#+TITLE: Pocket layer #+TAGS: layer|web service [[file:img/pocket.png]] * Table of Contents :TOC_5_gh:noexport: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#features][Features:]] - [[#install][Install]] - [[#authentication][Authentication]] - [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]] - [[#bindings-in-pocket-reader-buffer][Bindings in pocket-reader buffer]] * Description This layer adds [[https://getpocket.com/][Pocket]] support to Spacemacs via the package [[https://github.com/alphapapa/pocket-reader.el][pocket-reader]]. ** Features: - Manage reading list: add, remove, delete, tag, view, favorite, etc. - Open links in Emacs or external browser - Sort views by date, title, domain, tags, favorite, etc. - Search items by keywords, tags, favorite status, unread/archived status, etc. * Install To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to add =pocket= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this file. * Authentication Just run the =pocket-reader= command. A URL will be copied to the clipboard/kill ring. Open the URL in a web browser and follow the instructions to log into your Pocket account. Note: Please ignore any =Page Not Found= error you might see on the Pocket Web site after authorizing. Just run the =pocket-reader= command after authorizing, and it should work. You can verify that authorization completed by checking the file =~/.cache/emacs-pocket-lib-token.json=. * Key bindings | Key binding | Description | |-------------+---------------------------| | ~SPC a w p~ | Open pocket-reader buffer | ** Bindings in pocket-reader buffer | Key binding | Description | |-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------| | ~RET~ | Open with default browse function | | ~TAB~ | Open with default pop-to function | | ~b~ | Open with external browser function | | ~a~ | Toggle archived/unread status | | ~c~ | Copy URL to the kill ring | | ~d~ | Show default view | | ~D~ | Delete item | | ~e~ | Show excerpt | | ~E~ | Show excerpt for all items | | ~*~, ~f~ | Toggle favorite status | | ~F~ | Show unread, favorite items | | ~gr~ | Re-sort list | | ~gR~ | Refresh list using last query (or default query) | | ~s~ | Search for items (or display default view if no query is entered) | | ~m~ | Toggle mark of current item | | ~M~ | Mark all items | | ~U~ | Unmark all items | | ~o~ | Show more items (using the current count limit) | | ~l~ | Limit current view to items matching string | | ~R~ | Open random item from current items | | ~ta~ | Add tags | | ~tr~ | Remove tags | | ~tt~ | Set tags | | ~ts~ | Search for a tag |