With this new variable, user can load spacemacs anywhere, e.g.
"~/.emacs.d/spacemacs/". Only user's cache directory is still hard-coded
as "~/.emacs.d/.cache/". If user want to use spacemacs this way, drop
one line as the below in "~/.emacs.d/init.el":
(setq spacemacs-start-directory "~/.emacs.d/spacemacs/")
(load-file (concat spacemacs-start-directory "init.el"))
Implement a keymap for Spacemacs’ counsel search that supports saving
the results to a buffer (bound on F3 as in helm). Ensure that the new
buffer supports the GNE API.
As it was the case during the good old days when spacemacs was still a
baby, SPC h SPC now list correctly all the pre/init/post functions and
the associsted layer. It also now list properly the current owner of
a package so it is easy to find the owner of a package by narrowing
with `packagename owner`.
This new old functionality is possible by leveraging the last
improvements to the layer system (see previous commits).
TODO: update the sources for Ivy
Correctly augment the docstring based on the presence of b,f and /
bindings using dynamic hint.
b,f and / are not available if none of helm or ivy layers are used.
Invoking "make" or "project compilation" (<kbd>SPC c m</kbd>, <kbd>SPC c
c</kbd>) is currently not supported in ivy mode. The PR re-enables them
by adding helm-make to the ivy packages with ivy completion method.
Keep it in a recommendation in the README for the layer. Eval'ing the
custom-set-faces directly in the config makes it difficult to revert the
Use a custom package name. Also dispatch functions to funcs.el files.
Disable ivy-hydra for now.
With this default configuration users using helm instead of ivy still
get a good ivy base configuration (UI and Key bindings).
Use a custom package name. Also dispatch functions to funcs.el files.
With this default configuration users using ivy instead of helm still
get a good helm base configuration (UI and Key bindings).
counsel-descbinds is accessible through SPC-?, and shadowing the C-h key
for which key makes pagination impossible. As this deviates from
which-key defaults, this should be up to user to config, not a base in