Before this <tab> => TAB if there is no binding for <tab>, but then
`spacemacs/translate-C-i` turned this into <C-i>, which we don't want
because that would mean having to always bind <tab> when this option is
enabled. This commit adds a check to make sure we can't possibly be
translating from <tab> originally (we only want to capture the C-i
events in the GUI).
Also, fixes C-m translation but leaves it commented.
Added dotfile variable to template and core-dotspacemacs.el
After enabling, if C-i is translated to the "key" <C-i> which allows you
to bind a separate command in the GUI like this
(define-key map [C-i] 'c-i-command)
or this
(define-key map (kbd "<C-i>") 'c-i-command)
This has the side effect of no longer making C-i default to TAB in the
GUI, but will not affect the TAB or <tab> bindings.
Removes spacemacs//handle-terminal-keys
Add request.el to core/libs
Refactor package.el initialization in configuration-layer.el
Cosmetic improvements to loading messages
Remove redefinition of package-refresh-packages
This pre-command-hook translates the special key to the corresponding
emacs function key. This effects only happens in terminal, this hook is
a no-op in GUI.
By doing this we attempt to bring more consistency between the GUI
and the terminal regarding TAB and RET keys.
These functions find normalized keys which should handle as sanely as
possible the GUI and the terminal.
See docstring of spacemacs//normalize-key for more info.
The dotfile says that setting the major-mode leaders to nil will disable
the functionality, but there were a couple of places where that option
was not being respected.
This is how evil-leader gets `SPC m` to work for mode specific bindings,
and we need to mirror this step for `M-m`. This is big change, but in
order for `M-m` to work properly we need to remap it to the mode-map
whenever possible.