With this new variable, user can load spacemacs anywhere, e.g.
"~/.emacs.d/spacemacs/". Only user's cache directory is still hard-coded
as "~/.emacs.d/.cache/". If user want to use spacemacs this way, drop
one line as the below in "~/.emacs.d/init.el":
(setq spacemacs-start-directory "~/.emacs.d/spacemacs/")
(load-file (concat spacemacs-start-directory "init.el"))
Add new html preprocessors to the org-html-publish-to-html pipeline:
- `spacemacs//toc-org-unhrefify-toc`
- remove the `toc-org` modifications for the TOC
- `spacemacs//org-heading-annotate-custom-id`
- annotate org headings with the indexes that GitHub uses for linking.
`org-html-publish-to-html` will use them instead of the default
`#orgheadline{N}`. This way the GitHub links and the
http://spacemacs.org/ links will be compatible."
- `spacemacs//reroot-links`
- find the links that start with
https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/blob/ and end with
.org{#an-optional-heading-link} (i.e the links between the local org
files). Change their root to http://spacemacs.org/ so the links will
point at files located on the site.
*For the "file to file" links to work properly the expor
Since there is not an easy way to hook into the title or table of
contents generation, use advising functions to post-process the output
of `org-html-toc' and `org-html-template' to insert the desired content.
Would like a cleaner way of doing this.