Fixes helm not being loaded before calls to:
read-file-name and completing-read.
These are some commands that call either of those two functions:
spacemacs/rename-current-buffer-file (SPC f R)
In a Treemacs window:
treemacs-add-project-to-workspace (C-c C-p a)
In a Magit buffer:
magit-checkout (b b)
Thanks Miciah for a more elegant solution.
This commit also reverts:
Fix helm loading for layouts transient state #11705
because it's not needed anymore.
And the previously commented out transient hook minibuffer-setup-hook (it
doesn't seem to ever have been used) is removed because:
- It loads helm after a command is called that uses helm (instead of before)
- (spacemacs|hide-lighter helm-mode) has previously been moved to the
helm/init-helm :config section.
Helm has removed the helm-wikipedia-suggest command, so delete Spacemacs's
key binding for the command.
* CHANGELOG.develop: Add entry.
* doc/ Delete documentation for the key binding for
* layers/+completion/helm/packages.el (helm/init-helm): Delete the key
binding for helm-wikipedia-suggest.
some layer packages lists have the open and closing parentheses on the same line
as the first and last listed package, but most seem to have them on a separate
put the open and close parentheses on separate lines, except for lists with only
a single package, they are written on the same line as the variable name and
fix the lists indentation
Invoking C-x C-f (spacemacs/helm-find-files) right after startup, before helm is
loaded, caused a void function error for helm-current-directory. This fixes it.
The problem was not with the existing bindings, but rather:
1. C-x C-e (spacemacs//counsel-edit -- from an ivy completion session) would
land you in an ivy-occur buffer with wgrep enabled but in motion state. This
meant the spacemacs key bindings for wgrep were not available. In particular,
the usual routine is:
* (enter ivy completion session, e.g. with SPC s a P)
* C-c C-e
* edit the buffer as needed
* , , (wgrep-finish-edit)
* , s wgrep-save-all-buffers
2. That last binding (, s) was not there.
One issue is that , s is available before wgrep-finish-edit is called, which is
confusing because I don't think it has any useful function at that point in
Syntax-checking and auto-complete layers should more
directly communicate that their function depends on
the installation of individual language layers to avoid
misunderstandings with new users who only install
syntax-checking or auto-complete and install the packages
It seems like the package is missing. We waited a while thinking it will be fixed but
people are starting to get annoyed by this. To be re-enabled once the upstream issue
is resolved.
Fix issue #6416: SPC s f (spacemacs/helm-files-smart-do-search) in a buffer
that is not visiting a file causes an error:
Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
* layers/+completion/helm/funcs.el
(spacemacs//helm-do-grep-region-or-symbol): Check whether preselection is
nil in order to avoid calling helm-basename on a nil value.
Fix issue #6499: SPC m (spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) on
a blank line causes an error:
rxt-string->pcre: Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil
* layers/+completion/ivy/funcs.el (spacemacs/counsel-search): Check whether
initial-input is nil in order to avoid calling rxt-quote-pcre on a nil
See updated and for more info.
* add core-env.el
* add library load-env-vars.el
* add bootstrap package dotenv-mode.el
* remove spacemacs-environment from bootstrap layer
* remove dotspacemacs variable dotspacemacs-import-env-vars-from-shell
* remove dotspacemacs variable dotspacemacs-improt-env-vars-shell-file-name
* add new key binding SPC f e e to open spacemacs.env file
* add new key binding SPC f e E to reload environment variable from env file
* add new key binding SPC f e C-e to re-initialize the env file from shell.