The function `clojure-toggle-keyword-string` will convert a string to a keyword,
or keyword to a string.
The keybinding is added under the Clojure refactor menu, in the
"cycle/clean/convert" section.
`SPC m r c :`
As this is a `clojure-mode` function, it is defined in the clojure-mode
refactoring keybinding section of packages.el.
Currently, when a tsx file is edited, the typescript layer puts it into web
mode so we can properly edit/format the html that's inside. However, with this
you lose the awesome ", g g" keybinding which takes you to a definition of
the current function/variable. You also lose the ", g u" keybinding which
gives you all references of current function/variable. This PR adds
all the tide bindings that are in typescript mode into web mode while using the typescript layer.
I must add ("gg" tide-jump-to-definition) to the webList because spacemacs-jump-handlers-web-mode does not exist.
Using the header below is now deprecated in React.
/** @jsx React.DOM */
However, there are situations where I have to use the *.js extension, and need to tell my text editor that the file has JSX.
I suggest switching to JSX mode if it detects a header starting with `@jsx`. Then I'll be able to do the following without breaking react.
/** @jsx */
This is similar to the `Ctrl+Shift+T` keybinding found in major browsers, and
helps when accidentally killing a buffer (i.e. fat-fingering `SPC b d` when
meaning to press `SPC b s`).
Only buffers that resolve to existing files will be considered, and stored in a
stack which is pushed to and popped from on buffer kill.
`SPC m h h` is conventional key binding to show documentation for thing under
point. It is called by `spacemacs/evil-smart-doc-lookup`, so this change makes
`K` in normal state work as expected.
This replaces the older pattern
:toggle (configuration-layer/package-usedp ..)
This implementation ensures that :disabled-for honors dependent packages, i.e.
if package a depends on package b, which is owned by layer c, and layer c is
disabled for layer d, then neither package a nor b will be configured for layer
d. Previously, this was only true for package a, but not b.
This commit also fixes:
- configuration-layer/describe-package now shows which post-init and pre-init
functions are disabled, if any
- Does not recreate all layer objects unconditionally when calling
configuration-layer/discover-layers. Previously, this led to all layers being
recreated after e.g. `SPC h SPC`, without any of the dotfile information.
Since this information is now necessary for
configuration-layer/describe-package, it’s important that we don’t clear the
indexed layers when invoking this function.