Now in addition to the <layer>/init-<pkg> function there are
- <layer>/pre-init-<pkg> (executed before <layer>/init-<pkg>)
- <layer>/post-init-<pkg> (executed after <layer>/init-<pkg>)
The init function is mandatory, if it is not present then the
package is ignored and not installed.
This mechanism allows soft (implicit) cross layers dependencies
between packages (see company for more info).
It is now possible to remove flycheck from spacemacs layer and
move it to its own syntax-checking layer.
Move company and auto-complete to a common layer.
They are not enabled globally anymore, each mode using them
must explicitly declare a hook.
Only one frontend is supported for a given mode, we have to
choose the best between the two.
Only one key binding to toggle auto-completion on `SPC t a` no
matter if it is company or auto-complete. The lighter in the
mode-line is Ⓐ for both frontends.
- Enable lazy-loading of company.
- The company layer is now agnostic of any packages which use company
- company-backends is now buffer local and contains only the backends
which are relevant for the current modes
- New macro `spacemacs|reset-local-company-backends`
- move JavaScript/js2-mode into a contrib layer
- add js2-refactor
- change keybindings to be more spacemacsy
- add a function to define a command prefix for a specific mode