documentation formatting: Sun May 26 20:58:52 UTC 2019

This commit is contained in:
emacspace 2019-05-26 20:58:52 +00:00 committed by Eugene Yaremenko
parent d68c6311d6
commit c7c348a676
98 changed files with 488 additions and 488 deletions

View File

@ -684,7 +684,7 @@
- Throw an error instead of a warning if emacs version is too old
(thanks to deb0ch)
- Refactor =rotate-windows= (thanks to bmag)
- Dont toggle maximized window at startup if already maximized
- Don't toggle maximized window at startup if already maximized
(thanks to TheBB)
- Set default value of =dotspacemacs-enable-paste-transient-state= to nil to
reflect its value in the doftile template (tanks to toupeira)
@ -771,7 +771,7 @@
**** Elixir
- Add support for =credo= (denin)
- Prevent from inserting too many “end”s in Elixir (thanks to michalmuskala)
- Prevent from inserting too many "end"s in Elixir (thanks to michalmuskala)
**** Emacs Lisp
- Fix cursor position for =eval-last-sexp=.
@ -913,11 +913,11 @@
** 0.200.7 (2017/01/02)
*** Fixes
- More robust fix for error helm :config: fuzzy-match not supported in async sources
- More robust fix for error helm :config: 'fuzzy-match' not supported in async sources
** 0.200.6 (2017/01/01)
*** Fixes
- Fix error helm :config: fuzzy-match not supported in async sources
- Fix error helm :config: 'fuzzy-match' not supported in async sources
** 0.200.5 (2016/11/03)
*** Fixes
@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@
=org-enable-bootstrap-support= to =t= (thanks to kalhauge)
**** Nim
- Add support =nimsuggest= for better completion using Nims IDE tool
- Add support =nimsuggest= for better completion using Nim's IDE tool
(thanks to tuhdo)
- Add support for =eldoc= via =nimsuggest= (thanks to tuhdo)
- New key bindings for code navigation:
@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@
- Use =semantic= for =imenu= only when =semantic-mode= is enabled
(thanks to bmag)
- Improve =spacemacs/python-execute-file= on ~SPC m c c~ to pre-fill
“python <filename>” as the compile command when using the universal prefix
"python <filename>" as the compile command when using the universal prefix
argument ~SPC u SPC m c c~ (thanks to bmag)
**** Ruby
@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@
list, see the =vim-empty-lines= layer for example.
- Key binding ~SPC :~ acting as =M-x= as been replaced by ~SPC SPC~.
If you want to revert to the old ~SPC :~ key binding set the new
variable =dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key= to “:”.
variable =dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key= to ":".
- Key binding ~SPC f e h~ is now ~SPC h SPC~
- Key bindings to delete things are now more consistent and use the ~d~ key.
We moved ~SPC w c~ and ~SPC w C~ to ~SPC w d~ and ~SPC w D~.
@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@
micro states (thanks to justbur)
- New =jump to definition= abstraction to handle multiple jump backends like
tags, dumb-jump etc... (thanks to TheBB)
- Global access to all available REPLs with ~SPC a '~ and `SPC m ~ (thanks to
- Global access to all available REPLs with ~SPC a '~ and `SPC m '~ (thanks to
AlejandroCatalina and TheBB)
- New debugging tools:
- press ~SPC q d~ to restart Emacs in debug mode with command line parameter
@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@
Possible values are =used-only=, =used-but-keep-unused= and =all=.
- =used-only= installs only explicitly used packages and uninstall any
unused packages as well as their unused dependencies.
- =used-but-keep-unused= installs only the used packages but wont uninstall
- =used-but-keep-unused= installs only the used packages but won't uninstall
them if they become unused.
- =all= installs *all* packages supported by Spacemacs and never uninstall
@ -1526,7 +1526,7 @@
- Disable tilde fringe in shell/comint modes (thanks to russell)
- Disable tilde fringe in =messages= and =which-key= buffers (thanks to sooheon)
- Disable smartparens highlighting (thanks to TheBB)
- Diminish =visual-mode= to “ Ⓛ” or “ L” to match key binding
- Diminish =visual-mode= to " Ⓛ" or " L" to match key binding
(thanks to xiaohanyu)
- Diminish =evil-mc= when there is no cursor.
- Move =org= base configuration from the =org= layer to the =spacemacs=
@ -1585,7 +1585,7 @@
(thanks to ralesi)
**** Better defaults
- Add “smart move end of line” behaviour and add two layer variables
- Add "smart move end of line" behaviour and add two layer variables
allow for tweaking C-a and C-e behaviours:
- =better-defaults-move-to-beginning-of-code-first=
- =better-defaults-move-to-end-of-code-first=
@ -1808,7 +1808,7 @@
- Enable =emmet-mode= in sass and scss modes (thanks to utkarshkukreti)
- Make =pug= files use =jade-mode= since Jade is now called Pug
(thanks to robbyoconnor)
- Fix =emmet= expansion if =yasnippet= isnt turned on (thanks to TheBB)
- Fix =emmet= expansion if =yasnippet= isn't turned on (thanks to TheBB)
**** Idris
- New key binding ~SPC m l~ for extracting lemma (thanks to bixuanzju)
@ -1831,7 +1831,7 @@
**** Jabber
- Add support for evilified key bindings (thanks to mssun)
- Dont overwrite mini-buffer when active (thanks to toshism)
- Don't overwrite mini-buffer when active (thanks to toshism)
**** Java
- Add support for =eclimd= with new key bindings:
@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@
- New layer variable =markdown-live-preview-engine=, Possibe values are =eww=
(built-in browser) or =vmd= (installed with =npm=)
- Add package =vmd-mode= (thanks to bixuanzju)
- New key binding ~SPC m c P~ to live preview in Emacss built-in browser
- New key binding ~SPC m c P~ to live preview in Emacs's built-in browser
(thanks to lunaryorn)
**** mu4e
@ -1876,7 +1876,7 @@
(thanks to myrjola)
- Enable =org-mu4e= (thanks to choppsv1)
- Use =helm--completing-read-default= (thanks to jeizsm)
- Improve set account by “to” field (thanks to sorpaas)
- Improve set account by "to" field (thanks to sorpaas)
**** OCaml
- New key binding ~SPC m = ~ to indent buffer with =ocp-indent= (thanks to NJBS)
@ -2001,13 +2001,13 @@
- Enable lazy loading of =py-yapf=.
- Only disable =semantic-idle-summary= if =anaconda-mode= is used
(thanks to cpaulik)
- Set =comment-inline-offset= to 2 for =python-mode= Since pythons PEP8
- Set =comment-inline-offset= to 2 for =python-mode= Since python's PEP8
recommends two spaces for inline spaces (thanks to xiaohanyu)
- Set breakpoints correctly when =pyenv= is used (thanks to cpaulik)
**** React
- Add support for =smartparens= (thanks to axyz)
- Add “^import React” to =magic-mode-alist= (thanks to axyz)
- Add "^import React" to =magic-mode-alist= (thanks to axyz)
- Add =javascript-standard= as a =flycheck= checker (thanks to shahinism)
- Use node_modules version of eslint or global if not available (thanks axyz)
@ -2107,7 +2107,7 @@
- New key binding ~SPC e L~ to open the errors buffer and switch to it.
- Improve =flycheck= loading process (thanks to TheBB)
- Enable lazy loading of =flycheck=.
- Dont switch to =error-list= window if already on it (thanks to bmag)
- Don't switch to =error-list= window if already on it (thanks to bmag)
- Fix bug where errors are not filtered correctly when setting
=flycheck-navigation-minimum-level= (thanks to maxigit)
@ -2123,7 +2123,7 @@
(thanks to JAremko)
- Add typescript format and make tide formatter the default (thanks to JAremko)
- Add support for =evil-shift-width= (thanks to TheBB)
- Allow =tsfmt= to use the local projects configuration (thanks to overminder)
- Allow =tsfmt= to use the local project's configuration (thanks to overminder)
- Swap ~C-j~ and ~C-k~ in tide reference mode (thanks to zilongshanren)
**** Version-control
@ -2190,8 +2190,8 @@
- New keywords for =spacemacs|add-toggle= macro:
- =:prefix= a symbol that is bound to the raw prefix argument
(as in =(interactive "P")= forms).
- =:on-message= an expression overriding the default “on” toggle
message (useful to document a toggles argument)
- =:on-message= an expression overriding the default "on" toggle
message (useful to document a toggle's argument)
- =:mode= a minor mode, when provided, =:on=, =:off= and =:status= are
automatically defined to support the minor mode.
@ -2433,7 +2433,7 @@
- Add support for =rust= code blocks (thanks to panicbit)
**** Org
- Fix custom Spacemacs layout when =org-agenda-files= isnt a list.
- Fix custom Spacemacs layout when =org-agenda-files= isn't a list.
The org-agenda-files variable can be the name of a directory or a file.
(thanks to jmiven)
@ -2477,8 +2477,8 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Fix display of recent bookmarks without filename (thanks to lislon)
- Fix =toggle-maximize-buffer= (thanks to justbur)
- Remove files from rollback slot list (thanks to microamp)
- Dont catch errors while loading if =--debug-init= is provided.
- Dont change scratch major mode if buffer exists (thanks to TheBB)
- Don't catch errors while loading if =--debug-init= is provided.
- Don't change scratch major mode if buffer exists (thanks to TheBB)
- Restore windows layout when quitting =ediff= (thanks to fbergroth)
- Ensure that =pcache-directory= ends in a slash (thanks to rpglover64)
- Ensure new Spacemacs layouts only shows home buffer (thanks to bmag)
@ -2503,7 +2503,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Better choice of =company= front-ends (thanks to fbergroth)
**** C-C++
- Get =clang= args even if =flycheck= isnt installed (thanks to TheBB)
- Get =clang= args even if =flycheck= isn't installed (thanks to TheBB)
**** Clojure
- Fix renamed =cider-test-run-tests= function (thanks to AlejandroCatalina)
@ -2575,7 +2575,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
** 0.105.9 (2016/01/17)
*** Improvements
- Fix error on Microsoft Windows 10 OS regarding missing =printf= command
(dont call =exec-path-from-shell= function on Microsoft Windows)
(don't call =exec-path-from-shell= function on Microsoft Windows)
(thanks to syohex)
- New key bindings ~C-e~ and ~C-y~ in evilified buffers to scroll lines
(thanks to CestDiego)
@ -2671,7 +2671,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
**** Auto-completion
- Add =~/.spacemacs.d/snippets= directory to the snippet sources of
- Dont enter =evil-insert-state= after =aya-expand= when =holy-mode= if active
- Don't enter =evil-insert-state= after =aya-expand= when =holy-mode= if active
(thanks to abaw)
** 0.105.4 (2016/01/07)
@ -3080,8 +3080,8 @@ Improve loading robustness:
(thanks to sectorzero)
- New key bindings for testing:
- ~SPC m t P~ to run =go test= for the current package and all packages under it |
- ~SPC m t t~ to run =go test= for the function youre currently in
and ~SPC m t s~ to run =go test= for the suite youre currently in
- ~SPC m t t~ to run =go test= for the function you're currently in
and ~SPC m t s~ to run =go test= for the suite you're currently in
(thanks to bogdanteleaga)
- Import =GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT= from environment variables
@ -3277,7 +3277,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- New layer variable =scala-auto-insert-asterisk-in-comments= to automatically
insert asterisk in multi-line comments (thanks to lunaryorn)
- New key binding ~SPC m b b~ for =sbt-command= (thanks to lunaryorn)
- Enable Ensimes =expand-region= integration (thanks to lunaryorn)
- Enable Ensime's =expand-region= integration (thanks to lunaryorn)
- Only disable =flycheck= Scala syntax checker in Ensime (thanks to lunaryorn)
- Fix test key bindings (thanks lunaryorn)
- Fix automatic trigger of completion when hitting ~.~ (thanks to d1egoaz))
@ -3328,7 +3328,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- New key bindings ~SPC e s~ and ~SPC e S~ to select =flycheck= checker
executable (thanks to nashamri)
- Fix escaping in buffer name regexp (thanks to lunaryorn)
- Remove flycheck fringes bullet underlines (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Remove flycheck fringe's bullet underlines (thanks to StreakyCobra)
**** Themes-megapack
- Add =jbeans= theme (thanks to synic)
@ -3460,7 +3460,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
*** Layers changes
**** Eyebrowse
- Eyebrowse doesnt have a lighter anymore (thanks to myrjola)
- Eyebrowse doesn't have a lighter anymore (thanks to myrjola)
**** Haskell
- Replace obsolete function =haskell-process-load-or-reload= (thanks to
@ -3554,7 +3554,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
is the same as ~RET~. =describe-key= command is also available on ~C-S-h~.
- ~Y~ has been remapped to ~y$~
- The =bookmark= saved file has been moved to the =.cache= directory, if
you have a bookmark file =~/.emacs.d/bookmarks= then youll have to move it
you have a bookmark file =~/.emacs.d/bookmarks= then you'll have to move it
to =~/.emacs.d/.cache/bookmarks=
- =Ruby on Rails= framework has now its own layer called =ruby-on-rails=,
be sure to add this layer to your dotfile if you use RoR.
@ -3693,7 +3693,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Fix windows micro-state by using the minibuffer (thanks to person808)
- Fix broken alignment functions on ~SPC x a~ (thanks to justbur)
- Dont jump if only one match in =helm-imenu= (thanks to tuhdo)
- Don't jump if only one match in =helm-imenu= (thanks to tuhdo)
- Remove =wS= from prefix list in =config.el= (thanks to justbur)
- Properly close frame when running a client from terminal (thanks to drewkett)
- Add chocolate color for the =replace= state (thanks to TheBB)
@ -3723,7 +3723,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Fix search direction consistency for =auto-highlight-symbol= micro-state
(thanks to herbertjones)
- Add VCS integration to =neotree=
- Focus current file when opening Neotree in projects root with ~SPC p t~
- Focus current file when opening Neotree in project's root with ~SPC p t~
(thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Set =sp-show-pair-delay= to 0.2 instead of 0. Should fix some slowness in
- Set =highlight-parentheses= delay to 0.2
@ -3738,7 +3738,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Correctly enable =powerline= only if it is used (thanks to sooheon)
- Make =golden-ratio= work after avy-word-jump (thanks to synic)
- Exclude =helm= windows from =golden-ratio= (thanks to ralesi)
- Dont automatically select *compilation* buffer (thanks to jasminpatry)
- Don't automatically select *compilation* buffer (thanks to jasminpatry)
- Define explicit functions to inverse comments for =evil-nerd-commenter=
(thanks to endrebak)
- Use TheBB fork of =evil-indent-textobject= which has working text objects
@ -3767,7 +3767,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Fix error with =company-mode/more-than-prefix-guesser= (thanks to TheBB)
**** Chinese
- Remove “symbol” from list of changed charsets, this prevents minor mode
- Remove "symbol" from list of changed charsets, this prevents minor mode
lighters from being displayed in the Chinese font (thanks to louy2)
**** Clojure
@ -3803,7 +3803,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Fix key bindings conflict in =cider-debug-mode= (thanks to luxbock)
- Rename old function =clfr-rename-file-or-dir= to new function
=cljr-rename-file= (thanks to luxbock)
- Remove ~SPC m d b~ =cider-debug-defun-at-point= in REPL (It doesnt do
- Remove ~SPC m d b~ =cider-debug-defun-at-point= in REPL (It doesn't do
anything other than messing up the buffer) (thanks to luxbock)
- Gives faster access to display the last error buffer with ~SPC m d e~
(thanks to luxbock)
@ -4183,13 +4183,13 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Add support for Magit 2.1!
- Helm now uses its header to display the input pattern.
- Use Flycheck default configuration to check the current buffer in
“real time” (yes this is a hot new features :-))
"real time" (yes this is a hot new features :-))
- New interactive function =spacemacs/switch-to-version=, it will ask
for a version number and warn if the current branch is not =master=.
Users on =develop= branch cannot use this function (it has no effect).
- Clicking on the up arrow in the mode-line will now update Spacemacs.
A prompt asks for confirmation before updating.
- New “tool assisted” search and replace interface supporting =ag=, =pt=,
- New "tool assisted" search and replace interface supporting =ag=, =pt=,
and =ack= with a new key binding scheme. Check the documentation for
=searching with an external tool=.
@ -4350,7 +4350,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Add support for a bunch of languages for code blocks (thanks to dexafree)
**** Ocaml
- Dont auto-close backticks (thanks to edwintorok)
- Don't auto-close backticks (thanks to edwintorok)
**** Org
- Fontify code blocks (thanks to tuhdo)
@ -4568,8 +4568,8 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Remove ~SPC b 0~ and ~SPC b $~ redundant key bindings (thanks to tuhdo)
- Remove all themes from the layer (since now themes are not
automatically uninstalled).
- Dont use the minibuffer for =scroll= micro-state
- Dont close compilation buffer after success (thanks to TheBB)
- Don't use the minibuffer for =scroll= micro-state
- Don't close compilation buffer after success (thanks to TheBB)
- Make =trailing-whitespace= face more subtle (thanks to tuhdo)
- Beautify whitespace highlighting (thanks to tuhdo)
- Make inactive window face of mode-line compatible with more themes
@ -4803,7 +4803,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Enable =company= in Python REPL for code completion (thanks to tuhdo)
- Fix wrong extra parenthesis when inserting a breakpoint
(thanks to CestDiego)
- Dont enable Vim key bindings in REPL if =holy-mode= is active (thanks to
- Don't enable Vim key bindings in REPL if =holy-mode= is active (thanks to
- Fix Python and Semantic integration when no =python= executable can be
found on the system (thanks to tuhdo)
@ -4827,7 +4827,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Add ~SPC m d A~ to attach to remote debugger (thanks to siegelzero)
**** Semantic
- Create directory for =semanticdb= if it doesnt exist (thanks to CestDiego)
- Create directory for =semanticdb= if it doesn't exist (thanks to CestDiego)
**** Shell
- Use =shell-pop= to toggle shell/eshell and terminals (thanks to tuhdo)
@ -4883,7 +4883,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
link faces, better key bindings (thanks to tuhdo)
- =dotspacemacs/location= now respect =dotspacemacs-filepath= value
(thanks to coldnew)
- Avoid conflict with hydras =lv.el= (thanks to edwintorok)
- Avoid conflict with hydra's =lv.el= (thanks to edwintorok)
- Update layer templates to use =setq= instead of =defvar= (thanks to
@ -4891,7 +4891,7 @@ Improve loading robustness:
- Replace =defvar= with =setq= for variable definition =<layer>-packages=,
=<layer>-pre-extensions= and =<layer>-pre-extensions=.
- Themes in =dotspacemacs-themes= are not considered orphans anymore
- Fix “Unable to check for new version.” if =.emacs.d= is a symlink
- Fix "Unable to check for new version." if =.emacs.d= is a symlink
(thanks to louy2)
- Fix non unicode number spacing in mode-line
- Typos (thanks to Andrea, atamis, CarlQLange, charl, ctjhoa, Devagamster,
@ -4921,18 +4921,18 @@ Spacemacs now officially support auto-completion. The old layer
=company-mode= has been removed and =auto-complete= has been removed
from the spacemacs layer.
They are now part of a new layer called =auto-completion=.
Youll have to this add layer to your dotfile to enable auto-completion.
You'll have to this add layer to your dotfile to enable auto-completion.
*** Syntax checking
Flycheck has been removed from the Spacemacs layer and moved to a new
layer called =syntax-checking=.
Youll have to add this layer to your dotfile to enable the fly syntax
You'll have to add this layer to your dotfile to enable the fly syntax
*** Org
Org packages have been removed from Spacemacs layer and moved to a new
=org= layer.
Youll have to add this layer to your dotfile to enable the Org
You'll have to add this layer to your dotfile to enable the Org
configuration of Spacemacs.
*** New shortcuts in startup buffer
@ -5101,7 +5101,7 @@ a batch of packages.
- Allow to create a common lisp scratch buffer with slime-scratch
(thanks to tuhdo)
- Enable fuzzy completion with score (thanks to tuhdo)
- Dont enable SLIME in Emacs Lisp (thanks to tuhdo)
- Don't enable SLIME in Emacs Lisp (thanks to tuhdo)
*** Smartparens
- Enable smartparens in eval-expression (thanks to tuhdo)
@ -5168,14 +5168,14 @@ a batch of packages.
- Fix double loading of =extensions.el= files
- Fix question for preferred coding systems on Microsoft Windows
- Properly enable saveplace (thanks to tuhdo)
- Dont bind ~C-d~ in =ido-completion-map= to =ido-delete-file-at-head=
- Don't bind ~C-d~ in =ido-completion-map= to =ido-delete-file-at-head=
(thanks to segv)
- Dont refer to ~/.emacs.d/ directly at various places
- Don't refer to ~/.emacs.d/ directly at various places
(thanks to jcpetkovich)
- Dont want paste-micro-state to pop up when pasting in ex command
- Don't want paste-micro-state to pop up when pasting in ex command
prompt (thanks to ralesi)
- Dont cycle when press TAB in eshell (thanks to tuhdo)
- Dont insert extra quote in dotspacemacs-mode (thanks to tuhdo)
- Don't cycle when press TAB in eshell (thanks to tuhdo)
- Don't insert extra quote in dotspacemacs-mode (thanks to tuhdo)
- Adapt some micro-states to the micro-state macro (thanks to ralesi)
- Improve smooth scrolling configuration (reduce some point jump)
(thanks to tuhdo)
@ -5187,10 +5187,10 @@ a batch of packages.
** Hot Fixes
*** Startup Buffer
- Dont display the release notes in the startup buffer when Emacs is restarted
- Don't display the release notes in the startup buffer when Emacs is restarted
after a fresh install
- Startup buffer: fix widget activation in =holy-mode= (thanks to tuhdo)
- Startup buffer: Dont fontify the startup buffer when =rainbow-identifiers=
- Startup buffer: Don't fontify the startup buffer when =rainbow-identifiers=
*** Auto-completion
- Fix error when toggling auto-completion in some buffers

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ We want the community to be judged based on its moderation actions instead of
telling people how to behave. The golden rules of the community are to have good
intentions and stay focused on the project, for anything else that requires
moderation any future user or contributor can refer to this section to know
about our past moderation actions. So readers wont find any example or
about our past moderation actions. So readers won't find any example or
definition of what collaborators judge offending or outrageous, instead they
will find at the end of this section a log of all major moderation actions taken
by the collaborators since the beginning of the project which started officially
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ These guidelines apply to all collaborators of the project, namely @syl20bnr,
EDIT: [@moderator] action (reason: xxx)
- The reason is added only when needed (for instance we wont add a reason for
- The reason is added only when needed (for instance we won't add a reason for
formatting edits)
** Interpretation
@ -121,4 +121,4 @@ moderation actions have been taken:
| Date | Moderator | Action | Issue | Reason |
| 2016/01/27 | syl20bnr | lock | #3484 | comments judged to be offending towards the Spacemacs community |
| 2016/01/27 | syl20bnr | unlock | #3484 | lets make it happen, i.e. this document |
| 2016/01/27 | syl20bnr | unlock | #3484 | let's make it happen, i.e. this document |

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Thanks! :heart: :heart: :heart:
If you want to ask an usage question, be sure to look first into some places as
it may hold the answer:
- [[][The FAQ]]. Some of the most frequently asked questions are answered there.
- [[][The documentation]]. Its the general documentation of Spacemacs.
- [[][The documentation]]. It's the general documentation of Spacemacs.
- You may also read the of the [[][relevant layer(s)]].
If your question is not answered there, then please come into our [[][gitter chat]] to
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Submit your contribution against the =develop= branch. You should not use
your =master= branch to modify Spacemacs, this branch is considered to be
You may want to [[][read our beginners guide for Pull Requests]].
You may want to [[][read our beginner's guide for Pull Requests]].
/PR = Pull Request/
@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ Those PRs are usually /cherry-picked/.
Those PRs are /merged/ and explicitly /not fast-forwarded/.
*** Commit messages
Write commit messages according to adapted [[][Tim Popes guidelines]]:
- Use present tense and write in the imperative: “Fix bug”, not “fixed bug” or
“fixes bug”.
Write commit messages according to adapted [[][Tim Pope's guidelines]]:
- Use present tense and write in the imperative: "Fix bug", not "fixed bug" or
"fixes bug".
- Start with a capitalized, short (72 characters or less) summary, followed by a
blank line.
- If necessary, add one or more paragraphs with details, wrapped at 72
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ The file header for =elisp= files should look like the following template:
You should replace =FILENAME= by the name of the file (e.g. =packages.el=)
and =NAME= by the name of the layer you are creating, dont forget to replace
and =NAME= by the name of the layer you are creating, don't forget to replace
=YOUR_NAME= and =YOUR_EMAIL= also. Some files already have a template inside
=core/templates/=, so look in there first.
Note that if you use =configuration-layer/create-layer=, spacemacs will prepare
@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ Every file of a layer should contain =#+TAGS:= line:
Individual tags are separated with “|” char.
Example above contains 2 tags: “layer” and “web service”
Individual tags are separated with "|" char.
Example above contains 2 tags: "layer" and "web service"
Tags are listed in =<spacemacs_root>/.ci/spacedoc-cfg.edn=
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ Tags are listed in =<spacemacs_root>/.ci/spacedoc-cfg.edn=
Labels are used to name headlines in file and
=:spacetools.spacedoc.config/layers-org-query= defines its structure by
chaining tags into a tree where every leaf turns into a list of
descriptions pulled out of files that match leafs path in the tree.
“layer” is implicit root tag of the tree and every description can be displayed
descriptions pulled out of files that match leaf's path in the tree.
"layer" is implicit root tag of the tree and every description can be displayed
only once.
*** Contributor to an existing layer
@ -244,15 +244,15 @@ Key bindings are an important part of spacemacs.
First if you want to have some personal key bindings, you can freely bind them
inside the ~SPC o~ and ~SPC m o~ prefixes which are reserved for the user. This
can be done from the =dotspacemacs/user-config= function of your =.spacemacs=
file and dont require any contribution to Spacemacs.
file and don't require any contribution to Spacemacs.
If you think it worth contributing a new key bindings then be sure to read
the [[][]] file to find the best key bindings, then create a
PR with your changes.
*ALWAYS* document your new key bindings or key bindings changes inside the
relevant documentation file. It should be the layers file for
layers key bindings, or for general Spacemacs key
relevant documentation file. It should be the layer's file for
layer's key bindings, or for general Spacemacs key
** Contributing a banner

View File

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ In the mingw shell run:
*** Update your dotfile
In the function =dotspacemacs/init= add the following variables if you dont
In the function =dotspacemacs/init= add the following variables if you don't
have them already and initialize them:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ have them already and initialize them:
A new user dotfile function has been added which is called before doing the
dump. The function name is =dotspacemacs/user-load=. You can require additional
libraries before the dump so they wont need to be lazy loaded.
libraries before the dump so they won't need to be lazy loaded.
Add this to your dotfile if you dont have it already.
Add this to your dotfile if you don't have it already.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun dotspacemacs/user-load ()

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ modifier keys are:
~SPC~ = ~Space~, used as the leader key in Vim editing style.
~RET~ = ~Return~ (also known as ~Enter~)
~C-~ = ~Ctrl~
~M-~ (for “meta”) = ~Alt~
~M-~ (for "meta") = ~Alt~
~S-~ = ~Shift~
The modifier keys can be used either in a sequence or as key chords by pressing
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ two keys at the same time. ~SPC 1~ is notation for a key sequence and means
pressing ~Space~ first and pressing ~1~ after it. Key chords are notated by
writing a ~-~ between the keys. Thus ~C-c~ means pressing ~Ctrl~ and the letter
~c~ simultaneously. Key chords and sequences can also be combined: ~C-c a~ means
First press ~Ctrl~ and ~c~ simultaneously, then press ~a~”. ~C-c C-a~ means
First press ~Ctrl~ and ~c~ simultaneously, then press ~Ctrl~ and ~a~
"First press ~Ctrl~ and ~c~ simultaneously, then press ~a~”. ~C-c C-a~ means
"First press ~Ctrl~ and ~c~ simultaneously, then press ~Ctrl~ and ~a~
This document assumes you chose the “Vim” editing style and notates accordingly.
This document assumes you chose the "Vim" editing style and notates accordingly.
If you chose the Emacs editing style, just substitute ~SPC~ with ~M-m~ in all
the commands that begin with ~SPC~.
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ first, in practice it can be learned quickly and once learned is unparallelled
in speed and ergonomy. Our earlier example of deleting a certain line of text (a
very common edit task) can be achieved in Spacemacs by simply navigating to the
line in question with the keys ~j~ and ~k~ (navigation keys) and pressing ~d~
(for “delete”) two times!
(for "delete") two times!
You might have noticed that this was achieved entirely without moving your
fingers from your home row (the row where your fingers lie in rest when
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ modal editing.
** Using the spacebar to launch commands
Now that you are familiar with writing and editing text it is time to put the
“Space” into Spacemacs. Because the spacebar is the most accessible key on the
"Space" into Spacemacs. Because the spacebar is the most accessible key on the
keyboard and is pressed by the strongest fingers (the thumbs), it is a natural
choice for launching commands. You can think of it as the start menu of
@ -112,36 +112,36 @@ A short instant after the spacebar is pressed a menu pops up. This interactive
menu shows you what submenus and commands can be accessed by subsequent
keypresses. Browsing around this menu is a great way of finding new features in
Spacemacs, so keep on eye on the different options! ~ESC~ usually breaks the
combination you dont want to use.
combination you don't want to use.
** Buffers, windows and frames
Because Emacs (the extension of which Spacemacs is) was developed in the 80s
Because Emacs (the extension of which Spacemacs is) was developed in the '80s
before the advent of modern graphical user interfaces, Emacs has
a different name of what we normally call “windows”: in Emacs these are
called “frames”. A frame is what pops up when you launch Spacemacs from your
a different name of what we normally call "windows": in Emacs these are
called "frames". A frame is what pops up when you launch Spacemacs from your
desktop shortcut. A frame contains windows and buffers.
Windows are the visual spaces a frame is divided into. The default
is one, but windows can be split to allow editing multiple files in one frame.
Lets try this. Press ~SPC~ to bring up the menu. You can see different letters
Let's try this. Press ~SPC~ to bring up the menu. You can see different letters
having different submenus associated with them, usually with a mnemonic for
easier recall. The letter w is assigned for “windows”: press it. A new menu
easier recall. The letter w is assigned for "windows": press it. A new menu
opens with further options. Write the character / to split the currently active
window vertically into two.
Now you should see two windows of this tutorial, and the one on the left should
be active, as can be seen from the modeline in the bottom or by moving the
cursor around using the navigation keys. This isnt very useful, as we
cursor around using the navigation keys. This isn't very useful, as we
would probably want to see a different file on the right.
First, activate the window on the right with ~SPC 2~. Now that the window on the
right is active, we can open a different buffer for a different file. Well use
right is active, we can open a different buffer for a different file. We'll use
the scratch buffer, which can be used like a notepad. Be warned, unlike other
buffers it doesnt prompt you whether you want to save the changes youve made
buffers it doesn't prompt you whether you want to save the changes you've made
when quitting the program! Press ~SPC b~ to open the buffers menu and then
switch to the scratch buffer by pressing s. Now you have two different buffers
in two different windows open, great! You can write something on the scratch
buffer, and when youre done, make sure that the scratch window is active and
buffer, and when you're done, make sure that the scratch window is active and
close it by pressing ~SPC w d~.
Now the tutorial window fills the whole frame. But you only closed the window,
@ -168,13 +168,13 @@ By default Spacemacs uses a dotfile called =~/.spacemacs= to control which layer
to load. Within this file you can also configure certain features. First, split
the window vertically to view both this tutorial and the dotfile simultaneously
(~SPC w /~). Open the dotfile by pressing ~SPC f e d~. Navigate to the line
starting with “dotspacemacs-configuration-layers”. The following lines have
starting with "dotspacemacs-configuration-layers". The following lines have
further instructions: uncomment =org= and =git= layers if you want to be
familiarized with them. More [[][layers]] for different languages and tools can be
found by pressing ~SPC h SPC~. The added layers will be installed upon restart
of Spacemacs.
Some layers require third-party tools that youll have to install via your
Some layers require third-party tools that you'll have to install via your
favorite package manager. The layer readme will tell if this is the case.
** Changing the colour theme
@ -187,15 +187,15 @@ Editing the =dotspacemacs-maximized-at-startup= variable from =nil= to =t= will
Spacemacs maximized.
** Quitting
Save the changes youve made to the dotfile with ~SPC f s~ and then quit emacs
Save the changes you've made to the dotfile with ~SPC f s~ and then quit emacs
by ~SPC q q~. You can return to this tutorial by clicking it on the home screen!
* Additional features, tips and troubleshooting
** Org mode
Org mode is one of the best features of Spacemacs and enough reason to warrant
its use. Org modes official description tells that it is “for keeping notes,
its use. Org mode's official description tells that it is "for keeping notes,
maintaining todo lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast
and effective plain-text system, but this gives only a small inkling of its
and effective plain-text system", but this gives only a small inkling of its
versatility. If you do any kind of writing at all, chances are that Org mode
will make it easier and more fun. This tutorial was written in Org mode.
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ tutorials is also very helpful in finding out the most useful features of it!
** Version control - the intelligent way
Version control means keeping track of the changes and edits you have made to
your document. Often version control is done by saving different versions of the
document with different names, such as “document version 13” and so on. This is
document with different names, such as "document version 13" and so on. This is
crude in many ways: if you want to, for example, re-add something you deleted,
you have to manually open several past versions of the document to find the one
with the deleted part, and then copy-paste it to the most recent file. More
@ -227,12 +227,12 @@ posts as well.
Install the git layer, restart Spacemacs and open a file you want to version
control. You can check the status of your file by pressing ~SPC g s~. Select the
folder your file is in. You will be prompted whether you want to create a
repository in the folder. Select yes. You will see a list of “Untracked files”:
navigate to the file you want to track and press s to “stage changes”. You might
repository in the folder. Select yes. You will see a list of "Untracked files":
navigate to the file you want to track and press s to "stage changes". You might
be prompted to save the file: save it if necessary. Now the new file needs to be
committed: press c and c again. Two windows pop up: one showing the changes
youve made since the last edit (in this case, the whole document) and another
prompting for a commit message. Write “Initial commit”, press ESC to exit back
you've made since the last edit (in this case, the whole document) and another
prompting for a commit message. Write "Initial commit", press ESC to exit back
to normal mode and press ~, c~ confirm and quit the commit
message. To abort, press ~, a~.
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ comprehensive Spacemacs documentation, including this tutorial and the layer
The [[][Gitter chat]] can be used to ask questions if the answer cannot be found in
the documentation. For a detailed review of Spacemacss features one can also
the documentation. For a detailed review of Spacemacs's features one can also
watch the [[][Spacemacs ABC series]] by Eivind Fonn on Youtube. Some of the
keybindings have changed since the videos were uploaded but seeing someone in
action helps spot helpful tricks that would otherwise be missed.

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ A package is initialized in a function with name =<layer>/init-xxx= where:
=:config= keywords.
- If there is only one line of code then try to keep =:init= or =:config=
keywords on the same line.
- Dont nest multiple =use-package= calls unless you have a very good reason
- Don't nest multiple =use-package= calls unless you have a very good reason
to do it.
* Key bindings conventions
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ should be followed:
| ~m s r~ | send region |
| ~m s R~ | send region and switch to REPL |
Note: we dont distinguish between the file and the buffer.
Note: we don't distinguish between the file and the buffer.
*** In terminal
History navigation in shells or REPLs buffers should be bound as well to
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ The base prefix for major mode specific compilation is ~SPC m c~.
| ~m c C~ | clean |
| ~m c r~ | clean and compile |
Note: we dont distinguish between the file and the buffer. We can
Note: we don't distinguish between the file and the buffer. We can
implement an auto-save of the buffer before compiling the buffer.
** Debugging
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ share common actions that we can unite under the same key bindings:
| ~m t t~ | execute the current test (thing at point, function) |
| ~m t T~ | execute the current test in debug (thing at point, function) |
Note: we dont distinguish between the file and the buffer. We can
Note: we don't distinguish between the file and the buffer. We can
implement an auto-save of the buffer before executing the tests of
@ -413,4 +413,4 @@ Spacemacs provides an example layer file in
- Note: Many layer =READMEs= do not follow this convention yet. Please fix
them if you can.
- To keep things readable only mention the prefix ~SPC~ when documenting
key bindings, you dont need to mention ~M-m~.
key bindings, you don't need to mention ~M-m~.

View File

@ -217,9 +217,9 @@
- [[#thank-you][Thank you]]
* Core Pillars
Four core pillars: Mnemonic, Discoverable, Consistent and “Crowd-Configured”.
Four core pillars: Mnemonic, Discoverable, Consistent and "Crowd-Configured".
If any of these core pillars are violated, open an issue and well try our best
If any of these core pillars are violated, open an issue and we'll try our best
to fix it.
** Mnemonic
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ Click it to update Spacemacs. You must restart Emacs after updating.
disabled---you have to update manually using git.
*** Updating from the Spacemacs Buffer
Use the button labeled “Update Spacemacs” in the Spacemacs buffer. You will be
Use the button labeled "Update Spacemacs" in the Spacemacs buffer. You will be
prompted for the version you would like to use.
*Note*: If you use the =develop= branch of Spacemacs, you cannot use this method.
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Where:
=Packages= can be:
- =ELPA= packages installed from an =ELPA= compliant repository
- local packages in a layers =local= folder
- local packages in a layer's =local= folder
- installed from an online source using [[][quelpa]].
** Configure packages
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ Example:
All packages from all layers are processed in alphabetical order so sometimes
youll have to use some =with-eval-after-load= black magic to configure them
you'll have to use some =with-eval-after-load= black magic to configure them
properly. For instance, if package =A= depends on =B= then you can configure
=A= with:
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ Adding this layer will install around 100 themes; to uninstall them remove the
layer from the =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= and press ~SPC f e R~.
** Managing private configuration layers
Spacemacss configuration system is flexible enough to let you manage your
Spacemacs's configuration system is flexible enough to let you manage your
private layers in different ways.
*** Using the private directory
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ ignoring this package is the same as excluding it (because the package becomes
orphan so it is considered unused by Spacemacs).
*** Excluding packages
You can exclude packages you dont want to install with the variable
You can exclude packages you don't want to install with the variable
=dotspacemacs-excluded-packages= (see [[#configuration-layers][Configuration layers]] for more info
on packages).
@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ for the toggle to turn on and off the =which-key= minor mode.
Major mode specific toggles can be turned on by registering a hook on them to
call the “toggle on” function automatically whenever a buffer using this major
call the "toggle on" function automatically whenever a buffer using this major
mode is opened. It can be done convenienty using the function
=spacemacs/toggle-NAME-on-register-hooks=. It also exists variants of this
function for each supported major mode like
@ -1036,10 +1036,10 @@ will go to the function =dotspacemacs/user-env= instead of opening the file
=dotspacemacs/user-env= so you can update your variables in place.
** Note about the function dotspacemacs/user-env
Its possible that you dont have this function defined if you have an older
Its possible that you don't have this function defined if you have an older
dotfile. It is recommended to update your dotfile by adding this function,
see the file =~/.emacs.d/core/template/.spacemacs.template= to copy it.
If you dont create such function then Spacemacs assumes you are using the
If you don't create such function then Spacemacs assumes you are using the
default behavior described above.
* Binding keys
@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ major mode is =emacs-lisp=.
Finally, one should be aware of prefix keys. Essentially, all keymaps can be
nested. Nested keymaps are used extensively in spacemacs, and in vanilla Emacs
for that matter. For example, ~SPC a~ points to key bindings for “applications”,
for that matter. For example, ~SPC a~ points to key bindings for "applications",
like ~SPC a c~ for =calc-dispatch=. Nesting bindings is easy.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ You can see samples of all themes included in the =themes-megapack= layer
in this [[][theme gallery]] from [[][Rob Merrell]].
*** Notes
- You dont need to explicitly list in a layer the theme packages you are
- You don't need to explicitly list in a layer the theme packages you are
defining in =dotspacemacs-themes=, Spacemacs is smart enough to remove those
packages from the list of orphans.
- Due to the inner working of themes in Emacs, switching theme during the same
@ -1234,9 +1234,9 @@ property of a [[
- =:size= The font size- either a non-negative integer that specifies the
pixel size, or a floating-point number that specifies the point size.
- =:adstyle= Additional typographic style information for the font, such as
sans. The value should be a string or a symbol.
'sans'. The value should be a string or a symbol.
- =:registry= The charset registry and encoding of the font, such as
iso8859-1. The value should be a string or a symbol.
'iso8859-1'. The value should be a string or a symbol.
- =:script= The script that the font must support (a symbol).
** GUI Toggles
@ -1298,9 +1298,9 @@ Available properties:
| =:size-limit-kb= | size limit in kilobytes after which line numbers are not activated |
Note that if =:enabled-for-modes= is =nil= or not specified, then the default is
to enable line numbers in any =prog-mode= and =text-mode= that wasnt explicitly
to enable line numbers in any =prog-mode= and =text-mode= that wasn't explicitly
disabled via =:disabled-for-modes=. To enable line numbers in a major mode that
doesnt derive from =prog-mode= or =text-mode=, you must specify it directly in
doesn't derive from =prog-mode= or =text-mode=, you must specify it directly in
=:enabled-for-modes=. To enable line numbers even in non-prog-mode and
non-text-mode buffers, set =:enabled-for-modes= to =all=.
@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ Supported separators and preview:
| =none= | | X | |
A last special separator is supported, it is =utf-8= which uses actual font
glyphs so it can be rendered in a terminal. Youll need a font patched for the
glyphs so it can be rendered in a terminal. You'll need a font patched for the
Vim powerline to be able to use it. The default font used by Spacemacs =Source
Code Pro= already contains the glyphs.
@ -1423,7 +1423,7 @@ Example:
(setq dotspacemacs-mode-line-theme '(all-the-icons :separator-scale 1.5))
Note that this setting wont work correctly when the separator is =utf-8=, if
Note that this setting won't work correctly when the separator is =utf-8=, if
you use this separator then it is recommended to set =:separator-scale= to =1.0=.
*** Spacemacs mode-line theme
@ -1596,7 +1596,7 @@ Following format short codes are available:
| =%m= | mode name |
| =%n= | Narrow if appropriate |
| =%z= | mnemonics of buffer, terminal, and keyboard coding systems |
| =%Z= | like %z, but including the end-of-line format |
| =%Z= | like %z, but including the end-of-line format" |
**** Iconified (tabified) title
If you are using tiling window manager with tab support you may want to display
@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@ The =default= layout (the layout created at the startup of Emacs) is not
displayed in the mode-line but it is possible to display it by setting the
variable =dotspacemacs-display-default-layout= to =t=.
Its name is “default” by default but it can be changed by setting the variable
Its name is "default" by default but it can be changed by setting the variable
The =default= layout is special because it has a global scope which means that
@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@ Workspaces are sub-layouts, they allow to define multiple layouts into a given
layout, those layouts share the same buffer as the parent layout.
The currently active workspace number is displayed before the window number,
for instance “➊|➍” or “1|4” means the fourth window of the first workspace.
for instance "➊|➍" or "1|4" means the fourth window of the first workspace.
Any new layout comes with a default workspace which is the workspace 1.
@ -1797,7 +1797,7 @@ easily switch between =insert state= and =normal state= by quickly pressing the
~fd~ keys.
The choice of ~fd~ was made to be able to use the same sequence to escape from
“everything” in Emacs:
"everything" in Emacs:
- escape from all stock evil states to normal state
- escape from evil-lisp-state to normal state
- escape from evil-iedit-state to normal state
@ -1815,7 +1815,7 @@ The choice of ~fd~ was made to be able to use the same sequence to escape from
- hide neotree buffer
If you find yourself in a buffer where the Spacemacs (~SPC~) or Vim keybindings
dont work you can use this to get back to =normal state= (for example in ~SPC
don't work you can use this to get back to =normal state= (for example in ~SPC
SPC customize~ press ~fd~ to make ~SPC b b~ work again).
This sequence can be customized in your =~/.spacemacs=.
@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ The following actions on the selected candidate are available:
**** Available packages in Spacemacs
=spacemacs-help= also lists all the packages available in Spacemacs. The
entry format is =(layer) packages=. If you type =flycheck= youll be able to see
entry format is =(layer) packages=. If you type =flycheck= you'll be able to see
all the layers where =flycheck= is used.
The following actions are available on selected package:
@ -2011,12 +2011,12 @@ ELPA packages. Paradox enhances the package list buffer with better feedbacks,
new filters and Github information like the number of stars. Optionally you can
also star packages directly in the buffer.
*Important Note 1*: Installing a new package from =Paradox= wont make it
*Important Note 1*: Installing a new package from =Paradox= won't make it
persistent. To install a package persistently you have to add it explicitly to a
configuration layer.
*Important Note 2*: Dont /update/ your packages from =Paradox= or
=package-list-packages= because they dont support the rollback feature of
*Important Note 2*: Don't /update/ your packages from =Paradox= or
=package-list-packages= because they don't support the rollback feature of
| Key binding | Description |
@ -2103,7 +2103,7 @@ Similar to =avy=, [[][ace-link]] allows one t
| ~o~ | initiate ace link mode in =help-mode= and =info-mode= |
*** Unimpaired bindings
Spacemacs comes with a built-in port of [[][tpopes vim-unimpaired]].
Spacemacs comes with a built-in port of [[][tpope's vim-unimpaired]].
This plugin provides several pairs of bracket maps using ~[~ to denote
previous, and ~]~ as next.
@ -2443,10 +2443,10 @@ Frame manipulation commands (start with ~F~):
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC F f~ | open a file in another frame |
| ~SPC F d~ | delete the current frame (unless its the only one) |
| ~SPC F d~ | delete the current frame (unless it's the only one) |
| ~SPC F D~ | delete all other frames |
| ~SPC F b~ | open a buffer in another frame |
| ~SPC F B~ | open a buffer in another frame (but dont switch) |
| ~SPC F B~ | open a buffer in another frame (but don't switch) |
| ~SPC F o~ | cycle focus between frames |
| ~SPC F O~ | open a dired buffer in another frame |
| ~SPC F n~ | create a new frame |
@ -2573,7 +2573,7 @@ OpenDocument, and Microsoft Office documents.
| ~C-k~ | kill proc |
| ~C-u~ | scroll up |
| ~C-c C-c~ | toggle display text and image display |
| ~C-c C-t~ | open new buffer with docs text contents |
| ~C-c C-t~ | open new buffer with doc's text contents |
** Auto-saving
*** Frequency of auto-saving
@ -2665,7 +2665,7 @@ called =pt=.
| Prefix argument | will ask for file extensions |
When results have been saved in a regular buffer with ~F3~, that buffer supports
browsing through the matches with Spacemacs =next-error= and =previous-error=
browsing through the matches with Spacemacs' =next-error= and =previous-error=
bindings (~SPC e n~ and ~SPC e p~) as well as the error transient state (~SPC e .~).
**** Searching in current file
@ -3165,7 +3165,7 @@ It is possible to batch rename files in a directory using =wdired= from an
- use ~C-c C-k~ to abort any changes
*** Commenting
Comments are handled by [[][evil-nerd-commenter]], its bound to the following keys.
Comments are handled by [[][evil-nerd-commenter]], it's bound to the following keys.
| Key binding | Description |
@ -3186,7 +3186,7 @@ Comments are handled by [[][ev
Spacemacs uses the packages [[][pcre2el]] to manipulate regular expressions. It is
useful when working with =Emacs Lisp= buffers since it allows to easily converts
=PCRE= (Perl Compatible RegExp) to Emacs RegExp or =rx=. It can also be used to
“explain” a PCRE RegExp around point in =rx= form.
"explain" a PCRE RegExp around point in =rx= form.
The key bindings start with ~SPC x r~ and have the following mnemonic structure:
- ~SPC x r <source> <target>~ convert from source to target
@ -3326,9 +3326,9 @@ To search in a project see [[#searching-in-a-project][project searching]].
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC p '~ | open a shell in projects root (with the =shell= layer) |
| ~SPC p !~ | run shell command in projects root |
| ~SPC p &~ | run async shell command in projects root |
| ~SPC p '~ | open a shell in project's root (with the =shell= layer) |
| ~SPC p !~ | run shell command in project's root |
| ~SPC p &~ | run async shell command in project's root |
| ~SPC p %~ | replace a regexp |
| ~SPC p a~ | toggle between implementation and test |
| ~SPC p b~ | switch to project buffer |
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@ To search in a project see [[#searching-in-a-project][project searching]].
| ~SPC p f~ | find file |
| ~SPC p F~ | find file based on path around point |
| ~SPC p g~ | find tags |
| ~SPC p G~ | regenerate the projects =etags= / =gtags= |
| ~SPC p G~ | regenerate the project's =etags= / =gtags= |
| ~SPC p h~ | find file |
| ~SPC p I~ | invalidate the projectile cache |
| ~SPC p k~ | kill all project buffers |
@ -3395,7 +3395,7 @@ Errors management commands (start with ~e~):
The next/previous error bindings and the error transient state can be used to
browse errors from flycheck as well as errors from compilation buffers, and
indeed anything that supports Emacs =next-error= API. This includes for example
indeed anything that supports Emacs' =next-error= API. This includes for example
search results that have been saved to a separate buffer.
*** Error transient state
@ -3428,12 +3428,12 @@ Spacemacs binds a few commands to support compiling a project.
| ~SPC c r~ | recompile |
* EditorConfig
Spacemacs has support for [[][EditorConfig]], a configuration file to define and
maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs.
Spacemacs has support for [[][EditorConfig]], a configuration file to "define and
maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs."
To enable this feature, [[][install the editorconfig command]].
To customize your editorconfig experience, read [[][the editorconfig-emacs packages
To customize your editorconfig experience, read [[][the editorconfig-emacs package's
* Emacs Server
@ -3453,7 +3453,7 @@ need to set it in your shell configuration, e.g. =~/.bashrc= or =~/.zshrc=:
export EDITOR="emacsclient -c"
Note that if youre on OS X, you may have to refer to the emacsclient that comes
Note that if you're on OS X, you may have to refer to the emacsclient that comes
with your GUI Emacs, e.g.:
#+BEGIN_SRC sh-mode

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ may also just type ~SPC f e v~.
As it is written, that is _space_ then _macs_.
** Why do you call this a "distribution", I don't see any "Spacemacs" executable?
Although we could do it we dont package Emacs with Spacemacs. We allow users to
Although we could do it we don't package Emacs with Spacemacs. We allow users to
choose whatever build of Emacs they want that works with their OS, this is more
flexible and it saves us tons of issues. Spacemacs is more than a configuration
of Emacs it comes with advanced feature, concepts and tooling. Roughly, think of
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ To install packages that does not belong to any Spacemacs layers, you can:
To create a new configuration layer see the [[][quick start guide]] for more info.
** Environment variables or PATH are not set properly
If you use Emacs GUI and dont launch if from a terminal then edit the
If you use Emacs GUI and don't launch if from a terminal then edit the
environment variables in the =env= file. You can open this file with
~SPC f e e~. More information in the =Environment variables= section of the
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ dotfile to remove the need to start Emacs with =--insecure= argument.
** How to fix =Symbol's value as variable is void= errors on startup?
If Emacs reports an error that the symbol =closed= or =-= is unbound as a
variable, it is probably because you are using HTTPS to download packages, but
you shouldnt be. Try deleting your packages (the =.emacs.d/elpa= folder), and
you shouldn't be. Try deleting your packages (the =.emacs.d/elpa= folder), and
restart Emacs without HTTPS to download the packages again. There are two ways
to do this:
- Run Emacs with the =--insecure= command line argument: =emacs --insecure=. You
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ that by default the =utf8= separator is used in a terminal. See the powerline
section in the font section of the [[][documentation]].
** Why is after-init-hook not executed?
Dont launch Spacemacs with =emacs -q -l init.el= command. This command will run
Don't launch Spacemacs with =emacs -q -l init.el= command. This command will run
the hooked functions in =after-init-hook= before the evaluation of the passed
=-l init.el= file.
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Any variable that layer configuration code will *read* and *act on* must be set
in =user-init=, and any variable that Spacemacs explicitly sets but you wish to
*override* must be set in =user-config=.
Anything that isnt just setting a variable should 99% be in =user-config=.
Anything that isn't just setting a variable should 99% be in =user-config=.
Note that at time of writing files supplied as command line arguments to emacs
will be read before =user-config= is executed. (Hence to yield consistent
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ situations, like escaping from =insert state= to =normal state=.
The sequence of characters used can be customized. See the [[][documentation]] for
more information.
If you dont like this feature, you can deactivate it by adding =evil-escape= to
If you don't like this feature, you can deactivate it by adding =evil-escape= to
=dotspacemacs-excluded-packages= in your init file.
** Why do I get files starting with .#?
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ location you may try to use =locate=:
** Why are my font settings not being respected?
The settings of =dotspacemacs-default-font= (such as size, weight, etc.) will
only be applied if the name of the font exists on your system. Check to make
sure that this is the case. If Spacemacs cant find the font, there should be a
sure that this is the case. If Spacemacs can't find the font, there should be a
warning to this effect in the =*Messages*= buffer.
** Why am I getting a message about environment variables on startup?
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ which has a number of different major modes, you can catch them all with
This should make all original magit bindings work in the major modes in
question. To enable the leader key in this case, you may have to define a
binding in the modes map, e.g. for =magit-status-mode=,
binding in the mode's map, e.g. for =magit-status-mode=,
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'magit
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ example, if you have installed some tools to =~/.local/bin= and want them to be
available in Spacemacs, you need to add =~/.local/bin= to your =$PATH=.
Users of =bash=, =zsh=, =sh= and other similar shells should add following line
to their =.bashrc= (=.zshrc=, =.profile= or your shells equivalent). Note that
to their =.bashrc= (=.zshrc=, =.profile= or your shell's equivalent). Note that
the =export= part is very important.
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ This is the value that will be used by Emacs. So it must contain =~/.local/bin=.
After that you can run Spacemacs and check that it properly gets the value of
=$PATH= by running =M-: (getenv "PATH")=.
Note that having =~/.local/bin= in your =$PATH= also means that its possible to
Note that having =~/.local/bin= in your =$PATH= also means that it's possible to
run terminal and call tools from =~/.local/bin= without specifying their full
path. Under certain conditions you might want to avoid modifying your =$PATH=.
In that case you have the option of updating the value of =exec-path= in the
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ dash) to make the former easier to reach, you can use:
(dear-leader/swap-keys "S" "d")
If you want to define your own alias, like using ~SPC é~ (because its a not
If you want to define your own alias, like using ~SPC é~ (because it's a not
used key on your keyboard-layout for instance) for accessing ~SPC w~ (windows
management), you can use this:
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ commits messages. To enable this you have to add the following line to your
** Try Spacemacs without modifying my existing Emacs configuration?
Emacss ability to use any directory as the home for launching it allows us to
Emacs's ability to use any directory as the home for launching it allows us to
try out Spacemacs (or any other Emacs configuration we desire) without having to
go through the trouble of backing up our =~/.emacs.d= directory and then cloning
the new configuration. This can be achieved easily using the following steps:
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ the new configuration. This can be achieved easily using the following steps:
HOME=~/spacemacs emacs
If youre on Fish shell, you will need to modify the last command to:
If you're on Fish shell, you will need to modify the last command to:
=env HOME=$HOME/spacemacs emacs=
** Make copy/paste working with the mouse in X11 terminals?
@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ You can modify the list of visual enhancements applied by the =space-doc-mode=:
By default only =center-buffer-mode= is disabled.
Both =space-doc-mode= and =center-buffer-mode= can be customized
with “Easy Customization Interface”.
with "Easy Customization Interface".
** Remap paste key to be able to paste copied text multiple times
In vim and evil, pasting over a text would cause it to be copied, hence making it impossible to paste

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Before writing a layer, it is helpful to consider what you are trying to
achieve. Is there a package that provides the functionality you are after, and
you want to integrate it in Spacemacs? If yes, you should write a layer. Are you
trying to implement a new feature that would be useful for the Emacs community
at large? In that case, consider whether it wouldnt be more appropriate to
at large? In that case, consider whether it wouldn't be more appropriate to
write a package first, and then a layer that uses your package.
* The Emacs loading process
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ The simplest way to load a file is to call =load-file=.
This is as primitive as it comes. The path must be exact, and it does not have
to be in the Emacs load path (well get to that later). It will not look for a
to be in the Emacs load path (we'll get to that later). It will not look for a
byte-compiled =.elc= file. It will simply load exactly what you tell it to.
** Features
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ a long list of calls to =require= at startup would still cause Emacs to take
forever to load.
Emacs uses auto-loading to solve this problem. When a function is registered as
auto-loading, an “empty” definition is provided. When that function is called,
auto-loading, an "empty" definition is provided. When that function is called,
the file that provides the function is immediately loaded (along with all its
required features). Finally, the “empty” function is substituted with the real
required features). Finally, the "empty" function is substituted with the real
one and called normally. The end user will see only a slight delay when first
calling the function, while subsequent calls to that function (or any other
function loaded as part of the same procedure) will be as quick as normal.
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ This instructs Emacs that whenever =some-function= is called, load
=some-file.el= first, and then proceed.
After evaluating the above code, you can try to inspect =some-function= by doing
~SPC h d f some-function~. It will say its an auto-loaded function, and that
~SPC h d f some-function~. It will say it's an auto-loaded function, and that
nothing else is known about it until it is loaded. The call to =autoload= can
optionally include more information, such as a doc-string, whether the function
can be called interactively, and so on. This provides more information to the
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ end-user without her having to actually load the file first.
Open your =elpa= directory, go to =helm= and look at the file
=helm-autoloads.el=. This provides all the auto-loads for all the files in Helm.
However, this file is not written by hand. Instead, it is automatically
generated from “magic” comments in the source code of Helm. They look like this:
generated from "magic" comments in the source code of Helm. They look like this:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ The magic comment =;;;###autoload= instructs Emacs that the following definition
should be auto-loaded. This automatically generates an appropriate call to
Things that can be auto-loaded generally involve anything “definable”, such as
Things that can be auto-loaded generally involve anything "definable", such as
functions, macros, major or minor modes, groups, classes, and so on.
Magic comments also work on other things, such as variable definitions
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ Use-package supports heaps of useful keywords. Look at the [[
* Anatomy of a layer
A layer is simply a folder somewhere in Spacemacss layer search path that
A layer is simply a folder somewhere in Spacemacs's layer search path that
usually contains these files (listed in loading order).
- declare additional layers
- the packages list and configuration
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ By guarding these functions we avoid defining them when the package =my-package=
is not used.
** config.el
This file configures the layer by declaring layer variables default values and
This file configures the layer by declaring layer variables' default values and
setting up some other variables related to the layer.
This file is loaded after =funcs.el=.
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ The Spacemacs loading process can be summarized as follows:
- there must be at least one =<layer>/init-<package>= function defined for
Alternatively, if a package is part of the end users
Alternatively, if a package is part of the end user's
=dotspacemacs-additional-packages=, it will also be installed.
3. All packages which should be installed are installed in alphabetical order,
=package.el= built-in Emacs library is in charge of implicit dependencies.
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ layer does *not* own a package if it only defines =pre-init= or =post-init=
Only one layer may own a package. Since layers are processed in order of
specification in the users dotfile, it is possible for layers to “seize”
specification in the user's dotfile, it is possible for layers to "seize"
ownership of a package that was owned by a previously enabled layer.
* Case study: auto-completion
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ commutative and the order of the operands is determined by the order of the
layers in the dotfile (like the ownership stealing mechanism).
If =:can-shadow= property is set explicitly to =nil= in the dotfile then the
layer wont shadow any layer.
layer won't shadow any layer.
For instance to install both ivy and helm layer:
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ have both!
** Use-package hooks
Spacemacs includes a macro for adding more code to the =:init= or =:config=
blocks of a call to =use-package=, after the fact. This is useful for =pre-init=
or =post-init= functions to “inject” code into the =use-package= call of the
or =post-init= functions to "inject" code into the =use-package= call of the
=init= function.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

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@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ Emacs or press ~SPC f e R~. To view all layers and their documentation use
~SPC h SPC~.
** Creating a Layer
To group configuration or when configuration doesnt fit well in your
To group configuration or when configuration doesn't fit well in your
=.spacemacs= file, you can create a configuration layer. Spacemacs provides a
builtin command to generate the layer boilerplate:
~SPC SPC configuration-layer/create-layer RET~. This generates a folder that
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ the [[][configu
** Installing a single package
Sometimes creating a layer is a bit overkill. Maybe you just want one package
and dont want to maintain a whole layer. Spacemacs provides a variable in the
and don't want to maintain a whole layer. Spacemacs provides a variable in the
=dotspacemacs/layers= function in =.spacemacs= called
=dotspacemacs-additional-packages=. Just add a package name to the list and it
will be installed when you restart. Loading the package is covered in the next
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ to using it:
This is just a very basic overview of =use-package=. There are many other ways
to control how a package loads using it that arent covered here.
to control how a package loads using it that aren't covered here.
** Uninstalling a package
Spacemacs provides a variable in the =dotspacemacs/init= function in
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ your =.spacemacs=:
* Other useful links
- [[][Emacs Manual]]
- [[][Spacemacs Documentation]]
- [[][Spacemacs: A Vimmers Emacs Prerequisites]]
- [[][Spacemacs: A Vimmer's Emacs Prerequisites]]
- Note: The article refers to ~SPC b s~ as the key binding to switch buffers.
It is ~SPC b b~
- [[][Configuring Spacemacs: A Tutorial]]

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ add =erc= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this
** OS X
Its recommended to install the [[][terminal-notifier gem]] so that you get
It's recommended to install the [[][terminal-notifier gem]] so that you get
notifications via the OS X Notification Center.
** Social graph
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ read that in =:password=.
| ~SPC m d~ | Interactively input a user action and send it to IRC. |
| ~SPC m D~ | Draw Social Graph using [[][erc-social-graph]] |
| ~SPC m j~ | Join a channel, executes the /join command |
| ~SPC m n~ | Run “/names #channel” in the current channel. |
| ~SPC m n~ | Run "/names #channel" in the current channel. |
| ~SPC m l~ | Run the /list command |
| ~SPC m p~ | Part from the channel |
| ~SPC m q~ | Quit server |
@ -122,5 +122,5 @@ read that in =:password=.
* Spacemacs Layout Support
ERC buffers are added automatically to the default layout for ERC controlled by
the variable =erc-spacemacs-layout-name= (defaults to “@ERC”) and the default
binding (“E”) is controlled by =erc-spacemacs-layout-binding=
the variable =erc-spacemacs-layout-name= (defaults to "@ERC") and the default
binding ("E") is controlled by =erc-spacemacs-layout-binding=

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ file.
* HipChat
** Authentication
To find YOUR_JABBER_ID visit “XMPP/Jabber info” section on your profile page at
To find YOUR_JABBER_ID visit "XMPP/Jabber info" section on your profile page at
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

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@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ codes, set the variable =rcirc-enable-styles= to =t= in your dotfile:
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC a i r~ | Open rcirc |
| ~SPC l o i~ | Open rcirc in a custom perspective “@RICRC” (need perspectives layer enabled) |
| ~SPC l o i~ | Open rcirc in a custom perspective "@RICRC" (need perspectives layer enabled) |
| ~SPC m i a~ | Interactively insert a color code (if rcirc-styles is enabled) |
| ~SPC m i c~ | Interactively insert a text attribute code (if rcirc-styles is enabled) |
| ~SPC m i p~ | Toggle preview in input line (if rcirc-styles is enabled) |
@ -250,5 +250,5 @@ The rcirc documentation can be found [[
* Spacemacs Layout Support
RCIRC buffers are added automatically to the default layout for RCIRC controlled by
the variable =rcirc-spacemacs-layout-name= (defaults to “@RCIRC”) and the default
binding (“i”) is controlled by =rcirc-spacemacs-layout-binding=
the variable =rcirc-spacemacs-layout-name= (defaults to "@RCIRC") and the default
binding ("i") is controlled by =rcirc-spacemacs-layout-binding=

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ currently supported language:
** Enabling multi-dictionary support with hunspell
If your language is not supported by auto-dictionary feature or you author
multi-lingual documents you might be compelled to use hunspells multi-dictionary
multi-lingual documents you might be compelled to use hunspell's multi-dictionary
mode. For example to enable it for pl_PL and en_GB dictionaries you could put
following code in your dotspacemacs/user-config section in your configuration
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ file:
(setq ispell-dictionary "pl_PL,en_GB"))
One caveat is you need quite modern ispell.el for above to work. Its been
One caveat is you need quite modern ispell.el for above to work. It's been
tested with version coming from Emacs 25.2 repository.
** Enable auto-completion popup
@ -151,6 +151,6 @@ set the layer variable =enable-flyspell-auto-completion= to t:
* Known issues
Vim-empty-lines layer seems incompatible with spell-checking inside org-mode. If
you experience “Args out of range” error message when invoking ~SPC S c~ inside
org-mode buffer then check if you dont have vim-empty-lines layer enabled and
you experience "Args out of range" error message when invoking ~SPC S c~ inside
org-mode buffer then check if you don't have vim-empty-lines layer enabled and
disable it.

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ The default configuration of the layer is:
~jk~ is a good candidate for =auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence= if
you dont use it already.
you don't use it already.
** Snippets directories
The following directories are added by default:
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ For nicer-looking faces, try adding the following to `custom-set-faces` in your
| ~C-d~ | open minibuffer with documentation of thing at point in company dropdown |
| ~C-/~ | show candidates in Helm or Ivy (for fuzzy searching) |
| ~C-M-/~ | filter the company dropdown menu |
| ~M-h~ | show current candidates documentation in a tooltip (requires =auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip=) |
| ~M-h~ | show current candidate's documentation in a tooltip (requires =auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip=) |
Vim Style:

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Mastering your choice of completion system will make you a Spacemacs power user.
- Intuitive =transient state=
* Install
Helm is part of the standard distribution of Spacemacs so you dont have to do
Helm is part of the standard distribution of Spacemacs so you don't have to do
anything to install it if you chose this distribution.
If you want/need to explicitly install Helm then add it to your =~/.spacemacs=.
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Helm buffers with ~hjkl~.
| ~C-l~ | same as ~return~ |
** Transient state
Spacemacs defines a transient state for =Helm= to make it work like [[][Vims Unite]]
Spacemacs defines a transient state for =Helm= to make it work like [[][Vim's Unite]]
Initiate the transient state with ~M-SPC~ or ~s-M-SPC~ while in a =Helm= buffer.
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ In the =helm-bookmarks= buffer:
** C-z and Tab switch
The command bound to ~C-z~ is much more useful than the one bound to Tab, so it
makes sense to swap them. Its also recommended [[][here]].
makes sense to swap them. It's also recommended [[][here]].
** Helm focus
If you find yourself unable to return focus to Helm (after a careless

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ You can customize ivy with the following variables:
last candidate. The default value is =nil=.
- =ivy-extra-directories= Setting this to =nil= hides . and .. directories from
file name completion. You can still go up a directory up by ~DEL~.
The default value is (“../”, “./).
The default value is ("../", "./").
- =ivy-use-virtual-buffers= Add bookmarks and recent files to buffer completion
menu. The Spacemacs default is t.
- =ivy-height= The height of the minibuffer. The Spacemacs default is 15.
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ is disabled by default.
* Key bindings
If you choose =ivy= as completion system, make sure to read the [[][official manual]].
In case you dont want to read everything, at least familiarise with
In case you don't want to read everything, at least familiarise with
[[][minibuffer key bindings]].
Some useful key bindings are presented in the following table.
@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ Some useful key bindings are presented in the following table.
| Key binding | Description |
| ~RET~ | call default action on current candidate |
| ~M-RET~ | the same as ~RET~ but doesnt close completion minibuffer |
| ~M-RET~ | the same as ~RET~ but doesn't close completion minibuffer |
| ~C-M-j~ | use current input immediately (this can be used to create a new file in Find File) |
| ~tab~ | complete partially |
| ~M-o~ | show the list of valid actions on current candidate (then press any of described keys to execute it) |
| ~C-M-o~ | the same as ~M-o~ but doesnt close completion minibuffer |
| ~C-M-o~ | the same as ~M-o~ but doesn't close completion minibuffer |
| ~C-'~ | use avy to quickly select completion on current page (sometimes faster than using arrows) |
| ~<ESC>~ | close minibuffer |
@ -95,5 +95,5 @@ Press ~M-SPC~ anytime in Ivy to get into the transient state.
| ~j~ | select next candidate |
| ~k~ | select previous candidate |
| ~d~ | call default action on candidate |
| ~g~ | the same as ~d~ but doesnt close completion minibuffer |
| ~g~ | the same as ~d~ but doesn't close completion minibuffer |
| ~o~ | leave transient state |

View File

@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ with GUI support on all major platforms and even [[
- Build once and work with the same development environment everywhere
- Run untrusted/risky code in the tunable sandbox with CPU/network/disk quotas
- Try new tools, experiment and roll back changes when something goes wrong
- Share your setup with others or extend someone elses development environment
- Share your setup with others or extend someone else's development environment
- Run multiple Emacs instances on the same machine isolated
- [[][pause]] container to free resources temporarily
- [[][Checkpoint & Restore]] - maybe the fastest way to start a “heavy” environment
- [[][Checkpoint & Restore]] - maybe the fastest way to start a "heavy" environment
- Friendly for networks with low upload speed/quotas.
* Screenshots
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ NOTE: The guide assumes that you want to run Docker and connect to it from
the same machine.
** MacOS
Get [[][XQuartz]] and =open -a XQuartz= In the XQuartz preferences go to the “Security”
tab and make sure youve got “Allow connections from network clients” ticked
Get [[][XQuartz]] and =open -a XQuartz= In the XQuartz preferences go to the "Security"
tab and make sure you've got "Allow connections from network clients" ticked
ip=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}')
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Or with =-ti= via =winpty=
Also You can use [[][@ninrod s setup]]
Also You can use [[][@ninrod 's setup]]
** GNU/Linux
Make sure that =$DISPLAY= variable is set
@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ Make sure that =$DISPLAY= variable is set
=UID= and preferably =UNAME= should match the hosts user id. You can set them
=UID= and preferably =UNAME= should match the host's user id. You can set them
in your Dockerfile with [[][ENV statements]].
Thats it! Now you should see Emacs window.
But if it doesnt work You may need to allow local connection for the user
That's it! Now you should see Emacs window.
But if it doesn't work You may need to allow local connection for the user
xhost +si:localuser:<UNAME>
Or allow local connection from the containers host-name
Or allow local connection from the container's host-name
xhost +local:`docker inspect --format='{{ .Config.Hostname }}' spacemacs`
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Or allow local connection from the containers host-name
- Lag spikes with some OSes
*** Instruction
Its a good idea to read [[][docker-x11-bridge]] and [[][Xpra]] documentations, but
It's a good idea to read [[][docker-x11-bridge]] and [[][Xpra]] documentations, but
here is a short instruction:
**** With Xpra desktop client
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Now visit [[http://localhost:10000/index.html?encoding=png&password]] =<PASSWORD
- =docker exec spacemacs /usr/bin/emacs= - start =/usr/bin/emacs=
With the running =spacemacs= container
- =docker logs spacemacs= - print =spacemacs= containers logs
- =docker logs spacemacs= - print =spacemacs= container's logs
- =docker cp <from_local_path> spacemacs:/<to_my_spacemacs_container_path>=
- =docker cp spacemacs:/<from_my_spacemacs_container_path> <to_local_path>=
- Manage data in containers with [[][Docker volumes]]. Example

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ in Docker environment.
* How it works
When .spacemacs file contains one of supported layers and its installation
isnt disabled, it will be used to satisfy the layers requirements, taking
isn't disabled, it will be used to satisfy the layer's requirements, taking
into account its configurations. For example, [[][gometalinter]] will be installed
only if the variable =go-use-gometalinter= is =t=.
Set =<LAYER_NAME>-spacemacs-docker-disable-deps-install= to =t=

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@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ The commands defined in this layer are taken from various sources like [[https:/
** Features:
- Smart line navigation: Subsequent presses of ~C-a~ toggles between the beginning of the line and the first non-whitespace character. Similarly, subsequent presses of ~C-e~ will toggle between the end of the code and the end of the comments.
- =spacemacs/backward-kill-word-or-region=: A combination of =kill-region= and =backward-kill-word=, depending on whether there is an active region. If theres an active region kill that. If not kill the preceding word.
- Fill or unfill paragraph: Pressing ~M-q~ for the first time fills current paragraph and pressing ~M-q~ for the second time unfills it. Note that some modes override this key binding so its not available everywhere. Due to implementation details unfilling doesnt work when called twice via ~M-x~.
- =spacemacs/backward-kill-word-or-region=: A combination of =kill-region= and =backward-kill-word=, depending on whether there is an active region. If there's an active region kill that. If not kill the preceding word.
- Fill or unfill paragraph: Pressing ~M-q~ for the first time fills current paragraph and pressing ~M-q~ for the second time unfills it. Note that some modes override this key binding so it's not available everywhere. Due to implementation details unfilling doesn't work when called twice via ~M-x~.
* Install
To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to

View File

@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ Example:
| Key binding | Description |
| ~g r~ | update IBuffer (“refresh”) |
| ~g r~ | update IBuffer ("refresh") |
| ~g j~ / ~]~ / ~TAB~ / ~M-n~ | move to next filter group |
| ~g k~ / ~[~ / ~S-TAB~ / ~M-p~ | move to previous filter group |

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ This layer adds support for the Mu4e email client.
In order to use this layer you must install mu and mu4e separately. Typically
mu4e will be bundled with mu (this is the case on many Linux distributions).
If youre on OS X and install mu using Homebrew, you must specify the
If you're on OS X and install mu using Homebrew, you must specify the
location of your Emacs binary at install time using the EMACS environment
variable, as well as passing the =--with-emacs= option:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ variable, as well as passing the =--with-emacs= option:
brew install mu --with-emacs
If the installation directory of mu4e is not in Emacs load path, you can set
If the installation directory of mu4e is not in Emacs' load path, you can set
the layer variable =mu4e-installation-path=, for example:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this file.
* Configuration
Configuration varies too much to give precise instructions. What follows is one
example configuration. Refer to mu4es manual for more detailed configuration
example configuration. Refer to mu4e's manual for more detailed configuration
** Maildirs extension
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ count of unread messages to the modeline.
For an extended documentation of the available customizations please refer to
[[][mu4e-alerts documentation]]
[[][mu4e-alert's documentation]]
*** OS notifications
To enable notifications about new messages, add the following line to your

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Refer to the official notmuch website for more information:
| ~SPC a N n~ | Start helm notmuch |
| ~SPC a N j~ | Start a notmuch jump search |
| ~SPC a N s~ | Start a notmuch search |
| ~SPC l o n~ | Start notmuch in a custom layout, “@Notmuch” |
| ~SPC l o n~ | Start notmuch in a custom layout, "@Notmuch" |
** Show mode

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
This layer sets up a file navigation and project explorer side-window via [[][Treemacs]].
** Features:
An detailed overview over Treemacs available features is available in [[][its
An detailed overview over Treemacs' available features is available in [[][its
readme]]. In a short summary Treemacs offers the following:
- Simple and powerful navigation and ability to detail exactly how and where a
file should be opened
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ readme]]. In a short summary Treemacs offers the following:
- Ability to show tags contained in files. Tags are provided by imenu, so
nearly every filetype is supported.
- Mouse interface for single and double left clicks in line with modern GUI standards.
(Clicking on an icon will also display a files tags)
(Clicking on an icon will also display a file's tags)
- Locational awareness: commands like ~find-file~ or ~magit-status~ will use the location
of the node at point (with $HOME as fallback)
- Optionally fontifying files based on their git status.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Default is =nil=.
| ~M-0~ | Selected the treemacs window. Actually selects window #10, which is always assigned to treemacs. |
| ~SPC 0~ | Open treemacs in the current directory. When not visiting a file use $HOME as fallback. With a prefix arg manually select the root instead. |
| ~SPC f B~ | Find and select a bookmark. If it cannot be found rebuild view with the bookmarks location as root. Also open the bookmark with a prefix arg. |
| ~SPC f B~ | Find and select a bookmark. If it cannot be found rebuild view with the bookmark's location as root. Also open the bookmark with a prefix arg. |
| ~SPC f t~ | Hide/show existing treemacs buffer. Create one for the current directory if no buffer exists. |
| ~SPC f T~ | Manually focus the treemacs view on the currently selected file. Not needed when =treemacs-follow-mode= is enabled. |
| ~SPC f M-t~ | Manually focus the treemacs view on the currently selected file and tag. |

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@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ Various configuration options for =pony-mode= are documented at [[http://www.dea
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m j i d~ | Run interpreter for this projects default database as an inferior process |
| ~SPC m j i s~ | Open a Python shell with the current pony projects context loaded. |
| ~SPC m j i d~ | Run interpreter for this project's default database as an inferior process |
| ~SPC m j i s~ | Open a Python shell with the current pony project's context loaded. |
| | If the project has the django_extras package installed, then use the |
| | excellent =shell_plus= command. Otherwise, fall back to shell= |
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Various configuration options for =pony-mode= are documented at [[http://www.dea
| ~SPC m j r o~ | Open a tab at the dev server |
| ~SPC m j r r~ | Restart the dev server (works better with django_extras/werkzeug) |
| ~SPC m j r u~ | Start or open the dev server |
| ~SPC m j r t~ | Open a second server with a “throwaway” host/port |
| ~SPC m j r t~ | Open a second server with a "throwaway" host/port |
** South/Syncdb

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]]
* Description
This layer adds key bindings for [[][Alchemist]]s already built in phoenix mode.
This layer adds key bindings for [[][Alchemist]]'s already built in phoenix mode.
** Features:
- Key bindings for navigation to files

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ may use these settings:
web-mode-attr-indent-offset 2)
And if you want to have 2 space indent also for elements attributes,
And if you want to have 2 space indent also for element's attributes,
concatenations and contiguous function calls:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* Description
This layer makes your Emacs sound like an IBM Selectric typewriter, for those
moments when your loud, clicky mechanical keyboard is not at hand, yet, youd
moments when your loud, clicky mechanical keyboard is not at hand, yet, you'd
still wish to enjoy the sound.
** Features:

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ to replace the current selection in-place.
chinese-enable-fcitx t)))
If you dont need to type Chinese in minibuffer, you can temporarily disable fcitx in the minibuffer
If you don't need to type Chinese in minibuffer, you can temporarily disable fcitx in the minibuffer
with the following configuration.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ with the following configuration.
You need to install =fcitx= and =fcitx-remote= on your machine.
***** Mac OS X
We dont have a =fcitx= in OS X yet but we already added an emulation called
We don't have a =fcitx= in OS X yet but we already added an emulation called
=fcitx-remote= to make you happy with other Chinese input-methods.
You can install [[][fcitx-remote-for-osx]] from homebrew.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ You should set =chinese-enable-youdao-dict= to =t=.
*** Set monospaced font size(设置等宽字体)
If you are mixing Chinese script with Latin script, the text is not perfectly
aligned in org table. Thats because normally the Chinese font size is not equal
aligned in org table. That's because normally the Chinese font size is not equal
to the Latin font size. You could call =spacemacs//set-monospaced-font= with
your own Chinese font name in =dotspacemacs/user-config= function.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ whether it is in the enabled list or not (default: =nil=).
It is possible to override or add key bindings, by defining functions named
=kl/pre-config-<NAME>= and =kl/post-config-<NAME>= in =dotspacemacs/user-init=.
They are called just before and after the actual configuration of the key
bindings in this layer. *You dont have to think about when to apply the
bindings in this layer. *You don't have to think about when to apply the
configuration by yourself*. =<NAME>= is the name of the configuration you want
to customize, they are listed under the [[#configuration][Configuration]] section.
@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ only tries to make these changes when the letters are used for *movements*.
The equivalent remapping is also made for uppercase letters, ~CTRL+KEY~,
~META+KEY~ and leader key bindings such as (~SPC …~), whenever it makes sense.
In some cases the remapped keys wont follow these conventions, mainly because
there are better alternatives, or because some movements dont make sense.
In some cases the remapped keys won't follow these conventions, mainly because
there are better alternatives, or because some movements don't make sense.
For example: In the =magit= status buffer, the ~c~ key is bound to =commit= by
default. If we want to follow the conventions, then it should be remapped to
“move left” in the bepo layout, but since operations in =magit= are done line by
line, then theres no reason to move left, and we wont remap the ~c~ key.
"move left" in the bepo layout, but since operations in =magit= are done line by
line, then there's no reason to move left, and we won't remap the ~c~ key.
* Keyboard layouts
The following keyboard-layouts are available with this layer:
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ The following keyboard-layouts are available with this layer:
** Bepo
Bepo is a keyboard layout thats optimized for the French language.
Bepo is a keyboard layout that's optimized for the French language.
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ The mapping correction is the one proposed for vim on the official Bepo [[http:/
Some Bepo keys are not used in the traditional mapping, mainly because they are
not on the =en-us= keyboard layout. They are used as aliases for other
- Map the unused ~é~ key as an alias for ~w~, its more useful in vim mode:
- Map the unused ~é~ key as an alias for ~w~, it's more useful in vim mode:
- ~é → w~
- ~É → W~
- Map indentation to direct-access keys:
@ -133,19 +133,19 @@ shortcuts:
Some default configurations are also not optimal for vim, so the following
defaults are changed:
- Change the =evil-escape= combination to something thats faster to type, while
- Change the =evil-escape= combination to something that's faster to type, while
being nearly nonexistent in French or English words:
- ~fd → gq~
- In =avy=, the keys that select words/lines are remapped to the 8 characters
under the home row fingers:
- ~a u i e t s r n~
Note: Theres one difference from the wiki version: ~w~ is *not* remapped to
Note: There's one difference from the wiki version: ~w~ is *not* remapped to
~C-w~. This avoids having to change its meaning in other modes. Spacemacs
already provides ~SPC w~ for working with windows.
** Dvorak
Dvorak is a keyboard layout, thats optimized for the English language. It
Dvorak is a keyboard layout, that's optimized for the English language. It
rearranges the keys, to require less finger movements away from the home row.
The most common Dvorak layout is called Dvorak Simplified Keyboard (referred to
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ operating systems.
Theres also a sub-layout called [[][Programmer Dvorak]]. It reorders the number and
There's also a sub-layout called [[][Programmer Dvorak]]. It reorders the number and
symbol keys, to make it easier to type common programming symbols, without
having to hold down the shift key. The keys that differ from the /Dvorak
Simplified Keyboard/ are shown in blue.
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ The lost keys are remapped as follows:
The =dvorak= variant: uses the home row, which is shifted 1 key to the right of
Vims movement keys.
- ~h~ doesnt need to be remapped, its already under the index finger.
- ~h~ doesn't need to be remapped, it's already under the index finger.
- ~t → j~
- ~n → k~
- ~s → l~
@ -209,10 +209,10 @@ This layer offers three flavors of Colemak bindings:
~kl/pre-config-evil~ and ~kl/post-config-evil~ hooks will be run /twice/.
** Workman
=Workman= is an English-optimized keyboard layout thats designed to, among
=Workman= is an English-optimized keyboard layout that's designed to, among
other things, reduce finger travel-distance, and balance the load equally
between hands. It is meant to function particularly well in conjunction with
ortholinear (matrix or grid) keyboards, such as the one depicted in the
ortholinear ('matrix' or 'grid') keyboards, such as the one depicted in the
diagram below. More information can be found in the [[][Workman section]], of the
wikipedia keyboard layout page.

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ This layer adds support for the [[
** Features:
- Faces redefined to correctly play with themes.
- Spacemacs bindings to Agdas interactive tools.
- Spacemacs bindings to Agda's interactive tools.
*This layer is in construction, it needs your contributions and bug reports.*
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ information about setting up =$PATH=, check out the corresponding section in the
By default the =agda-mode= executable bundled with most agda installations is
used to locate the agda-mode package. If you dont have it and want to use a
used to locate the agda-mode package. If you don't have it and want to use a
local agda-mode package, you can customize the layer variable =agda-mode-path=
to your needs. Set it to =nil= if =agda2.el= is already discoverable in Emacs
to your needs. Set it to =nil= if =agda2.el= is already discoverable in Emacs'
load path, otherwise set it to the path at which =agda2.el= can be found. For
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ example,
* Key bindings
The key bindings of this layer dont follow the Spacemacs conventions,
The key bindings of this layer don't follow the Spacemacs conventions,
we opted to a simple transcription of stock Agda mode key bindings to
Spacemacs leader key.
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ All Agda specific bindings are prefixed with the major-mode leader
| ~SPC m =~ | Show constraints. |
| ~SPC m ?~ | Show all goals. |
| ~SPC m ,~ | Shows the type of the goal at point and the currect context. |
| ~SPC m .~ | Shows the context, the goal and the given expressions inferred type. |
| ~SPC m .~ | Shows the context, the goal and the given expression's inferred type. |
| ~SPC m a~ | Simple proof search. |
| ~SPC m b~ | Go to the previous goal, if any and activate goal-navigation transient-state. |
| ~SPC m c~ | Refine the pattern variables given in the goal. |

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
Alda is a music composition language allowing music to easily be written and
edited in a text file.
This layer adds key bindings for =alda-mode=s functions, which allow Alda code
This layer adds key bindings for =alda-mode='s functions, which allow Alda code
to be interpreted and played by the running Alda server. It will also start the
Alda server if it is not running.

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
Syntax highlighting and Emacs functions for use with [[][AutoHotkey]] or
Using a combined implementation of ahk-mode from Xah Lees =xahk-mode=
and Robert Widhopf-Fenks =autohotkey-mode=. Updated with the latest
Using a combined implementation of ahk-mode from Xah Lee's =xahk-mode=
and Robert Widhopf-Fenk's =autohotkey-mode=. Updated with the latest
ahk and ahk_l commands found in the latest revision of

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ In a Bib(La)TeX file, the following key bindings are added:
| ~SPC m i~ | Insert new entry |
| ~SPC m s~ | Sort entry |
| ~SPC m h~ | Various actions on entry |
| ~SPC m l a~ | Lookup and add arXiv paper (dont get PDF) |
| ~SPC m l a~ | Lookup and add arXiv paper (don't get PDF) |
| ~SPC m l A~ | Lookup and add arXiv paper (download PDF) |
| ~SPC m l d~ | Lookup and add paper by DOI |
| ~SPC m l i~ | Lookup and add book by ISBN |

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@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ specifying an explicit =c-c++-lsp-cache-dir=. Setting this value to a relative p
subdirectory of your project root.
There are other initialization options such as the number of indexer threads, cache serialization format.
They have good default values. See =config.el= of the layer and the backends respective homepages for more info.
They have good default values. See =config.el= of the layer and the backends' respective homepages for more info.
- [[][Emacs section of =cquery= wiki]]
- [[][Emacs section of =ccls= wiki]]
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ to load a projects =.clang_complete= file, which is just a text file with one
clang flag per line, a format also used by other text editor clang plugins.
Not only does this allow proper autocomplete on projects with extra includes and
flags, but there is also support for flycheck so that it doesnt complain about
flags, but there is also support for flycheck so that it doesn't complain about
missing header files.
** Enable google-set-c-style
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ If you have clang enabled with =clang-format= as described earlier in this page
you may not have a lot of neeed for =google-set-c-style= if you are already
using a mode based on Google mode for most of your projects.
However, if you dont have (or want) =clang-format=, or if you have to do a lot
[[][Tramp]] remote editing on systems that dont have =clang-format= installed, you
However, if you don't have (or want) =clang-format=, or if you have to do a lot
[[][Tramp]] remote editing on systems that don't have =clang-format= installed, you
may want =google-c-style= enabled and added to your common hooks.
To get =google-c-style= actually install itself into your C/C++ common hooks,

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@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ When enabled the symbol =🆂= should be displayed in the mode-line.
* Key bindings
** Working with clojure files (barfage, slurpage & more)
Spacemacs comes with a special =lisp-state= for working with lisp code that
supports slurpage, barfage and more tools youll likely want when working with
supports slurpage, barfage and more tools you'll likely want when working with
As this state works the same for all files, the documentation is in global
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ As this state works the same for all files, the documentation is in global
| ~SPC m d r~ | reload namespaces |
| ~SPC m d s~ | show what is currently traced |
| ~SPC m d S~ | show what is currently traced in current namespace |
| ~SPC m d t b~ | trace current files namespace |
| ~SPC m d t b~ | trace current file's namespace |
| ~SPC m d t d~ | disable existing trace on current function |
| ~SPC m d t D~ | disable existing trace on all functions |
| ~SPC m d t e~ | enable existing trace on current function |
@ -531,6 +531,6 @@ In general, ~q~ should always quit the popped up buffer.
* Development Notes
** Indentation
With a [[][new]] functionality of Cider to read the custom indentation rules from the
vars metadata, it is better for consistency reasons to not add the custom
var's metadata, it is better for consistency reasons to not add the custom
indentation rules to Spacemacs, but to add them to the metadata of those
specific vars.

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ When enabled the symbol =🆂= should be displayed in the mode-line.
* Key bindings
** Working with lisp files (barfage, slurpage & more)
Spacemacs comes with a special =lisp-state= for working with lisp code that
supports slurpage, barfage and more tools youll likely want when working with
supports slurpage, barfage and more tools you'll likely want when working with
As this state works the same for all files, the documentation is in global
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ As this state works the same for all files, the documentation is in global
| ~SPC m h h~ | Describe symbol at point |
| ~SPC m h i~ | Inspect definition |
| ~SPC m h H~ | Hyperspec lookup symbol at point |
| ~SPC m h p~ | Browse apropos results for a packages exported symbols |
| ~SPC m h p~ | Browse apropos results for a package's exported symbols |
| ~SPC m h t~ | Toggle tracing of the function at point |
| ~SPC m h T~ | Untrace all functions |
| ~SPC m h <~ | Show all known callers |

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ font, or disable the feature by adding the following snippet to the your
| ~SPC m h E~ | Browse all available documentation for errors |
** Prover queries
The mnemonic for =a= is “ask”.
The mnemonic for =a= is "ask".
| Key binding | Description |
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ The mnemonic for =a= is “ask”.
| ~SPC m a B~ | About (showing all) |
| ~SPC m a c~ | Check |
| ~SPC m a C~ | Check (showing all) |
| ~SPC m a f~ | Search (mnemonic: “find theorems”) |
| ~SPC m a f~ | Search (mnemonic: "find theorems") |
| ~SPC m a i b~ | About (showing implicits) |
| ~SPC m a i c~ | Check (showing implicits) |
| ~SPC m a i i~ | Print (showing implicits) |

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Then run in your shell:
For more info about mix [[][see]].
You can tell flycheck-credo to call credo with the --strict argument.
You can tell flycheck-credo to call credo with the '--strict' argument.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq flycheck-elixir-credo-strict t)
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ contents:
Spacemacs marks the variable =elixir-enable-compilation-checking= as safe so
Emacs wont ask you if the variable is safe whenever an elixir file is opened.
Emacs won't ask you if the variable is safe whenever an elixir file is opened.
Remember that you can verify the flycheck checkers status with ~SPC e v~.

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ To build from source, see instructions here:
cursor and provide support for auto-completion, but it is not part of the
standard elm-platform.
Both the “company” and “auto-complete” backends are supported, but this layer
Both the "company" and "auto-complete" backends are supported, but this layer
is configured with company.
To install =elm-oracle=, install =node.js= and =npm=, then
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Alternatively, to preview from buffer, press ~C-u C-c C-n~ (or ~SPC m R
n~). To preview in debug mode, prefix with ~C-u~ (or ~SPC u~).
By default, =elm-reactor= with launch with its own generated index.html. To use
a custom html, youd need to load the debuger excplictly and use an http daemon
a custom html, you'd need to load the debuger excplictly and use an http daemon
to serve your custom file.
If needed, default values for host and port used by for the elm-reactor server

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ You can also exclude the =auto-compile= package.
* Working with lisp files (barfage, slurpage & more)
Spacemacs comes with a special =lisp-state= for working with lisp code that
supports slurpage, barfage and more tools youll likely want when working with
supports slurpage, barfage and more tools you'll likely want when working with
As this state works the same for all files, the documentation is in global

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Helpers that provide further interaction with the REPL.
| ~SPC m r r~ | reload ESS process |
| ~SPC m r s~ | set source style |
| ~SPC m r t~ | build tags for directory |
| ~SPC m r w~ | set “width” option |
| ~SPC m r w~ | set "width" option |
** R devtools
Interaction with the =R= =devtools= package.

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ This layer adds extensive support for go to Spacemacs.
- Source analysis using [[][go-guru]]
- Refactoring with [[][godoctor]]
- Edit struct field tag with [[][gomodifytags]]
- Linting with flychecks built-in checkers or flycheck-gometalinter
- Linting with flycheck's built-in checkers or flycheck-gometalinter
- Coverage profile visualization
- Test generation with [[][go-gen-test]]
- Get packages faster with [[][gopkgs]]
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ the layer variable =go-tab-width=, e.g.
(go :variables go-tab-width 4)
If youre using =.editorconfig= in your project, set the value to nil to avoid
If you're using =.editorconfig= in your project, set the value to nil to avoid
confliction, e.g.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ confliction, e.g.
** Tests
If youre using =gocheck= in your project you can use the
If you're using =gocheck= in your project you can use the
=go-use-gocheck-for-testing= variable to enable suite testing and to get single
function testing to work.
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ To provide additional arguments to go test, specify =go-use-test-args=.
** Guru
Go Oracle has been deprecated as of October 1, 2016, its replacement is =go-guru=.
Go Oracle has been deprecated as of October 1, 2016, it's replacement is =go-guru=.
If you would like to use the =goguru= bindings in your work, you will need to
install it, and in your project you will need to set the scope with ~SPC m f o~.
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ You have a few options to ensure you always get up to date suggestions:
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m =~ | run “go fmt” |
| ~SPC m =~ | run "go fmt" |
| ~SPC m e b~ | go-play buffer |
| ~SPC m e d~ | download go-play snippet |
| ~SPC m e r~ | go-play region |
@ -254,14 +254,14 @@ You have a few options to ensure you always get up to date suggestions:
| ~SPC m i g~ | goto imports |
| ~SPC m i r~ | remove unused import |
| ~SPC m r n~ | go rename |
| ~SPC m t P~ | run “go test” for the current package and all packages under it |
| ~SPC m t P~ | run "go test" for the current package and all packages under it |
| ~SPC m t g f~ | generate tests for all exported functions |
| ~SPC m t g F~ | generate tests for all functions |
| ~SPC m t g g~ | DWIM generate test for the function in the active region |
| ~SPC m t p~ | run “go test” for the current package |
| ~SPC m t s~ | run “go test” for the suite youre currently in (requires gocheck) |
| ~SPC m t t~ | run “go test” for the function youre currently in (while youre in a _.test.go file) |
| ~SPC m x x~ | run “go run” for the current main package |
| ~SPC m t p~ | run "go test" for the current package |
| ~SPC m t s~ | run "go test" for the suite you're currently in (requires gocheck) |
| ~SPC m t t~ | run "go test" for the function you're currently in (while you're in a _.test.go file) |
| ~SPC m x x~ | run "go run" for the current 'main' package |
** Go Guru

View File

@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ First of all, make sure that your =$PATH= contains the installation path for
Haskell tools like =ghc=, =ghci= etc. It depends on how you have installed
=ghc=, but you can always check it by running =which ghc= in your terminal.
=Stack= users should only add the installation path of =stack= itself. Usually
its =~/.local/bin=.
it's =~/.local/bin=.
Then make sure that your =$PATH= contains the installation path for the =cabal=
packages. If you are using =cabal= it should be =~/.cabal/bin= or
=~/Library/Haskell/bin= (for Haskell for Mac users). If you are using =stack=
=~/Library/Haskell/bin= (for 'Haskell for Mac' users). If you are using =stack=
then it should be =~/.local/bin=.
For information about setting up =$PATH=, check out the corresponding section in
@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ the FAQ (~SPC h SPC $PATH RET~).
** Completion support
This layer provides several completion backends - =intero=, =dante=, =ghci=,
=ghc-mod=, and =lsp=. =ghci= (=company-ghci=) is used by default, because it doesnt
=ghc-mod=, and =lsp=. =ghci= (=company-ghci=) is used by default, because it doesn't
require any dependencies, and it works with both =stack= and pure =cabal=
projects. The completion backend can be changed manually, by setting the value
of the =haskell-completion-backend= variable. Note that in order to enable
completion, youll have to enable the =auto-completion= layer as well.
completion, you'll have to enable the =auto-completion= layer as well.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ manually, by calling =stack install intero=, but this step is optional as
case-splitting and much more. In order to use it, you need to install the
executable with =cabal install ghc-mod= (or the =stack= equivalent).
=Stack= users also should make sure that =dist/setup-config= doesnt exist in
=Stack= users also should make sure that =dist/setup-config= doesn't exist in
the project root. As it will confuse =ghc-mod=. For more troubleshooting,
checkout this [[][document]].
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ The Haskell layer supports some extra features, which can be enabled through the
layer variables.
*** structured-haskell-mode
Currently there is no support for [[][structured-haskell-mode]], since it doesnt play
Currently there is no support for [[][structured-haskell-mode]], since it doesn't play
very well with non-emacs editing styles ([[][structured-haskell-mode/#81]]). Emacs
editing style users can easily enable it by adding =structured-haskell-mode= to
the list of =dotspacemacs-additional-packages= in your =.spacemacs= file. For
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ buffer, =module Foo where= is inserted. On a function without signature, the
inferred type is inserted. On a symbol =foo= without definition, =foo =
undefined= is inserted or a proper module is imported. ~SPC m m u~ inserts a
hole in this case. On a variable, the case is split. When checking with hlint,
the original code is replaced with hlints suggestion if possible.
the original code is replaced with hlint's suggestion if possible.
** Intero
This command is only available when intero is enabled.
@ -366,27 +366,27 @@ errors and warnings in the code. Those components are:
Since all of these components can be active at the same time, it can be tricky to
know which component is displaying which message, especially when they disagree,
or if one isnt working. Only flycheck errors (ghc and hlint) are displayed in
or if one isn't working. Only flycheck errors (ghc and hlint) are displayed in
the error list and can be navigated between, using the standard Spacemacs key
bindings (under ~SPC e~) even though errors from other modes might highlight the
actual buffer.
** Flycheck
This is the standard Spacemacs way of syntax checking, and its also the most
This is the standard Spacemacs way of syntax checking, and it's also the most
elaborate. You need to install the syntax-checking layer first. Please read the
layers [[][documentation]] on how to interact with flycheck.
layer's [[][documentation]] on how to interact with flycheck.
Flycheck has different Haskell checkers: =haskell-ghc=, =haskell-stack-ghc= and
=haskell-hlint=. Normally it can detect the best one to use automatically, but
if it doesnt work, then you can change it with ~SPC e s~.
if it doesn't work, then you can change it with ~SPC e s~.
** HLint
HLint is a linter for Haskell. It doesnt detect errors (as long as it can parse
HLint is a linter for Haskell. It doesn't detect errors (as long as it can parse
the file) but bad coding style and code smell. The HLint checker is called
*after* the flycheck GHC checker.
** ghc-mod
Ghc-mod, when enabled, also does syntax checking. It doesnt highlight errors,
Ghc-mod, when enabled, also does syntax checking. It doesn't highlight errors,
but instead displays an exclamation point in the fringe. You can navigate
between errors using =ghc-goto-next-error= (~M-n~) and =ghc-goto-prev-error=
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ error) or using =haskell-goto-next-error= (~M-n~) and =haskell-goto-prev-error=
** Flymake
An alternative to syntax checking is to build your projects with
=flymake-compile=. It doesnt highlight errors in the buffer, but its more
=flymake-compile=. It doesn't highlight errors in the buffer, but it's more
reliable. The error navigation is similar to interactive haskell-mode.
** Troubleshooting
@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ Available options are:
- stack-ghci
** The REPL is stuck
Make sure that theres a space between the REPLs =λ>= prompt and the cursor.
When there is no space, then the REPL will behave as if its stuck. Usually,
Make sure that there's a space between the REPL's =λ>= prompt and the cursor.
When there is no space, then the REPL will behave as if it's stuck. Usually,
when you enter normal state, the cursor moves backwards by one character, so there
is no required space when you switch to insert mode. There is a possible
workaround - just add the following snippet to your =dotspacemacs/user-config=
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ function:
It makes the cursor stay in the right place in the REPL buffer when you enter
normal state. Which in most cases helps you to avoid the problem with stuck
normal state. Which in most cases helps you to avoid the problem with 'stuck'
Also, some users might want to start the REPL in insert mode. This is done by
@ -455,23 +455,23 @@ placing the following snippet in your =dotspacemacs/user-config= function:
** I am using =stack= and =ghc-mod=, but =ghc-mod= doesn't work
Make sure that a =dist= directory doesnt exist in your project root. If it
Make sure that a =dist= directory doesn't exist in your project root. If it
exists, just remove it and try again.
** =ghc-mod= doesn't work
First of all - make sure that the version of =ghc= matches the version of =ghc=
that was used to build =ghc-mod=. To get the latter, call =ghc-mod --version= in
the terminal. If they dont match then youll have to rebuild =ghc-mod=.
the terminal. If they don't match then you'll have to rebuild =ghc-mod=.
=Stack= provides the ability to use different =ghc= versions across different
projects. If youre using this feature, then youll have to rebuild =ghc-mod=
quite often. If you only use =ghc-mod= for completion, and dont want to rebuild
=ghc-mod= every time you switch projects, then youd better disable =ghc-mod=
projects. If you're using this feature, then you'll have to rebuild =ghc-mod=
quite often. If you only use =ghc-mod= for completion, and don't want to rebuild
=ghc-mod= every time you switch projects, then you'd better disable =ghc-mod=
support, so that =company-ghci= will be used for completion.
The second thing to do if its still not working - is to call =ghc-mod debug= in
the root of the project that youre currently working on. Make sure that it
doesnt show any errors. If there are errors that you cant solve - then its
The second thing to do if it's still not working - is to call =ghc-mod debug= in
the root of the project that you're currently working on. Make sure that it
doesn't show any errors. If there are errors that you can't solve - then it's
better to report them [[][upstream]].
** Indentation doesn't reset when pressing return after an empty line
@ -493,24 +493,24 @@ following snippet into your =dotspacemacs/user-config= function.
** Flycheck displays HLint warnings but not errors
The HLint checker is called *after* the normal flycheck checker, even if the
checker fails. Check the [[#flycheck-doesnt-work][Flycheck doesnt work]] section.
checker fails. Check the [[#flycheck-doesnt-work][Flycheck doesn't work]] section.
** I can see highlighted errors but they don't appear in the error list
The error list is only set by flycheck. You are probably seeing errors
highlighted by either ghc-mode or haskell-mode. Check the [[#flycheck-doesnt-work][Flycheck doesnt work]]
highlighted by either ghc-mode or haskell-mode. Check the [[#flycheck-doesnt-work][Flycheck doesn't work]]
** Flycheck doesn't work
You can use the =flycheck-compile= command to check whats wrong with flycheck.
This will show you the exact command line thats used, and its output.
You can use the =flycheck-compile= command to check what's wrong with flycheck.
This will show you the exact command line that's used, and its output.
If you are using =stack=, check the [[#flycheck-doesnt-work-with-stack][Flycheck doesnt work with =stack=]] section.
If you are using =stack=, check the [[#flycheck-doesnt-work-with-stack][Flycheck doesn't work with =stack=]] section.
** Flycheck doesn't work with =stack=
First check that flycheck uses the correct checker, and all the paths are
properly configured using =flycheck-verify-setup= (~SPC e v~). You can force the
checker with =flycheck-select-checker= (~SPC e s~) to ensure that it uses
=haskell-stack-ghc=. If it still doesnt work, then it could be one of the
=haskell-stack-ghc=. If it still doesn't work, then it could be one of the
following problems:
- The =stack= build directory is wrong
- The project root is not set properly
@ -519,24 +519,24 @@ following problems:
The path to the build directory, which contains some generated files, is
normally under =.stack-work/install/<os>/Cabal-<version>/build=.
However the version of the cabal library thats used by =stack= to generate the
directory name is not the version of the cabal library thats installed by
=stack= but rather the version of cabal thats associated to the GHC version.
However the version of the cabal library that's used by =stack= to generate the
directory name is not the version of the cabal library that's installed by
=stack= but rather the version of cabal that's associated to the GHC version.
This error can happen after upgrading cabal or cabal-install. To check if this
is the problem, compare the path name of the build path thats used by flycheck
is the problem, compare the path name of the build path that's used by flycheck
using =flycheck-compile= and compare it to the actual path in the =.stack-work=
directory. If they are different, then youll need to reinstall ghc using the
directory. If they are different, then you'll need to reinstall ghc using the
command =stack setup --upgrade-cabal=.
*** The Project root directory is not set properly
Flycheck launches the GHC command, not from the project root directory, but from
the directory of the file thats being checked. This is normally not a problem,
the directory of the file that's being checked. This is normally not a problem,
as all the paths are set properly, however it could be a problem if some
template Haskell functions use relative paths (e.g. in Yesod scaffolded
Until its fixed in flycheck, the workaround is to wrap the =stack= command in
order to run all subcommands from the projects root directory. You can do so
Until it's fixed in flycheck, the workaround is to wrap the =stack= command in
order to run all subcommands from the project's root directory. You can do so
with the following script:
#+BEGIN_SRC bash

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ are reproduced under the local leader.
| ~SPC m b c~ | Build the package. |
| ~SPC m b C~ | Clean the package, removing =.ibc= files |
| ~SPC m b i~ | Install the package to the users repository, building first if necessary. |
| ~SPC m b i~ | Install the package to the user's repository, building first if necessary. |
| ~SPC m b p~ | Open package file. |
When inside a package file, you can insert a field with ~SPC m f~.

View File

@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Follow [[][the ENSIME configuration ins
the development version of Ensime so follow the appropriate steps.
To use the build functions under ~SPC m b~ you need to use version =0.13.5= or
newer of =sbt=, and specify that in your projects =project/
newer of =sbt=, and specify that in your project's =project/
For example,
#+BEGIN_SRC scala
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ will suffice do the trick.
*** Issues
ENSIME is originally built for Scala, so support for java is not complete, in
particular refactoring doesnt work.
particular refactoring doesn't work.
** LSP Java
LSP Java is the Java adapter for [[][LSP Mode]] which is the Emacs client for [[][Language Server Protocol]].

View File

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ To use the available JS repl, you need a running httpd server and a page loaded
with skewer. If a blank page serves your needs, just use the run-skewer command
in your javascript buffer. If you want to inject it in your own page, follow
[[][these instructions]] (install the Greasemonkey script and then click the triangle
in the top-right corner - if it turns green, youre good to go).
in the top-right corner - if it turns green, you're good to go).
** Node Modules
If you would like =node_modules/.bin= to be automatically added to the buffer

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to
add =jsonnet= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this
To use some of the additional formatting and evaluation features, youll need
To use some of the additional formatting and evaluation features, you'll need
[[][the jsonnet binary]]
* Key bindings

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ if successful:
* Options
While =julia-mode= is perfectly usable without configuration or other packages,
you can choose to replace the default functionality of using [[][=julia-repl=]] as the
layers interactive REPL with the ess REPL and other functionality that comes
layer's interactive REPL with the ess REPL and other functionality that comes
with it. To do so, install this layer with:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ is nil.
** Magic latex buffer
To enable “magic” symbols in latex buffers, set the variable
To enable "magic" symbols in latex buffers, set the variable
=latex-enable-magic= to =t=.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ information.
To generate MMM-Modes for languages set the value of the variable
=markdown-mmm-auto-modes= to a list of the languages. For languages where the
mode name directly relates to the language name, use a string. Otherwise, use a
list of `(“language” “mode”)`:
list of `("language" "mode")`:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(

View File

@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ and =nimsuggest= binary must be in $PATH.
| ~SPC m c r~ | =nim compile --run main.nim= |
| ~SPC m g g~ or ~M-.~ | Jump to definition |
| ~SPC m g b~ or ~M-,~ | Jump back |
| ~SPC m h h~ | Show symbols documentation |
| ~SPC m h h~ | Show symbol's documentation |

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ file.
** Using merlin for error reporting
By default [[][flycheck-ocaml]] is used for error reporting when the
=syntax-checking= layer is also enabled as this is common throughout spacemacs.
You can disable this and switch back to [[][merlin]]s default error reporting method
You can disable this and switch back to [[][merlin]]'s default error reporting method
by adding [[][flycheck-ocaml]] to your excluded packages list in =.spacemacs=:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to
add =purescript= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in
this file.
Youll also need to make sure the PureScript compiler and its associated
You'll also need to make sure the PureScript compiler and its associated
binaries (psc-ide-server, psci,...) are on your path. Installation instructions
can be found [[][here]].

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ issue]] for details.
Source: [[]]
If you are facing errors such as “Unable to run anaconda-mode server”, try
If you are facing errors such as "Unable to run anaconda-mode server", try
setting your =PYTHONPATH= as explained at
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ Additionally you can install the following other packages:
pip install pyls-mypy
If youve installed the language server and related packages as development
dependencies in a pipenv environment, youll want to set the ~python-pipenv-activate~
If you've installed the language server and related packages as development
dependencies in a pipenv environment, you'll want to set the ~python-pipenv-activate~
config variable to ~t~. This activates your pipenv before enabling the
lsp backend.

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Adds support for the [[][Racket]] programming language.
To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to
add =racket= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this
file. You will also need DrRacket installed. Alternatively, one can use the
“Minimal Racket” installation, and then run the following command.
"Minimal Racket" installation, and then run the following command.
raco pkg install drracket

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to
add =ruby= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this
This layer supports two different Ruby modes: Emacss built-in Ruby Mode and
This layer supports two different Ruby modes: Emacs's built-in Ruby Mode and
[[][enh-ruby-mode]]. By default the built-in Ruby mode is enabled. To switch to the
=enh-ruby-mode= set =ruby-enable-enh-ruby-mode= to t:
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ When =ruby-test-runner= equals =rspec=.
| ~SPC m t m~ | run specs related to the current buffer |
| ~SPC m t r~ | re-run last spec |
| ~SPC m t t~ | run spec at pointer |
| ~SPC m t TAB~ | toggle between specs and targets buffer |
| ~SPC m t ~~ | toggle between specs and targets buffer find example |
| ~SPC m t TAB~ | toggle between spec's and target's buffer |
| ~SPC m t ~~ | toggle between spec's and target's buffer find example |
*** Ruby-test-mode
When =ruby-test-runner= equals =ruby-test=.

View File

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ variable =scala-auto-insert-asterisk-in-comments= to =t=.
To replace ~=>~, =->= and =<-= with unicode arrows =⇒=, =→= and =←=, set the
variable =scala-use-unicode-arrows= to =t=.
If in some occasions you dont want the arrows replaced (for example when
If in some occasions you don't want the arrows replaced (for example when
defining compound operators like ~=>>~), you can always undo the change and get
the ascii arrows back.

View File

@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ This layer is blacklisting =name= by default as it is a very common name for
column and NAME is non-reserved SQL keyword.
** Auto-Indent
This mode use [[][sql-indent]] to indent the code. You can check the packages README
to adjust the rules. If thats not what you want, you can also disable
This mode use [[][sql-indent]] to indent the code. You can check the package's README
to adjust the rules. If that's not what you want, you can also disable
auto-indent by setting the variable =sql-auto-indent= to =nil=.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- [[#swift-repl-mode][swift-repl-mode]]
* Description
This layer adds support for Apples Swift programming language, used as a
This layer adds support for Apple's Swift programming language, used as a
general purpose scripting language.
** Features:

View File

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ error. Try node version 0.12.x if you get this error.
Send to playground requires browser.
Currently tsserver doesnt pickup tsconfig.json file changes. You might need to
Currently tsserver doesn't pickup tsconfig.json file changes. You might need to
restart server after editing it.
** Language Server Protocol
@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ Consult the installation command for the desired language server found at [[http
| ~SPC m E d~ | add =tslitn-disable-next-line= at point |
| ~SPC m E e~ | fix thing at point |
| ~SPC m g b~ | jump back |
| ~SPC m g g~ | jump to entitys definition |
| ~SPC m g t~ | jump to entitys type definition |
| ~SPC m g g~ | jump to entity's definition |
| ~SPC m g t~ | jump to entity's type definition |
| ~SPC m g u~ | references |
| ~SPC m h h~ | documentation at point |
| ~SPC m r i~ | organize imports |

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ You can choose default formatter.
(setq copy-as-format-default "markdown")
Also, you can enable copying of buffers file name for asciidoc formatter.
Also, you can enable copying of buffer's file name for asciidoc formatter.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq copy-as-format-asciidoc-include-file-name t)

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Setting =nil= for modifiers will leave the left modifiers as emacs default.
*** Use with non-US keyboard layouts
If you need the ~⌥~ key to type common characters such as ={[]}~= which is usual
for e.g. Finnish and Swedish keyboard layouts, youll probably want to leave the
for e.g. Finnish and Swedish keyboard layouts, you'll probably want to leave the
~⌥~ key unchanged by setting the =osx-option-as= variable to =none=:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
This layer integrates offline api browsers into emacs. It provides one for OS X, Linux and Windows.
** Features:
- Searching for word at point in offline api browsers UI.
- Searching for word at point in offline api browser's UI.
- Integration of offline api browser search results in helm and ivy.
- Support for [[][dash]] offline api browser for OS X.
- Support for [[][zeal]] offline api browser for Linux.
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Then install the docsets you use more frequently
* Word at point
=dash-at-point= and =zeal-at-point= will search for the word at point in the respective offline api browser.
The result will be displayed in the offline browsers UI.
The result will be displayed in the offline browser's UI.
However having to leave emacs to have a look at the search results may be a bit awkward.
To help with this it is also possible to integrate the search results directly in =helm= or =ivy=

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Be sure that you added some feeds first then load your feeds with ~gr~
in evilified buffer. Or ~M-x elfeed-update~.
** Queue timeout exceeded
If you are getting “Queue timeout exceeded” errors, try increasing
If you are getting "Queue timeout exceeded" errors, try increasing
the value of =url-queue-timeout=.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

View File

@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ This layer enables support for PDF with the [[
According to the official repository:
PDF Tools is, among other things, a replacement of DocView for PDF files. The
"PDF Tools is, among other things, a replacement of DocView for PDF files. The
key difference is, that pages are not pre-rendered by e.g. ghostscript and
stored in the file-system, but rather created on-demand and stored in memory.
stored in the file-system, but rather created on-demand and stored in memory."
** Features:
@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ According to the official repository:
* Install
** Prerequisites
Linux is the only operating system officially supported, but its possible to
Linux is the only operating system officially supported, but it's possible to
use =pdf-tools= on OS X as well, and possibly on other Unix flavors.
Youll need to install a few libraries. Check the [[][instructions]] on
You'll need to install a few libraries. Check the [[][instructions]] on
=pdf-tools= page. Note that compiling from source might not be necessary, as
the documentation states.
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ After installing the dependencies, add this to your =~/.spacemacs=.
After that, syncronize your configuration with ~SPC f e R~. This will pop up a
window showing the compilation process.
If everything goes right, the compilation wont display any error and you will
If everything goes right, the compilation won't display any error and you will
be able to see /PDFView/ (instead of /DocView/) on the spaceline after opening a
pdf file.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Additionally, all annotation related functions can be accessed with ~SPC m a~.
Searching with =occur= can be done by using =pdf-occur= (~SPC m s s~).
- Youll probably want to use =pdf-view-set-slice-from-bounding-box= (bound to
- You'll probably want to use =pdf-view-set-slice-from-bounding-box= (bound to
~SPC m s b~) This command trims the blank parts of the
lateral margins, making the useful portion larger.
- The last visited page is not saved across Emacs sessions. If you want save it,

View File

@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ commits messages. To enable this you have to add the following line to your
** Git
Of course if your OS does not ship with git (!) youll have to install it
Of course if your OS does not ship with git (!) you'll have to install it
on your machine. You can download it from the [[][download page]].
** Git-Flow
Git-flow is a standardized branching pattern for git repositories with the aim
of making things more manageable. While there are tools to assist with making
this easier, these do nothing you couldnt do manually.
this easier, these do nothing you couldn't do manually.
Support requires installation of the git-flow extensions. Please reference their
[[][installation page]] for assistance.
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ A log selection buffer is presented as an interactive way of selecting a recent
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m c~ or ~SPC m ,~ | select the commit at point and act on it |
| ~SPC m a~ or ~SPC m k~ | abort selecting and dont act on any commit |
| ~SPC m a~ or ~SPC m k~ | abort selecting and don't act on any commit |
** Interactive rebase buffer

View File

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ In a =magit-status= buffer (~SPC g s~):
| ~F P~ | list pull-requests |
| ~F I~ | list issues |
| ~p y~ | pull pull-requests and issues for the current repository |
| ~p Y~ | pull all notifications for the current repositorys forge |
| ~p Y~ | pull all notifications for the current repository's forge |
In a =forge-topic= buffer:

View File

@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to
add =perforce= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this
Youll have to install the =p4= command line tool from the [[][download page]].
You'll have to install the =p4= command line tool from the [[][download page]].
Dont forget to setup the environment variables:
Don't forget to setup the environment variables:
- =P4_PORT=
- =P4_USER=

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ by setting =version-control-diff-tool=
version-control-diff-tool 'diff-hl)
You can choose the side on which the diff appears (by default its the right side)
You can choose the side on which the diff appears (by default it's the right side)
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
'(version-control :variables
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Pressing ~C-c C-k~ will discard the commit message and close this buffer.
| ~SPC m a~ | Apply a hunk |
| ~SPC m d~ | Kill the hunk at point |
| ~SPC m D~ | Kill the current files hunk |
| ~SPC m D~ | Kill the current file's hunk |
| ~SPC m e~ | Call =ediff-patch-file= on current buffer |
| ~SPC m f c~ | Convert unified diffs to context diffs |
| ~SPC m f r~ | Reverse the direction of the diffs |
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ A transient buffer is also defined, start it with ~SPC m .~ or ~, .~
| ~H~ | Toggle whether or not the annotation is visible |
| ~a~ | Visit the annotation of the revision identified in the current line |
| ~p~ | Visit the annotation of the revision before the revision at line |
| ~d~ | Display the diff between the current lines revision and the previous revision |
| ~d~ | Display the diff between the current line's revision and the previous revision |
| ~f~ | Show in a buffer the file revision indicated by the current line |
** Version Control Transient-state

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@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
* Description
This layer enables [[][window-purpose]], which provides an alternative, purpose-based
window manager for Emacs. With this layer, your window layout should be robust
and shouldnt change too much when opening all sorts of buffers.
and shouldn't change too much when opening all sorts of buffers.
Regular [[][popwin]] is not triggered when window-purpose is enabled. However,
the window-purpose layer provides a =purpose-popwin= extension, which
brings popwins behavior to window-purpose and solves that problem.
brings popwin's behavior to window-purpose and solves that problem.
** Features:
- Window layout is more robust and less likely to change unintentionally
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ brings popwins behavior to window-purpose and solves that problem.
- Extensible window display behavior
- Empty =purpose-mode-map=, to avoid conflicts with other key maps
- Replicate popwin behavior for purpose-mode - almost no regression in popup behavior from using window-purpose.
- Reuses popwins settings: =popwin:special-display-config=, =popwin:popup-window-height= and =popwin:popup-window-width=.
- Reuses popwin's settings: =popwin:special-display-config=, =popwin:popup-window-height= and =popwin:popup-window-width=.
- Difference from popwin: when several windows are open, popup window is sometimes bigger than with regular popwin in the same situation.
* Purposes
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ helps make a better decision of which window to use.
For example, consider the following case: Emacs frame shows three windows - one
for code, one for a terminal and one general-purpose window. The general window
is selected and you want to open a code file. How do you ensure that the code
file will be displayed in the code window? With window-purpose you dont
file will be displayed in the code window? With window-purpose you don't
need to worry about it - you open the file and window-purpose places it in
the correct window.
@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ reserved only for buffers that share that purpose.
** switch-to-buffer and display-buffer
In regular Emacs, =switch-to-buffer= follows different rules than the other
switching and popping commands, because it doesnt use =display-buffer= (which
switching and popping commands, because it doesn't use =display-buffer= (which
the other commands do). With window-purpose, this behavior is fixed. The
result is a better control over how buffers are displayed, since
=switch-to-buffer= doesnt ignore the users customizations anymore.
=switch-to-buffer= doesn't ignore the user's customizations anymore.
** misc
- specialized helm source similar to =helm-source-buffers-list=
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ See [[][window-purpose wiki]] to learn
| ~SPC r d~ | Toggle dedication of selected window to its current purpose. |
| ~SPC r D~ | Delete all non-dedicated windows. |
| ~SPC r p~ | Choose a purpose and open a buffer with that purpose. |
| ~SPC r P~ | Change the purpose of the selected window. Changes the windows buffer accordingly. |
| ~SPC r P~ | Change the purpose of the selected window. Changes the window's buffer accordingly. |
* Caveats
** Popwin and guide-key

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@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ With fish:
*** Conflict between =ctags= and emacs's =etags= binary
If you installed =emacs= from source after =ctags=, your original =ctags= binary
is probably replaced by emacss =etags=. To get around this you will need to
is probably replaced by emacs's =etags=. To get around this you will need to
configure =emacs= as following before installing:
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ languages are supported:
In order to look up symbol references for any language not in the built in
parser you must use the pygments backend. When this backend is used global
actually uses both ctags and pygments to find the definitions and uses of
functions and variables as well as “other symbols”.
functions and variables as well as "other symbols".
If you enabled pygments (the best choice) and use that as the backend
(i.e. =GTAGSLABEL=pygments= or =--gtagslabel=pygments=) the following additional

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@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ You can do that by using a quasi-quoted list which checks the Emacs mode:
| ~SPC t C v~ | colorize only variables in current buffer (color-identifiers mode) |
| ~SPC t C C-v~ | globally colorize only variables and all subsequent buffers |
The =saturation= and =lightness= of rainbow-identifier modes colors
The =saturation= and =lightness= of rainbow-identifier mode's colors
can be adjusted live via the following transient-state:
| Key binding | Description |
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ It can be used together with either (or none) of the identifier colorizers.
All detected color codes in the current buffer will be be highlighted as their
actual color. However, for accurate display, this mode requires that you use
GUI Emacs and that you havent disabled sRGB mode (if your platform uses that).
GUI Emacs and that you haven't disabled sRGB mode (if your platform uses that).
To enable, you must manually toggle it on and off on a per-buffer basis with:
~SPC t C c~

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ point from 0% to 100%.
* Introduction
“Nyan-mode. Its things like this that make me proud to be an emacs user.” - [[!/mitchellh/status/104931263479156736][mitchellh]]
"Nyan-mode. It's things like this that make me proud to be an emacs user." - [[!/mitchellh/status/104931263479156736][mitchellh]]
Nyanmacs is expanding!! [[][Read the story so far]]! :).
@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ He basically changed the mode-line-format to include:
** Known issues
Its my second attempt to write a minor mode in Emacs, so there will
It's my second attempt to write a minor mode in Emacs, so there will
definiely be some bugs.
This version uses XPM images, which should be supported by default by
most Emacs 23 installations, Windows included. In case it doesnt
most Emacs 23 installations, Windows included. In case it doesn't
work, try switching to master-png branch. This branch, however, may
have its own issues:
have it's own issues:
There was a problem with displaying PNG images, which require libpng
to be available for Emacs. The lib is sometimes missing (e.g. some
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ download a proper DLL and put it into emacs bin/ folder. To see which
DLL is needed, do: M-x describe-variable <ret> image-library-alist
Customizing nyan-animate-nyancat is broken; dont do it.
Customizing nyan-animate-nyancat is broken; don't do it.
** Credits
Code and idea inspired by sml-modeline.el, written by Lennart Borgman.

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Here is a sample configuration. This configuration forces =cmake-ide= to use the
local directory and pass that directory to =helm-make=. Such config allows to
build your project with ~SPC c c~ key binding.
Additionally its possible to configure =helm-ctest= in the same way via defining ~helm-ctest-dir~.
Additionally it's possible to configure =helm-ctest= in the same way via defining ~helm-ctest-dir~.
Trailing slash is required.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Trailing slash is required.
In case of projectile its possible to configure project like:
In case of projectile it's possible to configure project like:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
((nil . ((eval . (setq

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@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ your =dotspacemacs/user-config=. The default value, set in the layer, is =62=.
| ~SPC m a~ | add a transaction |
| ~SPC m b~ | edit a post amount with Emacs Calculator mode |
| ~SPC m c~ | toggle cleared flag on transaction or post |
| ~SPC m c~ | toggle 'cleared' flag on transaction or post |
| ~SPC m C~ | sort and align the entire buffer |
| ~SPC m d~ | delete current transaction |
| ~SPC m p~ | display balance at point |
| ~SPC m q~ | align a single transactions posts |
| ~SPC m q~ | align a single transaction's posts |
| ~SPC m r~ | reconcile an account |
| ~SPC m R~ | display a report |
| ~SPC m t~ | append an effective date to a post |

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ This layer offers location sensitive adjustments to Emacs.
- Supports the following adjustments:
- Automatic switching between light (day) and dark (night) themes via [[][theme-changer]]
- Local weather forecast via [[][sunshine]]
- Integration with OS Xs CoreLocation service via [[][osx-location]]
- Integration with OS X's CoreLocation service via [[][osx-location]]
- Manual location setting via variables in your dotfile
* Install
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Set location manually by setting the following variables in your dotfile:
** OSX-location
Mac users can take adavantage of automatic geogrphical discovery using the OSs
Mac users can take adavantage of automatic geogrphical discovery using the OS's
CoreLocation system service, implemented as a long running background process.
In order to enable it, set =geolocation-enable-location-service= to =t= as
explained in installation instructions.
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ activated.
** Theme-changer
This layer implement a simple “theme changer” which, when enabled, will switch
This layer implement a simple "theme changer" which, when enabled, will switch
between first two themes the user has setup in ~dotspacemacs-themes~. First
theme listed will be used as the light variant, while the second as the dark.
Other themes will be ignored by this layer, though they are still available for
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ openweathermap website. You need to sign up to the website to get a API key.
Configure your location by setting the variable sunshine-location. You can
provide a string, like “New York, NY” or a ZIP code, like “90210”. This variable
provide a string, like "New York, NY" or a ZIP code, like "90210". This variable
is available through the Customize facility.
When specifying a ZIP code, you may receive results from a foreign country. This
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ It will use the imperial unit system by default. To switch to metric, add
Weather forecast icons are disabled by default, and can be toggled by pressing
`i within this modes main buffer.
`i' within this mode's main buffer.
To display weather forecast icons by default (“pretty mode”), add
To display weather forecast icons by default ("pretty mode"), add
~sunshine-show-icons t~ to the variables list for this layer, or add this:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- [[#from-imenu-list-buffer][From imenu-list buffer]]
* Description
This layer uses [[][imenu-list]] to show the current buffers index in a side bar.
This layer uses [[][imenu-list]] to show the current buffer's index in a side bar.
This is similar to `SPC j i` but displayed in a persistent sidebar instead of
a completion buffer.

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ To install =import-js= globally:
$ npm install -g import-js
If that doesnt work you can also try installing =import-js= with =--unsafe-perm= tag
If that doesn't work you can also try installing =import-js= with =--unsafe-perm= tag
$ sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g import-js

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ This layer adds support for basic language server protocol packages speaking
[[][language server protocol]].
Different language servers may support the language server protocol to varying degrees
and they may also provide extensions; check the language servers website for
and they may also provide extensions; check the language server's website for
=M-x lsp-describe-session= in a LSP buffer to list capabilities of the server.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Please check out their documentation.
If you add =lsp-*-enable= to major mode hooks for auto initialization of
language clients, customize =lsp-project-whitelist= =lsp-project-blacklist= to
disable projects you dont want to enable LSP.
disable projects you don't want to enable LSP.
** Variables
A number of configuration variables have been exposed via the LSP layer =config.el=.
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ under the derived mode t prefix by =(spacemacs/lsp-bind-keys-for-mode mode)=
| Variable name | Default | Description |
| =lsp-navigation= | `both | `simple or `peek to bind only xref OR lsp-ui-peek navigation functions |
| =lsp-navigation= | `both' | `simple' or `peek' to bind only xref OR lsp-ui-peek navigation functions |
| =lsp-ui-remap-xref-keybindings= | nil | When non-nil, xref key bindings remapped to lsp-ui-peek-find-{definition,references} |
| =lsp-ui-doc-enable= | t | When non-nil, the documentation overlay is displayed |
| =lsp-ui-doc-include-signature= | nil | When nil, signature omitted from lsp-ui-doc overlay (this is usually redundant) |
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ and the =lsp-ui-peek= variants under ~SPC m G~. Setting ~lsp-navigation~ to eith
the bindings under ~SPC m G~ and creates bindings under ~SPC m g~ according to the specified preference.
* Key bindings
A number of lsp features useful for all/most modes have been bound to the lsp minor mode, meaning theyll be
A number of lsp features useful for all/most modes have been bound to the lsp minor mode, meaning they'll be
available in all language layers based on the lsp layer.
** Key binding prefixes

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* Description
This layer adds support for the [[][prodigy]] package to manage external services from
within Emacs, check the packages documentation for more details.
within Emacs, check the package's documentation for more details.
It is recommended to put your prodigy services in the =dotspacemacs/user-config=
part of your =~/.spacemacs= file.

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@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ You can set the size of the preview windows as a fraction of the frame size
(setq ranger-width-preview 0.55)
You probably dont want to open certain files like videos when using preview. To
You probably don't want to open certain files like videos when using preview. To
ignore certain files when moving over them you can customize the following to
your liking:

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@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ need to set the layer variable =rebox-enable-in-text-mode= to =t=.
* Style Templates
** Standard packaged templates
You can find the full list of templates in
[[][“Box templates” section of =rebox2.el=]]
[[]["Box templates" section of =rebox2.el=]]
*** Comments
These templates are single line comments styles. A =#= is used here for
illustration; however, it will work equally well if the comment character is
different (e.g., lisps =;= comment character).
different (e.g., lisp's =;= comment character).
** Additional Templates
These templates are added by the Spacemacs layer.

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ choose the mode at any time.
* Restclient
Any file with an =.http= extension is opened in a =restclient= buffer.
Full documentation and examples can be found in the packages [[][GitHub Page]].
Full documentation and examples can be found in the package's [[][GitHub Page]].
Also there is an [[][Emacs Rocks!]] episode of it.
There is support for =org-babel= and =restclient= code blocks, for instance:
@ -59,4 +59,4 @@ There is support for =org-babel= and =restclient= code blocks, for instance:
* ob-http
Any file with an =.http= extension is opened in an =org= buffer with org babel
configured to use =ob-http=.
Full documentation and examples can be found in the packages [[][GitHub Page]].
Full documentation and examples can be found in the package's [[][GitHub Page]].

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@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ From the =em-smart= documentation:
The best way to get a sense of what this code is trying to do is by
using it. Basically, the philosophy represents a blend between the
ease of use of modern day shells, and the review-before-you-proceed
mentality of Plan 9s 9term.
mentality of Plan 9's 9term.
In a nutshell, when =em-smart= is enabled point wont jump at the end of the
In a nutshell, when =em-smart= is enabled point won't jump at the end of the
buffer when a command is executed, it will stay at the same command prompt used
to execute the command. This allows to quickly edit the last command in the case
of a mistake. If there is no mistake and you directly type a new command then
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ Some advanced configuration is setup for =eshell= in this layer:
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC '~ | Open, close or go to the default shell |
| ~SPC p '~ | Open a shell in the projects root |
| ~SPC p '~ | Open a shell in the project's root |
| ~SPC a s e~ | Open, close or go to an =eshell= |
| ~SPC a s i~ | Open, close or go to a =shell= |
| ~SPC a s m~ | Open, close or go to a =multi-term= |

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@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ in this file.
* Configuration
** Sphinx target
To use the layers Sphinx feature, the following variables should be set.
To use the layer's Sphinx feature, the following variables should be set.
A parent directory is needed for all Sphinx projects builds.
A parent directory is needed for all Sphinx projects' builds.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq rst-sphinx-target-parent "/your/path/of/build/")

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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Add =(transmission :variables transmission-auto-refresh-all t)= to
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m g t~ | Open a `transmission-files-mode buffer for torrent at point. |
| ~SPC m g t~ | Open a `transmission-files-mode' buffer for torrent at point. |
| ~SPC m a t~ | Add torrent by filename, URL, magnet link, or info hash. |
| ~SPC m s d~ | Set global download speed limit in kB/s. |
| ~SPC m g p~ | Open a =transmission-peers-mode= buffer for torrent at point. |

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@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ to install the =ruby= layer as well.
** Vagrant
Follow the [[][Installing Vagrant]] and [[][Getting Started]] guides in
Vagrants documentation.
Vagrant's documentation.
** Testing
If youd like to test this layer out in a simple way (for example to
If you'd like to test this layer out in a simple way (for example to
make sure you have Vagrant configured correctly) there is a [[][Vagrantfile]]
in this directory.

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ file.
Note that no filename expansions are done, so =~= -paths will not work out of the box.
If you need expansions, you can use Emacss =file-truename= like this:
If you need expansions, you can use Emacs's =file-truename= like this:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq ycmd-server-command (list "python" (file-truename "~/some/path")))
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Example .ycm_extra_flags:
--sysroot="/path/to/your/toolchain/libc" # if you are cross-compiling
If your build system doesnt handle the creation of a compile_commands.json,
If your build system doesn't handle the creation of a compile_commands.json,
you can use tools such as [[][Bear]] or [[][scan-build]] to generate it, which both work
with almost any build system.

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@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
- [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]]
* Description
This layer adds various replacements for vims default search functions.
This layer adds various replacements for vim's default search functions.
** Features:
- Alternative implementation of vims default search operations.
- Alternative implementation of vim's default search operations.
- Replacement of evil-surround with a two-character search.
- Support for alternative scopes for default search operations.
- Support for alternative motions based on configurable regexps.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ file.
** Improved f and t search behavior
With evil-snipe you can define your own search scope for ~f~ and ~t~ searches
which means that you wont have to jump to the correct line before searching
which means that you won't have to jump to the correct line before searching
with ~f~ / ~t~ / ~F~ / ~T~. And after you have found a match, you can just press
~f~ or ~t~ again afterwards to continue the search. No need to use ~;~ / ~,~.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ With the ~s~/~S~ keys you can do a simple search like ~f~/~t~, but instead of
searching for one character, you search for two. This makes the search a lot
more precise than regular ~f~/~t~ searches. While you can search forward or
backwards in the buffer with ~/~ and ~?~, ~s~ / ~S~ are much easier to reach,
dont require you to press enter and they are precise enough for many common
don't require you to press enter and they are precise enough for many common
** More scopes
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ group of characters. By adding a pair of =(CHAR REGEX)= to the list
(push '(?\] "[]})]") evil-snipe-aliases)
- Here we set the char ~:~ to mean a regex matching python function
definitions (but only in python-mode), so by searching with ~f:fff~ you can
- Here we set the char ~:~ to mean "a regex matching python function
definitions" (but only in python-mode), so by searching with ~f:fff~ you can
quickly cycle through all function definitions in a buffer!
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ group of characters. By adding a pair of =(CHAR REGEX)= to the list
| Key binding | Description |
| ~f~ | search forward for the next entered character and set the cursor to its position |
| ~F~ | search backward for the next entered character and set the cursor to its position |
| ~t~ | search forward for the next entered character and set the cursor before its position |
| ~T~ | search backward for the next entered character and set the cursor before its position |
| ~s~ | search forward for the next entered two characters and set the cursor to its position |
| ~S~ | search backward for the next entered two characters and set the cursor to its position |
| ~f~ | search forward for the next entered character and set the cursor to it's position |
| ~F~ | search backward for the next entered character and set the cursor to it's position |
| ~t~ | search forward for the next entered character and set the cursor before it's position |
| ~T~ | search backward for the next entered character and set the cursor before it's position |
| ~s~ | search forward for the next entered two characters and set the cursor to it's position |
| ~S~ | search backward for the next entered two characters and set the cursor to it's position |

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@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
* Description
This layer is a drop-in replacement for the =vi-tilde-fringe= mode, for those
who desire behaviour closer to =vim=s.
who desire behaviour closer to =vim='s.
It has better compatibility with retina displays, as it uses a text overlay
using your font, rather than a pixel-art tilde. The empty line indicators are
overlaid in within the buffer as in =vim=, and not in the fringe. The indicator
behaviour with trailing empty lines matches =vim=s behaviour.
behaviour with trailing empty lines matches =vim='s behaviour.
For details, see the [[][vim-empty-lines-mode]] repository.

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* Description
This layer is a port of vim-vinegar for emacs.
It is based on tpopes [[][vinegar.vim]], simplifying =dired=
It is based on tpope's [[][vinegar.vim]], simplifying =dired=
with a limited number of details and exposing the ~-~ command in all
buffers to enter dired.

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ official =geeknote= [[][documentation]].
** Geeknote.el
[[][geeknote.el]] is a wrapper for some of the most used =geeknote= commands.
By default, =geeknote.el= doesnt have any key bindings defined.
By default, =geeknote.el= doesn't have any key bindings defined.
This layer provides key bindings for all of =geeknote.el's= exposed features.
=geeknote.el= relies on having a correctly setup =geeknote= editor.
To set this up, run the following command in your terminal after successfully

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ file.
| ~SPC a /~ | ~C-c /~ | Summon a Helm buffer to select any engine |
* Customize it!
If youd rather have emacs use chrome, or firefox or any other thing (=eww=) you
If you'd rather have emacs use chrome, or firefox or any other thing (=eww=) you
can have that customization. For example for google chrome you can put this in
your =dotspacemacs/user-config=:
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Also if you want more search engines, just push them (do this in
If youd rather not use helm but would want a specific search engine, remember
If you'd rather not use helm but would want a specific search engine, remember
the function generated is always =engine/search-(the name of the search engine
lower-case and hyphen instead-of-spaces-for-separation)= so you can bind that to
any key binding you want.

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ This layer adds Twitter support to Spacemacs via the package [[
- Viewing various timelines
- Home timeline
- Replies
- Users timeline
- User's timeline
- Public timeline
- Favorites timeline
- Retweets timeline

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ P.S. wakati means time in Swahili
You can follow wakatime installation instructions here
In short its just:
In short it's just:
pip install wakatime
@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ After this go to your wakatime account and have your API key handy
Restart emacs and it will prompt you for the location of the wakatime installer
(just put in whatever =which wakatime= gives you in the terminal e.g.
=/usr/bin/wakatime= for example) and thats it.
=/usr/bin/wakatime= for example) and that's it.
*** Note to =venv-workon= users:
Right now wakatime uses =python= as python bin executable, so if you use
=venv-workon= because you have python projects which need to have a virtual
env., then wakatime, which is installed system-wide will have trouble locating
wakatime files, so its best to define by yourself the python path where
wakatime can always find its stuff, via this variable:
wakatime files, so it's best to define by yourself the python path where
wakatime can always find it's stuff, via this variable:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq wakatime-python-bin "/path/to/python")

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@ -430,8 +430,8 @@ The commands defined in this layer are taken from various sources like [[https:/
- Smart line navigation: Subsequent presses of ~C-a~ toggles between the beginning of the line and the first non-whitespace character. Similarly, subsequent presses of ~C-e~ will toggle between the end of the code and the end of the comments.
- =spacemacs/backward-kill-word-or-region=: A combination of =kill-region= and =backward-kill-word=, depending on whether there is an active region. If theres an active region kill that. If not kill the preceding word.
- Fill or unfill paragraph: Pressing ~M-q~ for the first time fills current paragraph and pressing ~M-q~ for the second time unfills it. Note that some modes override this key binding so its not available everywhere. Due to implementation details unfilling doesnt work when called twice via ~M-x~.
- =spacemacs/backward-kill-word-or-region=: A combination of =kill-region= and =backward-kill-word=, depending on whether there is an active region. If there's an active region kill that. If not kill the preceding word.
- Fill or unfill paragraph: Pressing ~M-q~ for the first time fills current paragraph and pressing ~M-q~ for the second time unfills it. Note that some modes override this key binding so it's not available everywhere. Due to implementation details unfilling doesn't work when called twice via ~M-x~.
** Ibuffer
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ This layer sets up a file navigation and project explorer side-window via [[http
An detailed overview over Treemacs available features is available in [[][its
An detailed overview over Treemacs' available features is available in [[][its
readme]]. In a short summary Treemacs offers the following:
- Simple and powerful navigation and ability to detail exactly how and where a
file should be opened
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ readme]]. In a short summary Treemacs offers the following:
- Ability to show tags contained in files. Tags are provided by imenu, so
nearly every filetype is supported.
- Mouse interface for single and double left clicks in line with modern GUI standards.
(Clicking on an icon will also display a files tags)
(Clicking on an icon will also display a file's tags)
- Locational awareness: commands like ~find-file~ or ~magit-status~ will use the location
of the node at point (with $HOME as fallback)
- Optionally fontifying files based on their git status.
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ Features:
This layer makes your Emacs sound like an IBM Selectric typewriter, for those
moments when your loud, clicky mechanical keyboard is not at hand, yet, youd
moments when your loud, clicky mechanical keyboard is not at hand, yet, you'd
still wish to enjoy the sound.
@ -1142,8 +1142,8 @@ Features:
Syntax highlighting and Emacs functions for use with [[][AutoHotkey]] or
Using a combined implementation of ahk-mode from Xah Lees =xahk-mode=
and Robert Widhopf-Fenks =autohotkey-mode=. Updated with the latest
Using a combined implementation of ahk-mode from Xah Lee's =xahk-mode=
and Robert Widhopf-Fenk's =autohotkey-mode=. Updated with the latest
ahk and ahk_l commands found in the latest revision of
@ -1236,7 +1236,7 @@ Features:
*** Phoenix
This layer adds key bindings for [[][Alchemist]]s already built in phoenix mode.
This layer adds key bindings for [[][Alchemist]]'s already built in phoenix mode.
- Key bindings for navigation to files
@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ Features:
- Source analysis using [[][go-guru]]
- Refactoring with [[][godoctor]]
- Edit struct field tag with [[][gomodifytags]]
- Linting with flychecks built-in checkers or flycheck-gometalinter
- Linting with flycheck's built-in checkers or flycheck-gometalinter
- Coverage profile visualization
- Test generation with [[][go-gen-test]]
- Get packages faster with [[][gopkgs]]
@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ Features:
**** Swift
This layer adds support for Apples Swift programming language, used as a
This layer adds support for Apple's Swift programming language, used as a
general purpose scripting language.
@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@ This layer adds support for the [[
- Faces redefined to correctly play with themes.
- Spacemacs bindings to Agdas interactive tools.
- Spacemacs bindings to Agda's interactive tools.
*This layer is in construction, it needs your contributions and bug reports.*
@ -1841,7 +1841,7 @@ Features:
This layer integrates offline api browsers into emacs. It provides one for OS X, Linux and Windows.
- Searching for word at point in offline api browsers UI.
- Searching for word at point in offline api browser's UI.
- Integration of offline api browser search results in helm and ivy.
- Support for [[][dash]] offline api browser for OS X.
- Support for [[][zeal]] offline api browser for Linux.
@ -1891,9 +1891,9 @@ This layer enables support for PDF with the [[
According to the official repository:
PDF Tools is, among other things, a replacement of DocView for PDF files. The
"PDF Tools is, among other things, a replacement of DocView for PDF files. The
key difference is, that pages are not pre-rendered by e.g. ghostscript and
stored in the file-system, but rather created on-demand and stored in memory.
stored in the file-system, but rather created on-demand and stored in memory."
@ -1917,7 +1917,7 @@ Features:
Alda is a music composition language allowing music to easily be written and
edited in a text file.
This layer adds key bindings for =alda-mode=s functions, which allow Alda code
This layer adds key bindings for =alda-mode='s functions, which allow Alda code
to be interpreted and played by the running Alda server. It will also start the
Alda server if it is not running.
@ -2271,10 +2271,10 @@ Features:
- Build once and work with the same development environment everywhere
- Run untrusted/risky code in the tunable sandbox with CPU/network/disk quotas
- Try new tools, experiment and roll back changes when something goes wrong
- Share your setup with others or extend someone elses development environment
- Share your setup with others or extend someone else's development environment
- Run multiple Emacs instances on the same machine isolated
- [[][pause]] container to free resources temporarily
- [[][Checkpoint & Restore]] - maybe the fastest way to start a “heavy” environment
- [[][Checkpoint & Restore]] - maybe the fastest way to start a "heavy" environment
- Friendly for networks with low upload speed/quotas.
** Utilities
@ -2283,11 +2283,11 @@ Features:
This layer enables [[][window-purpose]], which provides an alternative, purpose-based
window manager for Emacs. With this layer, your window layout should be robust
and shouldnt change too much when opening all sorts of buffers.
and shouldn't change too much when opening all sorts of buffers.
Regular [[][popwin]] is not triggered when window-purpose is enabled. However,
the window-purpose layer provides a =purpose-popwin= extension, which
brings popwins behavior to window-purpose and solves that problem.
brings popwin's behavior to window-purpose and solves that problem.
- Window layout is more robust and less likely to change unintentionally
@ -2296,7 +2296,7 @@ Features:
- Extensible window display behavior
- Empty =purpose-mode-map=, to avoid conflicts with other key maps
- Replicate popwin behavior for purpose-mode - almost no regression in popup behavior from using window-purpose.
- Reuses popwins settings: =popwin:special-display-config=, =popwin:popup-window-height= and =popwin:popup-window-width=.
- Reuses popwin's settings: =popwin:special-display-config=, =popwin:popup-window-height= and =popwin:popup-window-width=.
- Difference from popwin: when several windows are open, popup window is sometimes bigger than with regular popwin in the same situation.
* Tagging
@ -2520,13 +2520,13 @@ Features:
- Supports the following adjustments:
- Automatic switching between light (day) and dark (night) themes via [[][theme-changer]]
- Local weather forecast via [[][sunshine]]
- Integration with OS Xs CoreLocation service via [[][osx-location]]
- Integration with OS X's CoreLocation service via [[][osx-location]]
- Manual location setting via variables in your dotfile
** Imenu-list
This layer uses [[][imenu-list]] to show the current buffers index in a side bar.
This layer uses [[][imenu-list]] to show the current buffer's index in a side bar.
This is similar to `SPC j i` but displayed in a persistent sidebar instead of
a completion buffer.
@ -2551,7 +2551,7 @@ This layer adds support for basic language server protocol packages speaking
[[][language server protocol]].
Different language servers may support the language server protocol to varying degrees
and they may also provide extensions; check the language servers website for
and they may also provide extensions; check the language server's website for
=M-x lsp-describe-session= in a LSP buffer to list capabilities of the server.
@ -2621,7 +2621,7 @@ Features:
This layer adds support for the [[][prodigy]] package to manage external services from
within Emacs, check the packages documentation for more details.
within Emacs, check the package's documentation for more details.
It is recommended to put your prodigy services in the =dotspacemacs/user-config=
part of your =~/.spacemacs= file.
@ -2808,10 +2808,10 @@ Features:
** Evil-snipe
This layer adds various replacements for vims default search functions.
This layer adds various replacements for vim's default search functions.
- Alternative implementation of vims default search operations.
- Alternative implementation of vim's default search operations.
- Replacement of evil-surround with a two-character search.
- Support for alternative scopes for default search operations.
- Support for alternative motions based on configurable regexps.
@ -2820,12 +2820,12 @@ Features:
This layer is a drop-in replacement for the =vi-tilde-fringe= mode, for those
who desire behaviour closer to =vim=s.
who desire behaviour closer to =vim='s.
It has better compatibility with retina displays, as it uses a text overlay
using your font, rather than a pixel-art tilde. The empty line indicators are
overlaid in within the buffer as in =vim=, and not in the fringe. The indicator
behaviour with trailing empty lines matches =vim=s behaviour.
behaviour with trailing empty lines matches =vim='s behaviour.
For details, see the [[][vim-empty-lines-mode]] repository.
@ -2838,7 +2838,7 @@ Features:
This layer is a port of vim-vinegar for emacs.
It is based on tpopes [[][vinegar.vim]], simplifying =dired=
It is based on tpope's [[][vinegar.vim]], simplifying =dired=
with a limited number of details and exposing the ~-~ command in all
buffers to enter dired.
@ -2890,7 +2890,7 @@ Features:
- Viewing various timelines
- Home timeline
- Replies
- Users timeline
- User's timeline
- Public timeline
- Favorites timeline
- Retweets timeline

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
* Introduction
0.200 is a huge release with more than 1700 commits since the last major version
released in January 2016. Actually it is so big that we jumped directly from
version 0.105 to version 0.200, so dont panic if you think you missed all the
version 0.105 to version 0.200, so don't panic if you think you missed all the
versions since 0.105 :-)
This first newsletter describes with details the main changes introduced in the
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ last months.
The (boring) complete list of changes can be found in the file
at the root of the Git repository.
Lets start with the hottest section: breaking changes!
Let's start with the hottest section: breaking changes!
* Breaking changes
Before starting with the breaking changes let me begin with a few words about
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ in 2013. Supporting this version in Spacemacs is more and more work for
maintainers so we decided to drop all the 24.3 related code in Spacemacs
effectively raising the minimum Emacs version required to 24.4. We believe that
users are able to switch to a newer version of Emacs, if you need help in this
process you can try the [[][Gitter chat]], Im sure youll find solutions there.
process you can try the [[][Gitter chat]], I'm sure you'll find solutions there.
** Some modifications in the layer format
We renamed =extensions= directories in layers to =local= and the file
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ _After:_
A new file called =layers.el= is in charge of layers dependency, i.e. when a
layer needs to declare additional layers. Previously this was done in the
=config.el= file, to avoid errors youll have to move the calls to the functions
=config.el= file, to avoid errors you'll have to move the calls to the functions
=configuration-layer/declare-layer= and =configuration-layer/declare-layers= to
a dedicated =layers.el= file. An example can be found in the
[[][spacemacs distribution layer]].
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ support for the value =all=.
A new variable =dotspacemacs-install-packages= is now dedicated to control what
packages are downloaded by Spacemacs. Three behaviours are supported:
- =used-only= (default) will download only the used packages
- =used-but-keep-unused= will download only the used packages but wont uninstall
- =used-but-keep-unused= will download only the used packages but won't uninstall
them if they become unused
- =all= will download _all_ the supported packages by Spacemacs.
@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ is a rather big amount of changes for users jumping from master 0.105 to 0.200.
First of all the most visible change is for ~SPC SPC~ which triggers now ~M-x~
instead of =avy= to jump to a character. The ~SPC~ key in Spacemacs is a central
key as it acts as the leader key for _all_ the key bindings, it made sense to
give the same sense of “root” key to the sequence ~SPC SPC~, so now ~SPC SPC~ is
give the same sense of "root" key to the sequence ~SPC SPC~, so now ~SPC SPC~ is
the central sequence to execute _any_ interactive function in Emacs.
Where is the =avy= command then ? We reorganised from the ground up the prefix
~SPC j~ for all jump commands. In the conventions a doubled key is often used
for the default command under a given prefix, for instance ~SPC b b~ is for
buffer selection, ~SPC f f~ for file selection etc... The “jump to character”
buffer selection, ~SPC f f~ for file selection etc... The "jump to character"
command of =avy= is then under ~SPC j j~. Here is a detailed list of the new
~SPC j~ prefix:
- =avy= commands are now behind the prefix ~SPC j~ for =jump=:
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Closing, deleting or killing things ? This can be a tough call to distinguish
them and we can find such confusion in the Spacemacs key bindings, for instance
we close a window but we delete a buffer and we can also kill a buffer. Whereas
it can make sense for a lot of users, there are still users finding this
confusing. So we decided to simplify the notion of “closing/deleting” things
confusing. So we decided to simplify the notion of "closing/deleting" things
under the ~d~ key for =delete=. We moved ~SPC w c~ and ~SPC w C~ to ~SPC w d~
and ~SPC w D~.
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ windows and buffers. The result is detailed here:
- ~SPC b K~ (kill other buffers) is now ~SPC b m~ to map with ~SPC w m~
(maximize buffer/window which effectively delete other windows).
- ~SPC b D~ now kills a buffer using =ace-window=.
- Buffer actions dont delete the windows by default, use the universal
- Buffer actions don't delete the windows by default, use the universal
prefix argument to do so, for instance ~SPC u SPC b d~ and ~SPC u SPC b D~
will delete the buffer and also the window. Another example is
~SPC u SPC b m~ to maximize a buffer.
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ Another example to select all the packages except =fancy-battery=:
** Improved stability
This is one of the Achilles heel of Spacemacs. We rely on bleeding edge version
This is one of the Achilles' heel of Spacemacs. We rely on bleeding edge version
of packages from =melpa= repository to install a fresh version of Spacemacs. If
the repository is down then no sugar, try again later.
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ supported extension.
For instance, when opening an Elixir file with extension =.ex= Spacemacs will
ask to install the =elixir= layer if it is not already used. The =elixir= layer
is automatically added to the dotfile so it wont be uninstalled after a
is automatically added to the dotfile so it won't be uninstalled after a
By default this feature is _disabled_, you have to opt-in for it by setting
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ values:
- =unused= to lazy install only layers not listed in
- =all= to lazy install any layer supporting lazy installation (i.e. even the
used layers wont be installed at startup until you open a file with a
used layers won't be installed at startup until you open a file with a
supported extension).
** A better hybrid editing style
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ layer to your dotfile and reloading it with ~SPC f e R~!
The level of feature of the =ivy= layer is pretty on par with the =helm= layer,
this is a fantastic work and it demonstrates all the power of a community-driven
configuration. Im really excited by this new feature and how it is so easy to
configuration. I'm really excited by this new feature and how it is so easy to
enjoy it. Nice work guys!
** Better transient-states
@ -481,11 +481,11 @@ previous stable state if required.
** More consistent window behaviour
One of the main focus for 0.201 will be to integrate [[][emacs-purpose]]. It is a
package to display buffer in the same windows. The current pull request is very
popular and Im sure youll like what it will bring to the Spacemacs experience.
popular and I'm sure you'll like what it will bring to the Spacemacs experience.
** New layers
Pull requests with new layers are low on the priority list because reviewing
them is more time consuming. For 0.201 Ill focus on all the pull requests with
them is more time consuming. For 0.201 I'll focus on all the pull requests with
new layers in order to speed up the merge so you can expect more new layers for
0.201 than 0.200.