spacemacs-core: Cleanup the init function for evil

There were a bunch of functions being defined to just be called once. It
was all very repetitive, and I thought this was a simpler way to
organize things. This just does the required work in one loop.
This commit is contained in:
justbur 2015-09-09 15:29:07 -04:00 committed by syl20bnr
parent c17db0dcb0
commit b034e7c7d8

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@ -172,17 +172,30 @@
(use-package evil
(defvar spacemacs-evil-cursor-colors '((normal . "DarkGoldenrod2")
(insert . "chartreuse3")
(emacs . "SkyBlue2")
(replace . "chocolate")
(evilified . "LightGoldenrod3")
(visual . "gray")
(motion . "plum3")
(lisp . "HotPink1")
(iedit . "firebrick1")
(iedit-insert . "firebrick1"))
"Colors assigned to evil states.")
(defvar spacemacs-evil-cursors '(("normal" "DarkGoldenrod2" box)
("insert" "chartreuse3" (bar . 2))
("emacs" "SkyBlue2" box)
("replace" "chocolate" (hbar . 2))
("evilified" "LightGoldenrod3" box)
("visual" "gray" (hbar . 2))
("motion" "plum3" box)
("lisp" "HotPink1" box)
("iedit" "firebrick1" box)
("iedit-insert" "firebrick1" (bar . 2)))
"Colors assigned to evil states with cursor definitions.")
(loop for (state color cursor) in spacemacs-evil-cursors
(eval `(defface ,(intern (format "spacemacs-%s-face" state))
`((t (:background ,color
:foreground ,(face-background 'mode-line)
:box ,(face-attribute 'mode-line :box)
:inherit 'mode-line)))
(format "%s state face." state)
:group 'spacemacs))
(eval `(setq ,(intern (format "evil-%s-state-cursor" state))
(list (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state color)
;; put back refresh of the cursor on post-command-hook see status of:
@ -197,17 +210,6 @@
"Return the symbol of the face for the given STATE."
(intern (format "spacemacs-%s-face" (symbol-name state))))
(defun spacemacs/defface-state-color (state color)
"Define a face for the given STATE and background COLOR."
(eval `(defface ,(spacemacs/state-color-face state) '((t ()))
,(format "%s state face." (symbol-name state))
:group 'spacemacs))
(set-face-attribute (spacemacs/state-color-face state) nil
:background color
:foreground (face-background 'mode-line)
:box (face-attribute 'mode-line :box)
:inherit 'mode-line))
(defun spacemacs/state-color (state)
"Return the color string associated to STATE."
(face-background (spacemacs/state-color-face state)))
@ -227,64 +229,8 @@
(spacemacs/state-color-face state)))
(defun spacemacs/set-state-faces ()
"Define or set the state faces."
(mapcar (lambda (x) (spacemacs/defface-state-color (car x) (cdr x)))
(defun set-default-evil-emacs-state-cursor ()
(let ((c (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state
(spacemacs/state-color 'emacs))))
(setq evil-emacs-state-cursor `(,c box))))
(defun set-default-evil-evilified-state-cursor ()
(let ((c (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state
(spacemacs/state-color 'evilified))))
(setq evil-evilified-state-cursor `(,c box))))
(defun set-default-evil-normal-state-cursor ()
(let ((c (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state
(spacemacs/state-color 'normal))))
(setq evil-normal-state-cursor `(,c box))))
(defun set-default-evil-insert-state-cursor ()
(let ((c (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state
(spacemacs/state-color 'insert))))
(setq evil-insert-state-cursor `(,c (bar . 2)))))
(defun set-default-evil-visual-state-cursor ()
(let ((c (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state
(spacemacs/state-color 'visual))))
(setq evil-visual-state-cursor `(,c (hbar . 2)))))
(defun set-default-evil-motion-state-cursor ()
(let ((c (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state
(spacemacs/state-color 'motion))))
(setq evil-motion-state-cursor `(,c box))))
(defun set-default-evil-lisp-state-cursor ()
(let ((c (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state
(spacemacs/state-color 'lisp))))
(setq evil-lisp-state-cursor `(,c box))))
(defun set-default-evil-iedit-state-cursor ()
(let ((c (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state
(spacemacs/state-color 'iedit))))
(setq evil-iedit-state-cursor `(,c box))))
(defun set-default-evil-iedit-insert-state-cursor ()
(let ((c (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state
(spacemacs/state-color 'iedit-insert))))
(setq evil-iedit-insert-state-cursor `(,c (bar . 2)))))
(defun set-default-evil-replace-state-cursor ()
(let ((c (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state
(spacemacs/state-color 'replace))))
(setq evil-replace-state-cursor `(,c (hbar . 2)))))
(defun evil-insert-state-cursor-hide ()
(setq evil-insert-state-cursor '((hbar . 0))))
(evil-mode 1))
@ -1010,9 +956,15 @@ ARG non nil means that the editing style is `vim'."
:commands hybrid-mode
(add-to-list 'spacemacs-evil-cursor-colors
`(hybrid . ,(spacemacs/state-color 'emacs)))
;; (add-to-list 'spacemacs-evil-cursors
;; `("hybrid" ,(spacemacs/state-color 'emacs) (bar . 2)))
(defface spacemacs-hybrid-face
`((t (:background ,(spacemacs/state-color 'emacs)
:foreground ,(face-background 'mode-line)
:box ,(face-attribute 'mode-line :box)
:inherit 'mode-line)))
"Hybrid state face."
:group 'spacemacs)
(setq hybrid-mode-insert-state-cursor
(if (and (display-graphic-p)
@ -1025,8 +977,7 @@ ARG non nil means that the editing style is `vim'."
(when (eq 'hybrid dotspacemacs-editing-style)
(when (eq 'hybrid dotspacemacs-editing-style) (hybrid-mode))
(spacemacs|add-toggle hybrid-mode
:status hybrid-mode
:on (hybrid-mode)