profiler-report) (profiler-stop)))))) (when spacemacs-debug-with-timed-requires (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*load-times*") (insert (format "Threshold set at %.3f seconds\n\n" spacemacs-debug-timer-threshold))) (defadvice package-initialize (around spacemacs//timed-initialize activate) (let ((start (current-time)) res delta) (setq res ad-do-it delta (float-time (time-since start))) (when (> delta spacemacs-debug-timer-threshold) (with-current-buffer "*load-times*" (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "package-initialize took %.3f sec\n" delta)))) res)) (defadvice require (around spacemacs//timed-require activate) (let ((start (current-time)) res delta) (setq res ad-do-it delta (float-time (time-since start))) (when (> delta spacemacs-debug-timer-threshold) (with-current-buffer "*load-times*" (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "File %s: Required %s: %.3f sec\n" load-file-name (ad-get-arg 0) delta)))) res)) (defadvice load (around spacemacs//timed-load activate) (let ((start (current-time)) res delta) (setq res ad-do-it delta (float-time (time-since start))) (when (> delta spacemacs-debug-timer-threshold) (with-current-buffer "*load-times*" (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "File %s: Loaded %s: %.3f sec\n" load-file-name (ad-get-arg 0) delta)))) res))) (when spacemacs-debug-with-adv-timers (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*load-times*") (insert (format "Measured times greater than %.3f sec:\n\n" spacemacs-debug-timer-threshold))) (add-hook 'after-init-hook (lambda () (with-current-buffer "*load-times*" (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "[%.3f] Spacemacs finished initializing\n\n" (float-time (time-since emacs-start-time)) ))))) (advice-add 'load :around #'spacemacs//load-timer) (advice-add 'require :around #'spacemacs//load-timer) (advice-add 'package-initialize :around (spacemacs||make-function-timer package-intialize)) (advice-add 'configuration-layer/sync :around (spacemacs||make-function-timer configuration-layer/sync)) ;; (advice-add 'configuration-layer/sync ;; :around ;; (spacemacs||make-function-profiler configuration-layer/sync)) (advice-add 'configuration-layer//configure-package :around (spacemacs||make-function-timer configuration-layer//configure-package))) (provide 'core-debug)