Restore winner-mode auto start without breaking dumping

As winner-mode was moved from init.el to dump-init.el winner-mode
was not longer properly started for non-dumped emacs sessions.
Having winner-mode auto activate at startup did fix the issue
for non-dumping users but in turn broke the dumping process.

I have now moved the necessary winner-mode init to
spacemacs/setup-startup-hook which is only called
in the non-dumping case. To allow customizations I activate
winner-mode prior to loading user-init this will allow users
to deactivate winner-mode in the dotfile and fix ediff themselves
if this is wished for.
This commit is contained in:
smile13241324 2019-08-04 14:49:10 +02:00
parent 4bcd3402fe
commit 85fca8f323
2 changed files with 8 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -209,12 +209,18 @@ Note: the hooked function is not executed when in dumped mode."
;; nil earlier in the startup process to properly handle command line
;; arguments.
(setq initial-buffer-choice (lambda () (get-buffer spacemacs-buffer-name)))
;; Activate winner-mode for non dumped emacs sessions. Do this prior to
;; user-config to allow users to disable the feature and patch ediff
;; themselves. See issue 12582 for details.
(winner-mode t)
;; Ultimate configuration decisions are given to the user who can defined
;; them in his/her ~/.spacemacs file
(dotspacemacs|call-func dotspacemacs/user-config
"Calling dotfile user config...")
"Calling dotfile user config...")
(dotspacemacs|call-func dotspacemacs/emacs-custom-settings
"Calling dotfile Emacs custom settings...")
"Calling dotfile Emacs custom settings...")
;; don't write custom settings into the dotfile before loading them,
;; otherwise happens

View File

@ -436,7 +436,6 @@
(use-package winner
:commands (winner-undo winner-redo)
(winner-mode t)
(with-eval-after-load 'winner
(setq spacemacs/winner-boring-buffers '("*Completions*"