If you are posting about a *bug* please close this issue and open a new one from within Spacemacs using: - `SPC h I` - `M-m h I` (I = capital i) If the bug makes Spacemacs unusable, you can find the bug report template [here](https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/blob/develop/core/templates/REPORTING.template). A few optional steps that might help: - Update `emacs` to latest stable release. - [Update](https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs#update) `spacemacs`. - Update all emacs packages. -`M-x configuration-layer/update-packages`. When seeing the prompt, type `y` and then restart emacs with `SPC q r`. - ~~If you are on Windows, try to restart.~~ You can delete this message to start typing.