package-refresh-packages was called every time a bootstrap package or
a theme was installed
Use configuration-layer/retrieve-package-archives to install bootstrap
packages and themes
Add a reentrance boolean to configuration-layer/retrieve-package-archives
Add force and quiet optional arguments to configuration-layer/retrieve-package-archives
Force refresh of archive when the user requests an update of packages
Add request.el to core/libs
Refactor package.el initialization in configuration-layer.el
Cosmetic improvements to loading messages
Remove redefinition of package-refresh-packages
New file core-emacs-ext.el
This is a basic monkey-patch solution but it will do the job for now.
The timeout amount is not configurable for now.
Tested on 24.5 and 24.3.1
Previously, prefixes only worked for `.clj` files, not `.cljs`, `.cljx`,
or `.cljc`. `clojure-mode.el` defines derived major modes for each of
those other filetypes.
In other parts of the clojure layer, `(dolist (m '(...` is used to apply
effects to all of the derived modes, but it was missing from the usage
of `spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode`.
`cider-repl-mode` was also added to this list.
Prefix the "It is also recommended…" part of the Mac installation prerequisites with a note that this should be done *after* the basic install process.
This tripped me up and prevented initial installation. (The more detailed instructions and warnings added to Install since the current master will also help.)
This pre-command-hook translates the special key to the corresponding
emacs function key. This effects only happens in terminal, this hook is
a no-op in GUI.
By doing this we attempt to bring more consistency between the GUI
and the terminal regarding TAB and RET keys.
These functions find normalized keys which should handle as sanely as
possible the GUI and the terminal.
See docstring of spacemacs//normalize-key for more info.
This commit changes:
<leader> a p from proced to list-processes
<leader> a P from paradox-list-packages to proced
and <leader> a k to paradox-list-packages.