Remove mention about XEmacs development being dead.
Avoid to replicate the wizard to respect DRY and minimize the risks of out dated
This commit is contained in:
syl20bnr 2017-04-28 22:47:50 -04:00
parent c0c18cd185
commit d25d032e90
1 changed files with 33 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -123,8 +123,7 @@ favorite package manager.
Install the `emacs` package with your linux distributions package manager.
Do not install the `xemacs` package. It's not supported by Spacemacs. XEmacs is
an old fork of Emacs, but it's development has stopped. The X in its name is
unrelated to X11.
an old fork of Emacs. The X in its name is unrelated to X11.
Emacs has graphical support.
@ -138,41 +137,27 @@ package manager for macOS. Once Homebrew is installed, run the following
commands in the terminal to install both Emacs and the default Source Code Pro
*Note*: if you want the title bar to match your themes background color, use
this command:
``` sh
brew install emacs-plus --HEAD --with-natural-title-bar
instead of `brew install emacs-plus` below:
brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
brew install emacs-plus
brew linkapps emacs-plus
brew tap caskroom/fonts
brew cask install font-source-code-pro
git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d
*Note:* these Homebrew commands will install GNU Emacs, and link it to your
`/Applications` directory. You still need to run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d
It populates your `~/.emacs.d` directory, so that the regular GNU Emacs
transforms into Spacemacs.
The proposed `emacs-plus` tap is identical to the `emacs` formulae, it just
builds GNU Emacs with support for several features by default, including the
Spacemacs icon. See [emacs-plus][] for more information.
*Note:* the proposed `emacs-plus` tap is identical to the `emacs` formulae, it
just builds GNU Emacs with support for several features by default, including
the Spacemacs icon. See [emacs-plus][] for more information.
*Note:* after completing the Spacemacs [install process](#install), then
it's also recommended to add the [osx layer][] to your [dotfile][]. Installation
After completing the Spacemacs [install process](#install), then it's also
recommended to add the [osx layer][] to your [dotfile][]. Installation
instructions are available in the documentation for the [osx layer][].
*Note:* if the powerline separators on the spaceline have a different (less
saturated) color than the rest of the line, then you can add the following
snippet to the `dotspacemacs/user-config` section in your `~/.spacemacs` file.
If the powerline separators on the spaceline have a different (less saturated)
color than the rest of the line, then you can add the following snippet to the
`dotspacemacs/user-config` section in your `~/.spacemacs` file:
(setq ns-use-srgb-colorspace nil)
@ -183,7 +168,7 @@ Emacs. Another option is to change the powerline separators. For example to
`alternate` or `bar`, they diminish the color difference. Or change them to
`utf-8`, which makes them go away completely, without having to change colour
space. In order to change the powerline separators, put the following snippet in
the `dotspacemacs/user-config` section of your `~/.spacemacs` file.
the `dotspacemacs/user-config` section of your `~/.spacemacs` file:
(setq powerline-default-separator 'utf-8)
@ -273,56 +258,35 @@ For efficient searches we recommend installing `pt` ([the platinum searcher][]).
If you're running in a terminal then you'll also need to change the terminals
font settings.
4. Launch Emacs, and answer three questions in the: Dotfile wizard installer
What is your preferred editing style?
-> Among the stars aboard the Evil flagship (vim)
On the planet Emacs in the Holy control tower (emacs)
4. Launch Emacs, and answer the questions in the Dotfile wizard installer. If
you are new to Emacs and Spacemacs, then it's fine to just accept the default
choices. It's easy to try the other choices later, without having to
reinstall Spacemacs. They can be changed in the dotfile `~/.spacemacs`.
What distribution of spacemacs would you like to start with?
-> The standard distribution, recommended (spacemacs)
A minimalist distribution that you can build on (spacemacs-base)
What type of completion framework do you want?
-> A heavy one but full-featured (helm)
A lighter one but still very powerful (ivy)
None (not recommended)
If your new to Emacs and Spacemacs, then it's fine to just accept the default
editing style: vim
distribution: spacemacs
completion framework: helm
It's easy to try the other choices later, without having to reinstall
Spacemacs. They can be changed in the dotfile `~/.spacemacs`.
After answering the third question, then Spacemacs starts downloading and
After answering the questions, then Spacemacs starts downloading and
installing the packages it requires. When the packages have been installed.
Restart Emacs to complete the installation.
**Note:** If you get an error regarding package downloads, then you can try to
disable the HTTPS protocol by starting Emacs with the `--insecure` argument:
If you get an error regarding package downloads, then you can try to
disable the HTTPS protocol by starting Emacs with the `--insecure` argument:
emacs --insecure
emacs --insecure
Or you can set the `dotspacemacs-elpa-https` variable to `nil` in your
dotfile `~/.spacemacs`. That will remove the need to start Emacs with the
`--insecure` argument. You may also want to clear out your `.emacs.d/elpa`
directory before doing this, so that any corrupted packages you may have
downloaded will be re-installed.
Or you can set the `dotspacemacs-elpa-https` variable to `nil` in your
dotfile `~/.spacemacs`. That will remove the need to start Emacs with the
`--insecure` argument. You may also want to clear out your `.emacs.d/elpa`
directory before doing this, so that any corrupted packages you may have
downloaded will be re-installed.
**Note:** `error: Package 'package-build-' is unavailable` may occur due to
heavy network taffic. You can fix it by setting the
`dotspacemacs-elpa-timeout` variable to `70` in your dotfile.
`error: Package 'package-build-' is unavailable` may occur due to heavy network
taffic. You can fix it by setting the `dotspacemacs-elpa-timeout` variable to
`70` in your dotfile.
**Note:** `Warning (bytecomp)` and other compilation warnings are perfectly
normal. If your curious, you can find out why these occur
`Warning (bytecomp)` and other compilation warnings are perfectly normal. If
your curious, you can find out why these occur [here][compilation-warnings].
If the mode-line turns red then be sure to consult the [FAQ][FAQ.org].