Sort alphabetically key bindings changes in distribution changes

This commit is contained in:
syl20bnr 2019-02-16 13:51:43 -05:00
parent 1e84ee25be
commit b17e9d2e6d

View file

@ -575,21 +575,24 @@ Other:
(thanks to Sylvain Benner)
- Remove package =adaptive-wrap=
- Key bindings:
- enabled Helm or Ivy (if one of these is enabled) for:
- ~SPC a d~ (=dired=)
- ~SPC F f~ (=find-file-other-frame=)
- ~SPC F b~ (=switch-to-buffer-other-frame=)
- ~SPC F B~ (=display-buffer-other-frame=)
- ~SPC F O~ (=dired-other-frame=)
(thanks to Miciah Masters)
- New evil text objects =«=, =「=, == and =“=.
- New key binding ~SPC f i~ for =insert-file=.
- Improve buffer transient state with extra bindings and new commands:
- Added ~<right>~ for next-buffer
- Added ~<left>~ for previous-buffer
- Added ~o~ for other window
- Added ~C-d~ for burry buffer
- Added ~b~ for helm-buffer-list
(thanks to Adrien Becchis and Sylvain Benner)
- Added alignment support for ~{~ (thanks to Paulo Diniz)
- Move all scrolling key bindings from ~SPC n~ to ~SPC N~ (thanks to Somelauw)
- Move ~SPC q z~ to ~SPC q f~ to kill a frame (thanks to Steven Allen)
- Move ~SPC t C p~ to ~SPC t h p~ for =highlight-parentheses-mode= (thanks to
Thomas de Beauchêne)
- Overhaul the scroll transient state on ~SPC N~ prefix (thanks to Somelauw)
- Added functionality to move layouts in layout list using the layouts
transient state:
- Added ~<~ for =spacemacs/move-current-persp-left=
- Added ~>~ for =spacemacs/move-current-persp-right=
(thanks to Linus Marton)
- New ~SPC b u~ keybinding for reopening killed buffers (thanks to Alex
- New ~SPC b x~ and ~SPC w x~ to remove both buffer and window in one go
(thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi)
- New key binding ~SPC b H~ to open or select the =*Help*= buffer
(thanks to duianto)
- New ~SPC b N~ prefix to create an empty buffer:
@ -600,33 +603,17 @@ Other:
- ~SPC b N n~ create new empty buffer in current window
- ~SPC b N f~ create new empty buffer in a new frame
(thanks to duianto and Jesse Byler)
- New text align key bindings:
- ~SPC x a [~ align region at [
- ~SPC x a ]~ align region at ]
- ~SPC x a {~ align region at {
- ~SPC x a }~ align region at }
(thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne)
- New text align key binding ~SPC x a %~ to align region at =%= (thanks to
Gunnar Bastkowski)
- New transient state for string inflection under ~SPC x i~
(thanks to Eivind Fonn)
- New string inflection key bindings:
- ~SPC x i i~ cycle symbol naming styles
- ~SPC x i u~ change symbol style to =under_score=
- ~SPC x i U~ change symbol style to =UP_CASE=
- ~SPC x i k~ change symbol style to =kebab-case=
- ~SPC x i c~ change symbol style to =lowerCamelCase=
- ~SPC x i C~ change symbol style to =UpperCamelCase=
(thanks to Ric da Silva)
- New ~SPC x d SPC~ to delete all spaces except one (thanks to Fabian Wilk)
- New =spacemacs-navigation= key bindings:
- ~SPC q t~ for restarting with =--timed-requires=
- ~SPC q T~ for restarting with =--adv-timers=
(thanks to Rich Alesi)
- New =spacemacs-completion key bindings:
- ~C-S-j~ for =helm-follow-action-forward=
- ~C-S-k~ for =helm-follow-action-backward=
(thanks to Diego Berrocal)
- Added ~C~ key binding to create workspace in workspace transient state
(thanks to duianto)
- enabled Helm or Ivy (if one of these is enabled) for:
- ~SPC a d~ (=dired=)
- ~SPC F f~ (=find-file-other-frame=)
- ~SPC F b~ (=switch-to-buffer-other-frame=)
- ~SPC F B~ (=display-buffer-other-frame=)
- ~SPC F O~ (=dired-other-frame=)
(thanks to Miciah Masters)
- New key binding ~SPC f i~ for =insert-file=.
- New ~SPC f e U~ to update packages (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi)
- New frame manipulation key bindings:
- Added ~SPC F f~ for =find-file-other-frame=
- Added ~SPC F d~ for =delete-frame=
@ -637,64 +624,6 @@ Other:
- Added ~SPC F o~ for =other-frame=
- Added ~SPC F n~ for =make-frame=
(thanks to Ben Lloyd, duianto and bmag)
- Added ~C~ key binding to create workspace in workspace transient state
(thanks to duianto)
- New ~SPC b u~ keybinding for reopening killed buffers (thanks to Alex
- New transpose sentences and transpose paragraphs keybindings (thanks to
Daniel Gomez):
- ~SPC x t p~ for =transpose-paragraphs=
- ~SPC x t s~ for =transpose-sentances=
- Added missing which-key prefix names =new empty buffer= and =justification=
(thanks to duianto)
- New ~SPC p e~ to edit =dir-locals.el= (thanks to Dela Anthonio)
- Improve buffer transient state with extra bindings and new commands:
- Added ~<right>~ for next-buffer
- Added ~<left>~ for previous-buffer
- Added ~o~ for other window
- Added ~C-d~ for burry buffer
- Added ~b~ for helm-buffer-list
(thanks to Adrien Becchis and Sylvain Benner)
- New themes transient state key bindings ~t~ or ~<up>~ to open =helm-themes=
to select an installed theme (thanks to duianto)
- Added functionality to move layouts in layout list using the layouts
transient state:
- Added ~<~ for =spacemacs/move-current-persp-left=
- Added ~>~ for =spacemacs/move-current-persp-right=
(thanks to Linus Marton)
- New ~SPC f e U~ to update packages (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi)
- New ~SPC b x~ and ~SPC w x~ to remove both buffer and window in one go
(thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi)
- New ~SPC t m r~ to toggle responsiveness of the mode-line
- Fixed ~hjkl~ bindings in =image-mode= and add leader bindings:
- ~SPC m a a~ calls =image-toggle-animation=
- ~SPC m a +~ calls =image-increase-speed=
- ~SPC m a -~ calls =image-decrease-speed=
- ~SPC m a r~ calls =image-reset-speed=
- ~SPC m g n~ calls =image-next-file=
- ~SPC m g N~ calls =image-previous-file=
- ~SPC m t +~ calls =image-increase-size=
- ~SPC m t -~ calls =image-decrease-size=
- ~SPC m t f~ calls =image-mode-fit-frame=
- ~SPC m t r~ calls =image-transform-reset=
- ~SPC m t h~ calls =image-transform-fit-to-height=
- ~SPC m t w~ calls =image-transform-fit-to-width=
- ~SPC m t s~ calls =image-transform-set-scale=
- ~SPC m t r~ calls =image-transform-rotation=
(thanks to Kalle Lindqvist)
- Alternative keybinding ~M-0~ to switch to =neotree= / =treemacs= window
(thanks to Alexander Miller)
- New ~SPC w 1~ to set the window layout to a single column (thanks to
Alejandro Arrufat)
- New ~SPC w 4~ to set the window layout to a 2x2 grid (thanks to Alejandro
Arrufat, Codruț Constantin Gușoi, and bmag).
- Added profiling key bindings:
- ~SPC h P k~ to stop the profiler
- ~SPC h P r~ to display the profiler report
- ~SPC h P s~ to start the profiler
- ~SPC h P w~ to write the profiler report to a file
(thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi)
- New ~SPC x t e~ to transpose sexps (thanks to Guido Kraemer)
- Added multiple key bindings to copy a file path:
- ~SPC f y c~ to show and copy current file absolute path with line and
column number in the minibuffer
@ -712,9 +641,6 @@ Other:
- ~SPC f y Y~ to show and copy current file path relative to the project
(thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi)
- Added ~SPC f y n~ and ~SPC f y N~ to copy the name of a file (thanks to
Sylvain Benner)
- Added ~SPC t z~ to toggle zero-based column indexing in the mode line
- New ~SPC f e e~ to open spacemacs.env file (thanks to Sylvain Benner)
- New ~SPC f e E~ to reload environment variable from env file (thanks to
Sylvain Benner)
@ -722,11 +648,85 @@ Other:
Sylvain Benner)
- New ~SPC f A~ to open a file and replace buffer with it (thanks to Masayuki
- Added ~SPC f y n~ and ~SPC f y N~ to copy the name of a file (thanks to
Sylvain Benner)
- Added profiling key bindings:
- ~SPC h P k~ to stop the profiler
- ~SPC h P r~ to display the profiler report
- ~SPC h P s~ to start the profiler
- ~SPC h P w~ to write the profiler report to a file
(thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi)
- New =spacemacs-completion key bindings:
- ~C-S-j~ for =helm-follow-action-forward=
- ~C-S-k~ for =helm-follow-action-backward=
(thanks to Diego Berrocal)
- Overhauled the scroll transient state and moved all scrolling key bindings
from ~SPC n~ to ~SPC N~ (thanks to Somelauw)
- Alternative keybinding ~M-0~ to switch to =neotree= / =treemacs= window
(thanks to Alexander Miller)
- Fixed ~hjkl~ bindings in =image-mode= and add leader bindings:
- ~SPC m a a~ calls =image-toggle-animation=
- ~SPC m a +~ calls =image-increase-speed=
- ~SPC m a -~ calls =image-decrease-speed=
- ~SPC m a r~ calls =image-reset-speed=
- ~SPC m g n~ calls =image-next-file=
- ~SPC m g N~ calls =image-previous-file=
- ~SPC m t +~ calls =image-increase-size=
- ~SPC m t -~ calls =image-decrease-size=
- ~SPC m t f~ calls =image-mode-fit-frame=
- ~SPC m t r~ calls =image-transform-reset=
- ~SPC m t h~ calls =image-transform-fit-to-height=
- ~SPC m t w~ calls =image-transform-fit-to-width=
- ~SPC m t s~ calls =image-transform-set-scale=
- ~SPC m t r~ calls =image-transform-rotation=
(thanks to Kalle Lindqvist)
- New ~SPC p e~ to edit =dir-locals.el= (thanks to Dela Anthonio)
- Move ~SPC q z~ to ~SPC q f~ to kill a frame (thanks to Steven Allen)
- New =spacemacs-navigation= key bindings:
- ~SPC q t~ for restarting with =--timed-requires=
- ~SPC q T~ for restarting with =--adv-timers=
(thanks to Rich Alesi)
- Move ~SPC t C p~ to ~SPC t h p~ for =highlight-parentheses-mode= (thanks to
Thomas de Beauchêne)
- New ~SPC t m r~ to toggle responsiveness of the mode-line
- New themes transient state key bindings ~t~ or ~<up>~ to open =helm-themes=
to select an installed theme (thanks to duianto)
- Added ~SPC t z~ to toggle zero-based column indexing in the mode line
- New key binding and function ~SPC w |~ for =spacemacs/maximize-vertically
(thanks to Ag Ibragimov)
- New ~SPC w 1~ to set the window layout to a single column (thanks to
Alejandro Arrufat)
- New ~SPC w 4~ to set the window layout to a 2x2 grid (thanks to Alejandro
Arrufat, Codruț Constantin Gușoi, and bmag).
- New text align key bindings:
- ~SPC x a [~ align region at [
- ~SPC x a ]~ align region at ]
- ~SPC x a {~ align region at {
- ~SPC x a }~ align region at }
(thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne)
- New text align key binding ~SPC x a %~ to align region at =%= (thanks to
Gunnar Bastkowski)
- New transient state for string inflection under ~SPC x i~
(thanks to Eivind Fonn)
- New ~SPC x d SPC~ to delete all spaces except one (thanks to Fabian Wilk)
- New string inflection key bindings:
- ~SPC x i i~ cycle symbol naming styles
- ~SPC x i u~ change symbol style to =under_score=
- ~SPC x i U~ change symbol style to =UP_CASE=
- ~SPC x i k~ change symbol style to =kebab-case=
- ~SPC x i c~ change symbol style to =lowerCamelCase=
- ~SPC x i C~ change symbol style to =UpperCamelCase=
(thanks to Ric da Silva)
- New transpose sentences and transpose paragraphs keybindings (thanks to
Daniel Gomez):
- ~SPC x t p~ for =transpose-paragraphs=
- ~SPC x t s~ for =transpose-sentances=
- Added missing which-key prefix names =new empty buffer= and =justification=
(thanks to duianto)
- New ~SPC x t e~ to transpose sexps (thanks to Guido Kraemer)
- Added evil key bindings for visualizer and window mode of =undo-tree=
(thanks to Rich Alesi)
- Improved =which-key= replacement regular expressions (thanks to duianto)
- New key binding and function ~SPC w |~ for =spacemacs/maximize-vertically
(thanks to Ag Ibragimov)
- Improvements:
- Rewrote window layout functions for ~SPC w 1~, ~SPC w 2~, ~SPC w 3~, and
~SPC w 4~ (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi):
@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ Other:
- ~SPC g i~ to initialize a repository (thanks to Steven Allen)
- ~SPC m g y~ to find symbols (thanks to Daniel Ralston)
- ~SPC g f d~ for =magit-diff-buffer-file= (thanks to Ag Ibragimov and bmag)
- ~SPC g f d~ for =magit-diff= (thanks to Ag Ibragimov and bmag)
- Add feature to toggle =evil-magit= based on editing style (thanks to Muneeb
- Added =use-package= for deferred loading of evil-magit (thanks to Sylvain