cider-jump-back is handy
cider-jump is deprecated since cider 0.7.0 and is currently only an alias for cider-jump-var
Also contains the following:
* revert to `ruby-mode` instead of `enh-ruby-mode` as it's more standard, i.e. it doesn't require ruby 1.9.2+
to properly highlight syntax
* fix key binding prefixes
* add ruby-tools mode
* add file types to ruby mode
This fixes#532 by adding spacemacs/load-yasnippet to the css-mode-hook.
This fixes both css-mode and scss-mode.
Switch to init-yasnippet for calling load-yasnippet
Up to you whether you want to include it.
Only call mode function again if ess is successfully loaded
This is to avoid an infinite loop.
Whoops, removed a line that shouldn't be there.
Add rainbow-delimiters hook, add R-mode to auto-mode-alist, add
convenience keybinding, and add edit default offsets.
Separate rainbow-delimiters and smart-equals hooks into own defuns.
Anaconda nav mode currently starts in evil mode which masks most of its
bindings. This just adds anaconda-nav-mode to the list of emacs states,
and throws in j/k bindings that make sense to me.
Fix using spacemacs|evilify
Add leader key, and next and previous error.
There are a number of functions included in ESS for dealing with knitr
and sweave "chunks" that are quite handy.
These are the bindings I use, which I humbly recommend for inclusion as
The only potential problem that I see with their inclusion is that they
only really make sense in ess-noweb-mode (a minor mode) buffers, but
since evil-leader doesn't seem to like layering keybindings through
minor-modes, adding them to ess-mode is the best solution that I can
come up with for now.
Fix ess chunk bindings as per suggestions