Add elm lang layer for Spacemacs

This commit is contained in:
Uri Sharf 2015-08-02 15:04:12 +02:00 committed by syl20bnr
parent fed40b1686
commit 80d63c9ad2
4 changed files with 296 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
#+TITLE: Elm contribution layer for Spacemacs
* Table of Contents :TOC@4:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#install][Install]]
- [[#elm-platform][Elm Platform]]
- [[#os-x-and-windows-installers][OS X and Windows installers]]
- [[#universal-installer-using-npm][Universal installer using npm]]
- [[#source-code][Source code]]
- [[#elm-mode][elm-mode]]
- [[#elm-oracle][elm-oracle]]
- [[#basic-usage-tips][Basic usage tips]]
- [[#compilation][Compilation]]
- [[#reactor][Reactor]]
- [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]]
- [[#elm-make][elm-make]]
- [[#elm-repl][elm-repl]]
- [[#elm-reactor][elm-reactor]]
- [[#elm-package][elm-package]]
- [[#package-list-buffer][package list buffer]]
- [[#elm-oracle][elm-oracle]]
* Description
This layer adds support for [[][Elm]].
It relies on [[][elm-mode]] and [[][flycheck-elm]] to provide the following features:
- Syntax highlighting.
- Intelligent indentation
- Auto-completion integration for company (default) or auto-complete modes,
with using elm-oracle
- Syntax checking support using flycheck
- Integration with elm-make
- Integration with elm-repl
- Integration with elm-reactor
- Integration with elm-package
* Install
** Elm Platform
The ~elm-platform~ is a bundle of tools, including the ~elm-compiler~, ~elm-make~,
~elm-reactor~, ~elm-repl~ and ~elm-package~.
Depending on the method of installation, the ~elm-mode~ package would need to be
able to access commands such as ~elm-reactor~ or ~elm-make~.
*** OS X and Windows installers
Official installers for these operating systems are available from:
*** Universal installer using npm
A npm based installer is available to, and provides pre-compiled binaries for
certain operating system and architectures.
npm install --global elm
Also, note that you might need to set the ~ELM_HOME~ environment variables to
the corresponding directory created by the installer.
OS X Users facing problems with ~elm-reactor~ failing to properly install or
run, see this issue [[][]].
*** Source code
To build from source, see instrcutins here:
** elm-mode
To use this contribution, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(elm))
** elm-oracle
~elm-oracle~ can be used to show type signatures and docs for tokens under the
cursor and provide support for auto-completion, but it is not part of the standard
Both the "company" and "auto-complete" backends are supported, but this layer
is configured with company.
To install ~elm-oracle~, install ~node.js~ and ~npm~, then
run this command:
npm install -g elm-oracle
* Basic usage tips
** Compilation
To control the name of the compiled JavaScript file, use ~SPC m c B~ instead of
~SPC m c b~. This will overwrite the ~--output~ parameter of ~elm-make~ to
~[buffer-name].js~ instead of the default.
** Reactor
~elm-reactor~ is an interactive development tool, used to develop and debug Elm
programs. It will automatically compile an Elm program, and run it in the
browser, with editor agnostic support for hot-swapping and time-travel
To preview ~Main.elm~, press ~C-c C-m~ (or ~SPC m R m~).
Alternatively, to preview from buffer, press ~C-u C-c C-n~ (or ~SPC m R
n~). To preview in debug mode, prefix with ~C-u~ (or ~SPC u~).
By default, ~elm-reactor~ with launch with its own generated index.html. To use
a custom html, you'd need to load the debuger excplictly and use an http daemon
to serve your custom file.
If needed, default values for host and port used by for the elm-reactor server
can be controlled by passing in these variables in your =~/.spacemacs=:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(elm :variables
elm-reactor-port "3000" ; default 8000
elm-reactor-address "") ; default
* Key bindings
** elm-make
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m c b~ | elm-compile-buffer |
| ~SPC m c B~ | spacemacs/elm-compile-buffer-override-output |
| ~SPC m c m~ | elm-compile-main |
** elm-repl
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m r l~ | load-elm-repl |
| ~SPC m r p~ | push-elm-repl |
| ~SPC m r P~ | push-decl-elm-repl |
** elm-reactor
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m R n~ | elm-preview-buffer |
| ~SPC m R m~ | elm-preview-main |
** elm-package
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m p i~ | elm-import |
| ~SPC m p c~ | elm-package-catalog |
| ~SPC m p d~ | elm-documentation-lookup |
*** package list buffer
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~g~ | elm-package-refresh |
| ~n~ | elm-package-next |
| ~p~ | elm-package-previous |
| ~v~ | elm-package-view |
| ~m~ | elm-package-mark |
| ~u~ | elm-package-unmark |
| ~x~ | elm-package-install |
| ~q~ | quit-window |
** elm-oracle
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m l t~ | elm-oracle-type-at-point |

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
;;; config.el --- elm Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner
;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(spacemacs|defvar-company-backends company-capf)

Binary file not shown.


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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
;;; packages.el --- elm Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner
;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
;; List of all packages to install and/or initialize. Built-in packages
;; which require an initialization must be listed explicitly in the list.
(setq elm-packages
;; List of packages to exclude.
(setq elm-excluded-packages '())
(defun elm/init-flycheck-elm ()
"Initialize flycheck-elm"
(use-package flycheck-elm
:if (configuration-layer/layer-usedp 'syntax-checking)
:defer t
:init (add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook #'flycheck-elm-setup)))
(defun elm/init-elm-mode ()
"Initialize elm-mode"
(use-package elm-mode
:mode ("\\.elm\\'" . elm-mode)
(defun spacemacs/init-elm-mode ()
"Disable electric-indent-mode and let indentation cycling feature work"
(if (fboundp 'electric-indent-local-mode)
(electric-indent-local-mode -1)))
(add-hook 'elm-mode-hook 'spacemacs/init-elm-mode)
(when (configuration-layer/layer-usedp 'auto-completion)
(defun elm/post-init-company ()
(spacemacs|add-company-hook elm-mode)
(add-hook 'elm-mode-hook #'elm-oracle-setup-completion))))
(push "\\*elm\\*" spacemacs-useful-buffers-regexp)
(defun spacemacs/elm-compile-buffer-output ()
(let* ((fname (format "%s.js" (downcase (file-name-base (buffer-file-name))))))
(elm-compile--file (elm--buffer-local-file-name) fname)))
(evil-leader/set-key-for-mode 'elm-mode
;; make
"mcb" 'elm-compile-buffer
"mcB" 'spacemacs/elm-compile-buffer-output
"mcm" 'elm-compile-main
;; oracle
"mlt" 'elm-oracle-type-at-point
;; repl
"mrl" 'load-elm-repl
"mrp" 'push-elm-repl
"mrP" 'push-decl-elm-repl
;; reactor
"mRn" 'elm-preview-buffer
"mRm" 'elm-preview-main
;; package
"mpi" 'elm-import
"mpc" 'elm-package-catalog
"mpd" 'elm-documentation-lookup
(evilify elm-package-mode elm-package-mode-map
"g" 'elm-package-refresh
"n" 'elm-package-next
"p" 'elm-package-prev
"v" 'elm-package-view
"m" 'elm-package-mark
"u" 'elm-package-unmark
"x" 'elm-package-install
"q" 'quit-window
(defun elm/pre-init-popwin ()
(spacemacs|use-package-add-hook popwin
(push '("*elm*" :tail t :noselect t) popwin:special-display-config)
(push '("*elm-make*" :tail t :noselect t) popwin:special-display-config)
(defun elm/post-init-smartparens ()
(if dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode
(add-hook 'elm-mode-hook #'smartparens-strict-mode)
(add-hook 'elm-mode-hook #'smartparens-mode)))