A fix for #10091. The default behavour for which-key is for
'which-key-idle-delay' to affect both the initial trigger and subsequent
actions. By setting 'which-key-idle-secondary-delay' to something non-nil,
that delay acts over the subsequent actions instead.
The which-key wiki recommends setting it to a 'non-zero value', as zero could
cause issues, so instead set it to 0.01.
Motivation: so layers with their own evil states (e.g. treemacs) can also
contain their own cursor configuration
Example usage: `(spacemacs/add-evil-cursor "treemacs" "RoyalBlue1" '(hbar . 0))`
Two which-key functions doc-strings, state that they are obsolete:
(which-key-declare-prefixes KEY-SEQUENCE REPLACEMENT &rest MORE)
This function is obsolete since 2016-10-05;
use ‘which-key-add-key-based-replacements’ instead.
(which-key-declare-prefixes-for-mode MODE KEY-SEQUENCE REPLACEMENT &rest MORE)
This function is obsolete since 2016-10-05;
use ‘which-key-add-major-mode-key-based-replacements’ instead.
Replace the obsolete functions.
Searching with `SPC /` through the .emacs.d folder, didn't find any other
occurrences of these functions.
- bind spacemacs-layouts/non-restricted-buffer-list to SPC b B instead
of SPC B b
- rename buffer listing functions in which-key to be more explicit
PR title:
bindings: non-restricted-buffer-list-* to SPC B b instead of SPC B b
PR message:
I don't know what was the thought behind this, but `spacemacs-layouts/non-restricted-buffers-list-*` was alone in its `SPC B` prefix and `SPC b B` was almost free, only used in one layer that I would be surprised if it was widely used (`ibuffer`).
I also renamed buffers listing functions in `which-key` to be clearer for the user. Indeed, I find that names like `helm-mini` are pretty obscure and kind of defeat the purpose of `which-key` and `spacemacs-layouts-non-restricted-buffer-list-blah` was so long that it couldn't even be displayed.
Now the user can choose between `list-buffers` or `global-list-buffers` for listing buffers.
Group together the which-key entries that call the same command:
k and - becomes k,-
u and _ becomes u,_
Declare a prefix name for SPC x i, this changes the SPC x entry:
from: "i -> +prefix"
to: "i -> +inflection".
Capitalize the transient state title, so that it matches the other TS titles.
Sort the code and documentation key bindings alphabetically.
Comment the code and group the keys/commands based on the
which-key section they appear in.
Reduce the width of the listed keys:
By removing spaces around the two dots `..` in the key sequences, and
by removing the modifier keys before the last number in a sequence.
Update the renamed select-window-[1-9] command name, to the new
winum-select-window-[1-9] name.
Combine keys that call the same command.