Fix various key bindings in converted READMEs

This commit is contained in:
syl20bnr 2015-06-11 21:23:07 -04:00
parent ff8cd06046
commit f4ba6bdab5
26 changed files with 196 additions and 200 deletions

View File

@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~<SPC> m a ?~ | looks up documentation using [[][ansible-doc]] |
| ~SPC m a ?~ | looks up documentation using [[][ansible-doc]] |

View File

@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~<SPC> m c b~ | build current buffer via =dockerfile-build-buffer= |
| ~SPC m c b~ | build current buffer via =dockerfile-build-buffer= |

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Basic and Spacemacs specific keybindings can be found in the following table.
| Key Binding | Gnus mode - Description |
| ~<SPC> a g~ | Starts Gnus |
| ~SPC a g~ | Starts Gnus |
| ~m~ | New Message |
| ~G R~ | Group Buffer - Add RSS feed |
| ~^~ | Open Server Buffer. Browse Newsgroups. |
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Basic and Spacemacs specific keybindings can be found in the following table.
| ~T m~ | Group Buffer - Move Group to Topic |
| ~K~ | Article Buffer - Previous article |
| ~J~ | Article Buffer - Next article |
| ~<RET>~ | Summary Buffer(RSS) - Open article Link in browser |
| ~<TAB>~ | Summary Buffer(RSS) - Open article and switch to it |
| ~<SPC> m o~ | Message Buffer - Use org mode to convert into html email |
| ~<SPC> m H~ | Org Mode - Send current buffer as HTML email message |
| ~RET~ | Summary Buffer(RSS) - Open article Link in browser |
| ~TAB~ | Summary Buffer(RSS) - Open article and switch to it |
| ~SPC m o~ | Message Buffer - Use org mode to convert into html email |
| ~SPC m H~ | Org Mode - Send current buffer as HTML email message |

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
* Description
This layer allows you to play evilified games in spacemacs.
The games available now are:
The games available now are:
- 2048-game
- Tetris

View File

@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
You can now move through the comics with these
| Key Binding | Description | |
| ~e~ | Open explanation in the browser | |
| ~j~ or | ~l~ | Next comic |
| ~k~ or | ~h~ | Previous comic |
| ~o~ | Open the browser | |
| ~q~ | Quit the buffer | |
| ~r~ | Random comic | |
| ~t~ | Show alternate text in the modeline | |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~e~ | Open explanation in the browser |
| ~j~ or ~l~ | Next comic |
| ~k~ or ~h~ | Previous comic |
| ~o~ | Open the browser |
| ~q~ | Quit the buffer |
| ~r~ | Random comic |
| ~t~ | Show alternate text in the modeline |

View File

@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ notifications via the OS X Notification Center.
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~<SPC> a i e~ | Starts ERC |
| ~<SPC> a i E~ | Starts ERC via TLS/SSL |
| ~<SPC> a i i~ | Switch to next active ERC buffer |
| ~<SPC> m b~ | Switch between ERC buffers |
| ~<SPC> m d~ | Interactively input a user action and send it to IRC. |
| ~<SPC> m D~ | Draw Social Graph using [[][erc-social-graph]] |
| ~<SPC> m j~ | Join a channel, executes the /join command |
| ~<SPC> m n~ | Run "/names #channel" in the current channel. |
| ~<SPC> m l~ | Run the /list command |
| ~<SPC> m p~ | Part from the channel |
| ~<SPC> m q~ | Quit server |
| ~SPC a i e~ | Starts ERC |
| ~SPC a i E~ | Starts ERC via TLS/SSL |
| ~SPC a i i~ | Switch to next active ERC buffer |
| ~SPC m b~ | Switch between ERC buffers |
| ~SPC m d~ | Interactively input a user action and send it to IRC. |
| ~SPC m D~ | Draw Social Graph using [[][erc-social-graph]] |
| ~SPC m j~ | Join a channel, executes the /join command |
| ~SPC m n~ | Run "/names #channel" in the current channel. |
| ~SPC m l~ | Run the /list command |
| ~SPC m p~ | Part from the channel |
| ~SPC m q~ | Quit server |
*Note:* If you want to connect securely to an IRC server, you must run =erc-tls=
command on ~SPC a i E~ instead of the =erc= command.

View File

@ -89,67 +89,67 @@ OmniSharp should now automatically load and start a server when you open a
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mcc~ | Build the solution |
| ~SPC m c c~ | Build the solution |
** File/Solution/Project manipulation
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mfa~ | Add the current file to solution |
| ~mfA~ | Add files selected in dired to solution |
| ~mfr~ | Remove the current file from solution |
| ~mfR~ | Removed files selected in dired from solution |
| ~mpl~ | Add reference to solution |
| ~SPC m f a~ | Add the current file to solution |
| ~SPC m f A~ | Add files selected in dired to solution |
| ~SPC m f r~ | Remove the current file from solution |
| ~SPC m f R~ | Removed files selected in dired from solution |
| ~SPC m p l~ | Add reference to solution |
** Navigation
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mgf~ | Go to solution file |
| ~mgF~ | Go to solution file then member |
| ~mgg~ | Go to definition |
| ~mgG~ | Go to definition in other window |
| ~mgi~ | Find implementations |
| ~mgm~ | Go to solution member |
| ~mgM~ | Go to solution member in other window |
| ~mgr~ | Go to region |
| ~mgs~ | Find symbols using Helm |
| ~mgu~ | Find usages of symbol under cursor using Helm |
| ~SPC m g f~ | Go to solution file |
| ~SPC m g F~ | Go to solution file then member |
| ~SPC m g g~ | Go to definition |
| ~SPC m g G~ | Go to definition in other window |
| ~SPC m g i~ | Find implementations |
| ~SPC m g m~ | Go to solution member |
| ~SPC m g M~ | Go to solution member in other window |
| ~SPC m g r~ | Go to region |
| ~SPC m g s~ | Find symbols using Helm |
| ~SPC m g u~ | Find usages of symbol under cursor using Helm |
** Helpers (documentation, info)
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mht~ | Get type information for symbol under cursor |
| ~mhT~ | Get type information for symbol under cursor and put it into kill-ring |
| ~SPC m h t~ | Get type information for symbol under cursor |
| ~SPC m h T~ | Get type information for symbol under cursor and put it into kill-ring |
** Refactoring
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mrm~ | Rename symbol under cursor |
| ~mrr~ | Refactor symbol under cursor |
| ~SPC m r m~ | Rename symbol under cursor |
| ~SPC m r r~ | Refactor symbol under cursor |
** OmniSharp server interaction
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~msr~ | Reload the solution |
| ~mss~ | Start the OmniSharp server |
| ~msS~ | Stop the OmniSharp server |
| ~SPC m s r~ | Reload the solution |
| ~SPC m s s~ | Start the OmniSharp server |
| ~SPC m s S~ | Stop the OmniSharp server |
** Tests
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mta~ | Run all tests in project |
| ~mtb~ | Run all tests in current file/fixture |
| ~mtt~ | Run test under cursor |
| ~SPC m t a~ | Run all tests in project |
| ~SPC m t b~ | Run all tests in current file/fixture |
| ~SPC m t t~ | Run test under cursor |
** Code manipulation
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mo~ | Auto complete overrides |
| ~mi~ | Fix usings/imports |
| ~m=~ | Format the current buffer |
| ~SPC m o~ | Auto complete overrides |
| ~SPC m i~ | Fix usings/imports |
| ~SPC m =~ | Format the current buffer |

View File

@ -30,19 +30,19 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mcc~ | Build the project |
| ~mgg~ | Go to definition at point |
| ~mht~ | Show tooltip help at point |
| ~SPC m c c~ | Build the project |
| ~SPC m g g~ | Go to definition at point |
| ~SPC m h t~ | Show tooltip help at point |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~msb~ | Send buffer to the REPL |
| ~msB~ | Send buffer to the REPL and switch to the REPL in =insert state= |
| ~msi~ | Start a REPL |
| ~msp~ | Send phrase to the REPL |
| ~msP~ | Send phrase to the REPL and switch to the REPL in =insert state= |
| ~msr~ | Send region to the REPL |
| ~msR~ | Send region to the REPL and switch to the REPL in =insert state= |
| ~mss~ | Show the REPL |
| ~SPC m s b~ | Send buffer to the REPL |
| ~SPC m s B~ | Send buffer to the REPL and switch to the REPL in =insert state= |
| ~SPC m s i~ | Start a REPL |
| ~SPC m s p~ | Send phrase to the REPL |
| ~SPC m s P~ | Send phrase to the REPL and switch to the REPL in =insert state= |
| ~SPC m s r~ | Send region to the REPL |
| ~SPC m s R~ | Send region to the REPL and switch to the REPL in =insert state= |
| ~SPC m s s~ | Show the REPL |

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ This layer adds support for editing HTML and CSS.
- Editing HTML and CSS file using [[][web-mode]]
- Support for Sass/Scss and Less files
- Generate HTML and CSS coding using [[][emmet-mode]]
- Tags navigation on key =%= using [[][evil-matchit]]
- Tags navigation on key ~%~ using [[][evil-matchit]]
* Install

View File

@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ Have an IPython notebook running
* Using the IPython notebook
** Open Notebook List
This layer is lazy loaded so the micro-state will only work after you summon the
command =ein:notebooklist-open= which is bound to =SPC a i n=
command =ein:notebooklist-open= which is bound to ~SPC a i n~
** Key Bindings
The key bindings can be used through a micro state or the usual evil-leader.
*** Micro-state: =ipython-notebook=
Once you are in the ipython notebook you can activate the micro-state with
=SPC e i n=
~SPC e i n~
The following table lists the keys. Use them as listed in the micro-state or
prefix with =SPC m= to use with your evil-leader.
prefix with ~SPC m~ to use with your evil-leader.
| Key | Function |

View File

@ -78,24 +78,24 @@ The variable =latex-nofill-env= provide the list of environment names where
* Keybindings
| Key Binding | Description | |
| ~SPC m *~ | TeX documentation, can be very slow | |
| ~SPC m b~ | build | |
| ~SPC m c~ | close LaTeX environment | |
| ~SPC m C~ | TeX command on master file | |
| ~SPC m e~ | insert LaTeX environment | |
| ~SPC m f~ | insert LaTeX font - full bindings here: [[][AUCTeX Font Doc]] | |
| ~SPC m i~ | insert =\item= | |
| ~SPC m p r~ | preview region | |
| ~SPC m p b~ | preview buffer | |
| ~SPC m p d~ | preview document | |
| ~SPC m p e~ | preview environment | |
| ~SPC m p s~ | preview section | |
| ~SPC m p p~ | preview at point | |
| ~SPC m p f~ | cache preamble for preview | |
| ~SPC m p c~ | clear previews | |
| ~SPC m v ~ | view | |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m *~ | TeX documentation, can be very slow |
| ~SPC m b~ | build |
| ~SPC m c~ | close LaTeX environment |
| ~SPC m C~ | TeX command on master file |
| ~SPC m e~ | insert LaTeX environment |
| ~SPC m f~ | insert LaTeX font - full bindings here: [[][AUCTeX Font Doc]] |
| ~SPC m i~ | insert =\item= |
| ~SPC m p r~ | preview region |
| ~SPC m p b~ | preview buffer |
| ~SPC m p d~ | preview document |
| ~SPC m p e~ | preview environment |
| ~SPC m p s~ | preview section |
| ~SPC m p p~ | preview at point |
| ~SPC m p f~ | cache preamble for preview |
| ~SPC m p c~ | clear previews |
| ~SPC m v ~ | view |
** RefTeX

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
* Usage
To generate a table of contents type on top of the buffer:
=SPC : markdown-toc/generate-toc RET=
~SPC : markdown-toc/generate-toc RET~
* Key bindings

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ This is a very basic layer for editing ocaml files.
** Layer
To use this contribution add it to your =nn~/.spacemacs=
To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(ocaml))
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =nn~/.spacemacs=
** OPAM packages
This layer requires some [opam]( packages:
This layer requires some [[][opam]] packages:
- =merlin= for auto-completion
- =utop=

View File

@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
*** Imports
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~<SPC> m i =~ | Format imports |
| ~<SPC> m i \~ | Return to where you were editing before navigating to imports |
| ~<SPC> m i a~ | Align imports |
| ~<SPC> m i n~ | Navigate to the imports |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m i =~ | Format imports |
| ~SPC m i \~ | Return to where you were editing before navigating to imports |
| ~SPC m i a~ | Align imports |
| ~SPC m i n~ | Navigate to the imports |
[[][psci]] provides a very basic REPL for purescript. The following key
bindings are available:
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~<SPC> m s b~ | Equivalent of =:m /path/to/current/module/file.purs= - Load <file> for importing |
| ~<SPC> m s i~ | Launch a psci console buffer |
| ~<SPC> m s m~ | Equivalent of =:i - Import <module> for use in PSCI |
| ~<SPC> m s p~ | Load or reload files defined in the project file .psci |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m s b~ | Equivalent of =:m /path/to/current/module/file.purs= - Load <file> for importing |
| ~SPC m s i~ | Launch a psci console buffer |
| ~SPC m s m~ | Equivalent of =:i - Import <module> for use in PSCI |
| ~SPC m s p~ | Load or reload files defined in the project file .psci |

View File

@ -178,8 +178,7 @@ Test commands (start with ~m t~ or ~m T~):
** Django
Django related key bindings uses [[][pony-mode]] and are behind the prefix
|~SPC m j~.
Django related key bindings uses [[][pony-mode]] and are behind the prefix ~SPC m j~.
Configuration options for pony-mode are documented at
@ -188,53 +187,53 @@ Manage Django with ~SPC m j m~.
*** Fabric
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mjaf~ | Run a fabric command |
| ~mjad~ | Deploy project with =fab deploy= |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m j a f~ | Run a fabric command |
| ~SPC m j a d~ | Deploy project with =fab deploy= |
*** Files
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mjfs~ | Open the for this project |
| ~mjfc~ | Interactively display a setting value in the minibuffer |
| ~mjft~ | Jump to template at point |
| ~mjfr~ | Jump to the view file that the URL resolves to (experimental) |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m j f s~ | Open the for this project |
| ~SPC m j f c~ | Interactively display a setting value in the minibuffer |
| ~SPC m j f t~ | Jump to template at point |
| ~SPC m j f r~ | Jump to the view file that the URL resolves to (experimental) |
*** Interactive
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mjid~ | Run interpreter for this project's default database as an inferior process |
| ~mjis~ | Open a Python shell with the current pony project's context loaded. If the project has the django_extras package installed, then use the excellent =shell_plus= command. Otherwise, fall back to shell= |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m j i d~ | Run interpreter for this project's default database as an inferior process |
| ~SPC m j i s~ | Open a Python shell with the current pony project's context loaded. If the project has the django_extras package installed, then use the excellent =shell_plus= command. Otherwise, fall back to shell= |
*** Server
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mjrd~ | Stop the dev server |
| ~mjro~ | Open a tab at the dev server |
| ~mjrr~ | Restart the dev server (works better with django_extras/werkzeug) |
| ~mjru~ | Start or open the dev server |
| ~mjrt~ | Open a second server with a "throwaway" host/port |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m j r d~ | Stop the dev server |
| ~SPC m j r o~ | Open a tab at the dev server |
| ~SPC m j r r~ | Restart the dev server (works better with django_extras/werkzeug) |
| ~SPC m j r u~ | Start or open the dev server |
| ~SPC m j r t~ | Open a second server with a "throwaway" host/port |
*** South/Syncdb
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mjsc~ | Convert an existing app to south |
| ~mjsh~ | Create migration for modification |
| ~mjsi~ | Run the initial south migration for an app |
| ~mjsm~ | Migrate an app |
| ~mjss~ | Run syncdb on the current project |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m j s c~ | Convert an existing app to south |
| ~SPC m j s h~ | Create migration for modification |
| ~SPC m j s i~ | Run the initial south migration for an app |
| ~SPC m j s m~ | Migrate an app |
| ~SPC m j s s~ | Run syncdb on the current project |
*** Test
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~mjtd~ | Move down the traceback one level |
| ~mjte~ | Go to the file and line of the last stack trace in a test buffer |
| ~mjto~ | Open the file in a traceback at the line specified |
| ~mjtt~ | Run the test(s) given by =command= |
| ~mjtu~ | Move up the traceback one level |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m j t d~ | Move down the traceback one level |
| ~SPC m j t e~ | Go to the file and line of the last stack trace in a test buffer |
| ~SPC m j t o~ | Open the file in a traceback at the line specified |
| ~SPC m j t t~ | Run the test(s) given by =command= |
| ~SPC m j t u~ | Move up the traceback one level |

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ compiler:
* Key bindings
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~<SPC> m g g~ | Jump to definition |
| ~<SPC> m h h~ | Show popup help (with type info) |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m g g~ | Jump to definition |
| ~SPC m h h~ | Show popup help (with type info) |

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ To display the =magit status= buffer in fullscreen set the variable
Magit auto-complete feature is enabled. For this feature to work best you
have to setup your Git repository directory in your =dotspacemacs/config=
function, this is the folder where you keep all your git-controlled projects
(the path should end up with a =/= to respect Emacs conventions):
(the path should end up with a ~=/~= to respect Emacs conventions):
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq magit-repo-dirs '("~/repos/"))
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ on your machine. You can download it from the [[][do
* Working with Git
Git commands (start with =g=):
Git commands (start with ~=g~=):
| Key Binding | Description |
@ -108,12 +108,10 @@ Git commands (start with =g=):
=Spacemacs= uses [[][magit]] to manage Git repositories.
To open a =status buffer=, type in a buffer of a Git repository:
To open a =status buffer=, type in a buffer of a Git repository: ~SPC g s~
~<SPC> g s~
=hjkl= navigation is enabled in all Magit buffers. The default Magit keys
on =hjkl= (if they exist) are remapped on =HJKL=.
~hjkl~ navigation is enabled in all Magit buffers. The default Magit keys
on ~hjkl~ (if they exist) are remapped on ~HJKL~.
Here are the often used bindings inside a =status buffer=:
@ -194,28 +192,28 @@ message.
** Quick guide for recurring use cases in Magit
- Amend a commit:
- =L l= to open =log buffer=
- =c a= on the commit you want to amend
- =C-c C-c= to submit the changes
- ~L l~ to open =log buffer=
- ~c a~ on the commit you want to amend
- ~C-c C-c~ to submit the changes
- Squash last commit:
- =L l= to open =log buffer=
- =E= on the second to last commit, it opens the =rebase buffer=
- =j= to put point on last commit
- =s= to squash it
- =C-c C-c= to continue to the =commit message buffer=
- =C-c C-c= again when you have finished to edit the commit message
- ~L l~ to open =log buffer=
- ~E~ on the second to last commit, it opens the =rebase buffer=
- ~j~ to put point on last commit
- ~s~ to squash it
- ~C-c C-c~ to continue to the =commit message buffer=
- ~C-c C-c~ again when you have finished to edit the commit message
- Force push a squashed commit:
- in the =status buffer= you should see the new commit unpushed and the old
commit unpulled
- =P -f P= for force a push (*beware* usually it is not recommended to rewrite
- ~P -f P~ for force a push (*beware* usually it is not recommended to rewrite
the history of a public repository, but if you are *sure* that you are the
only one to work on a repository it is ok - i.e. in your fork).
- Add upstream remote (the parent repository you have forked):
- =b v= to open the =branch manager buffer=
- =a= to add a remote, type the name (i.e. =upstream=) and the URL
- ~b v~ to open the =branch manager buffer=
- ~a~ to add a remote, type the name (i.e. =upstream=) and the URL
- Pull changes from upstream (the parent repository you have forked) and push:
- =F -r C-u F= and choose =upstream= or the name you gave to it
- =P P= to push the commit to =origin=
- ~F -r C-u F~ and choose =upstream= or the name you gave to it
- ~P P~ to push the commit to =origin=
** Git time machine

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ In the gist list buffer:
| ~SPC g f L~ | only copy the generated link on the kill ring |
- You can use the universal argument =SPC u= to select a remote repository.
- You can use the universal argument ~SPC u~ to select a remote repository.
- You can use =git-link= on a region.
- When the link is opened, the URL is also copied in the kill ring, you can
override this behavior by setting the variable =git-link-open-in-browser= to

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~ghg~ | Go to hunk |
| ~ghN~ | Previous hunk |
| ~ghn~ | Next hunk |
| ~ghr~ | Revert hunk |
| ~g h g~ | Go to hunk |
| ~g h N~ | Previous hunk |
| ~g h n~ | Next hunk |
| ~g h r~ | Revert hunk |

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@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
* Description
The package [[][evil-snipe]]
- enables more efficient searches with =f/F/t/T=.
- adds a new, more precise search with =s/S=
- enables more efficient searches with ~f~ / ~F~ / ~t~ / ~T~.
- adds a new, more precise search with ~s/S~
Evil-snipe allows you to search more quickly and precisely in the buffer. It
does so by improving on the built in =f= / =F= / =t= / =T= searches and adding another
search command, namely =s= / =S=.
does so by improving on the built in ~f~ / ~F~ / ~t~ / ~T~ searches and adding another
search command, namely ~s~ / ~S~.
=evil-snipe= changes =s/S= behavior in order to search forward/backwards in the
=evil-snipe= changes ~s/S~ behavior in order to search forward/backwards in the
buffer with two chars.
* Install
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
** Improved f and t search behavior
With evil-snipe you can define your own search scope for =f= and =t= searches
With evil-snipe you can define your own search scope for ~f~ and ~t~ searches
which means that you won't have to jump to the correct line before searching
with =f= / =t= / =F= / =T=. And after you have found a match, you can just press
=f= or =t= again afterwards to continue the search. No need to use =;= / =,=.
with ~f~ / ~t~ / ~F~ / ~T~. And after you have found a match, you can just press
~f~ or ~t~ again afterwards to continue the search. No need to use ~;~ / ~,~.
This alternate behavior is disabled by default, to enable it set the
layer variable =evil-snipe-enable-alternate-f-and-t-behaviors= to =t=:
@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ layer variable =evil-snipe-enable-alternate-f-and-t-behaviors= to =t=:
** Two-character search with s
With the =s=/=S= keys you can do a simple search like =f=/=t=, but instead of
With the ~s~/~S~ keys you can do a simple search like ~f~/~t~, but instead of
searching for one character, you search for two. This makes the search a lot
more precise than regular =f=/=t= searches. While you can search forward or
backwards in the buffer with =/= and =?=, =s= / =S= are much easier to reach,
more precise than regular ~f~/~t~ searches. While you can search forward or
backwards in the buffer with ~/~ and ~?~, ~s~ / ~S~ are much easier to reach,
don't require you to press enter and they are precise enough for many common
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ and =evil-snipe-repeat-scope= to one of these, the default value is =buffer=):
| whole-buffer | same as =buffer=, but highlight *all* matches in buffer |
| whole-visible | same as 'visible, but highlight *all* visible matches in buffer |
If you do not want to replace the regular =f/F/t/T= behavior, just
If you do not want to replace the regular ~f~ / ~F~ / ~t~ / ~T~ behavior, just
remove this line from =evil-snipe/packages.el=:
@ -82,16 +82,16 @@ With symbol groups you can let a character stand for a regex, for example a
group of characters. By adding a pair of ='(CHAR REGEX)= to the list
='evil-snipe-symbol-groups= you can search for a regex very simply:
- Here we set the =[= character to mean =all characters "[({"= so a search
with =sa[= would find =a[=, =a{= or =a(=.
- Here we set the ~[~ character to mean =all characters "[({"= so a search
with ~sa[~ would find ~a[~, ~a{~ or ~a(~.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; Alias [ and ] to all types of brackets
(add-to-list 'evil-snipe-symbol-groups '(?\\[ \"[[{(]\"))
- Here we set the char =:= to mean =a regex matching python function
definitions= so by searching with =f:fff= you can quickly cycle through
- Here we set the char ~:~ to mean =a regex matching python function
definitions= so by searching with ~f:fff~ you can quickly cycle through
all function definitions in a buffer!
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

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@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ Then you just need to add a keybinding to your custom persp, we use
*** Per project custom perpsective
As the name suggests, this persp-projectile mode creates a new perspective
once you switch to a new project with =<SPC> p s=. It must be said that in the
once you switch to a new project with ~SPC p s~. It must be said that in the
current implementation in order for this to work you must first open a
custom-perspective like =SPC L o e= to go to the init.el in the spacemacs.
custom-perspective like ~SPC L o e~ to go to the init.el in the spacemacs.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
@ -85,8 +85,7 @@ do not know what that is check the [[
The cool part is that you can have many org files with todos in the agenda and
with one simple command you can gather all the todos from all the agenda files
you have and show them in a single buffer. (in evil the command starts with =;
you have and show them in a single buffer. (in evil the command starts with ~;a~)
*** RCIRC custom perspective

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ The default configuration of the layer is:
=jk= is a good candidate for =auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence= if
~jk~ is a good candidate for =auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence= if
you don't use it already.
** Tooltips

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
Before using the helm-gtags, remember to create a GTAGS database by the following methods:
- From within Emacs, runs the command =helm-gtags-create-tags=, which is bound
to =SPC m g c=. If the language is not directly supported by GNU Global, you
to ~SPC m g c~. If the language is not directly supported by GNU Global, you
can choose =ctags= or =pygment= as a backend to generate tag database.
- From inside terminal, runs gtags at your project root in terminal:

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
Spacemacs is not just emacs+vim. It can have OSX keybindings too!
This layer globally defines common OSX keybindings. ~⌘~ is set to
=super= and ~⌥~ is set to =meta=. Aside from that, there's nothing
~super~ and ~⌥~ is set to ~meta~. Aside from that, there's nothing
much, really.
While in =dired= this layer will try to use =gls= instead of =ls=.
@ -64,6 +64,6 @@ To get =gls= install coreutils homebrew:
* Future Work
- Allow user to choose from either =hyper= or =super= as ⌘. This is an option
- Allow user to choose from either ~hyper~ or ~super~ as ~⌘~. This is an option
that is supported cross-platform.
- Configurable option to keep the OSX and spacemacs clipboards separate

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@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ as rx too.)
Occasionally you come across a regexp which is designed to match a finite set of
strings, e.g. a set of keywords, and it would be useful to recover the original
set. (In Emacs you can generate such regexps using =regexp-opt=). The commands
=rxt-convert-to-strings= (=C-c /=), =rxt-pcre-to-strings= (=C-c / p =) or
=rxt-elisp-to-strings= (=C-c / e =) accomplish this by generating all the
=rxt-convert-to-strings= (~C-c /~), =rxt-pcre-to-strings= (~C-c / p ~) or
=rxt-elisp-to-strings= (~C-c / e ~) accomplish this by generating all the
matching strings ("productions") of a regexp. (The productions are copied to the
kill ring as a Lisp list).

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@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
* Key Bindings
| Evil | Holy | Command |
| Evil | Holy | Command |
| ~SPC a /~ | ~C-c /~ | Summon a Helm buffer to select any engine |
* Customize it!