;;; core-evilified-state.el --- A minimalistic evil state ;; Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 syl20bnr ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; Keywords: convenience editing evil spacemacs ;; Created: 22 Mar 2015 ;; Version: 1.0 ;; Package-Requires: ((evil "1.0.9") (evil-leader "0.4.3")) ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Define a `evilified' evil state inheriting from `emacs' state and ;; setting a minimalist list of Vim key bindings (like navigation, search, ...) ;;; Code: (require 'evil) (defvar spacemacs-core-evilified-state--modes nil "List of all evilified modes.") (defvar spacemacs-core-evilified-state--visual-state-map evil-visual-state-map "Evil visual state map backup.") (defvar spacemacs-core-evilified-state--evil-surround nil "Evil surround mode variable backup.") (make-variable-buffer-local 'spacemacs-core-evilified-state--evil-surround) (evil-define-state evilified "Evilified state. Hybrid `emacs state' with carrefully selected Vim key bindings. See spacemacs conventions for more info." :tag " " :enable (emacs) :message "-- EVILIFIED BUFFER --" :cursor box) (add-hook 'evil-evilified-state-entry-hook 'spacemacs//evilified-state-on-entry) (defun spacemacs//evilified-state-on-entry () "Setup evilified state." (when (bound-and-true-p evil-surround-mode) (make-local-variable 'evil-surround-mode) (evil-surround-mode -1)) (setq-local evil-normal-state-map (cons 'keymap nil)) (setq-local evil-visual-state-map (cons 'keymap (list (cons ?y 'evil-yank))))) ;; default key bindings for all evilified buffers (define-key evil-evilified-state-map (kbd dotspacemacs-leader-key) evil-leader--default-map) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "/" 'evil-search-forward) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map ":" 'evil-ex) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "h" 'evil-backward-char) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "j" 'evil-next-visual-line) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "k" 'evil-previous-visual-line) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "l" 'evil-forward-char) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "n" 'evil-search-next) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "N" 'evil-search-previous) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "v" 'evil-visual-char) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "V" 'evil-visual-line) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "gg" 'evil-goto-first-line) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map "G" 'evil-goto-line) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map (kbd "C-f") 'evil-scroll-page-down) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map (kbd "C-b") 'evil-scroll-page-up) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map (kbd "C-d") 'evil-scroll-down) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map (kbd "C-u") 'evil-scroll-up) (define-key evil-evilified-state-map (kbd "C-z") 'evil-emacs-state) ;; old macro (defmacro evilify (mode map &rest body) "Set `evilified state' as default for MODE. BODY is a list of additional key bindings to apply for the given MAP in `evilified state'." (let ((defkey (when body `(evil-define-key 'evilified ,map ,@body)))) `(progn (unless ,(null mode) (unless (memq ',mode spacemacs-core-evilified-state--modes) (push ',mode spacemacs-core-evilified-state--modes)) (unless (or (bound-and-true-p holy-mode) (memq ',mode evil-evilified-state-modes)) (delq ',mode evil-emacs-state-modes) (push ',mode evil-evilified-state-modes))) (unless ,(null defkey) (,@defkey))))) ;; new macro (defmacro spacemacs|evilify-map (map &rest props) "Evilify MAP. Avaiblabe PROPS: `:mode SYMBOL' A mode SYMBOL associated with MAP. Used to add SYMBOL to the list of modes defaulting to `evilified-state'. `:evilified-map SYMBOL' A map SYMBOL of an alternate evilified map, if nil then `evil-evilified-state-map' is used. `:eval-after-load SYMBOL' If specified the evilification of MAP is deferred to the loading of the feature bound to SYMBOL. May be required for some lazy-loaded maps. `:bindings EXPRESSIONS' One or several EXPRESSIONS with the form `KEY FUNCTION': KEY1 FUNCTION1 KEY2 FUNCTION2 ... Each pair KEYn FUNCTIONn is defined in MAP after the evilification of it." (declare (indent 1)) (let* ((mode (plist-get props :mode)) (evilified-map (plist-get props :evilified-map)) (eval-after-load (plist-get props :eval-after-load)) (bindings (spacemacs/mplist-get props :bindings)) (defkey (when bindings `(evil-define-key 'evilified ,map ,@bindings))) (body `(progn (let ((sorted-map (spacemacs//evilify-sort-keymap (or ,evilified-map evil-evilified-state-map))) processed) (mapc (lambda (map-entry) (unless (or (member (car map-entry) processed) ;; don't care about evil-escape starter key (and (boundp 'evil-escape-key-sequence) (equal (car map-entry) (elt evil-escape-key-sequence 0)))) (setq processed (spacemacs//evilify-event ,map ',map (car map-entry) (cdr map-entry))))) sorted-map)) (unless ,(null defkey) (,@defkey)) (unless ,(null mode) (spacemacs/evilify-configure-default-state ',mode))))) (if (null eval-after-load) `(,@body) `(eval-after-load ',eval-after-load '(,@body))))) (defun spacemacs/evilify-configure-default-state (mode) "Configure default state for the passed mode." (add-to-list 'spacemacs-core-evilified-state--modes mode) (unless (bound-and-true-p holy-mode) (delq mode evil-emacs-state-modes) (add-to-list 'evil-evilified-state-modes mode))) (defun spacemacs//evilify-event (map map-symbol event evil-value &optional processed pending-funcs) "Evilify EVENT in MAP and return a list of PROCESSED events." (if (and event (or evil-value pending-funcs)) (let* ((kbd-event (kbd (single-key-description event))) (map-value (lookup-key map kbd-event))) (unless (and (symbolp map-value) (string-match-p "--evilified" (symbol-name map-value))) (unless evil-value (setq evil-value (lookup-key evil-evilified-state-map kbd-event))) (when (or map-value pending-funcs) (let* ((pending-func (unless evil-value (pop pending-funcs))) (evil-event (unless evil-value (cdr pending-func))) (evil-value (or evil-value (car pending-func))) (wrapper (spacemacs//evilify-wrapper map map-symbol map-value event evil-value evil-event))) (define-key map kbd-event wrapper))) (when map-value (add-to-list 'pending-funcs (cons map-value event) 'append)) (push event processed) (setq processed (spacemacs//evilify-event map map-symbol (spacemacs//evilify-find-new-event event) nil processed pending-funcs)))) (when pending-funcs (spacemacs-buffer/warning (concat (format (concat "Auto-evilication could not remap these " "functions in map `%s':\n") map-symbol) (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format " - `%s' originally mapped on `%s''" (car x) (single-key-description (cdr x)))) pending-funcs "\n"))))) processed) (defun spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-name (map-symbol map-value event evil-value evil-event) "Return a name for the wrapper function." (intern (if map-value (format "%s-or-%s--evilified-%s-%s" (spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-value-symbol map-value event) (spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-value-symbol evil-value evil-event) map-symbol (single-key-description event)) (format "%s--evilified-%s-%s" (spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-value-symbol evil-value evil-event) map-symbol (single-key-description event))))) (defun spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-documentation (map-value event evil-value evil-event) "Return a docstring for the wrapper function." (let ((map-string (spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-value-string map-value event)) (evil-string (spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-value-string evil-value evil-event))) (if map-value (format (concat "Wrap %s and %s.\n" "In evilified state %s is executed. Whereas " "in other states (i.e. emacs state) the stock " "%s is executed.") map-string evil-string evil-string map-string) (format (concat "Wrap %s.\n" "This function is a dummy wrapper which only " "executes the %s.") evil-string evil-string)))) (defun spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-value-symbol (value event) "Return a symbol string given VALUE type and EVENT." (if (keymapp value) (format "keymap-%s" (single-key-description event)) value)) (defun spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-value-string (value event) "Return a string given VALUE type and EVENT." (if (keymapp value) (format "keymap on key `%s'" (single-key-description event)) (format "function `%s'" value))) (defun spacemacs//evilify-call (value event) "Call VALUE depending on its type (symbol or keymap)." `(if ,(keymapp value) (progn (message "%s-" ,(single-key-description event)) (,(if (version< emacs-version "24.4") 'set-temporary-overlay-map 'set-transient-map) ',value)) (unless ,(null value) (call-interactively ',value)))) (defun spacemacs//evilify-wrapper (map map-symbol map-value event evil-value evil-event) "Define a wrapper for the passed event." (eval `(defun ,(spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-name map-symbol map-value event evil-value evil-event) () ,(spacemacs//evilify-wrapper-documentation map-value event evil-value evil-event) (interactive) (if (eq 'evilified evil-state) ;; evilified state ,(if evil-value (spacemacs//evilify-call evil-value event) (spacemacs//evilify-call map-value event)) ;; other states (i.e. emacs) ,(spacemacs//evilify-call map-value event))))) (defun spacemacs//evilify-find-new-event (event) "Return a new event for the evilified EVENT." (when event (cond ;; space ((equal event 32) nil) ((equal event ?/) nil) ((equal event ?:) nil) ;; C-g (cannot remap C-g) ((equal event ?\a) nil) ((and (<= ?a event) (<= event ?z)) (- event 32)) ;; don't shadow C-g, G is mapped directly to C-S-g ((equal event ?G) (+ (expt 2 25) ?\a)) ((and (<= ?A event) (<= event ?Z)) (- event 64)) ((and (<= 1 event) (<= event 26)) (+ (expt 2 25) event))))) (defun spacemacs//evilify-sort-keymap (map) "Sort MAP following the order: `s' > `S' > `C-s' > `C-S-s'" (let (list) (map-keymap (lambda (a b) (push (cons a b) list)) map) (sort list (lambda (a b) (setq a (car a) b (car b)) (if (integerp a) (if (integerp b) (if (and (< a 256) (< b 256)) (> a b) (< a b)) t) (if (integerp b) nil (string< a b))))))) (provide 'core-evilified-state) ;;; core-evilified-state.el ends here