;;; core-configuration-layer.el --- Spacemacs Core File ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner ;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 (require 'ht) (require 'package) (require 'core-dotspacemacs) (require 'core-funcs) (require 'core-spacemacs-buffer) (unless package--initialized (setq package-archives '(("ELPA" . "http://tromey.com/elpa/") ("gnu" . "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/") ("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/"))) ;; optimization, no need to activate all the packages so early (package-initialize 'noactivate) ;; Emacs 24.3 and above ships with python.el but in some Emacs 24.3.1 packages ;; for Ubuntu, python.el seems to be missing. ;; This hack adds marmalade repository for this case only. (unless (or (package-installed-p 'python) (version< emacs-version "24.3")) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("marmalade" . "http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/"))) (setq warning-minimum-level :error)) (defconst configuration-layer-template-directory (expand-file-name (concat spacemacs-core-directory "templates/")) "Configuration layer templates directory.") (defconst configuration-layer-contrib-directory (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "contrib/")) "Spacemacs contribution layers base directory.") (defconst configuration-layer-private-directory (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "private/")) "Spacemacs private layers base directory.") (defconst configuration-layer-rollback-directory (expand-file-name (concat spacemacs-cache-directory ".rollback/")) "Spacemacs rollback directory.") (defconst configuration-layer-rollback-info "rollback-info" "Spacemacs rollback information file.") (defvar configuration-layer-layers '() "Alist of declared configuration layers.") (defvar configuration-layer-paths (make-hash-table :size 128) "Hash table of layers locations. The key is a layer symbol and the value is the path for this layer.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-packages (make-hash-table :size 256) "Hash table of all declared packages in all layers where the key is a package symbol and the value is a list of layer symbols responsible for initializing and configuring the package.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted '() "Sorted list of all package symbols.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions (make-hash-table :size 128) "Hash table of all declared pre-extensions in all layers where the key is a extension symbol and the value is the layer symbols responsible for initializing and configuring the package.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions-sorted '() "Sorted list of all pre extensions symbols.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-post-extensions (make-hash-table :size 128) "Hash table of all declared post-extensions in all layers where the key is a extension symbol and the value is the layer symbols responsible for initializing and configuring the package.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-post-extensions-sorted '() "Sorted list of all post extensions symbols.") (defvar configuration-layer-contrib-categories '("usr" "lang") "List of strings corresponding to category names. A category is a sub-directory of the contribution directory.") (defvar configuration-layer-excluded-packages '() "List of all excluded packages declared at the layer level.") (defvar configuration-layer--loaded-files '() "List of loaded files.") (defun configuration-layer/create-layer (name) "Ask the user for a configuration layer name and create a layer with this name in the private layers directory." (interactive "sConfiguration layer name: ") (let ((layer-dir (configuration-layer//get-private-layer-dir name))) (cond ((string-equal "" name) (message "Cannot create a configuration layer without a name.")) ((file-exists-p layer-dir) (message "Cannot create configuration layer \"%s\", this layer already exists." name)) (t (make-directory layer-dir) (configuration-layer//copy-template "extensions") (configuration-layer//copy-template "packages") (message "Configuration layer \"%s\" successfully created." name)) ))) (defun configuration-layer//get-private-layer-dir (name) "Return an absolute path the the private configuration layer with name NAME." (concat configuration-layer-private-directory name "/")) (defun configuration-layer//copy-template (template) "Copy and replace special values of TEMPLATE to LAYER_DIR." (let ((src (concat configuration-layer-template-directory (format "%s.template" template))) (dest (concat (configuration-layer//get-private-layer-dir name) (format "%s.el" template)))) (copy-file src dest) (find-file dest) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "NAME" nil t) (replace-match name t))) (save-buffer))) (defun configuration-layer//get-contrib-category-dirs () "Return a list of all absolute paths to the contribution categories stored in `configuration-layer-contrib-categories'" (mapcar (lambda (d) (expand-file-name (concat configuration-layer-contrib-directory (format "%s/" d)))) configuration-layer-contrib-categories)) (defun configuration-layer//discover-layers () "Return a hash table where the key is the layer symbol and the value is its path." (let ((cat-dirs (configuration-layer//get-contrib-category-dirs)) (result (make-hash-table :size 128))) ;; add spacemacs layer (puthash 'spacemacs (expand-file-name user-emacs-directory) result) (mapc (lambda (dir) (let ((layers (configuration-layer//discover-layers-in-dir dir))) (mapc (lambda (layer) (puthash (car layer) (cdr layer) result)) layers))) (append (list configuration-layer-contrib-directory) cat-dirs dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path ;; load private layers at the end on purpose ;; we asume that the user layers must have the final word ;; on configuration choices. (list configuration-layer-private-directory))) result)) (defun configuration-layer//discover-layers-in-dir (dir) "Return an alist where the key is a layer symbol and the value is the path for that layer." (spacemacs/message "Looking for configuration layers in %s" dir) (ignore-errors (let ((files (directory-files dir nil nil 'nosort)) (filter-out (append configuration-layer-contrib-categories '("." ".."))) result '()) (dolist (f files) (when (and (file-directory-p (concat dir f)) (not (member f filter-out))) (spacemacs/message "-> Discovered configuration layer: %s" f) (push (cons (intern f) dir) result))) result))) (defun configuration-layer/declare-all-layers () "Declare default layers and user layers from the dotfile by filling the `configuration-layer-layers' variable." (setq configuration-layer-paths (configuration-layer//discover-layers)) (push (configuration-layer//declare-layer 'spacemacs) configuration-layer-layers) (mapc (lambda (layer) (push layer configuration-layer-layers)) (configuration-layer//declare-layers dotspacemacs-configuration-layers))) (defun configuration-layer//declare-layers (layers) "Declare the passed configuration LAYERS. LAYERS is a list of layer symbols." (reduce (lambda (acc elt) (push elt acc)) (mapcar 'configuration-layer//declare-layer layers) :initial-value nil)) (defun configuration-layer//declare-layer (layer) "Declare a layer with NAME symbol. Return a cons cell (symbol . plist) where `symbol' is the name of the layer and `plist' is a property list with the following keys: - `:dir' the absolute path to the base directory of the layer. - `:ext-dir' the absolute path to the directory containing the extensions. - `:variables' list of layer configuration variables to set - `:excluded' list of packages to exlcude." (let* ((name-sym (if (listp layer) (car layer) layer)) (name-str (symbol-name name-sym)) (base-dir (configuration-layer/get-layer-path name-sym))) (if base-dir (let* ((dir (format "%s%s/" base-dir name-str)) (ext-dir (format "%sextensions/" dir)) (plist (append (list :dir dir :ext-dir ext-dir) (when (listp layer) (cdr layer))))) (cons name-sym plist)) (spacemacs/message "Warning: Cannot find layer %s !" layer)))) (defun configuration-layer//set-layers-variables (layers) "Set the configuration variables for the passed LAYERS." (dolist (layer layers) (let ((variables (spacemacs/mplist-get layer :variables))) (while variables (let ((var (pop variables))) (if (consp variables) (set-default var (pop variables)) (spacemacs/message "Warning: Missing value for variable %s !" var))))))) (defun configuration-layer/package-declaredp (pkg) "Return non-nil if PKG symbol corresponds to a declared package." (ht-contains? configuration-layer-all-packages pkg)) (defun configuration-layer/layer-declaredp (layer) "Return non-nil if LAYER symbol corresponds to a declared layer." (not (null (assq layer configuration-layer-layers)))) (defun configuration-layer/get-layers-list () "Return a list of all discovered layer symbols." (ht-keys configuration-layer-paths)) (defun configuration-layer/get-layer-path (layer) "Return the path for LAYER symbol." (ht-get configuration-layer-paths layer)) (defun configuration-layer/load-layers () "Load all declared layers." (let ((layers (reverse configuration-layer-layers))) (configuration-layer//set-layers-variables layers) (configuration-layer//load-layer-files layers '("funcs.el" "config.el")) ;; fill the hash tables (setq configuration-layer-excluded-packages (configuration-layer/get-excluded-packages layers)) (setq configuration-layer-all-packages (configuration-layer/get-packages layers)) (setq configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions (configuration-layer/get-extensions layers t)) (setq configuration-layer-all-post-extensions (configuration-layer/get-extensions layers)) ;; This is what you get when you have no test cases... hopefully I will code ;; them soon :-) ;; (message "excluded: %s" configuration-layer-excluded-packages) ;; (message "packages: %s" configuration-layer-all-packages) ;; (message "pre-extensions: %s" configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions) ;; (message "post-extensions: %s" configuration-layer-all-post-extensions) ;; filter them (let ((excluded (append dotspacemacs-excluded-packages configuration-layer-excluded-packages))) (configuration-layer//filter-out-excluded configuration-layer-all-packages excluded) (configuration-layer//filter-out-excluded configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions excluded) (configuration-layer//filter-out-excluded configuration-layer-all-post-extensions excluded)) ;; number of chuncks for the loading screen (let ((total (+ (ht-size configuration-layer-all-packages) (ht-size configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions) (ht-size configuration-layer-all-post-extensions)))) (setq spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-threshold (/ total spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count))) ;; filter them (configuration-layer//sort-packages-and-extensions) ;; install and initialize packages and extensions (configuration-layer//initialize-extensions configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions-sorted t) (configuration-layer//install-packages) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer spacemacs-loading-text) (configuration-layer//initialize-packages) (configuration-layer//initialize-extensions configuration-layer-all-post-extensions-sorted) ;; restore warning level before initialization (setq warning-minimum-level :warning) (configuration-layer//load-layer-files layers '("keybindings.el")))) (defun configuration-layer//load-layer-files (layers files) "Load the files of list FILES for all LAYERS." (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((sym (car layer)) (dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :dir))) (dolist (file files) (let ((file (concat dir file))) (if (file-exists-p file) (configuration-layer/load-file file))))))) (defsubst configuration-layer//add-layer-to-hash (pkg layer hash) "Add LAYER to the list value stored in HASH with key PKG." (let ((list (ht-get hash pkg))) (eval `(push ',layer list)) (puthash pkg list hash))) (defsubst configuration-layer//filter-out-excluded (hash excluded) "Remove EXCLUDED packages from the hash tables HASH." (dolist (pkg (ht-keys (eval hash))) (when (or (member pkg excluded)) (ht-remove (eval hash) pkg)))) (defun configuration-layer//sort-packages-and-extensions () "Sort the packages and extensions symbol and store them in `configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted' `configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions-sorted' `configuration-layer-all-post-extensions-sorted'" (setq configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted (configuration-layer/sort-hash-table-keys configuration-layer-all-packages)) (setq configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions-sorted (configuration-layer/sort-hash-table-keys configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions)) (setq configuration-layer-all-post-extensions-sorted (configuration-layer/sort-hash-table-keys configuration-layer-all-post-extensions))) (defun configuration-layer/sort-hash-table-keys (h) "Return a sorted list of the keys in the given hash table H." (mapcar 'intern (sort (mapcar 'symbol-name (ht-keys h)) 'string<))) (defun configuration-layer/load-file (file) "Assure that FILE is loaded only once." (unless (member file configuration-layer--loaded-files) (load file) (push file configuration-layer--loaded-files))) (defun configuration-layer/get-excluded-packages (layers) "Read `layer-excluded-packages' lists for all passed LAYERS and return a list of all excluded packages." (let (result) (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((layer-sym (car layer)) (dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :dir)) (pkg-file (concat dir "packages.el"))) (when (file-exists-p pkg-file) (configuration-layer/load-file pkg-file) (let ((excl-var (intern (format "%s-excluded-packages" (symbol-name layer-sym))))) (when (boundp excl-var) (mapc (lambda (x) (push x result)) (eval excl-var))))))) result)) (defun configuration-layer//get-packages-or-extensions (layers file var) "Read the packages or extensions lists for all passed LAYERS and return a hash table of all packages where the key is a package symbol. FILE is a string with value `packages' or `extensions'. VAR is a string with value `packages', `pre-extensions' or `post-extensions'." (let ((result (make-hash-table :size 512))) (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((layer-sym (car layer)) (dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :dir)) (pkg-file (concat dir (format "%s.el" file)))) (when (file-exists-p pkg-file) (configuration-layer/load-file pkg-file) (let* ((layer-name (symbol-name layer-sym)) (packages-var (intern (format "%s-%s" layer-name var)))) (when (boundp packages-var) (dolist (pkg (eval packages-var)) (puthash pkg (cons layer-sym (ht-get result pkg)) result))))))) result)) (defun configuration-layer/get-packages (layers) "Read `layer-packages' lists for all passed LAYERS and return a hash table of all packages where the key is a package symbol." (configuration-layer//get-packages-or-extensions layers "packages" "packages")) (defun configuration-layer/get-extensions (layers &optional pre) "Read `layer-pre-extensions' or `layer-post-extensions' lists for all passed LAYERS and return a hash table of all packages where the key is a package symbol. If PRE is non nil then `layer-pre-extensions' is read instead of `layer-post-extensions'." (let ((var (if pre "pre-extensions" "post-extensions"))) (configuration-layer//get-packages-or-extensions layers "extensions" var))) (defun configuration-layer//install-packages () "Install the packages all the packages if there are not currently installed." (interactive) (let* ((not-installed (remove-if 'package-installed-p configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted)) (not-installed-count (length not-installed))) ;; installation (if not-installed (progn (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "Found %s new package(s) to install...\n" not-installed-count)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "--> fetching new package repository indexes...\n") (redisplay) (package-refresh-contents) (setq installed-count 0) (dolist (pkg not-installed) (setq installed-count (1+ installed-count)) (spacemacs/replace-last-line-of-buffer (format "--> installing %s:%s... [%s/%s]" (ht-get configuration-layer-all-packages pkg) pkg installed-count not-installed-count) t) (unless (package-installed-p pkg) (if (not (assq pkg package-archive-contents)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "\nPackage %s is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?\n" pkg)) (dolist (dep (configuration-layer//get-package-dependencies-from-archive pkg)) (configuration-layer//activate-package (car dep))) (package-install pkg))) (redisplay)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "\n"))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-packages-to-update (packages) "Return a list of packages to update given a list of PACKAGES." (when packages (let (result) (dolist (pkg packages) ;; recursively check dependencies (let* ((deps (configuration-layer//get-package-dependencies-from-archive pkg)) (update-deps (when deps (configuration-layer//get-packages-to-update (mapcar 'car deps))))) (when update-deps (setq result (append update-deps result)))) (let ((installed-version (configuration-layer//get-package-version-string pkg)) (newest-version (configuration-layer//get-latest-package-version-string pkg))) ;; (message "package - %s" pkg) ;; (message "installed - %s" installed-version) ;; (message "latest - %s" newest-version) (unless (or (null installed-version) (version<= newest-version installed-version)) (add-to-list 'result pkg t)))) (delete-dups result)))) (defun configuration-layer/update-packages () "Upgrade elpa packages" (interactive) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "\nUpdating Spacemacs... (for now only ELPA packages are updated)\n") (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "--> fetching new package repository indexes...\n") (redisplay) (package-refresh-contents) (let* ((update-packages (configuration-layer//get-packages-to-update configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted)) (date (format-time-string "%y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")) (rollback-dir (expand-file-name (concat configuration-layer-rollback-directory (file-name-as-directory date)))) (upgrade-count (length update-packages)) (upgraded-count 0) (update-packages-alist)) (if (> upgrade-count 0) (if (not (yes-or-no-p (format (concat "%s package(s) to update, " "do you want to continue ? ") upgrade-count))) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "Packages update has been cancelled.\n") ;; backup the package directory and construct an alist ;; variable to be cached for easy update and rollback (spacemacs/replace-last-line-of-buffer "--> performing backup of package(s) to update...\n" t) (redisplay) (dolist (pkg update-packages) (let* ((src-dir (configuration-layer//get-package-directory pkg)) (dest-dir (expand-file-name (concat rollback-dir (file-name-as-directory (file-name-nondirectory src-dir)))))) (copy-directory src-dir dest-dir 'keeptime 'create 'copy-content) (push (cons pkg (file-name-nondirectory src-dir)) update-packages-alist))) (spacemacs/dump-vars-to-file '(update-packages-alist) (expand-file-name (concat rollback-dir configuration-layer-rollback-info))) (dolist (pkg update-packages) (setq upgraded-count (1+ upgraded-count)) (spacemacs/replace-last-line-of-buffer (format "--> updating package %s... [%s/%s]" pkg upgraded-count upgrade-count) t) (redisplay) (configuration-layer//package-delete pkg) (condition-case err (package-install pkg) ('error (message (format (concat "An error occurred during the update of " "this package %s, retrying one more time...") err)) (package-install pkg))) (when (version< emacs-version "24.3.50") ;; explicitly force activation (setq package-activated-list (delq pkg package-activated-list)) (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg))) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "\n--> %s packages updated.\n" upgraded-count)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "\nEmacs has to be restarted for the changes to take effect.\n") (redisplay)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "--> All packages are up to date.\n") (redisplay)))) (defun configuration-layer//ido-candidate-rollback-slot () "Return a list of candidates to select a rollback slot." (let ((rolldir configuration-layer-rollback-directory)) (when (file-exists-p rolldir) (reverse (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x) (when (not (or (string= "." x) (string= ".." x))) (let ((p (length (directory-files (file-name-as-directory (concat rolldir x)))))) ;; -3 for . .. and rollback-info (format "%s (%s packages)" x (- p 3))))) (directory-files rolldir))))))) (defun configuration-layer/rollback (slot) "Rollback all the packages in the given SLOT. If called interactively and SLOT is nil then an ido buffers appears to select one." (interactive (list (if (boundp 'slot) slot (let ((candidates (configuration-layer//ido-candidate-rollback-slot))) (when candidates (ido-completing-read "Rollback slots (most recent are first): " candidates)))))) (if (not slot) (message "No rollback slot available.") (string-match "^\\(.+?\\)\s.*$" slot) (let* ((slot-dir (match-string 1 slot)) (rollback-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat configuration-layer-rollback-directory (file-name-as-directory slot-dir)))) (info-file (expand-file-name (concat rollback-dir configuration-layer-rollback-info)))) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "\nRollbacking ELPA packages from slot %s...\n" slot-dir)) (load-file info-file) (let ((rollback-count (length update-packages-alist)) (rollbacked-count 0)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "Found %s package(s) to rollback...\n" rollback-count)) (redisplay) (dolist (apkg update-packages-alist) (let* ((pkg (car apkg)) (pkg-dir-name (cdr apkg)) (elpa-dir (concat user-emacs-directory "elpa/")) (src-dir (expand-file-name (concat rollback-dir (file-name-as-directory pkg-dir-name)))) (dest-dir (expand-file-name (concat elpa-dir (file-name-as-directory pkg-dir-name))))) (setq rollbacked-count (1+ rollbacked-count)) (spacemacs/replace-last-line-of-buffer (format "--> rollbacking package %s... [%s/%s]" pkg rollbacked-count rollback-count) t) (redisplay) (configuration-layer//package-delete pkg) (copy-directory src-dir dest-dir 'keeptime 'create 'copy-content))) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "\n--> %s packages rollbacked.\n" rollbacked-count)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "\nEmacs has to be restarted for the changes to take effect.\n"))))) (defun configuration-layer//initialize-packages () "Initialize all the declared packages." (mapc (lambda (x) (configuration-layer//initialize-package x (ht-get configuration-layer-all-packages x))) configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted)) (defun configuration-layer//initialize-package (pkg layers) "Initialize the package PKG from the configuration layers LAYERS." (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((init-func (intern (format "%s/init-%s" layer pkg)))) (spacemacs/loading-animation) (if (and (package-installed-p pkg) (fboundp init-func)) (progn (spacemacs/message "Package: Initializing %s:%s..." layer pkg) (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg) (funcall init-func)))))) (defun configuration-layer//activate-package (pkg) "Activate PKG." (if (version< emacs-version "24.3.50") ;; fake version list to always activate the package (package-activate pkg '(0 0 0 0)) (package-activate pkg))) (defun configuration-layer//initialize-pre-extension (ext layers) "Initialize the pre-extensions EXT from configuration layers LAYERS." (configuration-layer//initialize-extension ext layers t)) (defun configuration-layer//initialize-extensions (ext-list &optional pre) "Initialize all the declared extensions in EXT-LIST hash table. If PRE is non nil then the extensions are pre-extensions." (let ((func (if pre 'configuration-layer//initialize-pre-extension 'configuration-layer//initialize-extension)) (hash (if pre configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions configuration-layer-all-post-extensions))) (mapc (lambda (x) (funcall func x (ht-get hash x))) ext-list))) (defun configuration-layer//initialize-extension (ext layers &optional pre) "Initialize the extension EXT from the configuration layers LAYERS. If PRE is non nil then the extension is a pre-extensions." (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((l (assq layer configuration-layer-layers)) (ext-dir (plist-get (cdr l) :ext-dir)) (init-func (intern (format "%s/init-%s" layer ext)))) (add-to-list 'load-path (format "%s%s/" ext-dir ext)) (spacemacs/loading-animation) (spacemacs/message "%s-extension: Initializing %s:%s..." (if pre "Pre" "Post") layer ext) (if (fboundp init-func) (funcall init-func))))) (defun configuration-layer//initialized-packages-count () "Return the number of initialized packages and extensions." (+ (ht-size configuration-layer-all-packages) (ht-size configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions) (ht-size configuration-layer-all-post-extensions))) (defun configuration-layer/get-layer-property (symlayer prop) "Return the value of the PROPerty for the given SYMLAYER symbol." (let* ((layer (assq symlayer configuration-layer-layers))) (plist-get (cdr layer) prop))) (defun configuration-layer//get-packages-dependencies () "Returns a hash map where key is a dependency package symbol and value is a list of all packages which depend on it." (let ((result (make-hash-table :size 200))) (dolist (pkg package-alist) (let* ((pkg-sym (car pkg)) (deps (configuration-layer//get-package-dependencies pkg-sym))) (dolist (dep deps) (let* ((dep-sym (car dep)) (value (ht-get result dep-sym))) (puthash dep-sym (if value (add-to-list 'value pkg-sym) (list pkg-sym)) result))))) result)) (defun configuration-layer//get-implicit-packages () "Returns a list of all packages in `packages-alist' which are not found in `configuration-layer-all-packages'" (let ((imp-pkgs)) (dolist (pkg package-alist) (let ((pkg-sym (car pkg))) (if (not (ht-contains? configuration-layer-all-packages pkg-sym)) (add-to-list 'imp-pkgs pkg-sym)))) imp-pkgs)) (defun configuration-layer//get-orphan-packages (implicit-pkgs dependencies) "Return a list of all orphan packages which are basically meant to be deleted safely." (let ((result '())) (dolist (imp-pkg implicit-pkgs) (if (configuration-layer//is-package-orphan imp-pkg dependencies) (add-to-list 'result imp-pkg))) result)) (defun configuration-layer//is-package-orphan (pkg dependencies) "Returns not nil if PKG is an orphan package." (if (ht-contains? configuration-layer-all-packages pkg) nil (if (ht-contains? dependencies pkg) (let ((parents (ht-get dependencies pkg))) (reduce (lambda (x y) (and x y)) (mapcar (lambda (p) (configuration-layer//is-package-orphan p dependencies)) parents) :initial-value t)) (not (ht-contains? configuration-layer-all-packages pkg))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-directory (pkg) "Return the directory path for PKG." (let ((pkg-desc (assq pkg package-alist))) (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (let* ((version (aref (cdr pkg-desc) 0)) (elpa-dir (concat user-emacs-directory "elpa/")) (pkg-dir-name (format "%s-%s.%s" (symbol-name pkg) (car version) (cadr version)))) (expand-file-name (concat elpa-dir pkg-dir-name)))) (t (package-desc-dir (cadr pkg-desc)))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-dependencies (pkg) "Return the dependencies alist for PKG." (let ((pkg-desc (assq pkg package-alist))) (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (aref (cdr pkg-desc) 1)) (t (package-desc-reqs (cadr pkg-desc)))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-dependencies-from-archive (pkg) "Return the dependencies alist for a PKG from the archive data." (let* ((pkg-arch (assq pkg package-archive-contents)) (reqs (when pkg-arch (if (version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (aref (cdr pkg-arch) 1) (package-desc-reqs (cadr pkg-arch)))))) ;; recursively get the requirements of reqs (dolist (req reqs) (let* ((pkg2 (car req)) (reqs2 (configuration-layer//get-package-dependencies-from-archive pkg2))) (when reqs2 (setq reqs (append reqs2 reqs))))) reqs)) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-version-string (pkg) "Return the version string for PKG." (let ((pkg-desc (assq pkg package-alist))) (when pkg-desc (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (package-version-join (aref (cdr pkg-desc) 0))) (t (package-version-join (package-desc-version (cadr pkg-desc)))))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-version (pkg) "Return the version list for PKG." (let ((version-string (configuration-layer//get-package-version-string pkg))) (unless (string-empty-p version-string) (version-to-list version-string)))) (defun configuration-layer//get-latest-package-version-string (pkg) "Return the version string for PKG." (let ((pkg-arch (assq pkg package-archive-contents))) (when pkg-arch (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (package-version-join (aref (cdr pkg-arch) 0))) (t (package-version-join (package-desc-version (cadr pkg-arch)))))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-latest-package-version (pkg) "Return the versio list for PKG." (let ((version-string (configuration-layer//get-latest-package-version-string pkg))) (unless (string-empty-p version-string) (version-to-list version-string)))) (defun configuration-layer//package-delete (pkg) "Delete the passed PKG." (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (let ((v (configuration-layer//get-package-version-string pkg))) (when v (package-delete (symbol-name pkg) v)))) (t (let ((p (cadr (assq pkg package-alist)))) (when p (package-delete p)))))) (defun configuration-layer/delete-orphan-packages () "Delete all the orphan packages." (interactive) (let* ((dependencies (configuration-layer//get-packages-dependencies)) (implicit-packages (configuration-layer//get-implicit-packages)) (orphans (configuration-layer//get-orphan-packages implicit-packages dependencies)) (orphans-count (length orphans))) ;; (message "dependencies: %s" dependencies) ;; (message "implicit: %s" implicit-packages) ;; (message "orphans: %s" orphans) (if orphans (progn ;; for the loading dot bar (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "OK!\n") (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "Found %s orphan package(s) to delete...\n" orphans-count)) (setq deleted-count 0) (dolist (orphan orphans) (setq deleted-count (1+ deleted-count)) (spacemacs/replace-last-line-of-buffer (format "--> deleting %s... [%s/%s]" orphan deleted-count orphans-count) t) (configuration-layer//package-delete orphan) (redisplay)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "\n")) (spacemacs/message "No orphan package to delete.")))) (defun configuration-layer/setup-after-init-hook () "Add post init processing." (add-hook 'after-init-hook (lambda () (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "%s\n" spacemacs-loading-done-text)) ;; from jwiegley ;; https://github.com/jwiegley/dot-emacs/blob/master/init.el (let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) emacs-start-time)))) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "[%s packages loaded in %.3fs]\n" (configuration-layer//initialized-packages-count) elapsed))) (spacemacs/check-for-new-version spacemacs-version-check-interval)))) (provide 'core-configuration-layer)