Changed the buffer transient states formatting so that it matches
most of the other transient states.
Reduced spacing:
- Between the keys and descriptions, from 2 to 1.
- Between both columns, from 4 to 2.
The first column didn't need the last two "^" (caret) characters.
Changed the last line so that "^^^^" starts below the first column.
Update the formatting of the SPC w . window manipulation
transient state panel.
Select column
Change "[0-9] window N", to "[0..9] window 0..9",
so that it matches the SPC "0..9 -> window 0..9" and
SPC b "1..9 -> buffer to window 1..9" combined entries.
Split column
Add "i" to the end of "vert", then it'll have the same number
of characters as "horiz", and the text will be aligned.
Resize column
Shorten "horizontally" and "vertically" to "horiz" and "verti",
it reduces the panels width slightly.
Other column
Shorten the horizontal line below the title, so that it matches
the longest key description.
Move [q] quit to the bottom of the column.
All columns
Equalize the horizontal spacing between the columns,
from: 2, 2, 3, 3, to 2 between all columns.
Updated entry for "show dotfiles at ranger startup" option.
Old variable had no effect (possibly deprecated)
Updated entry for "show previews literally" option.
Old variable had no effect (possibly mistype)
Cycle collection type was recently removed from `clj-refactor` as the
feature was migrated and rewritten in `clojure-mode`. The new feature
lets the user convert a collection into a specific collection type
instead of cycling through them.
To added shortcuts correspond to the shortcuts of this feature in
`clojure-mode` and placed in the refactor submenu.
Distribute spacemacs-theme with Spacemacs so we don't need to download the
package of the theme at startup. It was delaying the display of the home buffer.
Now Spacemacs fallback to spacemacs-dark theme if the user theme cannot be
applied. Spacemacs then tries to install and reapply the user theme. If
successful, at the subsequent startups the user theme is applied right away
instead of spacemacs-dark. If the installation failed then we display a warning
informing the user and suggesting some actions.
There is now no package left to be installed manually at the start of Spacemacs.
Getting FAQ candidates requires org to be loaded which in turn requires to
load magit (via orgit) etc...
This commit moves the FAQ helm source to a new feature helm-spacemacs-faq and
removes the FAQ source from SPC h SPC so the FAQs are only available as a helm
source via SPC h f.
But we have still the FAQ org file entry in SPC h SPC so it is easy to open
the file from the main help key binding.
An active evil-visual-block selection, uniquified the whole buffer, this
checks either region-active-p or evil-visual-state-p, now it sorts the
selected lines.
The comment was also updated with "a" before "region" and "the" before
"current buffer".
Hide properties in space-doc-mode to allow the use of `CUSTOM_ID` tags in
documentation for correct link exporting, as discussed in #8054, #8136
and #8138. Complementary the latter two PR:s.
"Go to definition" should go to the definition - meaning, where the function is defined in the source code.
I am for changing the default keybinding to `slime-edit-definition` because it fulfills this - allows the user to see the source code for a given function.
`slime-inspect-definition` does not open the source code - it opens the SLIME inspector with the function **object** open in the inspector. While the function **object** contains some valuable data, it does not contain the *definition* itself - which is what the user wants in this case.
Actually, revert @jgertm's change that I asked to make. As @bmag explained, this
is very useful key binding that is similar to C-c C-c as it allows to quickly
access functionality by pressing `dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key` twice.
Also note that `dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key` can be nil, that's why we
have to handle this value as well.
This fixes an issue where default jump handler, like dump-jump-go runs
in sync and omnisharp-go-to-definition is not able to actually go to
definition until it completes thus slowing down the completion process.
A similar issue (for C++) was fixed in syl20bnr/spacemacs#6904
winum.el is an heavily extended and partly rewritten version of
Among other things it allows window numbers to be shared across frames,
thus improving multi-screen user experience.