`SPC b H` is available, for opening or selecting the help buffer (if it
exists). This makes it much easier to open the help buffer, than having
to open the buffer list (`SPC b b`), then typing one or more characters,
to select the help buffer, and finally pressing `RET`.
The Frame delete bindings SPC F c and C, are inconsistent with the delete window
and buffer bindings, that use: d and D
Changed the dired-other-frame binding from d to O
Add the key binding: t
to open helm-themes, without having to use the arrow up key.
Reorder/rename: cycles backward and cycles forward
to: next and previous
Next is listed first, because it's the most common action, and it matches the
order in other transient states.
Change the t argument in the call to spacemacs/cycle-spacemacs-theme, to the
symbol 'backward, to make it clear what the argument does.
Add documentation for the Themes Transient State bindings.
Original Commit List
- update cycle-spacemacs-theme function to work backward with universal arg
- add a transient-state hydra to cycle through the modes
- move the transient-state definition in the +distribution spacemacs-base
- refactor using hydra syntax for expression as command
- modified cycle-theme to handle negative command argument
- add keybing for helm-themes in the transient-state
This is similar to the `Ctrl+Shift+T` keybinding found in major browsers, and
helps when accidentally killing a buffer (i.e. fat-fingering `SPC b d` when
meaning to press `SPC b s`).
Only buffers that resolve to existing files will be considered, and stored in a
stack which is pushed to and popped from on buffer kill.
It was `SPC q z` but:
1. 'z' is not a mnemonic for "frame" (although it may be more familiar to vim
2. More importantly, it's *really hard* to type 'qz' on a qwerty keyboard.
Updated the `spacemacs/new-empty-buffer` function, to accept a `split`
argument, that can have 4 values: `left`, `below`, `above` or `right`.
Added new functions and key bindings (SPC b M-h, -j, -k and -l) for
each direction.
Add spacemacs/enable-transparency and spacemacs/disable-transparency.
For anyone who'd like to enable transparency at startup, just write '(spacemacs/enable-transparency)' to .spacemacs, and it'll work fine.
Fix spacemacs/increase-transparency and spacemacs/decrease-transparency
Changed the buffer transient states formatting so that it matches
most of the other transient states.
Reduced spacing:
- Between the keys and descriptions, from 2 to 1.
- Between both columns, from 4 to 2.
The first column didn't need the last two "^" (caret) characters.
Changed the last line so that "^^^^" starts below the first column.
Update the formatting of the SPC w . window manipulation
transient state panel.
Select column
Change "[0-9] window N", to "[0..9] window 0..9",
so that it matches the SPC "0..9 -> window 0..9" and
SPC b "1..9 -> buffer to window 1..9" combined entries.
Split column
Add "i" to the end of "vert", then it'll have the same number
of characters as "horiz", and the text will be aligned.
Resize column
Shorten "horizontally" and "vertically" to "horiz" and "verti",
it reduces the panels width slightly.
Other column
Shorten the horizontal line below the title, so that it matches
the longest key description.
Move [q] quit to the bottom of the column.
All columns
Equalize the horizontal spacing between the columns,
from: 2, 2, 3, 3, to 2 between all columns.
- add new bindings to move and swap buffers, and switch active window,
by number
- change kill buffer shortcut to d for consistency
- Change docs appropriately
spacemacs/alternate-window was suggested to switch between the last selected
window, or the window-analog of SPC TAB (spacemacs/alternate-buffer). This is
part of a larger family of functions, such as spacemacs/jump-to-last-layout on
SPC l TAB and eyebrowse-last-window-config on SPC l w TAB.