Implement modeline DSL

This commit is contained in:
Eivind Fonn 2015-07-06 12:13:41 +02:00 committed by syl20bnr
parent a0cbcd4a5d
commit c52535fe99
4 changed files with 428 additions and 222 deletions

View file

@ -35,14 +35,6 @@
(spacemacs|diminish flycheck-mode "" " s")
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-flycheck-info-toggle ()
"Toggle display of flycheck info."
(if flycheck-mode
(flycheck-mode -1)
(evil-leader/set-key "tmf" 'spacemacs/mode-line-flycheck-info-toggle)
;; color mode line faces
(defun spacemacs/defface-flycheck-mode-line-color (state)
"Define a face for the given Flycheck STATE."

View file

@ -809,8 +809,9 @@ Some elements can be dynamically toggled:
| ~SPC t m b~ | toggle the battery status |
| ~SPC t m c~ | toggle the =org= task clock (available in =org= layer) |
| ~SPC t m f~ | toggle the flycheck info (available in =syntax-checking= layer) |
| ~SPC t m m~ | toggle the minor mode lighters |
| ~SPC t m j~ | toggle the major mode |
| ~SPC t m g~ | toggle the version control info |
| ~SPC t m n~ | toggle the cat! (if =colors= layer is declared in your dotfile) |
| ~SPC t m p~ | toggle the point character position |
| ~SPC t m t~ | toggle the mode line itself |

View file

@ -1014,3 +1014,19 @@ the right."
"Write the file under new name."
(call-interactively 'write-file))
(defun spacemacs//imagep (object)
"Tests whether the given object is an image (a list whose
first element is the symbol `image')."
(and (listp object)
(eq 'image (car object))))
(defun spacemacs//intersperse (seq separator)
"Returns a list with `SEPARATOR' added between each element
of the list `SEQ'."
((not seq) nil)
((not (cdr seq)) seq)
(t (append (list (car seq) separator)
(spacemacs//intersperse (cdr seq) separator)))))

View file

@ -1086,13 +1086,14 @@ Example: (evil-map visual \"<\" \"<gv\")"
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-battery-info-toggle ()
"Toggle display of battery info."
(if fancy-battery-mode
(fancy-battery-mode -1)
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-battery
:status fancy-battery-mode
:off (fancy-battery-mode -1)
:documentation "Display battery info in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmb")
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-battery-remove-from-global ()
"Remove the battery info from the `global-mode-string'."
@ -1114,8 +1115,7 @@ Example: (evil-map visual \"<\" \"<gv\")"
((string-empty-p time) "")
(t (concat " (" time ")")))))
(setq-default fancy-battery-show-percentage t)
(evil-leader/set-key "tmb" 'spacemacs/mode-line-battery-info-toggle))
(setq-default fancy-battery-show-percentage t))
;; redefine this function for Spacemacs,
@ -2616,32 +2616,48 @@ Put (global-hungry-delete-mode) in dotspacemacs/config to enable by default."
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp t
"If not nil, minor modes lighter are displayed in the mode-line.")
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-minor-modes-toggle ()
"Toggle display of minor modes."
(if spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp nil)
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp t)))
(evil-leader/set-key "tmm" 'spacemacs/mode-line-minor-modes-toggle)
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-minor-modes
:status spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp nil)
:documentation "Show minor modes in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmm")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep t
"If not nil, major mode is displayed in the mode-line.")
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-major-mode
:status spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep nil)
:documentation "Show major mode in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmj")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp t
"If not nil, version control info is displayed in the mode-line.")
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-version-control
:status spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp nil)
:documentation "Show version control info in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmg")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp t
"If not nil, new version lighter is displayed in the mode-line.")
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-new-version-lighter-toggle ()
"Toggle display of new version lighter."
(if spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp nil)
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp t)))
(evil-leader/set-key "tmv" 'spacemacs/mode-line-new-version-lighter-toggle)
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-new-version
:status spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp nil)
:documentation "Show new version in the mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmv")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p nil
"If not nil, display point alongside row/column in the mode-line.")
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-display-point-toggle ()
(if spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p nil)
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p t)))
(evil-leader/set-key "tmp" 'spacemacs/mode-line-display-point-toggle)
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-display-point
:status spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p nil)
:documentation "Show point in the mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmp")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp nil
"If not nil, the currently clocked org-mode task will be
@ -2649,12 +2665,48 @@ displayed in the mode-line.")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-format-function
"Function used to render the currently clocked org-mode task.")
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-org-clock-current-task-toggle ()
(if spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp nil)
(setq spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp t)))
(evil-leader/set-key "tmc" 'spacemacs/mode-line-org-clock-current-task-toggle)
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-org-clock-current-task
:status spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp nil)
:documentation "Show org clock in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmc")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-left
'(((workspace-number window-number)
:fallback state-tag
:separator "|"
:face state-face)
(buffer-modified buffer-size buffer-id remote-host)
((flycheck-errors flycheck-warnings flycheck-infos)
:when active)
((minor-modes process)
:when active)
(erc-track :when active)
(version-control :when active)
(org-pomodoro :when active)
(org-clock :when active)
"List of modeline segments to render on the left. Each element
must be a valid segment specification, see documentation for
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-right
:separator " | ")
((global-mode new-version)
:when active)
"List of modeline segments to render on the right. Each element
must be a valid segment specification, see documentation for
(defun spacemacs//mode-line-file-encoding ()
"Return the file encoding to be displayed in the mode-line."
@ -2673,108 +2725,35 @@ displayed in the mode-line.")
:inherit 'font-lock-comment-face))
(defmacro spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment (name value &rest props)
"Defines a modeline segment called `NAME' whose value is
computed by the form `VALUE'. The optional keyword argument `WHEN'
defines a condition required for the segment to be shown.
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-prepare-left ()
(let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
(line-face (if active 'mode-line 'mode-line-inactive))
(face1 (if active 'powerline-active1 'powerline-inactive1))
(face2 (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2))
(state-face (if active (spacemacs/current-state-face) face2))
(eyebrowsep (bound-and-true-p eyebrowse-mode))
(window-numberingp (bound-and-true-p window-numbering-mode))
(anzup (and (boundp 'anzu--state) anzu--state))
(flycheckp (and (bound-and-true-p flycheck-mode)
(or flycheck-current-errors
(eq 'running flycheck-last-status-change))))
(vc-face (if (or flycheckp spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp)
face1 line-face))
(separator-left (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
(car powerline-default-separator-dir))))
(separator-right (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
(cdr powerline-default-separator-dir)))))
This macro defines a function `spacemacs//mode-line-NAME' which
returns a list of modeline objects (strings or images). If the
form `VALUE' does not result in a list, the return value will be
wrapped as a singleton list.
;; workspace number
(when (and eyebrowsep (spacemacs/workspace-number))
(list (powerline-raw " " state-face)
(powerline-raw (spacemacs/workspace-number) state-face)))
;; window number
(if (and window-numberingp (spacemacs/window-number))
(list (if eyebrowsep
(powerline-raw "|" state-face)
(powerline-raw " " state-face))
(powerline-raw (spacemacs/window-number) state-face)
(powerline-raw " " state-face))
(list (powerline-raw (evil-state-property evil-state :tag t) state-face)))
(if (and active anzup)
(list (funcall separator-right state-face face1)
(powerline-raw (anzu--update-mode-line) face1)
(funcall separator-right face1 line-face))
(list (funcall separator-right state-face line-face)))
;; evil state
;; (powerline-raw evil-mode-line-tag state-face)
;; (funcall separator-right state-face line-face)
;; buffer name
(powerline-raw "%*" line-face 'l)
(powerline-buffer-size line-face 'l)
(powerline-buffer-id line-face 'l)
(powerline-raw " " line-face)
;; major mode
(funcall separator-left line-face face1)
(powerline-major-mode face1 'l)
(powerline-raw " " face1)
(when active
(funcall separator-right face1 line-face)))
;; flycheck
(when (and active flycheckp)
(list (powerline-raw " " line-face)
(powerline-raw (spacemacs|custom-flycheck-lighter error)
(powerline-raw (spacemacs|custom-flycheck-lighter warning)
(powerline-raw (spacemacs|custom-flycheck-lighter info)
;; separator between flycheck and minor modes
(when (and active flycheckp spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp)
(list (funcall separator-left line-face face1)
(powerline-raw " " face1)
(funcall separator-right face1 line-face)))
;; minor modes
(when (and active spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp)
(list (spacemacs-powerline-minor-modes line-face 'l)
(powerline-raw mode-line-process line-face 'l)
(powerline-raw " " line-face)))
;; erc
(when (and active
(bound-and-true-p erc-track-mode))
;; Copied from erc-track.el -> erc-modified-channels-display
(let* ((buffers (mapcar 'car erc-modified-channels-alist))
(long-names (mapcar #'(lambda (buf) (or (buffer-name buf) "")) buffers)))
;; version control
(when (and active (or flycheckp spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp))
(list (funcall separator-left (if vc-face line-face face1) vc-face)))
(if active
(list (powerline-vc vc-face)
(powerline-raw " " vc-face)
(funcall separator-right vc-face face2))
(list (funcall separator-right face1 face2)))
;; org-pomodoro current pomodoro
(when (and active
(fboundp 'org-pomodoro-active-p)
(list " ["(nth 1 org-pomodoro-mode-line) "] "))
;; org clocked task
(when (and active
(fboundp 'org-clocking-p)
(list (powerline-raw " " face2)
(funcall spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-format-function)
(powerline-raw " " face2))))))
All properties are stored in a plist attached to the symbol, to be
inspected at evaluation time by `spacemacs//eval-mode-line-segment'."
(declare (indent 1))
(let* ((wrapper-func (intern (format "spacemacs//mode-line-%S" name)))
(wrapper-func-available (intern (format "%S-available" wrapper-func)))
(condition (or (plist-get props :when) t)))
(defun ,wrapper-func ()
(when ,condition
(let ((value ,value))
(if (or (spacemacs//imagep value)
(not (listp value)))
(list value)
(setplist ',wrapper-func ',props))))
;; An intermediate representation of the value of a modeline segment.
(defstruct segment
objects face-left face-right tight-left tight-right)
(defun column-number-at-pos (pos)
"Analog to line-number-at-pos."
@ -2792,98 +2771,316 @@ It is a string holding:
(cols (1+ (abs (- (column-number-at-pos (region-end))
(column-number-at-pos (region-beginning)))))))
(if (eq evil-visual-selection 'block)
(format "%dx%d block" lines cols)
(format "%d×%d block" lines cols)
(if (> lines 1) (format "%d lines" lines)
(format "%d chars" chars)))))
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-prepare-right ()
(let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
(line-face (if active 'mode-line 'mode-line-inactive))
(face1 (if active 'powerline-active1 'powerline-inactive1))
(face2 (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2))
(state-face (if active (spacemacs/current-state-face) face2))
(nyancatp (and (boundp 'nyan-mode) nyan-mode))
(batteryp (and (boundp 'fancy-battery-mode)
(symbol-value fancy-battery-mode)))
(battery-face (if batteryp (fancy-battery-powerline-face)))
(separator-left (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
(car powerline-default-separator-dir))))
(separator-right (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
(cdr powerline-default-separator-dir)))))
;; battery
(if (and active batteryp)
(list (funcall separator-left face2 battery-face)
(powerline-raw (fancy-battery-default-mode-line)
battery-face 'r)
(funcall separator-right battery-face face1))
(list (funcall separator-right face2 face1)))
(if (evil-visual-state-p)
;; selection info, if there is a selection.
(powerline-raw " " face1)
(powerline-raw (selection-info) face1)
(powerline-raw " " face1)
(funcall separator-left face1 face2)
(powerline-raw " " face2)
(funcall separator-right face2 face1)))
;; row:column
(powerline-raw " " face1)
;; buffer encoding
(powerline-raw (format "%s |" (spacemacs//mode-line-file-encoding))
face1 'r)
(powerline-raw (if spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p
(concat (format "%d | " (point)) "%l:%2c" )
face1 'r)
(funcall separator-left face1 line-face)
(powerline-raw " " line-face))
;; global-mode
(when active
;; BEGIN define modeline segments
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment workspace-number
:when (and (bound-and-true-p eyebrowse-mode)
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment window-number
:when (and (bound-and-true-p window-numbering-mode)
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment state-tag
(s-trim (evil-state-property evil-state :tag t)))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment anzu
:when (and active (bound-and-true-p anzu--state)))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment buffer-modified "%*")
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment buffer-size
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment buffer-id
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment remote-host
(concat "@" (file-remote-p default-directory 'host))
:when (file-remote-p default-directory 'host))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment major-mode
:when spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep)
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment minor-modes
:when spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp)
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment process
:when mode-line-process)
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment erc-track
(let* ((buffers (mapcar 'car erc-modified-channels-alist))
(long-names (mapconcat (lambda (buf)
(or (buffer-name buf) ""))
buffers " ")))
:when (bound-and-true-p erc-track-mode))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment version-control
(s-trim (powerline-vc))
:when (and (powerline-vc)
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment selection-info
:when (evil-visual-state-p))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment buffer-encoding
(format "%s" buffer-file-coding-system))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment buffer-encoding-abbrev
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment point-position
(format "%d" (point))
:when spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p)
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment line-column "%l:%2c")
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment buffer-position "%p")
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment hud
(powerline-hud state-face default-face)
:tight t
:when (string-match "\%" (format-mode-line "%p")))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment nyan-cat
(powerline-raw (nyan-create) default-face)
:when (bound-and-true-p nyan-mode))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment global-mode
(powerline-raw global-mode-string)
(powerline-raw " " line-face))
;; new version
(if (and active
:when (and global-mode-string
(< 0 (length (apply 'concat global-mode-string)))))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment battery
(powerline-raw (s-trim (fancy-battery-default-mode-line))
:when (bound-and-true-p fancy-battery-mode))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment new-version
spacemacs-version spacemacs-new-version) 'r)))
(when (and active (not nyancatp))
(let ((progress (format-mode-line "%p")))
;; percentage in the file
(powerline-raw "%p" line-face 'r)
;; display hud
(powerline-chamfer-left line-face face1)
(if (string-match "\%" progress)
(powerline-hud state-face face1)))))
spacemacs-version spacemacs-new-version))
:when (and spacemacs-new-version
(defun spacemacs/mode-line-prepare ()
;; flycheck-errors, flycheck-warnings, flycheck-infos
(dolist (type '(error warning info))
(let ((segment-name (intern (format "flycheck-%ss" type)))
(face (intern (format "spacemacs-mode-line-flycheck-%s-face" type))))
`(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment ,segment-name
(powerline-raw (s-trim (spacemacs|custom-flycheck-lighter ,type)) ',face)
:when (and (bound-and-true-p flycheck-mode)
(or flycheck-current-errors
(eq 'running flycheck-last-status-change))
(spacemacs|custom-flycheck-lighter ,type))))))
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment org-clock
(funcall spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-format-function)
:when (and spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp
(fboundp 'org-clocking-p)
(spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment org-pomodoro
(concat "[" (nth 1 org-pomodoro-mode-line) "]")
:when (and (fboundp 'org-pomodoro-active-p)
;; END define modeline segments
(defun spacemacs//eval-mode-line-segment (segment-spec &rest outer-props)
"Evaluates a modeline segment given by `SEGMENT-SPEC' with
additional properties given by `OUTER-PROPS'.
`SEGMENT-SPEC' may be either:
- A literal value (number or string, for example)
- A symbol previously defined by `spacemacs|define-mode-line-segment'
- A list whose car is a segment-spec and whose cdr is a plist of properties
- A list of segment-specs
The properties applied are, in order of priority:
- Those given by `SEGMENT-SPEC', if applicable
- The properties attached to the segment symbol, if applicable
Valid properties are:
- `:tight-left' => if true, the segment should be rendered with no padding
or separator on its left side
- `:tight-right' => corresponding option for the right side
- `:tight' => shorthand option to set both `:tight-left' and `:tight-right'
- `:when' => condition that determines whether this segment is shown
- `:fallback' => segment to evaluate if this segment produces no output
- `:separator' => string with which to separate nested segments
- `:face' => the face with which to render the segment
When calling nested or fallback segments, the full property list is passed
as `OUTER-PROPS', with the exception of `:fallback'. This means that more
deeply specified properties, as a rule, override the higher level ones.
The exception is `:when', which must be true at all levels.
The return vaule is a `segment' struct. Its `OBJECTS' list may be nil."
;; We get a property list from `SEGMENT-SPEC' if it's a list
;; with more than one element whose second element is a symbol
;; starting with a colon
(let* ((input (if (and (listp segment-spec)
(cdr segment-spec)
(keywordp (cadr segment-spec)))
(cons segment-spec nil)))
(segment (car input))
(segment-symbol (when (symbolp segment)
(intern (format "spacemacs//mode-line-%S" segment))))
;; Assemble the properties in the correct order
(props (append (cdr input)
(when (symbolp segment) (symbol-plist segment-symbol))
;; Property list to be passed to nested or fallback segments
(nest-props (append '(:fallback nil) (cdr input) outer-props))
;; Parse property list
(condition (if (plist-member props :when)
(eval (plist-get props :when))
(face (eval (or (plist-get props :face) 'default-face)))
(separator (powerline-raw (or (plist-get props :separator) " ") face))
(tight-left (or (plist-member props :tight)
(plist-member props :tight-left)))
(tight-right (or (plist-member props :tight)
(plist-member props :tight-right)))
;; Final output
(result (make-segment :objects nil
:face-left face
:face-right face
:tight-left tight-left
:tight-right tight-right)))
;; Evaluate the segment based on its type
(when condition
;; A list of segments
((listp segment)
(let ((results (remove-if-not
(mapcar (lambda (s)
(apply 'spacemacs//eval-mode-line-segment
s nest-props))
(when results
(setf (segment-objects result)
(apply 'append (spacemacs//intersperse
(mapcar 'segment-objects results)
(list separator))))
(setf (segment-face-left result)
(segment-face-left (car results)))
(setf (segment-face-right result)
(segment-face-right (car (last results))))
(setf (segment-tight-left result)
(segment-tight-left (car results)))
(setf (segment-tight-right result)
(segment-tight-right (car (last results)))))))
;; A single symbol
((symbolp segment)
(setf (segment-objects result)
(mapcar (lambda (s)
(if (spacemacs//imagep s) s (powerline-raw s face)))
(funcall segment-symbol))))
;; A literal value
(t (setf (segment-objects result)
(list (powerline-raw (format "%s" segment) face))))))
;; This segment produced output, so return it
((segment-objects result) result)
;; Return the fallback segment, if any
((plist-get props :fallback)
(apply 'spacemacs//eval-mode-line-segment
(plist-get props :fallback) nest-props))
;; No output (objects = nil)
(t result))))
(defun spacemacs//mode-line-prepare-any (spec side)
"Prepares one side of the modeline. `SPEC' is a list of segment
specifications (see `spacemacs//eval-mode-line-segment'), and `SIDE' is
one of `l' or `r'."
(let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
(face2 (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2))
(lhs (spacemacs/mode-line-prepare-left))
(rhs (spacemacs/mode-line-prepare-right))
(nyancatp (and (boundp 'nyan-mode) nyan-mode)))
(line-face (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2))
(default-face (if active 'powerline-active1 'powerline-inactive1))
(other-face (if active 'mode-line 'mode-line-inactive))
(state-face (if active (spacemacs/current-state-face) line-face))
;; Loop through the segments and collect the results
(segments (loop with result
for s in spec
do (setq result (spacemacs//eval-mode-line-segment s))
if (segment-objects result)
collect result
and do (rotatef default-face other-face)))
(dummy (make-segment :face-left line-face :face-right line-face))
(separator-style (format "powerline-%S" powerline-default-separator))
(default-separator (intern (format "%s-%S" separator-style
(car powerline-default-separator-dir))))
(other-separator (intern (format "%s-%S" separator-style
(cdr powerline-default-separator-dir)))))
;; Collect all segment values and add separators
(apply 'append
(lambda (pair)
(let* ((lhs (car pair))
(rhs (cdr pair))
(objs (if (eq 'l side) lhs rhs))
(add-sep (not (or (segment-tight-right lhs)
(segment-tight-left rhs)))))
(rotatef default-separator other-separator)
(when (and (eq 'r side) add-sep)
(list (funcall default-separator
(segment-face-right lhs)
(segment-face-left rhs))))
(unless (segment-tight-left objs)
(list (powerline-raw " " (segment-face-left objs))))
(segment-objects objs)
(unless (segment-tight-right objs)
(list (powerline-raw " " (segment-face-right objs))))
(when (and (eq 'l side) add-sep)
(list (funcall default-separator
(segment-face-right lhs)
(segment-face-left rhs)))))))
(-zip (if (eq 'l side) segments (cons dummy segments))
(if (eq 'l side) (append (cdr segments) (list dummy)) segments))))))
(defun spacemacs//mode-line-prepare-left ()
(spacemacs//mode-line-prepare-any spacemacs-mode-line-left 'l))
(defun spacemacs//mode-line-prepare-right ()
(spacemacs//mode-line-prepare-any spacemacs-mode-line-right 'r))
(defun spacemacs//mode-line-prepare ()
(let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
(lhs (spacemacs//mode-line-prepare-left))
(rhs (spacemacs//mode-line-prepare-right))
(line-face (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2)))
(concat (powerline-render lhs)
(when (and active nyancatp)
(powerline-render (spacemacs/powerline-nyan-cat)))
(powerline-fill face2 (powerline-width rhs))
(powerline-fill line-face (powerline-width rhs))
(powerline-render rhs))))
(setq-default mode-line-format
'("%e" (:eval (spacemacs/mode-line-prepare))))
'("%e" (:eval (spacemacs//mode-line-prepare))))
(defun spacemacs//restore-powerline (buffer)
"Restore the powerline in buffer"
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq-local mode-line-format
'("%e" (:eval (spacemacs/mode-line-prepare))))
'("%e" (:eval (spacemacs//mode-line-prepare))))