Update change log

This commit is contained in:
syl20bnr 2015-09-28 01:24:21 -04:00
parent f29a94d15c
commit 7b5b3bfa56

View file

@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
* Release 0.104.x (next)
** 0.104.0
* Release 0.104.x
** 0.104.0 (2015/09/28)
*** IMPORTANT: Breaking changes
- =org-plus-contrib= is now installed from org ELPA repository, you may
encounter strange behaviours from Org. In this case delete the =org= directory
in the =elpa= directory and restart Emacs.
- =Helm= key bindings have been slightly adjusted:
- in =helm-find-files= (~SPC f f~): now ~C-h~ move up a directory and ~C-l~
enter the selected directory. =describe-key= command is available on ~C-S-h~
- in other =helm= buffers ~C-h~ is used to go to the next source and ~C-l~
is the same as ~RET~. =describe-key= command is also available on ~C-S-h~.
- The =bookmark= saved file has been moved to the =.cache= directory, if
you have a bookmark file =~/.emacs.d/bookmarks= then you'll have to move it
to =~/.emacs.d/.cache/bookmarks=
@ -18,6 +26,7 @@
category =+distribution=
- All =extensions= directories have been renamed to =local=. =extensions=
directories will be deprecated in 0.105.0.
- =tromey= ELPA repository has been removed (thanks to robbyoconnor)
*** Hot new features:
- Enhanced layer package lists which merge old extension lists and package
lists. Keywords can be associated with packages. The supported keywords
@ -37,6 +46,9 @@
- The default theme of Spacemacs is now =spacemacs-dark=. The Spacemacs themes
(=spacemacs-dark= and =spacemacs-light=) become the official themes of
Spacemacs (thanks to nashamri)
- Recovery mode when there is an error in the user dotfile. Now even when your
dotfile cannot be loaded, Spacemacs will be operational with a minimal set
of packages available (thanks to cmccloud)
- Add support for dotdirectory =~/.spacemacs.d= which behaves like the Emacs
dotdirectory (i.e. =~/.spacemacs.d/init.el= is evaluated instead of
=~/.spacemacs= if the former exists and the latter does not) (thanks to
@ -96,6 +108,11 @@
old function =dotspacemacs/config= will be deprecated in 0.105.0.
*** Distribution layer changes
**** Spacemacs-base
- New navigation key bindings for =helm-find-files= (~SPC f f~), now
~C-h~ move up a directory and ~C-l~ enter the selected directory.
=describe-key= command is available on ~C-S-h~.
- In =helm= buffers ~C-h~ is used to go to the next source and ~C-l~
is the same as ~RET~. =describe-key= command is available on ~C-S-h~.
- Add =copy file= key binding on ~SPC f c~ (thanks to cpaulik)
- Add transparency micro-state (thanks to person808)
- Add ~SPC i u~ key binding to insert unicode symbols with helm (thanks to
@ -110,6 +127,8 @@
- Add ~SPC f C d~ and ~SPC f C u~ to quickly convert Unix encoding to DOS
encoding and vice versa (thanks to ralesi)
- New key bindings to toggle editing styles: ~SPC t E e~ to toggle =emacs=
syle and ~SPC t E h~ to toggle =hybrid= style
- Add support for arrow keys in windows micro-state (thanks to mbertheau)
- Fix paste micro-state undo
- Fix ~SPC i K~ (insert empty line above point) which now works
@ -120,9 +139,6 @@
- Don't jump if only one match in =helm-imenu= (thanks to tuhdo)
- Remove =wS= from prefix list in =config.el= (thanks to justbur)
- Properly close frame when running a client from terminal (thanks to drewkett)
- Set =evil-move-beyond-eol= to =t=. This variable allows to put the point
behind the last character of a line in normal state. So now =eval-last-sexp=
behaves as expected in elisp and all other languages.
- Add chocolate color for the =replace= state (thanks to TheBB)
- Make ~Y~ equivalent to ~y$~ (thanks to person808)
- Sync =visual-line-mode= and =evil-visual-xxx= functions. Now ~SPC t L~
@ -149,6 +165,8 @@
- Fix search direction consistency for =auto-highlight-symbol= micro-state
(thanks to herbertjones)
- Add VCS integration to =neotree=
- Focus current file when opening Neotree in project's root with ~SPC p t~
(thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Set =sp-show-pair-delay= to 0.2 instead of 0. Should fix some slowness in
- Set =highlight-parentheses= delay to 0.2
- Enable =highlight-parentheses= when =dotspacemacs-highlight-delimiters= is
@ -177,11 +195,17 @@
- Add new layer variable =auto-completion-private-snippets-directory= which
allows to specify a custom private snippet directory (thanks to justbur)
- Improve yasnippet loading robustness (thanks to myrjola)
- Fix showing snippets in company popup (thanks to person808)
**** Better-defaults
- Add =backward-kill-word-or-region= on ~C-w~ (thanks to justbur)
**** C/C++
- Fix key bindings for cscope (thanks to bmag)
- Add =disaster= package to disassemble c/c++ code on key binding ~SPC m D~
(thanks to jb55)
- Fix error with =company-mode/more-than-prefix-guesser= (thanks to TheBB)
**** Chinese
- Remove "symbol" from list of changed charsets, this prevents minor mode
lighters from being displayed in the Chinese font (thanks to louy2)
**** Clojure
- Add cider error buffer to popwin (thanks to cmccloud)
- Add cider-doc buffer to popwin (thanks to cmccloud)
@ -224,6 +248,9 @@
- Add prefix command documentation (thanks to d12frosted)
**** Dash
- Add support for =zeal= on Linux and Windows (thanks to CestDiego)
**** Deft
- Replace deprecated =deft-extension= by new =deft-extensions=
(thanks to mclearc)
**** Elixir
- Remove flycheck due to a security issue in the Elixir compiler
(thanks to gilbertkennen)
@ -232,6 +259,10 @@
(thanks to gilbertkennen)
**** Emacs lisp
- Make =flychek= aware of =loadpath= (thanks to CestDiego)
- Define =emacs-lisp-mode= key bindings for =lisp-interaction-mode=
(thanks to justbur)
- Fix ~SPC m e c~ to evaluate current form (thanks to justbur)
- Add ~SPC m e s~ to evaluate symbol under point (thanks to justbur)
**** ERC
- Add =ERC-SASL= for SASL authentication (thanks to CestDiego)
- Fix check for =dbus= availability on OS X (thanks to cmccloud)
@ -261,16 +292,22 @@
- Use =MELPA= version of =magit-gh-pulls= and fix its configuration (thanks to
- Evilify =magit-hunk-section-map= (thanks to ralesi)
- Evilify =magit-stash-mode= (thanks to nixmaniack)
**** Github
- Properly evilify =gist-lists= buffer (thanks to cmccloud)
**** Gnus
- Move ~SPC m o~ to ~SPC m h~ since ~SPC m o~ is now reserved for users
- Move ~SPC m o~ to ~SPC m M~ since ~SPC m o~ is now reserved for users
(thanks to TheBB)
- Movw ~SPC m H~ to ~SPC m m~ (thanks to robbyoconnor)
**** Go
- Use exec-path-from-shell-copy-env to set =GOPATH= (thanks to jenanwise)
- Fix multiple paths support in =GOPATH= on Windows (thanks to galaxian)
- Move all oracle key bindings under ~SPC m o~ to ~SPC m r~ since ~SPC m o~
is now reserved for users (thanks to TheBB)
- Adapt key bindings to conventions, ~SPC m b~ is now ~SPC m e~ and ~SPC m d~
is now ~SPC m h~ (thanks to bogdanteleaga)
- Move ~SPC m r~ to ~SPC m r n~ which conflicted with oracle key bindings
(thanks to bogdanteleaga)
**** Gtags
- Fix eldoc configuration (thanks to thudo)
**** Haskell
@ -293,6 +330,7 @@
- Enable =smartparens= in CSS like modes (thanks to TheBB)
- Fix extra space in declared pair <%= %> (thanks to dsdshcym)
- Fix ~r~ key bindings in web micro-state (thanks to CestDiego)
- Fix smartparens configuration (thanks to TheBB)
**** Ipython-notebook
- Move ~SPC m o~ and ~SPC m O~ to ~SPC m i~ and ~SPC m I~ since
~SPC m o~ is now reserved for users (thanks to TheBB)
@ -306,15 +344,25 @@
- Move ~SPC m o~ to ~SPC m f~ since ~SPC m o~ is now reserved for users
(thanks to TheBB)
**** Org
- Add table related key bindins on `SPC m t` (thanks to JP-Ellis)
- Add defer loading for =toc-org=.
- Add =gnuplot= package to plot data from tables (thanks to JP-Ellis)
- Set =toc-org-max-depth= to 10.
- Move ~SPC m o~ to ~SPC m l~ since ~SPC m o~ is now reserved for users
+ Install =org-plus-contrib= from org ELPA repository
+ Add table related key bindins on `SPC m t` (thanks to JP-Ellis)
+ Add defer loading for =toc-org=.
+ Add =gnuplot= package to plot data from tables (thanks to JP-Ellis)
+ Add =org-mime= (moved from =gnus= layers)
+ Add new key bindings to move whole subtrees up/down/right/left with ~SPC m S~
prefix (thanks to katshinka)
+ Add new key bindings to move between complex TODO sets with ~SPC m C-S~
prefix (thanks to katshinka)
+ Add more cycling options for time-stamps, headlines, items, properties with
~SPC m L~, ~SPC m K~, etc... (thanks to katshinka)
+ Add key bindings ~SPC m .~ to insert time-stamps (thanks to katshinka)
+ Set =toc-org-max-depth= to 10.
+ Move ~SPC m o~ to ~SPC m l~ since ~SPC m o~ is now reserved for users
(thanks to TheBB)
- Ensure that =org-directory= exists on load (thanks to ralesi)
- Fix ~SPC m l~ by calling =org-open-at-point= instead of =evil-org-open-links=
+ Ensure that =org-directory= exists on load (thanks to ralesi)
+ Fix ~SPC m l~ by calling =org-open-at-point= instead of =evil-org-open-links=
(thanks to TheBB)
+ Fix org-repo-todo loading (thanks to TheBB)
**** Osx
- Re-factor and expand support for trash can (thanks to usharf)
- Add support for =launchctld= (thanks to usharf)
@ -332,8 +380,11 @@
- Apply new conventions for test key bindings
- Fix =anaconda-mode= key bindings for latest version of =anaconda-mode=
package (thanks cpaulik)
- Fix =py-yapf= for =yapf= >= 0.3.0 (=yapf= now returns 2 if source code was
changed) (thanks to a-sk)
- Use =quit-window= to close documentation popup (thanks to cpaulik)
- Enable =evil-matchit= (thanks to robbyoconnor)
- Move anaconda server cache files to =.cache= directory (thanks to person808)
**** Racket
- Enable insert state after ~SPC m s B~ accordingly to the conventions
(thanks to jmiven)
@ -384,6 +435,9 @@
- Add ~SPC e h~ to describe the flycheck checkers (thanks to bmag)
**** Vinegar
- Show symlink paths (thanks to ralesi)
**** Wakatime
- Add ~SPC a W~ to open the Wakatime dashboard in the browser
(thanks to CestDiego)
*** New conventions
- Add spacing conventions for org files (thanks to person808)
- Move ~SPC m T x~ conventions for executing tests in debug to ~SPC m t X~
@ -392,8 +446,11 @@
- Add ~SPC m g b~ to go back to previous location after a ~SPC m g g~.
- Reserve ~SPC m o~ for users (thanks to TheBB)
*** Core
- Add =with-eval-after-load= backport (thanks to justbur)
- Add new key bindings to evilified buffers: ~g~, ~GG~, ~C-b~, ~C-f~, ~C-d~
and ~C-u~ (thanks to sooheon)
- Add ~C-z~ in =evilified-state= to switch to =emacs-state= for the next
command (thanks to justbur)
- Add on and off functions to toggles (thanks to TheBB)
- Add new function =spacemacs/describe-system-info= which put useful
information in the clipboard, ready to be pasted in an IRC channel for
@ -411,8 +468,13 @@
- Add choice of distribution on install (thanks to justbur)
- Add distribution name in home buffer
- Add distribution to =spacemacs/describe-system= (thanks to TheBB)
- Rewrite evil-leader keys handling to make ~M-m~ work correctly
(thanks to justbur)
- Rewrite on =evilify-map= macro which is now simpler and more robust
- Replace =after-init-hook= with better hook =emacs-startup-hook=
(thanks to vkz)
- Fix some crashes when a package cannot be updated and warn about such
packages when updating (thanks to bmag)
- Fix ~SPC u~ not repeating universal-argument (thanks to luxbock)
- Fix Spacemacs Home Buffer to jump to bookmarks (thanks to travisbhartwell)
- Fix visual-state evil-yank-binding in evilified modes (thanks to myrjola)
@ -422,6 +484,7 @@
- Fix ~return~ binding in terminal in home buffer(thanks to d12frosted)
- Fix custom banner path (thanks to d12frosted)
- Fix visual state key bindings in evilified buffers
- Fix inconsistent detection of orphaned packages to delete
- Set =gc-cons-threshold= to 100MB and define it in =init.el=
- Use =package-alist= to resolve orphans
- Prevent auto-evilification of buffers from overwriting ~C-g~
@ -435,6 +498,7 @@
(thanks to sooheon)
- Better centering of text in the home buffer
*** Other fixes and improvements
- Add contribution guidelines =CONTRIBUTE.md= (thanks to robbyoconnor)
- New documentation on layers (thanks to TheBB)
- Suppress byte compiler warnings on startup (thanks to justbur)
- Reactivate prefix command names since they are working correctly with
@ -442,11 +506,11 @@
- Delete deprecated =!user= contrib directory.
- Removed lasts git submodules, Spacemacs is now submodule free!
- Typos and documentation improvements (thanks to agzam, alexanderkjeldaas,
andyque, benwooth, d12frosted, Devagamster, gleber, Immortalin, jgertm,
JinweiClarkChao, jmiven, JoshTGreenwood, justbur, luxbock, mbertheau,
mortonfox, nwolfe, oneeman, person808, rakyi, sotte, robbyoconnor,
robmerrell, screamish, sooheon, srid, swaroopch, syohex, travisbhartwell,
x-ji, xfq)
andyque, benwooth, BrianHicks, catern, cgrinds, d12frosted, Devagamster,
gleber, Immortalin, jgertm, JinweiClarkChao, jmiven, JorisE, JoshTGreenwood,
justbur, luxbock, mbertheau, mortonfox, nwolfe, oneeman, person808, rakyi,
sotte, robbyoconnor, robmerrell, screamish, sooheon, srid, swaroopch, syohex,
travisbhartwell, x-ji, xfq, zmthy)
* Release 0.103.x
** 0.103.6 (2015/08/30)
*** Core