(defvar fasd-packages '( fasd ) "List of all packages to install and/or initialize. Built-in packages which require an initialization must be listed explicitly in the list.") (defvar fasd-excluded-packages '() "List of packages to exclude.") (defun fasd-find-file-only () (interactive) (fasd-find-file -1)) (defun fasd-find-directory-only () (interactive) (fasd-find-file 1)) (defun fasd/init-fasd () "initializes fasd-emacs and adds a key binding to " (use-package fasd :init (progn (global-fasd-mode 1) (spacemacs/declare-prefix "fa" "fasd-find") (evil-leader/set-key "fad" 'fasd-find-directory-only) (evil-leader/set-key "faf" 'fasd-find-file-only) (evil-leader/set-key "fas" 'fasd-find-file) ;; we will fall back to using the default completing-read function, which is helm once helm is loaded. (setq fasd-completing-read-function 'nil) ) ) )