The cl package has been deprecated.
It had aliases for cl- prefixed commands without the cl- prefix.
Ex: letf or letf* instead of cl-letf or cl-letf*
On the `spacemacs-base` distribution, with the `ivy` layer.
When one tries to search with `SPC /`
(which calls `spacemacs/counsel-search`)
Then this error message is shown:
>spacemacs/counsel-search: Symbol’s function definition is void: letf*
It doesn't happen with the `helm` layer,
because it's search commands already has the `cl-` prefix.
There are also three instances of: `letf`
in the `spacemacs-editing-visual` layers functions:
- `spacemacs/toggle-centered-buffer` (`SPC w c c`)
- `spacemacs/toggle-distraction-free` (`SPC w c C`)
- `spacemacs/centered-buffer-transient-state` (`SPC w c .`)
Without the `cl-` prefix they show the error message:
>Symbol’s function definition is void: letf
This idea is to have the spacemacs-base distribution only configure defaults for
built-in packages. Those buit-in packages are now configured in the new layer
Additionally some other packages of spacemacs-base have been dispatched to
better suiting spacemacs layers.
Projectile has been moved to the new layer spacemacs-project
- Move the following packages to bootsrap distributio layer:
- exec-path-from-shell
- evil-evilified-state
- holy-mode
- hybrid-mode
- spacemacs-theme
- ace-window has been moved to spacemacs-navigation
- centered-buffer-mode has been moved to spacemacs-editing-visual
- pcre2el has been moved to spacemacs-editing
- evil-escape and evil-visualstar have been moved to spacemacs-evil