Move evil-lisp-state to Editing section in readme

This commit is contained in:
syl20bnr 2014-11-06 23:50:48 -05:00
parent cadd93356a
commit edf5bf759a
1 changed files with 104 additions and 119 deletions

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@ -92,18 +92,16 @@ for contribution guidelines_
- [Line formatting](#line-formatting)
- [Auto-completion](#auto-completion)
- [Commenting](#commenting)
- [Editing Lisp code](#editing-lisp-code)
- [Key bindings maps](#key-bindings-maps)
- [Regular normal state bindings](#regular-normal-state-bindings)
- [Lisp specific bindings](#lisp-specific-bindings)
- [Errors handling](#errors-handling)
- [Project management](#project-management)
- [Working with Git](#working-with-git)
- [Magit](#magit)
- [Quick guide for recurring use cases in Magit](#quick-guide-for-recurring-use-cases-in-magit)
- [Git gutter bitmaps](#git-gutter-bitmaps)
- [Editing Lisp code](#editing-lisp-code)
- [Philosophy](#philosophy)
- [Intuitive navigation model](#intuitive-navigation-model)
- [Key bindings maps](#key-bindings-maps)
- [Regular normal state bindings](#regular-normal-state-bindings)
- [Lisp specific bindings](#lisp-specific-bindings)
- [Modes](#modes)
- [Helm](#helm)
- [Erlang](#erlang)
@ -1206,6 +1204,106 @@ Comments are handled by [evil-nerd-commenter][], it's bound to the following key
`<SPC> n c i` | comment invert
`<SPC> n c c` | comment operator
#### Editing Lisp code
Lisp navigation and edition is performed with a custom evil `lisp state`
provided by [evil-lisp-state][evil-lisp-state] package.
Intuitive navigation model:
`hjkl` behaves like in the default `normal state`.
**Next sexp on the same level (sibling)**
- `L` next sexp
- `H` previous sexp
**Change level (parent/children)**
- `J` go to next sexp one level down
- `K` go to previous one level up
And that's it! All these commands always put the point _at the beginning_ of
the sexp.
##### Key bindings maps
###### Regular normal state bindings
Key Binding | Function
`a` | evil-append
`c` | evil-change
`d` | evil-delete
`h` | next char
`i` | evil-insert-state
`I` | evil-insert-line
`j` | next visual line
`k` | previous visual line
`l` | next char
`o` | evil-insert-below
`O` | evil-insert-above
`p` | evil-past-after
`P` | evil-past-before
`r` | evil-replace
`C-r` | undo-tree-redo
`u` | undo-tree-undo
`x` | evil-delete-char
`X` | evil-delete-backward-char
`y` | evil-yank
`ESC` | evil-normal-state
###### Lisp specific bindings
_In this table we assume that `evil-lisp-state-backward-prefix` is set to
default `<tab>`_
Key Binding | Function
`(` | insert sibling before sexp and switch to `insert state`
`)` | insert sibling after sexp and switch to `insert state`
`$` | sp-end-of-sexp
`0` | sp-beginning-of-sexp
`A` | sp-absorb-sexp
`b` | sp-forward-barf-sexp
`<tab> b` | sp-backward-barf-sexp
`C` | sp-convolute-sexp
`Dd` | sp-kill-hybrid-sexp
`Dx` | sp-kill-sexp
`<tab> Dx` | sp-backward-kill-sexp
`Ds` | sp-kill-symbol
`<tab> Ds` | sp-backward-kill-symbol
`Dw` | sp-kill-word
`<tab> Dw` | sp-backward-kill-word
`E$` | evil-lisp-state-eval-sexp-end-of-line
`Ee` | eval-last-sexp
`Ef` | eval-defun
`gs` | go to source of symbol under point
`gt` | sp-transpose-sexp
`gT` | sp-transpose-hybrid-sexp
`H` | previous sexp at the same level
`J` | next sexp one level down
`K` | previous sexp one level up
`L` | next sexp of the same level
`M` | sp-join-sexp (think about `merge-sexp`)
`R` | sp-raise-sexp
`s` | sp-forward-slurp-sexp
`<tab> s` | sp-backward-slurp-sexp
`S` | sp-splice-sexp-killing-forward
`<tab> S` | sp-splice-sexp-killing-backward
`w` | wrap sexp
`W` | unwrap sexp
`<tab> W` | sp-backward-unwrap-sexp
`Y` | sp-copy-sexp
`<tab> y` | sp-backward-copy-sexp
`backspace` | sp-backward-delete-char
`S-backspace` | sp-delete-char
`RET` | indent next line
`S-RET` | insert new line char and switch to `insert state`
`lisp state` is a [base state](#base-states) which means that leaving
the `insert state` when the previous state was `lisp` will set you back
in `lisp state`.
To go back to `normal state` press `<ESC>` or `fd` while in `lisp state`.
### Errors handling
@ -1361,119 +1459,6 @@ you can answer `y` with no issue.
![git-del]( | at least one line has been deleted
![git-mod]( | modified line
### Editing Lisp code
Lisp navigation and edition is performed with a custom evil `lisp state`
provided by [evil-lisp-state][evil-lisp-state] package.
#### Philosophy
`evil-lisp-state` goal is to replace as much as possible the `normal state` in
lisp buffers.
To achieve this goal, this mode tries to keep the useful commands from the
`normal state` and add new commands (often with `shift` modifier) for
manipulating the data structure.
_Note: Be sure to try the key bindings '(' and ')'. I use them all the time
and it may be one of the best features of this mode._
#### Intuitive navigation model
`hjkl` behaves like in the default `normal state`.
**Next sexp on the same level (sibling)**
- `L` next sexp
- `H` previous sexp
**Change level (parent/children)**
- `J` go to next sexp one level down
- `K` go to previous one level up
And that's it! All these commands always put the point _at the beginning_ of
the sexp.
#### Key bindings maps
##### Regular normal state bindings
Key Binding | Function
`a` | evil-append
`c` | evil-change
`d` | evil-delete
`h` | next char
`i` | evil-insert-state
`I` | evil-insert-line
`j` | next visual line
`k` | previous visual line
`l` | next char
`o` | evil-insert-below
`O` | evil-insert-above
`p` | evil-past-after
`P` | evil-past-before
`r` | evil-replace
`C-r` | undo-tree-redo
`u` | undo-tree-undo
`x` | evil-delete-char
`X` | evil-delete-backward-char
`y` | evil-yank
`ESC` | evil-normal-state
##### Lisp specific bindings
_In this table we assume that `evil-lisp-state-backward-prefix` is set to
default `<tab>`_
Key Binding | Function
`(` | insert sibling before sexp and switch to `insert state`
`)` | insert sibling after sexp and switch to `insert state`
`$` | sp-end-of-sexp
`0` | sp-beginning-of-sexp
`A` | sp-absorb-sexp
`b` | sp-forward-barf-sexp
`<tab> b` | sp-backward-barf-sexp
`C` | sp-convolute-sexp
`Dd` | sp-kill-hybrid-sexp
`Dx` | sp-kill-sexp
`<tab> Dx` | sp-backward-kill-sexp
`Ds` | sp-kill-symbol
`<tab> Ds` | sp-backward-kill-symbol
`Dw` | sp-kill-word
`<tab> Dw` | sp-backward-kill-word
`E$` | evil-lisp-state-eval-sexp-end-of-line
`Ee` | eval-last-sexp
`Ef` | eval-defun
`gs` | go to source of symbol under point
`gt` | sp-transpose-sexp
`gT` | sp-transpose-hybrid-sexp
`H` | previous sexp at the same level
`J` | next sexp one level down
`K` | previous sexp one level up
`L` | next sexp of the same level
`M` | sp-join-sexp (think about `merge-sexp`)
`R` | sp-raise-sexp
`s` | sp-forward-slurp-sexp
`<tab> s` | sp-backward-slurp-sexp
`S` | sp-splice-sexp-killing-forward
`<tab> S` | sp-splice-sexp-killing-backward
`w` | wrap sexp
`W` | unwrap sexp
`<tab> W` | sp-backward-unwrap-sexp
`Y` | sp-copy-sexp
`<tab> y` | sp-backward-copy-sexp
`backspace` | sp-backward-delete-char
`S-backspace` | sp-delete-char
`RET` | indent next line
`S-RET` | insert new line char and switch to `insert state`
`lisp state` is a [base state](#base-states) which means that leaving
the `insert state` when the previous state was `lisp` will set you back
in `lisp state`.
To go back to `normal state` press `<ESC>` or `fd` while in `lisp state`.
### Modes
`Spacemacs` tries to add more natural Vi key bindings to some modes or