ivy: define matcher desc, deprecated from package, add M-SPC

This commit is contained in:
ralesi 2016-12-11 13:31:42 -07:00 committed by Eivind Fonn
parent fd63e5cb44
commit e7d01304b8
3 changed files with 13 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1713,8 +1713,11 @@ If you choose =ivy= as completion system, make sure to read [[http://oremacs.com
case you don't want to read everything, at least familiarise with [[http://oremacs.com/swiper/#minibuffer-key-bindings][minibuffer key
bindings]]. Some useful key bindings are presented in following table.
Initiate the transient state with ~M-SPC~ while in a =ivy= buffer.
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~M-SPC~ | initiate the transient state |
| ~C-m~ or ~RET~ | call default action on current candidate |
| ~M-o~ | show the list of valid actions on current candidate (then press any of described keys to execute it) |
| ~C-M-m~ | the same as ~RET~ but doesn't close completion minibuffer |

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@ -213,6 +213,9 @@ See https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/3700"
(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "C-h") nil)
(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "C-l") nil))))
(defun spacemacs//ivy-matcher-desc ()
(replace-regexp-in-string "ivy--" "" (format "%s" ivy--regex-function)))
;; Ido

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@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
("k" helm-previous-line)
("l" helm-next-source)
("q" nil :exit t)
("M-SPC" nil :exit t)
("t" helm-toggle-visible-mark)
("T" helm-toggle-all-marks)
("v" helm-execute-persistent-action))
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@
Move/Resize^^^^ | Select Action^^^^ | Call^^ | Cancel^^ | Toggles
[_j_/_k_] by line | [_s_/_w_] next/prev | [_RET_] & done | [_i_] & ins | [_C_] calling: %s(if ivy-calling \"on\" \"off\")
[_g_/_G_] first/last | [_a_]^ ^ list all | [_TAB_] alt done | [_q_] & quit | [_m_] matcher: %s(ivy--matcher-desc)
[_g_/_G_] first/last | [_a_]^ ^ list all | [_TAB_] alt done | [_q_] & quit | [_m_] matcher: %s(spacemacs//ivy-matcher-desc)
[_d_/_u_] pg down/up | ^ ^ ^ ^ | [_c_] & cont | ^ ^ | [_f_] case-fold: %`ivy-case-fold-search
[_<_/_>_] resize | ^ ^ ^ ^ | [_o_] occur | ^ ^ | [_t_] truncate: %`truncate-lines
[_h_/_l_] out/in dir | ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ | ^ ^ | ^ ^
@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ Current Action: %s(ivy-action-name)
("<escape>" keyboard-escape-quit :exit t)
("i" nil)
("C-o" nil)
("M-SPC" nil)
("TAB" ivy-alt-done :exit nil)
;; ("C-j" ivy-alt-done :exit nil)
;; ("d" ivy-done :exit t)
@ -180,6 +182,10 @@ Current Action: %s(ivy-action-name)
("f" ivy-toggle-case-fold)
("o" ivy-occur :exit t))
(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map "\C-o" 'spacemacs/ivy-transient-state/body)
(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "M-SPC")
(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "s-M-SPC")
(defun spacemacs-completion/init-ido ()