Disable persp-cycle-(next/prev)

perspectives.el just got updated and does not use persp-curr-buffers
anymnore. Cycling functionality lost for now
This commit is contained in:
Diego Berrocal 2015-01-09 12:01:44 -05:00 committed by syl20bnr
parent 4cc9bc4a3c
commit b7f5a58fc6

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@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ which require an initialization must be listed explicitly in the list.")
"PA" 'persp-set-buffer
"Pc" 'persp-kill
"Pk" 'persp-remove-buffer
"Pn" 'persp-cycle-next
"Pn" 'persp-next
"Poe" 'custom-persp/emacs
"Poo" 'custom-persp/org
"Pp" 'persp-cycle-prev
"Pp" 'persp-prev
"Pr" 'persp-rename
"Ps" 'persp-switch))
@ -63,23 +63,22 @@ which require an initialization must be listed explicitly in the list.")
(defun custom-persp-last ()
(persp-switch (persp-name persp-last)))
(defun persp-cycle-next ()
"Cycle throught the available perspectives."
(let ((next-pos (1+ (persp-curr-position)))
(list-size (length (persp-all-names))))
(cond ((eq 1 list-size) (persp-switch nil))
((>= next-pos list-size) (persp-switch (nth 0 (persp-all-names))))
(t (persp-next)))))
(defun persp-cycle-prev ()
"Cycle throught the available perspectives."
(let ((next-pos (- (persp-curr-position) 1))
(list-size (length (persp-all-names))))
(cond ((eq 1 list-size) (persp-switch nil))
((< next-pos 0) (persp-switch (nth (- list-size 1) (persp-all-names))))
(t (persp-prev)))))
;; (defun persp-cycle-next ()
;; "Cycle throught the available perspectives."
;; (interactive)
;; (let ((next-pos (1+ (persp-name persp-curr)))
;; (list-size (length (persp-all-names))))
;; (cond ((eq 1 list-size) (persp-switch nil))
;; ((>= next-pos list-size) (persp-switch (nth 0 (persp-all-names))))
;; (t (persp-next)))))
;; (defun persp-cycle-prev ()
;; "Cycle throught the available perspectives."
;; (interactive)
;; (let ((next-pos (- (persp-name persp-curr) 1))
;; (list-size (length (persp-all-names))))
;; (cond ((eq 1 list-size) (persp-switch nil))
;; ((< next-pos 0) (persp-switch (nth (- list-size 1) (persp-all-names))))
;; (t (persp-prev)))))
(eval-after-load 'persp-projectile
'(projectile-persp-bridge helm-projectile))